When Ji Ting started to jump the world, he looked at the resentment of the readers and found that only the last three percent was left.

Perhaps it is the reason why the reader's grievance is no longer enough. This time, she felt continually trembling all the way through her, and she was constantly disgusting. As she retched, she wondered if she would not wait for the crossing to end, and the reader's grievances would not be able to support her. If she fell from the air in the air, the story might end before it even began--

Because falling is inevitable.

Fortunately, in the end, what she was worried about didn't happen, and the readers complained that she had been sent to her place.

She seemed to be wrapped in something and her eyes couldn't open. Ji Ting was struggling, but she couldn't get away anymore, but strange noises began to sound around her.

While she was panicking, the story of this world appeared in her mind. The man in this world was a little **** around the emperor. Because of a face that was too attractive, there was always someone who could not see it. Grow up in bullying.

At the age of seventeen, she was watched by a toffee, realizing what the sixty-year-old toffee was about to do to him. She ran into the emperor when she fled, and was interrupted by the emperor without asking, and lost Give it back to the toffee. The prince was embarrassed by his anger, so he was sentenced to punishment, tortured him for seven days and seven nights, and finally he took his breath on the day of his birthday.

After listening to Ji, from the bottom of her heart, she felt that this man was the worst in history, and it was simply inhumane, but she could not care for the sympathy of the man at the moment, and was just trying to get rid of her plight.

After struggling for a long time, she suddenly heard a scream. Ji listened subconsciously, and continued to listen again. Her body was suddenly squeezed into a narrow exit. The pain caused by the squeeze left her mind empty. What was it? The reader's grievances, and what saved the men's match, seemed to be sucked out of her mind and disappeared completely.

And this is just the beginning. When she felt her head squeezed out, the memory of the person named ‘Ji Ting’ also disappeared little by little, and she cried with a wow, her voice was almost shocking.

"Master! Master! It's a lady, it's a lady!" She heard the voice of the old woman, and she felt inexplicable grievances. She didn't know what to expect.

Her eyes couldn't see anything. Although she could feel that the sky was still bright, but she couldn't see anything. Fortunately, she still felt something, so when someone picked her up, she opened her mouth to protest. Instead, she cried louder.

"This child has such a loud voice that it sounds healthy to hear it," the man holding her rejoiced.

The old lady just complimented immediately: "Not only is that the old slave has delivered so many children, never seen such a fat and beautiful one, the lady is a blessing at first sight ..."

Later, she couldn't hear her, she felt like she started a whole new life.

In a flash, it was ten years.

"Listen! Where did you go again!" Madam Ji said angrily, leaning her waist.

Ji Ting, who was planning to go out with his little friend to dig out of the dog hole, hurried back and ran back: "Niangniangniangniang! I am here!"

The ten-year-old girl was wearing a pink tutu skirt just like a butterfly when she was drawing a strip, and her face with a baby fat had already begun to look exquisite. Every time she took a visit to someone else, she was attracted for a while. Praise. But it is this character ... Mrs. Ji sighed and deliberately said, "Did you finish your homework for you? Where are you so anxious to prepare ?!"

"I, I don't go anywhere, I just feel bored at home, so I want to buy a bunch of sugar gourds in the street," Xiao Ji listened, blinking slightly, trying to make an innocent expression, "the homework has been done When it's over, put it on the table in Dad's study. If the mother doesn't believe it, you can go and see. "

"Really? Are you kidding me?" Madam Ji narrowed her eyes.

Xiao Ji suddenly felt sad when she heard: "How can a mother look at her daughter like this? Although her daughter is usually bad, she never lied to her mother."

"Never lied?" Although she worked hard to hold her face, but after hearing Xiaoji's shameless words, Mrs. Ji laughed. "Who stole Daddy's wine before, and finally said that it was stolen by a mouse. And who took my rouge to exchange sugar with the seller and didn't admit it? And ... "

"Mother, don't mention the previous things, I'll go and buy a cantaloupe, and promise to buy only a cantaloupe." Xiao Ji swears again and again.

Mrs. Ji sneered: "Come on, when I will believe you? Didn't you just hear that the emperor went out to the palace to go to Donglin Lake for a banquet, and your father accompanied him, so you want to secretly go there to find father."

Xiao Ji was shocked: "How do you know!" After speaking consciously, she dared not speak.

"And how do I know, you child do n’t know how to get rid of it, and I was interested in everything in the palace when I was a kid. I did n’t like to go out with me when I was young. Yes? "Madam Ji complained.

Xiao Ji laughed: "I just haven't seen the emperor, so I want to take a look, but I went to the palace several times and didn't see it. This time, I had a chance, so I didn't want to miss it, you let me Go, I promise I just look at it from a distance, and come back at a glance. "

Madam Ji refused to agree, and Xiao Ji dragged her sleeves and tried to coquettishly, making her completely out of temper.

"Xing Xing Xing, I told the coachman to take you there, and take you back after a long glance. If you are not obedient and dare to make trouble, beware of my family law." Madam Ji finally could not get through with her own daughter and had to compromise.

When Xiao Ji heard the cheers, she ran to the dog hole to call her little friend. Mrs. Ji couldn't take her directly. After helpless smile, she went and asked someone to prepare a carriage.

Xiao Ji Ting and her partner set off quickly. The carriage ran swaying along the road. Xiao Ji Ting took a piece of cake and ate while chatting with her partner.

"I heard that today the emperor is over fifty years old and her hair is all white. I really don't understand why you want to see him so much." The companion looked at her puzzledly.

Xiao Ji blinked mysteriously at her and continued to eat her pastries.

Children in their teens were just when their curiosity was strong, and their friends were no exception, and they were immediately urged by curiosity. When Xiao Ji heard that Guanzi had sold enough, he quietly glanced outside, and after confirming that no one was overhearing, he hooked his fingers at the little friend, and the little friend immediately stepped forward.

"Actually, I always felt that I was born in this world because of what I was going to do," Xiao Ji heard his voice lowered, and the deities spoke. "I just can't remember what to do for a while, I always feel that as long as I saw the emperor and I knew what I was going to do. "

"... What are you going to do, usurp?" The little friend's voice was louder.

Xiao Ji quickly covered her mouth and said, "Of course not! What do you think!" After she spoke for a moment, there was a confusion in her eyes. "What I want to do is to find someone, to talk to The emperor concerned, find him, and ... "

Then what happened, she didn't know.

"What a mess, you just read too much," the little friend opened her hand and rescued her mouth and nose. "I think you will still read less weird books and learn more from your husband. . "

Xiao Ji sniffed her lips, and was a little angry with her attitude, but in the end it was a little child, a piece of cake, and the two returned to the emperor happily.

The carriage quickly arrived at Donglin Lake, and Ji Ting deliberately asked the driver to park the carriage under the big tree in front of Donglin Restaurant, so that as soon as the emperor came out, she could see it.

"You haven't seen the emperor again. How do you know if the emperor will come out?" The little friend asked silently.

Xiao Ji listened to her with a glance: "I haven't seen the emperor, I haven't seen my father yet? As long as my father comes out, the emperor will definitely come out, and then I will know who is in the middle." "

The IQ was suddenly crushed, and the little friend was quite uncomfortable. After moving his eyes a few moments, he suddenly settled, and pointed excitedly outside: "Look! Your father is out!"

Xiao Ji listened for a moment, and hurriedly looked at her. She saw her father at first glance, and then the man who was carefully guarded by her father. Like the little friend, the man was already full of white hair and his back. I was a little stunned, if I didn't know he had just passed fifty, thought he was seventy or eighty.

"That's it?" Xiao Ji heard the murmur, disappointed in her heart.

The companion laughed at her: "I told you that the emperor is not good, you still don't believe it, now you know?"

Xiao Ji heard but didn't hear her talking, she just focused her eyes on the emperor, but she wasn't sure what she was looking for. Just as her eyes gradually became confused, the tall guard around the emperor took a step forward, and the young man who had been blocked by the guard suddenly appeared in Xiao Ji's eyes.

The man looked about seventeen or eighteen. His skin tone was fair, and his lips were bright red as if dyed. His eyes were slightly raised, his nose was straight and straight. He was as handsome as a painter and could not find any flaws. Ji listened for a while, and her heart beat suddenly and fiercely, as if shouting, ‘He is him, and the person she has been looking for is him’.

Seeing that the emperor was about to leave, Ji listened suddenly woke up, he was not enough to exclaim the friends and the driver, jumped out of the carriage and rushed over, yelling while running: "Daddy! Daddy!"

Ji Shangshu was startled. After seeing it, Ji was busy apologizing to the emperor. The emperor waved his hand at will. As soon as his eyes fell on Xiao Jiting, he couldn't move. Ji Shangshu murmured in his heart. Before he could make the next move, someone blocked the emperor's sight first: "The emperor, it's too late, it's time to return to the palace."

Xiao Ji heard his voice when he ran over, and his eyes were strange for a moment. Although his voice sounds good, what's going on in the cold with some femininity? Xiao Ji listened and peeked at his face again, and instantly understood that, like such a beautiful and indistinct person, naturally different from ordinary people, no matter how rough his father was, the voice was not gentle at all.

While she was in a daze, a guard stopped her, Ji Shangshu scolded: "Ignorant child! How does your mother usually teach you the rules ?! Not to roll back to the house to lead the family law!"

Xiao Ji heard for the first time that Dad was so angry with himself, and he was so frightened that he was completely blank. Just as she panicked, her gaze turned to the beautiful man.

This move attracted the attention of others. Ji Shangshu was furious, but the emperor laughed and laughed: "It seems that everyone loves beauty, even the little girl is no exception!"

"The emperor is making fun of the minions. Perhaps Miss Ji has never seen a tartar, so she is curious and wants to see more." The man looked down.

His words made the emperor laugh more happily, and when Xiao Ji heard that he was profane, he felt sad for a moment and felt that the person he was looking for was him--

No, she's not looking for him.

Xiao Ji listened to his neat and expensive robes, and then looked at the pair of white and slender hands that he had to honour and give birth to, and he denied this idea in his heart. Although he felt very familiar to her, she always felt that what she was looking for was a very dismal talent pair.

"Ji Aiqing, your little girl is clever and alert, but is a bit like your wife." The emperor smiled, her eyes were pleated.

Ji Shangshu said busyly: "The girl is only ten years old, and will continue to grow in the future, maybe like a minister."

The emperor glanced at the boxy face of Ji Shangshu, and the smile on the corner of his mouth froze.

"The emperor, it's time to return," the man said.

The emperor coughed: "I see, Ji Aiqing, you have to go back to the palace with your uncle. If there is something you want to discuss, as for your girl ... let Shen Tuchuan send it back."

Xiao Ji heard the words Shen Tuchuan, and her heartbeat was strange for a moment. Ji Shangshu busyly said, "Weichen's driver should be nearby, so don't bother ..."

"Okay, that's it." After the emperor said, he went into the carriage. Ji Shangshu was helpless. He just stared at Xiao Ji and then followed the carriage.

Xiao Ji narrowed her neck and began to worry about whether she was going to be beaten back. However, this worry came out instantly, and her attention was attracted by the man: "You're called Shen Tuchuan?"


The height difference between the two people was a great deal. Shen Tuchuan looked down at the little girl who could not reach her heart. Although her eyes were cold, she was focused enough, as if he had only her in her eyes.

Xiao Ji heard that he blushed, and scratched his head to change the subject: "The emperor asked you to send me home. Do you know where my home is?"


Xiao Ji heard a strange look at him: "How do you know?"

"I went to Shang Shufu with the emperor before, but then Miss Ji went to the temple with Mrs. Ji," Shen Tuchuan replied and said a moment, "Actually, I had a relationship with Miss Ji."

"Oh?" Xiao Ji heard interest.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes are like the deep pond at midnight, so that people can't see the depth. After watching Xiaoji listening for a long time, he calmly opened his mouth: "Ji Shangshu and Mrs. Ji have a deep affection, but they have no children for many years. When they first gave birth to you, they became big. At the banquet, I followed the emperor's reward to the emperor at the time, and I saw you at the time of the full moon. "

Xiao Ji heard some regrets: "It turned out that, but I was too young to remember it," she said after a pause, smiling at Shen Tuchuan and smiling, "Can you stop giving a sip?" Miss Ji 'Yeah, my name is Ji Ting, you can call me to listen, my father and my mother call it that.'

Shen Tuchuan looked at her steadily, with a slight radian on her lips: "I am different from Miss Ji Yunni, how can I deserve the name of the lady."

"... If you don't want to, just forget it," Xiao Ji muttered quietly, and when the driver and his friend came near, he coughed loudly, "I came here alone today. Since you promised to send I'm gone, then walk back with me. "

The companion looked at her in puzzlement, and did not understand why she was lying. As soon as she stepped forward to ask, she was pulled away by the driver. Xiao Ji heard the admiration coachman come on the road, then looked at Shen Tuchuan seriously. In fact, they met for the first time today, but she didn't know why, she always felt that he was very close, as if they had known each other for a long time.

Is this the fate of the storybook? Xiao Ji listened to Shen Tuchuan's face and thought he was at least seven or eight years older than her: "How old are you this year?"


... Yes, nine years old. By the time she was seventeen, he was already twenty-six years old. Xiao Ji realized that after comparing the ages, she couldn't help it a bit, and then felt funny.

He is an eunuch, and she is a lady from the official family. Two characters who can't beat each other have any meaning in comparison with their age. Xiao Ji heard the vicissitudes of staring at the ground, feeling a little precocious.

"Miss Ji, let's go." Shen Tuchuan reminded.

When Xiao Ji heard his voice, she couldn't help but her face turned red again. After a rare and cramped response, she went with him to Shang Shufu.

On the way, she couldn't help talking to Shen Tuchuan. As a result, she said that the other party only said one sentence. People with good eyes could see perfunctory. Xiao Ji heard it early, but I don't know why, just want to talk to him, especially.

She was not tired all the way. Shen Tuchuan was always calm and not impatient. She only saw red bean cakes on the bank of the river and asked, "Do you want to eat red bean cakes?"

"How do you know that I like red bean cake?" Xiao Ji asked with surprise.

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "I just saw it and asked me whatever I wanted."

"Then you are right, I like red bean cakes best. Xiao Ji smiled happily.

Shen Tuchuan looked down: "So, let me go."

"Huh!" Xiao Ji nodded happily when he heard it.

When the two arrived at the old man who sold red bean cakes, Shen Tuchuan took a piece of broken silver from his arms, and the old man busyly said, "You can't find it, you can't find it."

"I'm rich!" Xiao Ji took out her three copper plates when she heard that, and she looked at Shen Tuchuan quite proudly. "My mother gave me money for sweets."

"Then next time, I'll give you a bunch of sugar gourds." Shen Tuchuan said and collected the broken silver back.

Xiao Ji laughed: "No, just let me have you." As a Miss Guan Jia, she is quite generous even if she only has three copper plates.

Shen Tuchuan did not agree: "Next time, I'll buy you a sweet gourd."

Xiao Ji listened for a moment, and thought this man was strange, but since he was going to buy himself a candy gourd, he didn't agree with it was a fool, so she immediately agreed.

The old man wrapped three red bean cakes, and Xiao Ji listened to the pain and gave one to Shen Tuchuan: "I eat two, you eat one."

"It's all yours," Shen Tuchuan replied.

Xiao Ji immediately wanted to retract his hand, but when he saw his slender waist clasped by his belt, he thought about it and stuffed it in his hand: "Eat, it's definitely not easy to do something for the emperor. Look at my father, since he was promoted After Shang Shu, she lost a lot. "

Shen Tuchuan remembered Ji Shangshu's tiger-backed bear waist and big square face, and after a moment of silence he took over the red bean cake.

Xiao Ji listened to her own red bean cake, took a bite and looked around, picked a pleasant river bank and ran over, sitting on the bank and continued to eat.

"Miss Ji, dangerous." Shen Tuchuan reminded her with her feet hanging above the water.

Xiao Ji heard that she was busy eating red bean cake, but she gave a perfunctory response: "I will get up after eating ... Would you like to sit down?"

"no need."

Shen Tuchuan stood behind her and looked at her back quietly. After a long time, she looked away and found that they were in a very remote location, and there was no one around.

Now there are only two of them, and there is a wide water surface in front of them. They all say that there are cannibal monsters in the winter lake. Every year, they will lead several children down, eat all the souls and souls, and throw them out of the water. .

Xiao Ji heard one red bean cake after eating, and when she was eating the second one, she noticed that the person behind was too quiet. She turned around in confusion, and wondered after seeing the intact red bean cake in his hand: "Why don't you eat it."

Shen Tuchuan looked at her young eyebrows and said for a moment: "When I first saw Miss Ji, Miss Ji had just full moon. At that time, I felt that I would have a chance to meet again in the future. Unfortunately, I struggled in the palace. , I haven't made time, I didn't expect Miss Ji to be so big in a blink of an eye. "

"... Yes, my dad and my mother both felt that way. They often said that time passed too fast, and I grew up in a blink of an eye." Xiao Ji listened to what he said, but didn't understand why it was said.

Shen Tuchuan chuckled his eyes and laughed, Xiao Ji suddenly hesitated when he heard it, and he took a long time to respond. I thought that this man must have been the fox essence changed by his mother, otherwise how could it look so good?

While she whispered in a whisper, Shen Tuchuan pulled something out of her belt and walked up to her: "Extend your hand."

Xiao Ji listened obediently and stretched out her small hand. Shen Tuchuan's right hand fisted, laid flat on her hand, and then left. Ji listened and watched the broken silver left in his palm, and looked at him even more puzzled.

"I changed my mind. I don't know when I will meet again next time, or I will pay the bill now, so I don't always have to remember to buy candy gourd for Miss Ji." Shen Tuchuan slightly hooked his lips and looked at the size of his hands silver. When he took the silver just now, he took two pieces.

Xiao Ji couldn't understand what he was saying, but she always felt a bit cold at this moment. She shook her shoulders and shook, and her appetite disappeared for a while: "It's not early, let's go back as soon as possible, and later I Mother will be worried. "

"it is good."

When Xiao Ji heard the broken silver, she had to get up, but when she stood up, suddenly her knee seemed to be hurt by the broken stones. Her body suddenly became unstable, and she screamed and fell a few times before falling In the water, the mouth, nose and ears were irrigated everywhere for a while. After taking a big sip of water, she panicked and struggled.

Unfortunately, the more she struggled, the more she drowned, and gradually she lost her strength, and the movement from the water surface became less and less. As she was dying, she reached out to Shen Tuchuan in pain, and seemed to want him to save herself.

Unfortunately, he didn't mean to save her from beginning to end.

The author has something to say: 50 50 red envelopes in this chapter! Did Da Ga find that Chuan'er's experience seems particularly different from the original, so why is this? 2k novel reading network

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