After being severely rejected by Ji Ting several times, Shen Tuchuan finally realized that the animal shape was hopeless, and was disappointed a few days later and went into the work of studying new technologies. Ji Ting was a headache for being too keen on such things, but seeing that he didn't let himself be tortured anymore, he went with him.

The sun and the moon alternate, time rushes, and when one day wakes up in the morning and sees the white sky outside, Ji Ting finally determines that winter is here.

"It's snowing, do you want to go out with me?" Shen Tuchuan looked at her with expectant eyes.

He usually always followed his Ji Ting and immediately rejected: "I won't go."

"Why?" Shen Tuchuan was a little disappointed.

Ji heard silence for a moment, lovingly holding his face: "If you have the memories of your last life, you can know why I didn't go." After a few years of heavy snow in the last world, she now really sees the white and scalp I feel numb, and I always think that a zombies will pop out of which corner.

Shen Tuchuan couldn't understand her words, looked at her with a doubt, and went out by herself. Ji Ting continued to nest on the hot cricket and enjoy a rare time.

Although for the Orc World, this winter's weather was particularly cold, Ke Jihe didn't feel much, because once she had a thick tiger skin, and secondly, the fire of their house was burning, and even the room was hot. of. At first he had built a room specifically for Shen Tuchuan. He had never slept for a day, but then he simply used it as a storage room, full of firewood, enough to support them for a winter.

Ji Ting lay down and started to sleepy, so he closed his eyes lazily, listening to the sound of snow falling outside his head, and continued to sleep.

After not sleeping for a long time, I felt a cool wind blowing in, she frowned, opened her eyes and saw Shen Tuchuan came in, with both hands as red as radishes.

She was speechless for a moment, and when he walked around, he put his hand on his cymbal.

"I made two snowmen just now. Would you like to go out and see?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes were full of excitement.

Ji heard a sigh and finally was not willing to hit him a second time: "Okay."

Shen Tuchuan heard that his ears shook quickly. He immediately put Ji Ting on a thick coat of fur. Then he took her out and pulled her to the snowman. He said, "Does it look good?"

Ji Ting looked at the two ugly snowmen. After researching for a long time, he found out that the fart. A stick stuck on his stock as a tail represents him, and her with a hay on her head. Touched, but the appearance of the Yeti is really ... she couldn't brag about it with conscience.

"Not good?" Shen Tuchuan's tail stopped, his ears didn't move, and disappointment was written on the corners of his eyes and brows.

For a moment Ji heard nothing about his conscience, and exaggerated seriously: "It's so beautiful."

Shen Tuchuan was only satisfied with this, and before he was too proud, a mockery was heard in the corner: "Ugly dead, ugly dead, it's not good-looking at all!"

Ji Ting and he looked over at the same time, and found several little wolf cubs hiding in the snow. Shen Tuchuan was displeased: "What do you know, the snowman looks like this, and it is not ugly at all." After speaking, he looked at Ji listened, like a child who was looking for a certificate from his parents.

"... Yes, my family is not ugly." Ji Ting immediately cooperated.

Shen Tuchuan raised his lips and looked at the wolf pride proudly. The wolf cubs were anxious: "He didn't look good at all! It's ugly!"

"You have the ability to make one." Shen Tuchuan was anxious.

The wolf cubs looked at each other, and the uncle ran over and reached out to make a snowman with his claws, and the results were conceivable. Finally, looking at the pile of snow that he piled up, he had to admit that the two of Shen Tuchuan were particularly good.

Shen Tuchuan won a great victory. Although his face was indifferent, his tail was shaking happily. Ji listened with tears and looked at him, and finally invited several little wolf cubs to go to the house to drink hot water.

From this day, the little wolf cubs often come to play. Although Shen Tuchuan stinks every time, it does not affect their fun. They laugh and play in a warm room. When they are tired, they lie on the ground. Sleep directly, their floor is warmer than their own bed anyway.

When the parents of the wolf pups learned that they often came, they were a bit embarrassed to bring a lot of food, and the table at home for a season was rich.

After a winter passed, Shen Tuchuan and Ji Ting had contact with many orcs in the tribe because of these little wolves. Many people have a new understanding of Shen Tuchuan, and some people think he is a very worthy friend. . Unconsciously, the orcs' prejudice against Shen Tuchuan also seemed to follow the ice and snow.

The ground began to be covered with green, and the branches began to sprout, and the orcs realized that spring had finally arrived.

The arrival of spring means that they are going to start preparing for the first hunt of this year. The winter prey hibernated in the mountains and forests. At this moment, they should all be fat and strong, and the orcs are looking forward to the first hunt. Shen Tuchuan is no exception. He can't wait to hunt for something fresh and change the taste for Ji Ting.

Ji Ting watched him chanting about hunting every day, and his heart became increasingly sad. This part of the plot was mentioned in the original text. According to the timeline in the text, the male partner has been killed by the male lead at this time, and the male lead and several other young orcs have embarked on the road to find the missing partner after the spring. The hunt lacked manpower, and the patriarch called on all adult orcs with intact limbs, leaving only the old, weak, sick, and untransformed little wolf cubs to stay in the tribe.

When these people arrived in the deep forest, an earthquake suddenly occurred. Almost all of the adult orcs of the werewolf family were buried in the mountain forest, and the little wolf cubs without the care of the adult orcs also did not know what the earthquake was. Subconsciously escaped home and sacrificed. After the male lead returned, he became the new patriarch and embarked on the road of reviving the werewolf tribe.

…… The main character wants to go and what way, she is too lazy to control, now it is mainly how to deal with this earthquake.

Today, her arrival has saved Shen Tuchuan's life, so he had no hunting team. This time he must have him. She must find a way to keep his life.

I do n’t know if the reader complained about the sudden increase in restrictions. Every time she tried to find the patriarch to cancel the hunt, or reminded Shen Tuchuan about the “earthquake”, her mouth could not make a sound, but if she was simply persuaded him not to go, then This would happen, so she had to persuade her bitterly.

After persuading three or five times, Shen Tuchuan finally looked at her strangely and asked: "You have been very wrong recently, is it because of something happened?"

Ji listened to a mouth, and she couldn't say anything. She rolled her eyes, and continued calmly on her face: "Nothing, I just feel uneasy. I don't want you to participate in this hunt. Anyway, our food is enough. Can't you go without it for a while? "

"No, this time there are too few people to go, the beasts have rested for another winter, and the fighting power is too strong, and the hunting team without one person will be more dangerous." Shen Tuchuan frowned. Today, he has begun to learn to gradually integrate into the collective.

Ji Ting was very helpless, and persuaded him several times that he still rejected himself decisively, and in a flash, it was the day of hunting.

Early in the morning, Ji Ting closed his eyes, oh, oh, screamed, and the awakened Shen Tuchuan was busy sitting up: "What's wrong? Where is it uncomfortable?"

"I, I may have had a bad stomach yesterday." Ji listened to him in "weakness" and said, "Would you like to say something to the patriarch, don't go this time, stay at home to take care of me, and wait for the next time Let's go hunting together ... "

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, holding her arms and squinting at her. Ji accidentally met him, then quickly opened his eyes and coughed, "What, what?"

"No matter how you play today, I can't help but go," Shen Tuchuan suddenly became serious. "Listen, my father's original check-out left us a broken family. I can't let the original tragedy repeat itself. Let you experience the pain I experienced again. "

Ji Tingyi looked at him, but he did not expect the reason why he insisted on going.

Shen Tuchuan said a moment of silence, reached out and hugged her, her voice was a little dull: "I promise you everything else, but will you let me go for hunting?"

After listening to silence for a long time, Ji said bitterly: "But if I let you go, I'm afraid I can't bear the final outcome."

"Relax, I will do well. You saw it last time. I was the most powerful one." Shen Tuchuan thought she was worried about herself and couldn't help laughing.

Ji listened to his lips, thinking that this time can be the same as last time, ** can still be avoided, how to hide from natural disasters?

Seeing that Ji Tu hadn't spoken, Shen Tuchuan let go of her: "The water in the tank is almost running out. I'll go get some water for you first, and then I'll find someone else to meet."

After speaking, he left without looking back. Ji Ting watched his back leave, and suddenly came up with an idea: This earthquake started after they went into the mountains and forests. If she disturbs as much as possible, delay them When going to the forest, maybe everyone can avoid this disaster.

Thinking of this, she got up and took the stone to the place where the orcs gathered. When Shen Tuchuan went to the creek, watching the muddy water frown, and then heard the movement behind him, he immediately looked over, but some voles were fleeing around.

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes. Because these animals have no human intelligence, they are much stronger than the instinct of the orcs. They must be able to perceive what they are here, but they know they are here, but they still Dare to run in front of him, there must be something wrong.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and finally determined that the muddy stream would not easily become clear, and could only return with an empty bucket. Before he got home, he saw an orc standing in front of his house as if waiting for him. He immediately walked over to him: "What's wrong?"

"Come and see your woman, she, she's crazy!" The orc ran away, Shen Tuchuan was shocked, and immediately dropped the bucket and followed.

Far from the place where the orcs gathered, he heard the rebuke of the patriarch. He rushed forward, and when Ji Ting was pressed by several female orcs, he snapped them back in anger: "What are you doing?" ! "

"I also want to ask you what you want to do ?! It's time to go hunting, what is she going crazy about ?! She wants to smash our hunting tools." The patriarch was furious.

Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment, looking at Ji Ting, who had tears in her arms. Ji Ting shook her painful wrist, opened her mouth but said nothing, the tears that had just hurt were instantly furious .

"Don't go ..." She could barely say these two words.

Shen Tuchuan whispered: "Is there anything else that can't be said that makes you think we can't go this time?"

Ji Ting nodded immediately.

"If we go, there will be danger?" Shen Tuchuan asked again.

Ji heard hurriedly nodded again.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her for a long time, and suddenly looked blankly at the patriarch: "We still don't go hunting today. I just drew water in the mountains and forests and saw that the river was muddy. Voles were also scrambling around. It seemed to happen What's the matter, you also know that our animal instincts have always been worse than real animals, so be cautious. "

"What are you careful about! These rare days are rare. If you do n’t go now, when the rainy season is coming and the sky is slippery, how can we hunt?" Xiao Wu couldn't help but say a word.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at him: "I'm for everyone."

"What's good for everyone, I think it's because I didn't dare to go." The orc who had previously pursued Ji Ting murmured, saying it was murmuring, but everyone heard it.

Shen Tuchuan held Ji Ting's finger tight, and Ji Ting looked at him worriedly. He was silent for a long time before he said lightly: "If you want to think so, I can't help it."

There was a pain in Ji Ting's heart. He clearly cared so much about others saying him, but in the end he chose to believe her, but never thought that if everything she said did not happen in the end, he would be nailed to the pillar of shame. For a lifetime.

The air suddenly quieted down, and in a silence, a small voice sounded: "Shen Tuchuan is not the kind of person, he is brave!"

The orcs stunned and looked at the little wolf cub in the corner. The little wolf cub was stared at by so many people, suddenly shy, but still gathered up the courage to avenge Shen Tuchuan: "He didn't let us drill a hole before, The fire inside burned us easily, but we didn't listen to it. In the end, his beard was stung. If you don't want your beard to be stung too, you better listen to him. "

Other little wolf cubs also followed, and an orc spoke at this time: "I and Shen Tuchuan have also come and gone during this time. I think he is not the kind of person who escaped from the battlefield. Maybe something really found out. Let's believe him. . "

One adult orc took the lead, and other orcs also began to speak one after another, saying that Shen Tuchuan had not escaped so many times before hunting, and this time was certainly no exception. The voice of helping him speak louder and louder, and gradually everyone began to believe that only a few opposing voices were drowned in the human voice.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes were slightly warm, and he could not say a word, but he quietly tightened Ji's fingers. Ji listened comfortably and patted his hand, looking at the patriarch calmly.

The patriarch was silent for a long time, and finally nodded: "In this case, we will wait a little longer, if everything is normal after a while, we will continue to hunt, so as not to miss the good weather now."

Shen Tuchuan heard his words of gratitude, and a group of orcs were sitting in the large open space in the tribe waiting. The news that the hunters did not leave reached every household. Everyone ran to see the situation curiously. The little wolf cubs also Having fun around adults, there is no plan to go home at all.

After waiting for a long time, their stomachs became hungry. A group of orcs had to take out the prepared dry food to eat. As the sun gradually moved west, some of the orcs' patience was exhausted. The orcs who couldn't get used to Shen Tuchuan went on to attack: Okay, you really believe in this stupid man! If you go up and down and go down, you think his father is good. Where do you think he can go? In the end, do not go hunting? If you continue to delay, then no one will go. Everyone is starving to death! "

As soon as he spoke, Xiao Wu hurriedly said, "No, I can't wait impatiently. Hurry up. I'm different from some people. I'm in a hurry to get more prey for the tribe!"

They said something to me, and they were so impetuous that the patriarch had to announce his departure. Ji Ting was so nervous, he hurriedly stood up to stop: "No!"

The patriarch's face was a little unsightly: "Okay, now there is enough trouble, don't endlessly, if Shen Tuchuan doesn't want to go, then he can not go this time, don't delay everyone."

"Really not!" Ji listened anxiously.

The patriarch glanced at the crowd, and the party was about to leave. Ji listened to Shen Tuchuan for help. Shen Tuchuan walked to her with a cold face and blocked them with his weapon: "No one can go."

"Shen Tuchuan!" The patriarch was anxious. "If you make any more noise, I will drive you out of the tribe!"

As soon as this word came out, the orcs, including Xiao Wu, were surprised. It was better to leave the tribe than to take the initiative to leave. It was a crime, and other tribes would not accept this person. In the end, they could only stray to death. For orcs, it's more terrible than death.

But Shen Tuchuan remained motionless, just repeating: "You can't go."

The patriarch scolded him a few more words and saw that he was unmoved, and rushed towards him with other people, intending to forcibly break through and leave. Shen Tuchuan also blocked it positively. Unfortunately, a man was weak, and was quickly down by several strong orcs. Ji Ting roared and wanted to help, but was overpowered by a female orc.

Listening to Ji's anxious cry, Shen Tuchuan gritted his teeth and desperately struggled. He dumped several people. When the scene was a mess, suddenly little wolf cubs started crying, and then all the little wolf cubs started crying and holding on. 'Dizziness, dizziness'.

The movement of the little wolf cubs made the adult orcs stunned, and then a female orc suddenly screamed, "The earth is shaking!"

"Earthquake! Hey don't hurry to protect his children!" With the arrival of the earthquake, Ji, who finally got rid of the reader's limit of grievance, heard a roar.

The people present were stunned, and began to look for their family in a hurry, no longer paying attention to Shen Tuchuan. Ji Ting rushed to Shen Tuchuan, distressed and patted him on the dust, patted his tears and fell down: "Ogawa ... Ogawa ..."

"You haven't been able to say this, is this the case?" Shen Tuchuan had a few bruises on his hands and did not receive any other injuries. When she saw she cried, she whispered and comforted a few words, and then asked this sentence .

Ji He sniffed his nose, and half a sip softly replied. Shen Tuchuan hugged the person distressedly: "When you persuaded me these days, didn't you bother?"

Ji Ting shook his head gently: "Thank you for believing in me."

Shen Tuchuan chuckled softly and patted her back gently. The house not far away collapsed and cracks appeared on the ground, but they hugged in the open space calmly, as if the noise around them had nothing to do with them.

After a long time, the earth calmed down, and Shen Tuchuan asked softly, "Are you a god? Are you the **** who came to save me from the sea of ​​suffering?"

Ji He sniffed his nose and murmured, "If you think I am, then I am."

"Will you go?" After asking this sentence, Shen Tuchuan stunned for a while, always feeling that he seemed to say this many times, and felt that every time she answered to herself, it seemed to be a positive one.

For a moment, there seemed to be a lot of stuff in his head, he covered his head in pain, and a wailing sound came from his throat. Ji Ting was frightened by him, he hugged his shoulders, and let him rest on her lap: "Ogawa! Ogawa! What happened to you ?!"

The pain seemed to explode his entire brain, exposed the blue veins on his forehead, and his body twitched, his face twisted almost to deform. Ji Ting kept yelling at his name, shoved his hand into his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue, and her brain was blank, all she knew was not to hurt him as much as possible.

The pain only lasted for a short time, and Shen Tuchuan returned to normal. At this moment, he was sweating and looking pale like a ghost: "What happened to me?"

"I don't know, you suddenly started to hurt ..." Ji heard his voice tremble.

Shen Tuchuan frowned, faintly feeling that there seemed to be a lot of things in his mind just now, but when he looked back carefully, he couldn't remember anything.

"Are you okay now? Is there any pain? Is there anything abnormal?" Ji listened nervously.

Shen Tuchuan moved his hands and feet, but felt that except for the muscles that were too tight and aching, the other places were not good.

Ji listened to this, then relieved his heart, wiped a tear and hugged him again, Shen Tuchuan smiled and rubbed her hair, comforted in a low voice: "Relax, I will be fine."

Ji nodded, teardrops dropped a few as the head shook. When Shen Tuchuan reached out to help her wipe, he felt that someone was coming from his side, and he looked at it subconsciously.

The orcs of the Manchu tribe, either carrying the old man or holding the children, walked towards them slowly, and then walked five steps away from them, solemnly saluting them.

This kind of etiquette can only be done to the gods. Shen Tuchuanton gave a bit of uneasiness: "What do you do?"

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, my family would probably be in trouble." Unexpectedly, the person who thanked me this time was a Primary Five.

Shen Tuchuan looked at him uncomfortably, then looked at Ji listen. Ji Ting wiped his tears and helped him and him stand up together: "Let's get up, I also occasionally feel wrong. You didn't believe that I was forgiven before, so you don't need to feel guilty."

But the orcs refused to get up, especially the first five who talked. Suddenly, his eyes were about to cry, and he shook two mouths: "I **** it! I jerk! I bullied Shen Tuchuan for so many years, In the end, he saved my family, I **** it ... "

His mother cried and stopped his hand, and a group of orcs began to apologize to Shen Tuchuan. Shen Tuchuan looked at the red eyes in front of them and could not speak for a long time.

He wanted the respect from the heart, and finally earned it for himself.

After the earthquake, the house was repaired. As a hero to save the tribe, the house of the Shen Tuchuan family was repaired first. After he and Ji Ting slept for two days, he finally returned to his home, watching the repair and Before the same house, Shen Tuchuan hugged Ji Ting from behind.

"Thank you."

Ji Tingxiao smiled and patted his hand: "We are family."

"... will we always be together?" Shen Tuchuan asked again.

Ji Ting raised his lips: "Of course, I will be with you all my life."

Shen Tuchuan's ears swayed quickly, and after a while, he said lowly, "Listen, I feel so happy now."

"Me too." Ji Tingyi leaned in his arms.

The person behind was silent for a long time, and his voice suddenly became slightly deeper: "It is the ears and tail that are ugly."

As soon as his voice fell, Ji Ting realized what he was, and turned to look at him with a little surprise, looking at his slightly indifferent eyes, half a moment and asked unexpectedly, "Have you recovered your memory?"

Shen Tuchuan looked at her calmly, all the childish awkwardness in her eyes disappeared: "Unhappy?"

"... I'm upset," Ji heard a strange look at him, then realized something, "No, if you regain your memory, it should be that the mission of this world has been successful, why haven't we jumped? Turn the world? "

After speaking, she began to summon readers' grievances in her mind, but she did not respond. When she was anxious, Shen Tuchuan suddenly disappeared in front of her. Ji Ting was startled, and looked around, determined that Shen Tuchuan was completely panic after disappearing—

This fucking! Wouldn't she leave this world alone?

Ji listened anxiously as he walked around the room, constantly calling for readers' resentment in his mind, but the reader's resentment seemed to be dead, without any movement.

Thinking about the remaining ten or so percent of readers before, the grievances often disappeared. Now that the world is successful, it means that grievances have disappeared by almost ten percent, and maybe there is no power to maintain her jump out of control. Ji Ting thought this way, a heart gradually hung up, but fortunately the next second, her eyes were dark, and suddenly began to jump into the world.

The author has something to say: There is still a chapter below, and more than 10,000 words are updated today! (I feel the body is hollowed out) There is a red envelope in the next chapter. Everyone remember to leave a message duck. Really, the next world is definitely the most exciting. The governor is here! 2k novel reading network

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