Everything that happened later, because Jinjiang's review was too strict, and the author happened to be a small review waste that can be locked even if it was scratched, so it can only be skipped by ...

Ji Ting only remembered that he was sweating a lot. In the middle, he drank water many times with Shen Tuchuan's hand. When he was nearing a coma, there was only one sentence in his head: The physical quality of the werewolf is really strong.

She woke up until the early hours of the morning and opened her eyes and felt as if she had been run over by a 50-ton truck, and she had no consciousness under her neck. She didn't want to remember yesterday's events, because she couldn't help thinking about those things, and she had to hang herself with Shen Tuchuan.

It's almost a day and a night ... She really overestimated her ability to bear!

Shen Tuchuan didn't sleep much at night, but his spirit was still in a very excited state. The people around him were a little bit quiet. He opened his eyes, looked at Ji Tingtian's side face, and remembered what happened last night. His face turned red, and his tail began to swipe around cheerfully.

He was wrong, very wrong. The special period of the orcs is the reward of the gods. It is not useless. If he knows that he will be so happy, if he knows that he is destined to become a partner with Ji Ting, then he must be with her earlier. Do these things.

"Awake?" His ears were shaking, and she kept swiping around her hair. She couldn't ignore him, she could only speak to him. But as soon as she spoke, she heard her gritty voice.

Shen Tuchuan sat up quickly: "Does your throat hurt?"

After listening to silence for a long time, Ji slowly said, "It doesn't hurt, but I'm a little thirsty."

"I'll pour water." Shen Tuchuan immediately poured water.

Ji listened slightly, looking at his steady and solid back, a big furry tail was shaking cheerfully, and the mood was not so good at first.

Forget it, for his happiness, it hurts a little bit, and he will always adapt. Ji Ting sighed softly and felt that his bottom line was really getting lower and lower.

"Drink water." Shen Tuchuan said, holding her up, leaning her directly on her shoulders.

The temperature of the two was linked without any hindrance. Rao Shiji thought that she had seen the big scene, and her cheeks were a little red. "You, you put on your clothes."

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "Why?"

"... Why are you wearing clothes?" Ji Ting was suddenly asked by him, and he asked directly.

Shen Tuchuan gave her a puzzled look and fed her all the water before she expressed her confusion: "We haven't seen each other already, why should we cover it? In fact, when I live alone, I often Change the form, so I do n’t wear much if I do n’t go out, it ’s more convenient. "

"Because ..." Ji got stuck when he heard the two words. Looking at Shen Tuchuan's meaning, it seemed that since he had met frankly, he would not need clothes anymore. This idea is weird and irresistible.

But if you don't refute, he will probably walk around in the house like this tossing around in the future. Although his figure is good, 24 hours a day, Ji Ting will also feel spicy eyes. She thought about it and found a reason: "Cold."


"You don't wear thick clothes, what if you get sick? I still expect you to raise them." Ji heard that he wrapped himself in animal skins one step.

Shen Tuchuan also made sense at first, so he took his own animal skin and planned to put it on. Ji Ting's eyes couldn't help but stick to him again, followed the handsome face all the way down, and finally stopped at his birthmark.

I happened to see his birthmark once before. At that time, the orcs of Xiaowu were still insulting him. After so long, the orcs no longer dared to provoke him. The relationship between Shen Tuchuan and other orcs was also eased by the broth , So the birthmark at this moment is a lot lighter, it seems that it won't be long before she can complete the task of this world.

However, after listening to several worlds, Ji has long understood that each color of the birthmark has different meanings. The darker the color, the clearer the anger and hatred. This is the best solution. You only need to help the men ’s revenge or Put it down and it will work out.

The birthmark on his body at this moment seems to be pale, and it seems that it has been short of success, but it is actually the most difficult one to solve. Because this color represents the negative emotions accumulated over the years, it is the damage and shadows that have been experienced over the years, just like his inferiority today, which is not caused suddenly.

He has lived in depression for a long time, and being beaten and humiliated is his normal life. As a result, even if he can raise his head upright, he still feels that he is fundamentally different from other orcs.

Ji Ting only distressed his experience, and what distressed her most was that she and Shen Tuchuan landed at different times each time they changed the world. She only needed to enter the world to help him at a certain point, but he needed to bring The life of a men's match starts from scratch.

"Are you uncomfortable? Why are you crying?" Shen Tuchuan walked over in doubt.

Ji Tingxiao smiled: "No, I have been staring at you for a long time, my eyes are a bit sour."

"... Do you like to see me then?" Shen Tuchuan's ears shook.

Ji Ting raised his lips: "I like to see you, and I like you."

Shen Tuchuan paused, and his face began to overheat again, forcibly shifting the topic and said, "Hungry and hungry, let me cook something for you. I found a few wild eggs a few days ago and fry as you said. How about it? "

"Okay, you've worked hard." Ji continued to lie down when he heard that, and didn't insist on going with him.

Shen Tuchuan also knew that she was exhausted, so she helped her hide the animal skin and turned towards the door. He stopped when he came to the door, thought about it, and turned back.

Ji Ting has been watching him, and he was puzzled when he saw him: "Did you forget something?"

"... Um." Shen Tuchuan answered with a lack of energy, then walked to her in front of her face, leaned over her forehead and kissed her gently.

Ji Ting blinked, holding her palms unconsciously with her fingertips.

"Wait, wait to get up tomorrow, I will take you to the patriarch and let him marry us." Shen Tuchuan promised her seriously.

Ji Ting nodded slightly, and the smile under his eyes almost overflowed: "I see."

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her again and ran out with a blush. As soon as the door was closed, Ji Ting was ready to turn over in a happy mood. As a result, he felt the pain that was difficult to open again during the turning process. The laughing face suddenly stiffened.

Shen Tuchuan went to the kitchen to make a fire to cook, either hitting the stone to the ground or overturning the coarse salt, and only a quarter of an hour broke out. He had to stop first and keep warning himself in his heart: Isn't it just to marry a wife, you can't be so unproductive, it will be seen as a joke, you must be stable and steady ...

Thinking about it that way, his face was deliberately stiffened, and he started scrambled eggs with no expression, and then when the eggs came out of the pan, he couldn't hold back a secret smile, and then quickly raised his face, pretending that nothing had happened.

A meal was prepared in less than half of the usual time. He held a hot bowl and for the first time wanted to return to their room so eagerly.

When he entered the door, he took a deep breath and tried to calm his tail and ears, and then he opened the door and went in: "Ji Ting?"

He yelled, but did not see the other party responding. Shen Tuchuan glanced at the direction of the bed and found that she had fallen asleep and reluctantly placed the bowl on the table. He went to the bed and stared at Ji Ting's sleeping face for a moment, but he was not willing to wake her up.

At this moment, his brain is still very active. Not only is he not sleepy at all, he also wants to do some activities. He ate half of the rice, put the other half on the table for Ji Tin, and then went out with the breeze of the morning frost.

He didn't come back until noon. Ji Ting was still asleep. He thought about it and put his contents on her pillow, then climbed up. The bed lay down beside her, and soon fell asleep.

He didn't fall asleep for a long time, and Ji Ting was awake hungry. After a little movement, he felt a cool thing rolled to her face, her eyes were not open, and she frowned and touched a few times, consciously She opened her eyes and turned to look at what it was—

It is a big red fruit.

She stared at Banyan, took the fruit in her hand, and looked at Shen Tuchuan, who was sleeping soundly beside her, and her lips rose slightly.

Toward the evening, Shen Tuchuan finally woke up. When he opened his eyes, he saw the back of Ji Ting sitting at the table. He squinted his eyes, only to find that the fire was too warm, and his heart was hot.

"Ji listen." He called her gently.

Ji listened for a moment and turned to look at him: "Wake up? Get up and eat something."


Shen Tuchuan quickly sat in front of her, and after a long day of rest, he watched Ji Ting energeticly: "Are you better today?"

"Well, it's better." Ji took a look at him and passed him the barbecue.

Shen Tuchuan quickly took over, still staring at her with anticipation: "Did you find anything when you got up?"

Ji Ting's hands paused, and he asked knowingly, "What?"

"Don't you know?" Shen Tuchuan was anxious. "It won't fall to the ground, it will break."

Talking, he would get up and look for it, Ji Ting quickly stopped him: "I found it, what a fruit, you eat honestly." After speaking, he took out the fruit that had been under the table for him. Look.

Seeing her take out the fruit, Shen Tuchuan was relieved. After a moment of silence, she pretended inadvertently: "You have nothing to say?"

"What do you want to hear from me?" Ji Ting's eyes were full of smiles.

Shen Tuchuan made a cough, staring at the barbecue in his hand and emphasized deliberately: "There are not many fruit trees in the mountain forest, so the fruit is slightly ripe and it is picked by people. It doesn't grow too much, except in some remote places, maybe one or two An undiscovered fruit has been hanging on the tree, growing as big as you see. "

"Really? But wasn't it easy for us to find that big fruit last time?" Ji listened as if he didn't care much.

Shen Tuchuan was anxious: "That's the same, that time was your luck."

"Then you are lucky this time." Ji Ting blinked.

Shen Tuchuan's ears flew up: "No! I ran a whole mountain before I found it for you! You know how much I ..." Isn't it easy?

Realizing that he had leaked, he swallowed the last four words back and forth.

Ji Ting finally couldn't help but laugh, holding up the table and standing in front of him, Shen Tuchuan asked angrily: "Why?"

Ji listened and smiled, holding his shoulder with one hand, and gently sitting on his lap by his strength. Shen Tuchuan did not expect that she would sit up suddenly, hugged her subconsciously, and then face Began red again.

"Are you teasing me just now?" Shen Tuchuan's expression of guilty to sin, but unfortunately his shaky ears exposed his cheerful heart.

Ji Ting hugged his neck: "You made me have trouble moving all day, can't I tease you?"

"... I just didn't control the force for the first time." Shen Tuchuan justified her mouth, but looked at her with guilt.

Ji Ting squeezed his ears: "I'm not too uncomfortable, just rest for two days."

"Well, I'll be nice to you these days." Shen Tuchuan promised.

Ji listened with a smile and leaned on him. The two talked for a while and went out for a walk together. Due to Ji's physical inconvenience, the two returned to the house only after making a circle around the house, and continued to fall in love on the warm big sister-in-law.

Shen Tuchuan originally wanted to take her to find the patriarch today, but taking into account her physical condition, she decided to postpone it for two days. This postponement went directly to the hunting day.

Early in the morning, Ji Ting prepared some food for Shen Tuchuan, and let him take it with him when he went.

"You must be careful. Prey is not important. The most important thing is safety. Don't let yourself be injured?" Ji heard that he was taunting his horns and sent him to meet the big troops. "And there are Now that there is fire, we also have enough firewood to stabilize the winter, and we don't have to know that it needs thick fur? "

"Well, I see." Shen Tuchuan has been alone since he was a child. In order to survive, when his father returned from hunting while his orc was still at home, he had already followed the adult orc to hunt, watching each other and his family each time Reunion, walking alone and returning.

Now there is finally a man who will prepare a bag for him when he goes hunting, will be worried because he is going out, and constantly tells him to pay attention to safety, and finally ... he has a home.

Ji Ting looked at his absent-minded look, his eyes narrowed slightly: "I'm not joking with you. If you let me see you come back with an injury, I will really be angry."

"I remember, I won't be stubborn." Shen Tuchuan busy.

Ji heard a soft hum: "It's almost the same."

Shen Tuchuan laughed, and for a long time he felt a little regret: "I knew this hunting would be advanced in advance, so I should take you to find the patriarch in advance."

"Hunting is a matter of two or three days. We will go when you come back." Ji Ting looked at him gently.

This incident should be blamed for her carelessness. When she read the original text, she only watched the turn from the beginning to the death of the men's match. After that, she didn't pay much attention to the plot. Then she turned to see the plot of this part.

In the original text, this year's winter will come earlier, and it will be colder than in previous years. Most orc races can see that the weather is not right, so many of them have started to hunt in advance. The werewolf race is actually late. Because I went late, I did n’t have much food to hunt, but fortunately, I had to share some food for the whole winter.

Fortunately, there is no dangerous plot in this paragraph. The party returned quickly and safely, so Ji Ting wasn't too worried about Shen Tuchuan's hunting, but it was a bit regretful that he was forced to postpone the marriage period by two Three days.

Thinking that he had spent several lives with him, but still looking forward to marrying him, Ji Ting's cheeks were slightly red, and he felt a little too unpromising.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her suddenly shameful face, could not help but kiss her on the forehead, and her eyes darkened, "Ji Ting ..."

"Huh?" Ji Ting looked up at him.

Shen Tuchuan opened his mouth, and half a long time shyly shyly: "Are you almost healthy?"

Ji listened for a moment and realized what he meant, but he couldn't help crying: "Well, he's raised."

"Then you wait for me, I and I will not be hurt." Shen Tuchuan's eyes suddenly became hot.

Ji Ting was suddenly embarrassed by him, and he nodded slightly. The two walked forward quietly, holding hands, when approaching the junction, Ji Ting stopped: "I don't want to see those people, you go by yourself."

"Well, I remember to eat at home on time." Shen Tuchuan urged.

Ji listened and nodded: "You too."

Shen Tuchuan shook his ears: "I will, you can go back." After standing, he just stood there, and seemed to watch Ji Ji go home.

Ji listened and laughed: "Would you like to go out? I should send it to you. Let's go. I look at you."

Shen Tuchuan stared at her with a slight radian at the corner of her lips. She softly responded and turned away, thinking of Ji Ting watching behind him, his back couldn't help but stand upright. A little, until I met with other orcs, I didn't relax a little.

"Oh, isn't this Shin Tu Chuan? It's different to have a pure fiancee, and the spirit is much better than before." An orc opened his mouth sourly.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at him and determined that he was the orc who was scared away by Ji Tan when he first came to his house. Ever since Xiao Wu was taught by his lifeless lesson, few orcs of the same age came to provoke him. Now he suddenly encountered one. Instead of being angry, Shen Tuchuan was a little bit missed.

"Why didn't you speak, I guessed it?" The orc laughed with discomfort.

The words of the orc attracted the attention of others. The older orcs have become accustomed to provoking Shen Tuchuan and will not stand up to speak for him as before. As for the group of Xiaowu, they are completely afraid of Shen Tuchuan. I just listened, but I didn't dare to come.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at the orcs who provoked him, and nodded his head very seriously: "Yeah, especially happy with a pure fiancee, after all, not everyone has this blessing."

The orc did not expect that Shen Tuchuan, who had always been reluctant to talk, suddenly stunned him, and was so utterly powerless to refute. He suddenly stopped and only responded for a while, adding to the ironic tone: "Come on, who doesn't know pure People just use you. If she really wants to be with you, why not marry you? "

"This hunt came back, we went to find the patriarch." Shen Tuchuan replied.

The orc froze and noticed that many people had watched it, and immediately denied: "Impossible, how could a pure man really look at you, it must be a lie to you, wouldn't you want to take you away when you leave? Are you running away? "

"You need to pay attention." Shen Tuchuan's brow finally frowned.

When the orc saw his lowered face, he was instantly proud: "Angry? Did I guess right? In fact, you also understand in your heart, how could a pure person, or such a beautiful pure person, really be ... "

"Ogawa!" A female voice came over, and all the orcs looked at it, only to see a pure and petite man with a delicate appearance came over. Although everyone has seen this beautiful pure person in the tribe, I can't help holding my breath every time I see it.

After seeing Ji listened, Shen Tuchuan softened her eyes, and when she came over, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Suddenly thought that I forgot to give you something." Ji Tingxiao laughed.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at the bag on his body: "I took all the food."

"There's still this." Ji heard, and hooked his fingers at him.

Shen Tuchuan didn't know why, and the other orcs couldn't help but look at it. Then everyone saw Ji Ting suddenly pinching Shen Tuchuan's neck and putting a kiss on his lips.

Shen Tuchuan's brain became blank for a moment, and the whispering voice in his ears flew farther and farther. In the eyes and ears, all I saw and heard was Ji-listen.

"I forgot to give it to you, and you must return safely." Ji Tingxiaoyingying let go of him, then tilted his glance at the provocative orc next to him, "What are you looking at, ugly and weird." If I hadn't heard this when I left I do n’t know if this person bullied her again.

Orc: "..."

Other orcs: "..." Although I knew I wasn't talking about myself, I felt a shot.

"Go back and sleep for a while." Shen Tuchuan's feet seemed to step on clouds, and he felt a little unreal. His heart was filled with something called contentment, and then overflowed from his eyes.

Ji Ting stood in front of everyone, pinched his ears and squeezed his ears. Then he heard someone taking a breath of air. It seemed that he didn't understand why the ears were so ugly in their eyes. Ji Ting was actually full of love. Touch it up.

"I'll wait for you at home, come back and marry me as soon as possible," Ji said, coaxing the children.

Shen Tuchuan's face turned red slightly, pushing her back: "Know what you know, let's go ..." Although she likes her to be weird with herself, the longer she stays, the more he refuses to leave. Immediately becoming a deserter, besides he did not like other orcs staring at her.

However, after Ji Ting really left, he looked at the direction of the family and couldn't bear to look away. The provocative orcs were dim and didn't know where to hide. Other orcs who didn't usually behave with Shen Tuchuan came over: "I'm not malicious, I just want to know, what do pure people like you?" He was just curious.

There is obviously a lot of this curiosity. At least when the orc asks it, many orcs look at it, including Xiao Wu and other people who have already been subdued by Shen Tuchuan.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and slowly said, "Ji heard that she likes to look good." And in her eyes, she is the best-looking.

Looking at Shen Tuchuan Junlang's appearance, the orc stunned and found no refutation, but when he thought of the guy whose face had grown so weak, he had a dull feeling. The other orcs seemed to think so, and the mood was quite low when they set off.

Shen Tuchuan opposite them, in ten or twenty years, he never seems to have raised his eyebrows and exhaled like today, this is also the first time he realized that he is better than other orcs—

First he looks good, and second he has a pure wife.

I do n’t know if she can help her out of the air, let Shen Tuchuan raise her head and listen to Ji. When she gets home, she starts cleaning the house, washing her clothes and drying the quilts. Whatever it takes, she waits until the house is cleaned, Everything was washed, and time was just a little while away.

Sitting at the door for a while, Ji Ting deeply realized that in this primitive society without Internet entertainment and dullness, once Shen Tuchuan was absent, she would lose all her fun. But the thought of him coming back two days later, Ji Ting couldn't help falling down in depression.

In order to find something for herself, she started to walk around the forest behind her home, trying to find something new to eat, and after two days of wandering, she really found a small piece of something like wheat seedlings. Ji heard overjoyed, remembered this position specifically, and came back the next morning.

She found some branches and stones, circled the wheat seedlings, and carefully cleaned the surrounding weeds. After all this was done, it was noon. She wiped the thin sweat on the tip of her nose, and her feet were deep and shallow. Home.

When she got home, she saw that the door was unlocked, and after a moment of ecstasy, she was overjoyed, rushed in and rushed to the people in the house. Shen Tuchuan's ears were sensitive, she had heard the movement since she returned, and when she rushed over, she hugged people very stably.

"... I haven't been back for a few days. Is this so?" Shen Tuchuan asked awkwardly, but his ears were shaking quickly.

Ji Ting smiled and looked at him: "Don't you want me?"

"It's okay." Shen Tuchuan pouted.

Ji Ting didn't break through his righteousness, and kissed him holding his face. With this kiss, Shen Tuchuan couldn't hold herself completely. She hugged her with a strong aggressiveness, and hugged her with one hand like a child.

When the situation was about to develop towards the situation of the lock text, Shen Tuchuan controlled with strong patience, holding Ji Ting's shoulders and breathing quickly: "No, I have to divide the prey, and come back at night."

"Not yet divided? Why don't you wait until you finish the division and then come back?" Ji Ting's breathing was not smooth, and he looked at him doubtfully.

Shen Tuchuanton paused, and some gray eyes stared at her seriously: "Do you really not know why?"

Ji listened for a moment, then laughed: "I know, you miss me." After speaking, he was afraid of Shen Tuchuan's shyness, and hugged him first, so that he would not stare at his face again.

Shen Tuchuan didn't refute this time, because Ji Ting was held by him, so he raised his head above him, and his face could be buried on Ji Ting's shoulders. The voice came dull from Ji Ting's shoulders: "Very Less apart from you, I really miss you. "

"Me too, I miss you especially." Ji listened softly.

Shen Tuchuan raised her lip corners, and tore her off with a lot of determination, "I'm going to prey."

"I'll go with you." Ji heard immediately.

Shen Tuchuan frowned: "The prey is dead and bloody, you will feel sick."

"No, I'm not that fragile. Let's go. I don't want to be separated from you." Ji heard that and pushed him out.

Shen Tuchuan reluctantly pushed her away, and when she was outside the door, she took her hand and the two passed together.

Although it was not too late for them to come, but the prey had been divided by then, they were quite quiet when they went to the other orcs. Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan looked at each other and came to the patriarch.

"Patriarch, I'm here to get the prey." Shen Tuchuan calmly said.

The patriarch coughed and pointed to the direction of the prey. Ji Ting followed his finger and looked at it. As soon as he saw it, it was a giant tiger skin. She was suddenly surprised: "This is what you hunted?"

"Well, I listened to you. I didn't try desperately. I just happened to see this tiger and hunted it down." Shen Tuchuan's eyes were proud.

Ji Ting trot over and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This is too great, it's such a big piece of leather, enough to make a blanket, you are really great."

The orcs around looked a little jealously, but no one said anything, but there was a feeling of waiting to see the joke. Ji Ting realized that they were not right, the smile on his face narrowed slightly, and he looked at Shen Tuchuan for the first time.

Shen Tuchuan walked over and sank when he saw the meat next to the tiger skin. He looked to the patriarch and asked, "Why only give me this?"

"That's right, you and Ji Ting haven't formally become partners, so she's not strictly speaking of our tribe. She has fewer prey this winter, so I don't want to share it with outsiders. This is everyone's. Decide. "The patriarch sighed. If everyone thought so, he, as the patriarch, would have to listen to opinions.

Shen Tuchuan frowned: "I am coming back this time to be her partner."

"But this hunt is before, even if you are now partners, the prey will not be given to her." Xiao Wu's mother immediately said.

As soon as she said something, other orcs followed.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes gradually became cold. Ji heard that he took his hand and held his hand, which was a wake up of his sense of reason. She looked at the patriarch and asked with a smile: "But without so much food, how should we spend this winter?"

"It was cold this winter. Several families with children said just now that they are willing to produce some meat together and change tiger skins with you to make cold clothes for children. I think this is also very good." The patriarch said gently.

Ji listened to it and understood, no wonder she insisted on giving her food regardless of the fact that she was thinking about their tiger skin. Ji Ting's heart was on fire, and she turned to Shen Tuchuan subconsciously, only to see Shen Tuchuan's indifference, and she refused to say a word, her eyes showed anxiety.

"Shen Tuchuan, this is the best solution now. A piece of tiger skin, how can it not be compared to the food for the winter?" The patriarch also knew that this was not done kindly, but on the other hand, the jealousy of other orcs, It is Shen Tuchuan who has always been silent. He doesn't need to think about and know who should solve this matter.

As soon as the patriarch's voice came to an end, the families in his mouth who wanted to use food for tiger skin came around. There was a sentence that said the importance of food in winter. One of the five mothers also wanted tiger skin. It ’s also the most intense one: "Do n’t think we bully you! These are the rules of the tribe. We are willing to trade for food. We are already helping you. After all, there is no hunting action in winter, when there is no food, you It will starve to death! "

"Not so, we are kind ..."

A group of female orcs, you said to me, Ji was so angry that his head was going to explode. He took a step forward to theorize with them, but was dragged back by Shen Tuchuan and pulled behind. Ji Ting looked at him worriedly, and his heart was full of distress for him.

How shameful are these people to bully him so frankly?

"Patriarch, I remember where I live, is not in the tribal area?" Shen Tuchuan calmly looked to the patriarch.

The patriarch paused: "Indeed, your parents liked to be quiet at that time, so they moved out. If you want to move back, you can ask a few orcs to help you build a new house." He thought he had done everything he could. , Can be considered to make up for Shen Tuchuan, after all, such a good tiger skin is not easy to find.

"No need, I just make sure," Shen Tuchuan said, lowering his eyes, and faintly dropped a bomb. "Since we are not within the scope of the tribe, then we are not a tribe person, trouble the patriarch I have returned all my tiger meat. The major tribes have a joint rule that they must not **** things from tribal orcs. I am sure you know that. "

As soon as his voice fell, there was a brief moment of silence in the beast crowd, and then there was an explosion of sound: "Impossible! The food is already scarce. If you return the tiger meat, do we want to live?"

"No, don't even think about it!"

Shen Tuchuan watched the patriarch quietly, Ji listened to his heart, smiled and looked at the patriarch: "They do not understand, I believe the patriarch is still sensible. If the rules formulated by the tribes do not comply, what will be the consequences? It should be clear. "

Thanks to the author for formulating the best rules in this article, no orc in this world dares to resist.

The patriarch's confidence suddenly weakened: "Shen Tuchuan Ji listen, let's discuss it again. Now the food is scarce. You can't finish eating such a big tiger ..."

"Then you do n’t have to worry about it. I just like to be extravagant and waste. It ’s okay to chop some minced meat and feed the fish," Ji heard, sweeping a few glances at the tiger skins, "at least the feed Fish, fish won't miss my house. "

Those people's faces turned red, and some people wanted to refute, being pulled back by their men. The patriarch saw them with a firm face, and finally gritted his teeth: "Let ’s go, it ’s the patriarch. I apologize to you and give you all the meat you deserve. You also keep the tiger skin, so don't leave the tribe. After all, without the tribe, hunting alone is very dangerous in the future. "

Ji Ting also had such concerns, and did not say to let Shen Tuchuan break away from the tribe. At this moment, when the patriarch mentioned it, she pinched the palm of Shen Tuchuan to remind him not to act impulsively.

After being silent for a long time, Shen Tuchuan said slowly: "I want double food."

"... Okay." The patriarch gritted his teeth, and compared to a whole tiger, double the food was nothing.

Ji heard that it was almost the same. As soon as he was about to speak, he heard Shen Tuchuan said, "Also, let those women listen to my family and apologize."

"We didn't say anything serious!" Xiao Wu's mother couldn't help but refute, and since she had seen Shen Tuchuan's ruthlessness, she was afraid to speak personally.

Shen Tuchuan glanced coldly at her: "You are ugly to her."

Xiao Wu's mother: "..."

The author has something to say: Howling: Do the big wolves really show off when I am a little sheep?

Little Five Mother: 嘤 嘤 嘤 2k novel reading network

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