At the moment when the lips were close together, Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened, and the intention of killing swept away from the bottom of his heart. He clenched his fists and killed her in this downtown.

This killing intention only appeared for a moment, and the brain was covered by the words "soft" in the next second. The little girl who was close to her was pure and warm, and she had the vitality of a sunflower. She smelled the light fragrance on her body and applied for Chuan was attracted uncontrollably.

Regardless of whether it was killing or attracting, he was suppressed with strong willpower, and after a while his eyes became calm, as if nothing had happened.

Another firework exploded, Ji listened to the corner of his eyes, hurriedly took a step back, and apologized nervously, apologizing: "Sorry, my lord! I didn't mean it, I just ..."

"It's just an accident, so why worry." Shen Tuchuan's faint voice sounded.

She looked up nervously, trying to see something from Shen Tuchuan's eyes, but unfortunately, his eyes were like the midnight cold pool, and the bottom of her eyes was not only invisible when she looked at her, she almost lost her soul. Drowning in it. Ji listened busy, bowed her head, and did not dare to look at him again. I wonder if it was because of the fireworks. She felt her face very hot.

Shen Tuchuan stared coldly at the top of her head, and then asked in a calm voice completely inconsistent with her expression, "Do you still eat candied fruit?"

Ji heard swallowing: "No, don't eat."

"I'll send you back." After finishing Shen Tuchuan, he walked in the direction of Shang Shufu.

Ji Hesitated for a moment, followed by a small step, always behind him three steps away. The two of them went out of the city one after the other, and their ears were finally clear. Ji Hear could even hear his rapid breathing.

She carefully looked at the back of the man in front, and found that he wasn't in fact no change at all. Seven years have passed, and his shoulders seem to have widened a lot, and his waistline has become thinner ... it looks like a girl, and his face is as beautiful as a girl. If he is a woman, the title of Kyoto ’s first beauty is not Know who to fall on.

The more Ji Ji thinks, the less ridiculous he becomes, the lip angle gradually rises.

"Good mood?" Shen Tuchuan's head seemed to have eyes.

Ji Ting was startled, and he calmed down his emotions: "No." No matter how he is now the owner of the East Factory, if she dares to say that she regards him as a girl, I am afraid he will kill herself.

At the foot of Shen Tuchuan's foot, Ji walked to his side when he heard the situation and went forward with him: "I just feel that it is a great honour for the Lord Lord to send me home in person. It is so honored that I did not hold back. Laughed out. "

This is to explain her mood just now.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "The world avoids the east factory like a viper, and only if you don't know the heights and heights, you will feel honored."

Ji listened a little and didn't know what to say. She smiled awkwardly and said, "It's different. I'll take you as a friend." Although she didn't agree with the cruelty of her friend, she still couldn't help but be close to Shen Tuchuan.

"You are not afraid of death," Shen Tuchuan said without emotion.

Ji didn't know why, obviously it wasn't how cold the weather was, but he froze with this sentence. When she wanted to scrutinize Shen Tuchuan's expression just now, Shen Tuchuan had already moved on.

Ji Ting didn't speak anymore, followed him honestly, and the two soon reached the front of Shangshufu. When Ji Ting was about to knock on the door, he thought about and put his hand down again. He looked carefully at Shen Tuchuan and asked, "I will be my birthday in two days. Can you come to my house as a guest?"

Shen Tuchuan said nothing, Ji Ting's heart hung high.

"Do you know who I am?" After a long time, Shen Tuchuan asked expressionlessly.

Ji Tingxiao smiled: "Shen Tuchuan, the owner of the East Factory."

"You know that I am the owner of the East Factory, you should know that it is not a good thing for any official to walk too close to me." Shen Tuchuan looked at her.

Ji listened for a moment, then thought: "Well, that's better than you secretly? Or maybe we should make a meeting and secretly meet."

"Why do you have to see me?"

Ji Ting was asked to stop, she racked her brains and couldn't figure out why she wanted him to come so much. Shen Tuchuan always looked at her without a wave, and when she couldn't think of it, she said lightly: "If you can't think of it, then forget it ..."

"I thought of it!" Ji heard that he wasn't coming, and interrupted him, "because I like to supervise the Lord!"

The word 'like' is like a sharp sword, which stabbed Shen Tuchuan's heart for a moment, he took a while to slow down, and depressed the irony in his heart and glanced at her: "If Madam Ji is here, I hear you Such outrageous words are bound to hit you. "

"I, I, I didn't mean that," Ji Ting blushed as if she was about to get familiar. "I like you as a friend. Besides, you saved me at first, it was my life-saving benefactor, so I thought … Do you understand? ”She was so anxious that she couldn't speak any more, and could only pray that Shen Tuchuan could understand.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her face and lowered her eyes after a moment: "If there is official business on that day, I'm afraid I can't come."

"If you don't have official duties, will you come ?!" Ji Ting immediately grasped the meaning of his words, and his eyes were even brighter than the sky and the moon. "Then speaking, if you are free, you must come. ! Hook! "

She said, and put out her little finger at him. Shen Tuchuan's brow was cold in the moonlight, and it couldn't be connected with such things as hooks. But Ji Ting didn't care about those. When he saw that he didn't move, he took the initiative to hold his hand and hooked his little finger on his little finger.

Being held by her soft hands, Shen Tuchuan's first feeling was warmth. This kind of warmth had never been before since he was born, giving him a strange sense of strangeness. The hands were hooked together for a short while and the warmth disappeared, and his hands returned to loneliness again.

"Then we'll make it up!" Ji Ting smiled with eyes bent, and his face was amazingly beautiful.

Shen Tuchuan didn't go to see her: "Go back."


After Ji Ying heard the answer, he went back home three times in one step. When the door of Shang Shufu was closed between the two, Ji Ting stood in the door for a while, and then returned to his small courtyard with the good mood of his birthday However, Shen Tuchuan outside the door has always stood still and did not leave.

I don't know how long, a luxuriously decorated carriage rushed to Shen Tuchuan, and the driver was the father-in-law Li Jia who met on the steps of the Buddhist temple in the previous days.

"Master, the emperor wants to see you."

Shen Tuchuan's eyes gradually became cold, and he got into the carriage after glancing at the visitors. Li Gong squeezed the sweat, lowered the carriage curtain, and threw a whip on the horse that pulled the carriage. The steed hissed and ran hard, and it took him less than a joss stick to reach the palace. .

In the palace palace, there is a long-lasting scent of medicinal herbs. There is a decaying odor in the room for many years. The two flavors are intertwined, making people breathless. Obviously it is the early autumn season, but it is not cold outside, but the doors and windows in the hall are closed, and the gaps are covered with fine cloth, for fear that the wind from the outside will come into the house.

When Shen Tuchuan entered the door, a dirty air came from the storefront. His eyes resemble the cold winter months, bringing a touch of coldness to the sweltering house, and all the palace people serving him were stunned, bowing respectfully to him.

He walked into the room expressionlessly. When he arrived at the dragon bed, a little palace girl was holding the spittoon in front of the emperor, but the emperor deliberately spit it in her hand, and then saw the little palace girl shake, it was like something interesting. Haha laughed. After a few laughs, something stuck in his throat, his face flushed instantly.

The Physician who was on duty in the temple for a long time was busy passing by for him, Shen Tuchuan stood aside and did not leave or leave, without any slight fluctuations on his face.

The emperor eased over, her dirty eyes staring at the little maid: "Come to bed tonight."

After listening to this sentence, the little palace girl who had always been trembling had no blood on her face, but under the emperor's gaze, she nodded tremblingly.

When the little palace girl retreated, the emperor finally looked straight at Shen Tuchuan: "How did the five princes and one party catch?"

"Return to the emperor, the last two arrests will be brought to justice today, and now they have all been arrested." Shen Tuchuan looked down.

The emperor nodded: "You always rest assured that these rebels have also been handed over to the Dongchang for questioning, so you don't have to ask questions at Dali Temple."


The emperor coughed, scanned Shen Tuchuan Junxiu's face, and shook his head with a pity: "It's a pity that I don't have a male face. It's a pity that you leave this face like that." He finished his speech. He asked like a joke, "How about you give him to King Shengyuan? He is so masculine all his life. If he wins you, maybe he thinks of you well, he won't always talk to him behind his back."

"If the emperor didn't want King Sheng Yuan to talk in trivial terms, he would kill him directly." Shen Tuchuan Shuibo was not surprised.

The emperor laughed, for fear of smiling like he did just now, he was very restrained: "Shen Tu has the best heart, how can he be willing to give you to others, then leave it to you to do it. Be thorough and don't let things slip. "


After just saying this, the emperor's face was tired, and he asked slowly: "After a few days, it will be a show election, right?"


"The harem has been empty for so many years, and it's time to add some new ones," the emperor opened his muddy eyes. "The Kyoto's first beauty in Ji Aiqing's family, is there a marriage right now?"

"I don't know how to do a good job," Shen Tuchuan paused, and a bright smile appeared in his mind. He added a few moments of silence, "Xu has it."

"Aren't you sure? Then ask someone to check, if there is no match, you can just be a draft girl ..." said the emperor, his eyelids gradually getting heavy, "OK, you go out."


Shen Tuchuan turned to the outside, and Shou was there on duty. In the blink of an eye, he glanced at the hourglass placed on the table and summoned the individual: "It's time for the concubine to sleep, what about the palace lady who serves the emperor today?"

"Back, back to the governor, that palace girl, she, she committed suicide!" Gongren answered with red eyes.

Shen Tuchuan poured a cup of tea and slowly took a sip. He raised his lips and said, "The palace self-proclaimed that it was a major crime that hurt the family. Does she want the family to die together?"

The palace man seemed to have a good relationship with the self-proclaimed court maid. When he heard the words, he knelt on the ground and said, "Master, Governor, please also ask the Lord to spare her family, and slaves are willing to serve the emperor for her!"

Shen Tuchuan stared at her with a simple look: "Do you want me to bully the king with you?"

"Slaves and slaves dare not!" The palace man busy.

The corners of Shen Tuchuan's lips raised: "Stupid."

Gongren was scolded with a slap in his head for a moment, and when he came in, he saw this situation and instantly understood what was going on. Gongren kicked Gongren: "Stupid, at this time you are righteous. If the replacement is exposed, die Is your family! "

Suddenly being mentioned to his family, the palace man was sober and sober, and knelt down on the ground and kept hoeing: "It is slavery confused, slavery confused, please also ask the Lord to forgive me, please ..."

"Okay, get out!" Gong Li cursed.

The palace man rolled in a hurry, and the outside was quiet. Li Gong looked at Shen Tuchuan without saying a word, and couldn't speak for a long time.

"What do you want to say?" Shen Tuchuan looked at him.

Li Gonggong stiffly opened his mouth and said: "The Taiyi doctor just prescribed the soothing formula to the emperor. After the emperor's service, he should sleep until noon tomorrow and wake up. He doesn't need to sleep. I know the palace maid. She's in the palace, and it's only sixteen now. It's pitiful, her family ... "

"Let her go today, and someone else will learn to boast of herself tomorrow. Will the emperor serve the soothing soup many times?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes were cold. "You went to arrest her family, and executed in the palace some days, until At that time, all the people in the palace were invited to come and I would like to see. After this incident, no one would dare to commit suicide easily. "

"... Yes." Gong Li left with a complex look.

Shen Tuchuan stayed all night outside, until the next day the emperor woke up and left with permission.

The sun rose, and the sun fell on Shen Tuchuan's shoulders, but he could not expel the coldness on him. He returned to Si Lijian with no expression, and before he entered the door, a little **** ran over: "Supervisor, there are letters from outside the palace."

Shen Tuchuan went forward without squinting: "Who's."

"It was sent from Shang Shufu, but there was no private seal of Ji Jishang on it. The slave wanted to lose it, but he was afraid that something would be delayed, so ..."

Before the words were over, the letter from the **** was taken away. He froze, and when he looked up, there was no figure in front of him.

After Shen Tuchuan returned to the room, he had opened the letter. There were four or five letter papers filled with nonsense. In a summary, he wanted to remember to go to her. Shen Tuchuan calmly put the stationery on the table, he didn't even notice it himself, his eyes seemed to ease a lot.

After a short pause, he got up and took the stationery before the book case. He wrote only three words 'I will go' on it. Just after writing the third word, he paused and stared at the stationery for a long time, until The ink dripped accidentally on the paper, and then he was so annoyed that he put down the wolf, turned around, and asked someone to send hot water to the room.

Every time the governor returns from the emperor, he will change his clothes and wash them from the inside out. This has been a tradition for many years, so when he gave an order, several eunuchs immediately carried the heat. The water came in and quickly filled the barrel.

After everyone, including Shen Tuchuan, left their clothes, they dropped into the water. The hot water gradually relaxed his brain, and he finally leaked a little bit of laziness.

It wasn't until the water became cold and the body became colder that the tainted medicine smell seemed to dissipate. He slowly opened his eyes, and before he got up, he drew his shirt on and put it on. Regardless of the wetness of the shirt, he went straight out of the water.

There was a bronze mirror in the room, large enough to reflect his whole figure. He stood in front of the bronze mirror in a soaked shirt and looked at the gentle, frowning man inside, with a taunt of irony under his eyes. .

He has a secret, a secret nobody knows.

At the age of twelve, he was besieged by several eunuchs to a coma. When he woke up, he faintly had some memories that should not have existed. In these memories, he suffered extremely hard in every life, and whenever he was on the verge of collapse , There will be a woman who gives him love, warms him, brings him the only light in the dark life, and then—

Take his life with his own hands.

She was like his destined disaster star. When she met her, she couldn't help but then paid the price of her life because of her desire. It has been repeated endlessly, one after another.

In this life, he will never allow such an ending to occur. Shen Tuchuan looked at himself in the mirror with cold and firm eyes. At the age of twelve, he not only had more memories of his previous life, but also suddenly knew his own destiny in this life. When he saw that his final ending was in the hands of the toffee, he was determined to change.

For so many years, through his understanding of everything in this life, he stepped up from a little **** who brushed Christine's bucket, and stepped up to the position of governor. In order to change his destiny, the first blood stained on his hand was Tai. Concubine's old woman, then those who have insulted him, one by one, no one wants to escape.

He put his hand on the cheekbones, and he did the same thing in the mirror. Shen Tuchuan looked at himself in the mirror, and his lips were slightly curved. He has a mark here that he could not see before he was twelve years old. From the memories of his previous life, he vaguely knew that the mark was the gathering of the hatred in his heart. As long as the hatred was always there, he could live on.

Living is the biggest obsession in his life, and living incompleteness is the biggest source of hatred in his heart.

As long as he can live, what is infamous, and how can blood flow into the river, so long as he can live, what about the people in the world?

It was because of the obsession in his heart that after seeing Ji Zhong for the first time, he was determined to kill her, but unfortunately he was not strong enough at that time, and he could only collect her news as much as possible until he had When the chance is killed, he always refuses to do so for various reasons. In a blink of an eye, it is so many years. He knows Ji Ting better than anyone, but he has never succeeded.

Thinking of Ji Hean, Shen Tuchuan's bright face reappeared in his mind. He turned his sleeves to get the dry clothes. When he was about to change clothes, his slightly cold fingertips held up his red lips, as if there were fireworks in his eyes. Bloom.

After all, in this life, he is already incomplete, destined to extinction, and Ji Ting is looking for his husband's family. After some time, they will part ways completely. If she wouldn't be together as in previous generations, she might not threaten him, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with keeping her life.

Shen Tuchuan's eyebrows gradually eased, he shook his dry clothes, and he had to change clothes. He planned to send the letter to Ji Ting in person. When changing the obscenity pants, he subconsciously looked at the mark on the puppet, and froze after seeing the mark that was a little lighter—

how is this possible! How can a mark that has not changed color in so many years suddenly become lighter? !!

Shen Tuchuan's brows frowned. After a long time, her eyes gradually became cold, and the kind of compassion originally born of the thought of Ji Ting disappeared completely. He changed his clothes expressionlessly and called in his own dead man.

"Within today, take Ji's life."


The dead man didn't ask much for a word, and when he got the order, he turned and left.

After the deceased had left, Shen Tuchuan had been sitting alone, and Ji Ting's face repeated in his mind. But he had no intention of recalling the dead, without any hesitation.

He didn't give Ji a chance, but it didn't work, they were destined to live only one. And he must be the one who will live.

As night fell, there was no light in the room, and it was completely dark. Shen Tuchuan remained in a sitting position until the dead man returned, and he slightly moved.

"The slave is deserved of death, please be punished by the governor." The deceased rushed to his knees. In the weak moonlight, he could see that the wound on his body was still bleeding.

There was no emotion in Shen Tuchuan's tone: "Failed."

"Slave **** it!" The dead man leaned over.

Shen Tuchuan closed his eyes and snorted, and then spoke after a long time: "Get out."

"... Yes!" The deceased was surprised that he could still survive, and turned and went out.

Shen Tuchuan sat alone for a long time before lighting the lamp, tearing off his belt and looking at his mark. Sure enough, after hearing the news that Ji Ting was still alive, the mark was lighter.

His eyes were cold and he finally decided to start in person.


A blink of an eye, three or two days passed, and finally came the day of Ji Ting's birthday. The seventeenth birthday was very deserted, but Ji Ting didn't pay much attention, because after the last assassin incident, she really felt that it would be good to be alive.

It was late at night, she was lying in bed desperately looking out the window, waiting for Shen Tuchuan to come over, but unfortunately she had not seen anyone for a long time, and she gradually began to be disappointed. Also, people are very busy, and there is no way to get over. Ji Ting comforts himself in his heart, but he is always unhappy.

As she mournfully got up and closed the window, a long hand pressed against the window: "Await me?"

Ji listened for a moment, and looked at him with surprise: "Are you here ?!"

Shen Tuchuan turned over into the room and closed the window. "Jifu is heavily guarded, and it took me a while to get in."

"That was because an assassin came in a few days ago, and my father was afraid of another accident, so I added more guards." Ji heard that he was busy pouring water on Shen Tuchuan.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her and sat down at the table: "Assassin?"

"Yeah, assassin," Ji Ting rolled up his sleeves and showed him the injury on his arm. "You see, it hurts. Fortunately, I slipped and the sword stabbed on my arm, otherwise it was the stomach. "

On the white arm, a crippled wound meandered. Perhaps because the wound was not covered well, he only applied a thick layer of medicinal powder and did not bandage the gauze. The effect of the yellow medicine powder, the red flesh, and the fair complexion is unforgettable.

Shen Tuchuan looked at him, feeling irritable for no reason, and stretched out her long fingers to pinch her woundless wrist: "This will leave scars, don't you care?"

"Dad said this medicine powder is getting better fast, as for the scar ... shouldn't matter, right?" Ji heard a little voice.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her coldly and took out a small bottle from her arms: "Let someone make hot water."

"... No, I just took this medicine. It doesn't need to be wiped off. It hurts a lot." Ji listened busyly, but he looked at the other side's eyes that couldn't tolerate his beak. After a pause, he stunned out.

Because she was afraid of being seen by Shen Tuchuan, she went to the door to pick it up after the water was delivered. The injured arm hurt a little when she tried hard, but she nearly fell off the water as soon as the door was closed. He took the water away.

Jin Pa twisted it with hot water, and Shen Tuchuan held her soft palm in one hand and Jin Pa in one hand to help her clean the wound.

It was just that Jinpa hadn't touched her arm yet, Ji heard a hiss.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her expressionlessly, Ji Tingyun: "I can hold back, you continue ..."

As soon as the voice fell, Jinpa landed on the wound. Ji Ting didn't hold back a 嘤 嘤, and tears appeared in the corner of his eyes. Her voice made Shen Tuchuan even more upset. Thinking that the wound was caused by himself, he developed a strange abomination. Who was the object of abomination, but he couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Shen Tuchuan is the master who treats others harder and harder. Although he has tried his best to lighten up, after he has cleared away the medicine powder from above, there are still some coagulated mouths that bleed. Ji Tingsheng was suffering from a cold sweat and looked at Shen Tuchuan with tears in his eyes. He didn't understand what was wrong with him, so he had to call him to celebrate his birthday.

Facing her grievances, Shen Tuchuan calmly fell down after opening the powder. Ji Ting was surprised: "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Ji Ting was relieved and relaxed her arm again, but the pain from the arm made her almost ascend to heaven the next second. At the moment when the screams were about to overflow, she snorted and bitten Shen Tuchuan's arm, and the whole face was buried in his sleeve, and it only slowly eased after a long time.

At this moment Khan had soaked his shirt, and Ji Ting looked at him weakly: "... doesn't it hurt?"

"What does it hurt?" Shen Tuchuan asked coldly.

Ji listened dumb, and then whispered, "How can you bring gold sore medicine with you?"

"The world is dangerous and you have to be prepared." Shen Tuchuan took a look at her and stood up to the window.

Ji Ting followed in a hurry: "You go back now?"

"You need more rest," Shen Tuchuan said, and glanced at her wrist. "This medicine needs to be changed every three days. I left the medicine, you remember to apply."

Ji listened to want to say that you don't want this kind of painful thing, but before she said it, she realized that the wound didn't seem to hurt anymore. Not only did the pain from the medicine disappear, but even the pain in the wound itself was reduced, she looked at him magically: "This medicine ... is it expensive?"

"Not worth it." Shen Tuchuan glanced at the silver around her neck.

Ji Ting felt magical: "Really? The price is cheap but the effect is so good. Where did you buy it? I will let my dad buy more."

This medicine is made from more than 100 kinds of centuries-old herbs and was given to him by Yiyun Youyi. There is no second bottle in the world. Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened for a moment: "Want to be hurt again?"

"... No way." Ji Ting immediately persuaded.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her and opened the window and left. Ji listened and said, "You haven't wished me a happy birthday."

Shen Tuchuanton took a moment, then took another thing out of her arms and threw it to her: "Congratulations."

Ji Ting grabbed the box he threw up, and was slightly dissatisfied: "Is it so small?"

"If you don't like it, I'll give you another one someday. What do you need most now?"

Ji Ting pouted his lips: "I need a husband the most to end the pain of my daily meeting with men. Can you give it to me?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent.

Ji heard a sigh and lowered his head to open the box. After seeing that there was an egg-sized night pearl, there was no response for a long time. He even lost such a valuable thing. If it was broken ... no, why would he give him such an expensive thing? !!

Ji Ting realized that this thing was so valuable that she could change a city. She suddenly felt weak in her hands and feet. She looked out the window. The man had disappeared. If he wanted to return it, he would have to wait for the next meeting. She was so dizzy that she took the night pearl and went to sleep.

Here Shen Tuchuan returned to Secretary Li Jian overnight, and the dagger dropped when he changed his clothes. He remembered that he was assassinated today. The depression in my heart was even more serious, and the thought of this incident, Ji Ting's injured arm appeared in his mind, repeatedly appeared again and again, making people restless.

When he was thinking about whether to go back to assassinate, his eyes fell on the accidentally exposed mark. He paused and pulled down his clothes to reveal the complete mark—

A little heavier than before the palace.

Shen Tuchuan was slightly stunned, and then realized instantly that it was because Ji was injured that the mark was a little heavier. Thinking about it this way, he thought of something else again, the time when Ji Ting fell into the water, the time when Ji Ting went to the Buddhist temple, it seemed that every time he felt uncomfortable, his mark would go deeper, and if Ji Ting was not Carefree, his mark will become shallower.

Shen Tuchuan looked at himself in the mirror, and lowered his eyes after a long silence.

The next day, the emperor leaned on the dragon couch and asked weakly, "Is Ji's daughter married?"

"Return to the emperor," Shen Tuchuan's eyes were hidden for thousands of years of ice, and the more he looked at it, the more cold he became. "No."

The emperor smiled with a drink, and there seemed to be a broken bellows in his throat: "So, today you go to the next will, with Ji Jianu selected into the show."

"Yes." Shen Tuchuan was finished and turned around.

That afternoon, the decree arrived at Ji's house.

Ji Ting kneeled in front of the hall, listening to the words of Shen Tuchuan's decree, the whole person seemed to float on the cloud, and it didn't fall into a bit. Shen Tuchuan's lip shape is perfect and the color is moderate. The words spoken from his mouth also reveal a taste of insolent fireworks, which can fall into Ji's ear, but it is like a magic sound from hell.

"Ji Shangshu, pick up the decree." Shen Tuchuan held the decree and handed it over, his knuckled hands were astonishingly white in the sun.

Ji Shangshu blushed: "... The governor is mistaken. The little girl has already booked a relationship with the housekeeper two days ago, I am afraid that she cannot participate in the show election."

"Really?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes fell on Ji Ting for the first time, and he stared at her darkly. "Ji Shangshu knows that bullying is a major crime of the Jiu Nine?"

"Xiaguan has indeed made a marriage for the little girl, that is, with the doormen ..."

"Daddy," Ji listened to interrupt him, and she was so bright today that she was so cold that her bones were hurt. At this moment, she knelt straight on the ground, staring at Shen Tuchuan without unavoidance, "Let's go."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ji Shangshu rebuked.

Ji Ting's hand froze, but his voice was surprisingly calm: "Master Lord knows that I haven't made a marriage, you can take it."

Ji Shangshu's eyes were flushed, and half a tremble trembled to take over the imperial edict. The moment he held the imperial edict in his hand, Mrs. Ji fainted, and the people in the courtyard began to scramble.

After Ji Shangshu took the person away, Ji Ting stood up and calmly walked in front of Shen Tuchuan and asked, "Is this your birthday gift for me?"

Shen Tuchuan held his palms with his fingertips, and his palms immediately became warm: "Isn't it the most honorable man in the world to be a husband?"

As soon as his words fell, Ji Ting slaps him in the direction and throws his face away. The smell of rust permeated the mouth, and Shen Tuchuan touched the corners of his lips with his fingertips and saw red blood.

The slaves around were so scared that the atmosphere did not dare to show up. The people brought by Shen Tuchuan had to catch Ji and listen, but they heard Shen Tuchuan said: "Even if you become a concubine in the future, you must not disrespect me. Such a thing, do n’t do it Done."

The voice can't distinguish between mood and anger, and what he says is like pointing at the juniors at home. Those who want to catch Ji listen to each other face to face. In the end, no one dares to step forward.

"Thank you Lord for your mention." There were tears in Ji Ting's eyes, but her voice was extremely calm, as if it wasn't her who hit him just now.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a moment, then suddenly turned away.

That night, he looked at the mark that had begun to turn black, and did not move for a long time. As he thinks, as long as Ji hasn't heard well, the color of the mark will be aggravated, and as long as the mark is aggravated, he can always live.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes were gloomy, but he couldn't see the slightest joy. He was sitting alone in the room, almost to be integrated with the darkness, and the idea of ​​living was as strong as ever. Fate wants him to die early, he wants to live a hundred years, fate wants him to live a miserable life, he wants to live more honorably than anyone else, and fate is not good for him, he will not believe his life, even if he exhausts everything, he must also Life fight to the end.

Half a month later, light rain fell, and the showwoman entered the palace.

Ji Ting followed the girls walking in the imperial city, all of them were frowning, and the acquaintances walked together and supported each other. Because the rain suddenly fell, the group did not cover with umbrellas, drizzle fell on the body, and quickly wet their clothes. Ji Ting's hair was full of small drops of water, but she was too busy to listen to the girls behind her, so she didn't care.

"I heard that the emperor is now bedridden, and most like to torture her concubine by means of a table. There are seventeen concubines who entered the palace three years ago, and now only less than half are left."

"I also heard, and ah, the emperor mentioned the funeral of her concubine a few days ago, and I don't know what it means. I'm afraid I have little chance to serve my father and mother in the future."

These little girls are the daughters of government officials. The general news is not completely true, but it is almost the same. Ji Ting looked down and walked to the far side, and then clenched his palms after hearing the last sentence.

Some women couldn't bear it anymore, sobbed and sobbed and ran away, scaring the other women. The teacher drew a reprimand, immediately there was a guard with a knife to catch, and the woman was held without effort, just as the woman was struggling, a horseshoe sound suddenly came from the distance. Ji Ting looked up and looked at the end of the narrow palace road. In the next second a pair of horseshoes appeared, followed by a steed, and a man who was not as mortal as immediately.

When Shen Tuchuan appeared from the corner with a crowd of horses, her heart was aching, and she fisted her hands in her palms.

"What happened?" Shen Tuchuan held the rope while walking to Ji Hen.

Teach him to salute: "Master, Lord Lord, is a show girl who is not sensible and disturbs adults."

Shen Tuchuan looked at the show girl, who was still struggling, and murmured ‘I want to go home’.

"Into the palace gate, you are the emperor's woman, and the palace is your home." Shen Tuchuan looked faint.

Xiu Nu's tears fell down: "This is not my home, I will not stay here even if I die ..."

"You can die, if you die, I will send you home," Shen Tuchuan said, and the show girl's eyes brightened, but unfortunately she did not wait for her to start, and Shen Tuchuan's cold voice came out again, "嫔The princess confessed that the mother family would be punished, maybe the emperor was kind and gave your parents capital punishment, and your family of three would be reunited underground. "

Xiu Nu stunned for a moment, then seemed as if the soul had been taken away, and fell to the ground weakly. Ji Tingyun's nails on the palms of his hands were even harder, because she knew that what he said was not meant to be heard by others.

When the show girl is not upset, Shen Tuchuan's cold eyes glanced over these people. The little girls obviously heard of his name, and they were so scared that they did not dare to move their heads, and some even shivered.

Among these people, only Ji Ting had his eyes down, his back standing upright, without fear, curiosity, or looking at him. It was raining a lot, and Ji Ting's dress was splattered by rain with a large dark color.

Shen Tuchuan clenched his whip tightly, if his voice was mixed with frost: "Why not have an umbrella?"

The author has something to say: His Majesty Chapter really wants to officially launch the chase wife crematorium mode. Everyone can rest assured that listening will not suffer because Chuaner ... can't bear it. The string of this world is difficult to define as a good person or a bad person. It can only be said to be a person who only wants to live. He values ​​living the most, so sometimes things are special ... nothing, listen to him and train him!

Tweet Da Ga, and like to collect it ~

"A Rebellious Husband Is Born Again" by Wood Fairy

Copywriting: In his last life, Wen Ruo was married to Xiao Wang, who thought he could be Rong An I, but he did not expect that Xiao Wang would rebel.

The results also failed rebellion!

Involved in beheading, on the guillotine, Gentle softly cursed Xiao Xiao again, saying that if he was to be remarried in the next life.

At that time, Xiao Wang heard the words and glanced at her coldly.

At that glance, Wen Ruan immediately felt that if there was a real life, Xiao Wang must kill her first.

After rebirth, in order to keep his own life, Wen Ruo began to be gentle with Xiao Xiao Wang, booing every day. Hope that Xiao Wang can be devoted.

Just every time she shouted "His Royal Highness" tenderly and softly, Wen Ruo found that the eyes cast by Xiao Wang always meant something ...


After both vests were dropped.

King Xiao said: "When I was in the guillotine in my last life, I felt that it would hurt you. I thought that if I had a next life, I would definitely not treat you badly. Bury my king. "

Gentle: ...

"But Wang now feels that it is also good to keep you and watch your imaginary acts every day."

"..." I can't live this day! 2k novel reading network

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