After Shen Tuchuan finished speaking, he went straight off the horse, stretched his face to release the cloak, and put it on Ji Ting in front of everyone. When covering his body with a cloak with body temperature, Ji Ting instantly smelled the above taste. It was a kind of light sandalwood, mixed with a scent of smell, obviously smelling good, but Ji Ting was disgusting and vomiting.

Everyone's eyes were more or less surprised, and it seemed that the Lord Lord, who had always been cold and ruthless, would one day put on clothes for a woman, and people's hearts were different for a time.

Ji Ting was too lazy to care about what others thought. She only knew that because of this cloak, she was disgusting at the moment, so he grasped the knot on the cloak without hesitation.

"If you dare to take it down, I will ask you Shangshufu." Shen Tuchuan's voice was cold.

Ji Ting didn't expect that he would threaten her with his parents and suddenly looked at him in disbelief. After a long time, his fingers trembled and his eyes were filled with tears of humiliation. Shen Tuchuan stared at her eyes, very clear that his mark had deepened again, which was what he wanted, but unfortunately he couldn't be happy.

He glanced at Ji again with a gloomy look, turned around, and got on the horse. He crossed over and took a group of people towards the inner court of the palace. As soon as he walked away, whether it was a show girl or a palace man, they were relaxed a lot, and a show girl whispered: "A hundred feet of horses and horses are not allowed to pass near the imperial city. Horses gallop inside the palace walls. "

"Shh! Don't kill you, dare to talk about him."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't he gone."

"He's gone, and there's no one left."

It seemed to come to my mind that everyone's voice was much quieter at the same time, and at the same time, there was a distance from Ji Ting. Ji Ting didn't care, he went forward quietly, just wanted to go to the place as soon as possible, and throw off his cloak.

"Little lord, if you are tired, you will tell your slave-in-law that you will be carried by you."

Ji Ting reluctantly raised his lips, "Thank you so much, no need."

"The young master was born into a nation, and the emperor has been thinking about it for many years. You must have great fortunes in the future. The slave first congratulates the young master in advance." The teaching leader continued.

As soon as her voice fell, a son-in-law laughed out loud. The emperor has a hobby that can't be on the stage. If it is to be favored, it is a matter of nine deaths, which is not a good thing. Ji Ting knew this too, so she couldn't even look happy.

Jiao Yinzhen also said a few words of self-righteousness, seeing Ji's poor face, he did not dare to continue, but just stood beside her and went to the palace together.

Because the emperor is too poor to leave the dorm, the draft can only be carried out in the dorm. The show girls went there to prepare. Ji Ting remembered that the old emperor, who had been gray-haired seven years ago, had more nausea in his heart, and could only feel uncomfortable under pressure, and prayed that nothing would be wrong.

When she was worried, the group finally arrived. As soon as she arrived in the garden, she saw Shen Tuchuan standing there.

Ji Ting only looked at him before turning his face away, and walked quietly to a place three meters away from the entrance of the hall to stop. After everyone stood still, Shen Tuchuan slowly said: "The emperor's dragon is uncomfortable today, and I can't meet the young masters, but I have already prepared a place and a palace for you. The young masters only follow the palace. Just go back and rest. "

"Thank you Lord Lord." The group thanked them, and they couldn't wait to leave with them.

Ji Ting searched in situ for a long time, but did not find her uncle, just as she looked around, Shen Tuchuan came to her: "Miss Ji, follow me."

Ji listened for a moment, and didn't want to move: "You take me?"


Ji Ting pursed his lips, and half a while still reluctantly followed him out. Neither of them spoke, and they were very silent along the way. When they arrived at the entrance of the dormitory where they were staying, Ji heard the words "Feng Qi Gong" on the gate plaque, and tears suddenly fell down.

"Miss Ji?"

"I always feel like I've lived in a palace called this name." Ji heard murmured.

The faint memories of previous lives in Shen Tuchuan's mind appeared, and his heart seemed to be hurt by Ling Chi. He slowly eased and said, "Miss Ji joked, the palace is heavy, how did Miss Ji live?"

"Also," Ji heard tears, and felt very ridiculous, "I think too much."

There is nothing familiar with this place except the name. It is estimated that I accidentally saw it when I entered the palace with my mother when I was young, and I remembered this place in my heart, just like when I felt like I had to go to the palace to find someone when I was young. It's all their own cranky thoughts.

Shen Tuchuan didn't look into her eyes: "Miss Ji go in."

"What place does the emperor give me?" Ji Ting asked suddenly.

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "Niche."

Ji listened and nodded: "Then you should call me Ji Ji's mother, don't call me Miss Ji in the future."

Shen Tuchuan looked at her and didn't speak for a while.

Ji Ting stared at him for a long time, then lowered his eyes and turned to leave. Just after a few steps, a dog came out of the corner and barked towards her. Ji heard an exclamation, and moved back subconsciously. When he nearly fell, he was grabbed by his arm and pulled, and was directly protected in his arms.

The dog rushed over, and Shen Tuchuan stomped his face coldly, but because his attention was all on Ji Ting, his foot was straight, and by the time he threw it out, he had been bitten **** his calf. .

The eunuchs who grabbed the dog rushed over. After restraining the dog, he saw the blood on Shen Tuchuan's leg. He threw himself on his knees and shouted, ‘Lord of the Lord ’s life’. Shen Tuchuan looked at them indifferently, and subconsciously held the person in his arms tighter: "Take the dog down and go back to you to settle the bill."

"Yes ... yes!" The eunuchs hurriedly took the dog away.

Ji Tingwo was in his arms, his breathing was still not smooth, and a heart beating fiercely, the whole person seemed to have run a long way.

"never mind."

A cold but steady voice came from above his head, and Ji listened slowly, realizing that the actions of the two were really indecent, and hurriedly retreated from his arms, and then looked at his calf, although covered by clothes, it was still possible See blood flowing out.

She swallowed and looked very nervous: "The dog doesn't know if he is ill, you need to take medicine as soon as possible."

"It doesn't matter." Seeing her being so worried, Shen Tuchuan's expression slowly eased.

Ji looked at him unpleasantly: "Why didn't you get in the way? Lord, if you were a superintendent and died of mad dog disease, wouldn't it be a joke to the world?"

"It can make you breathless, and the joke will be a joke." Shen Tuchuan blurted out, and he stunned after speaking.

Ji listened suddenly, and after a long silence, he suddenly asked, "Is the emperor asking for it, or is it the Lord Lord's request?"

Facing her serious eyes, Shen Tuchuan had a rare speechlessness, and then spoke after a long time: "The emperor." After speaking, he saw the tears in Ji Ting's eyes, and somehow suddenly added, "But the emperor When I asked if you were a match, I answered 'No'. "

"You obviously ... can't say that." Ji listened to his voice trembling.

"That is the sin of bullying the monarch."

"Come to me after you deny it, even if I am accompanied by a trafficker, I won't tell you to bully you!" Ji Ting stepped forward suddenly, and he stunned after seeing his calm expression, "I don't deserve a casual comment. is it?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent.

Ji understood and smiled bitterly: "I thought we were friends."

"Ji's mother thinks so much, how can you be friends when you and I are different?" Shen Tuchuan turned away.

This sentence is too familiar, as if I had heard it when I was young, but unfortunately, the state of mind at that time and now is very different.

The two stood in front of the palace door for a long time, until Ji Ting's legs started to be sour, and he asked softly, "Did I celebrate the night of my birthday, or did you just want to know if I was a match?"

"None." He went to kill her.

It ’s not just to spy on her matchmaking ... Ji Ting's shoulders are slightly relaxed, realizing that his requirements for him have been lowered to this point, and she smiled a bit, and she calmed down and gave generously to Shen Tuchuan. One gift: "I was ignorant before, I wanted to be friends with Lord Lord, and asked Lord Lord to forgive me."

Shen Tuchuan's hands gradually clenched into fists, but she did not answer her words.

"In the future, I will do my part with due diligence, and do not bother the Lord Lord," Ji heard, and released his cloak to him, and at the same time took out a bottle from his arms. The golden sore medicine came, "This medicine is a gift from an adult. I asked the doctor before. It is a good elixir. It is really not me. It is now also returned to the adult."

Shen Tuchuan took it over expressionlessly: "Are you trying to get rid of the relationship with me?"

"Adult laughed, you and I are different from Yunni, how do I listen to Ji listen to the adult?" Ji Ting raised his lips, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Shen Tuchuan was cold-hearted and cold-hearted, and he had never tasted the pain of liver and bowels, so the pain of the heart twisting at this moment did not attract his attention: "Since this, Miss Ji will take care of herself in the future." He turned and walked away. Now, only the shallow blood remains in place.

If it is just an ordinary bite, it is reasonable to say that you can't produce so much blood. Ji heard his heart tremble, but realized that they had nothing to do with it, and turned coldly into the palace.

As Shen Tuchuan personally clothed her, it has spread throughout the harem. Even if Ji Ting tried to clarify the relationship with Shen Tuchuan, everyone in the harem agreed that she has a close relationship with Shen Tuchuan, so she has a lot of food and clothing. Refined, even the waiter-in-law caught up with the concubine's ritual.

Ji Ting always felt that such publicity was not good, but no matter what she said, these people have been carefully waiting, plus no one in the harem came to find fault in her palace, and she was too lazy to talk about it after a long time.

After hitting the palace, the emperor's body has been inconsistent, and she fainted at every turn. Not to mention finding someone to sleep on, it is very difficult to deal with some government affairs occasionally, and she finally gave it to Shen Tuchuan completely. During this time, Shen Tuchuan renovated several courtiers, and his influence in the former dynasty became even greater.

Ji Tingben didn't want to know about this, but the people in the helpless palace determined that she had a good relationship with Shen Tuchuan, so she told her everything she knew.

Listening to Shen Tuchuan's call to the wind and the rain, Ji Ting only felt that it had nothing to do with her, so she didn't go to her heart every time she heard it, but every time she heard someone talking about the emperor's illness, her ears were winged.

After entering the palace for so long, she has not seen the emperor. Of course, she does not want to see it, and even secretly prays that the emperor will always be sick. Yes, she has been ill, not died, because she already knows that if the emperor is concubine, all unborn concubines in the harem will be buried, but she does not want to give birth to the emperor, nor does she want to die.

Unfortunately, her prayers didn't help much. The emperor suddenly became better after being ill for a while.

"This is really a great thing. Once the emperor gets better, the maiden will be able to sleep. If the baby is pregnant, then there will be great blessings!" Wu Xinxi said.

Ji listened reluctantly and smiled. After a few words had passed away, he began to move around the room. The emperor has already wanted her twice in the election for the female show. If he is awake, he must be looking for her to sleep. What can I do? She was so anxious to die that if her parents weren't still out of the house, she would have expected to hit her a hundred times.

As she struggled, her eyes suddenly fell on the basin.

That night, she called for hot water to bathe. After entering the water, everyone retreated: "Today, the palace is exhausted. After bathing, you will rest. You will come in tomorrow to carry water."


As soon as she left, she went to the door and gave the door to the bar. She turned back to the water and started to soak. The water was hot at first, and gradually cooled down, but she didn't feel enough, so she secretly opened a small window, soaking in the cold water, and blowing cold wind against the small window, and it was a night.

Early the next morning, she had a fever as she wished.

"Mother-in-law, the doctor has given you some medicine, you can drink it." Wu advised.

Ji Ting had a splitting headache, and nodded weakly in bed: "Put down the medicine, you go out first, I'll drink it later."

"Daughter still drink it while it is hot. If the medicine is cold, it will only be bitter." Wu looked at her anxiously.

Ji listened impatiently pursed his lips: "I see, you go down."


With a sigh, he turned around and went out. After a few people walked outside, the maiden who was close to her said: "It's not too late for the mother-in-law to be sick. I heard that the emperor's spirit is very good today. The concubine is sleeping, and the mother is now sick, and the emperor must avoid it. "

"Listening to the father-in-law who was waiting beside the emperor, the emperor had been thinking about her maiden. As long as the maiden was in good shape, she would certainly be able to sleep, and no hurry." He said, and took everyone away.

Ji heard their conversation, and his heart was full of bitterness. He glanced at the medicine on the table, got up and poured the medicine with disgust on his face. On the same night, he did not listen to the dissuasion and called water to bathe.

For five or six days, her body was getting worse and worse. After the emperor was unable to turn over the brand again, her heart was irritable: "When she was a girl at home, she was so bad?"

The appearance of Shen Tuchuan next to him did not fluctuate: "Maybe it was a bit uncomfortable to enter the palace for the first time."

"If it wasn't for the sickness, she would have to come to sleep even if she was going to die." The emperor threw the tea cup in his hands to the ground in annoyance, and the tea cup rolled well on the ground, but it was fine.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at the teacup on the ground: "The emperor is right."

Fengqi Palace, Ji Ting came to the night and asked people to boil water to prepare for bathing.

Anxious: "Madam, you have been bad. It must have been caused by bathing at night. How about taking a day off now?"

"You haven't heard the medical doctor? Hot water bath has no effect on the body, but also can pass through the vitality, this palace is now in need, go to get water." Ji Ting is already a little confused.

I persuaded a few more words and saw that she was so insistent that she had to grit her teeth and go out.

After calling the water, I felt that I couldn't go on like this. After thinking about it, I headed for Si Lijian.

Ji Ting couldn't get up here anymore, but still gritted his teeth and sat up: "You all go down, I can do it alone."

"Mother-in-law, let the slaves wait for you." The palace lady worried.

Ji Ting's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier: "The most annoying side of the palace is staring at the side, and all go out to the palace."

The maids looked at each other, but in the end they did not have the courage to persuade them, and the whole group came out. When they were all gone, Ji Ting gritted his teeth and propped himself up, moving hard step by step towards the doorway, reaching the doorway, turning on the bar and turning to the bath tub.

Now she is only in a bath barrel, and it has cost her a lot of energy. When she sat in, she was already sweaty. She closed her eyes and rested near the tub, and gradually fell asleep.

The water was getting colder and her body was uncomfortable. She didn't sleep well. She even had a closed body, but she was awake. Her body was getting weaker and weaker, and she slipped into the water until she was filled with water in her nose and nose, and then she woke up in panic.

It was a pity that she was already exhausted. After falling into the water, she didn't even have the strength to struggle. She could only beckon desperately and drank a lot of water for a while. Just when she thought she was going to die, a pair of big hands suddenly held her arms and fished her out.

Ji Ting's cough was so shocking that he could not lie in the other's arms and looked up. He could only hold the buttons on his shirt tightly.

"That's how you bathe?"

The cold voice sounded, Ji's fingertips moved, but he didn't have the strength to push him away. She closed her eyes in embarrassment, pretending that she had not been seen by him.

"I'm asking you something." Shen Tuchuan pinched her jaw, forcing her to look at herself. She had lost a lot of weight, a pair of eyes that should have been bright, but at this moment she had no energy at all, and there was no meat on her cheeks. After only a few days in the palace, she put her own

Ji listened and looked at his dark pupils, as if there was boundless anger tumbling. After slowing down, he said with a slightly hoarse voice: "How did the Lord Lord come in?"

"You closed the door, but left a window. Didn't you let me come in?" Shen Tuchuan asked.

Ji Ting reluctantly smiled: "Adult thinks more ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was hugged by Shen Tuchuan, and a large block of Bai Ying came into his eyes. He paused, his throat was uncontrolled, and his face became gloomy after realizing his reaction.

He pulled a soft cloth while holding someone out of the screen, wrapping her around. Ji Ting was embarrassed and he was holding him. He was so nervous that his toes were very tight. If he hadn't exhausted her spirits due to illness, she might have to grab the ground with her head.

After Shen Tuchuan put her on the bed, she covered the quilt as fast as possible and covered herself tightly.

"Is it shameful at this time?" Shen Tuchuan glanced at her gloomily, and then looked at the furnishings in the house, and he was still attentive to see the slaves, so he continued to ask, "Where have you poured the medicine these days?"

"... I drank on time." Ji listened dullly.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her lightly, and finally fell on the fortune tree in the corner, with a little irony in his eyes: "The best thing to feed is half dead in you."

Ji shuddered and didn't dare answer.

Shen Tuchuan opened the door with a cold face, and instructed people to close the door after boiling the medicine, then turned back to the bed and sat down: "You have the courage to dare to learn from others."

"I didn't confess ..." Ji listened to a sore throat, and all she said was torture her. If Shen Tuchuan had not attributed the accident to self-confidence, she would not have spoken.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her, "It wasn't you who just drowned himself?"

"I didn't mean it, I just ..." Ji listened and muttered softly, and the quilt fell underneath her struggle, exposing her round shoulders.

This white sting hurt Shen Tuchuan's eyes. He reached out to help her cover it, but Ji Ting took a step ahead, and stretched out two white arms to hug the quilt in front of her heart, so as not to slip it again. Seeing Shen Tuchuan's outstretched hand, Ji listened vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

Shen Tuchuan's eyes fell on her injured arm. She had a white complexion and had been nourished for a while with good medicine. Now that she's more than half recovered, she still looks scarred.

His brows frowned, and the suffocation in his heart grew even more. She was supposed to be the most flawless Saitama in the world, but because she left a trail, as soon as she thought of it, he could hardly control herself.

Ji heard shrinking into the quilt: "What are you looking at?" He asked, his voice was a little lower, and his face was flushed with red.

She didn't want to be so unpromising, but Shen Tuchuan's face was really foul. Since she first saw him when she was a young girl, she was disoriented because of his face. Now he looks at it like this without covering her face. She's been restrained.

She was suddenly shy, Shen Tuchuan wasn't feeling it, maybe she didn't understand what it was, but he knew it. The feeling of dryness in the tongue reappeared. He put up with his eyes, and held her hand like a tofu into the quilt.

He just wanted to cover her tightly, but he forgot that there was nothing on her under the quilt, so when he touched his fingertips, he and Ji Ting were stunned.

"You!" Ji Ting slammed into the quilt, blocking the blushing face firmly, showing only a pair of eyes with annoyance, "Shen Tuchuan! How brave you are!"

She was so angry that Shen Tuchuan's eyes flashed a smile: "Mother-in-law doesn't have to be shy. It is normal for the concubine's bath to be bathed by eunuchs."

"Who has you bathed in?" Ji didn't know why, a sudden burst of anger rose in her heart.

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "I'm not serving in the harem." The implication is not.

Ji Ting's heart calmed down, but looking at his face, he couldn't help but ridicule: "Master Du seems to be very sorry?"

"It's a pity, so if my mother-in-law needs it, I would be willing to help." Shen Tuchuan looked at her calmly.

Obviously there was nothing in his eyes, but Ji listened and was still blushed by him. She coughed and continued the topic just now: "In short, I didn't want to drown myself, just ..."

"Just don't want to sleep, so the stupid idea came up?" Shen Tuchuan continued her words.

Ji listened for a moment, and his eyes became dodging: "Master, Lord, I dare not say such things, and I also want to sleep for the emperor, but unfortunately I can't help it."

"Really," Shen Tuchuan's eyes could not see the emotion, "I will take care of the mother-in-law's body in the future. I'd like to see, you can't fight for it."

"Master Duzhu," Ji Tingning eyebrows looked at him, "I have nothing to do with Master Duzhu, Master Duzhu controls so much of what I do?"

"The Emperor is looking forward to her mother every day. I have come to take care of the mother for the Emperor." Shen Tuchuan said, and the anger in his eyes could hardly restrain him. If he had only come one step late, the woman would have drowned in a barrel. If he didn't care about her anymore, he didn't know what she would do.

'Living' is the most important thing in the world. He took the risk that the mark would become shallower and let her enter the palace, just to keep her alive, but she's better, and doing anything can hurt her life It really makes people angry.

Ji He felt the danger and did not dare to speak anymore. After all, the matter in the water just now can be big or small, all depends on how he explained it.

Seeing that she no longer pouted, Shen Tuchuan eased a lot, and when the medicine arrived, she stared at Ji Ting and drank. Ji Ting knew that the situation had gone, and he drank all the medicine on his head. Because his heart was too bitter, there was no bitterness in his mouth.

Even so, Shen Tuchuan asked people to eat sugar-fried hawthorn, and when Ji Ting didn't move, he squeezed one and fed it to Ji Ting's lips: "Eat."

Ji heard a look at his expression that could not tolerate a beak, and pursed his lips to eat hawthorn.

Shen Tuchuan's eyebrows softened for a moment: "I can stop thinking about you today, but the premise is that you have to take good care of yourself, you know?"

"... Um." Ji Ting finished taking his medicine and ate something again. His spirit was much better, so he remembered that he had said before that he wanted to sever his relationship with him.

Shen Tuchuan stood by for a while, and saw that her eyebrows suddenly faded a lot, and her lip with a slight curvature gradually flattened: "If nothing happens, I will go first, and I will let your pill stare at you in the future. "

Ji Ting looked down: "Thank you Governor for your care."

Shen Tuchuan's hands tightened, and he turned and went out.

From the beginning of this season, I was forced to take medicine on time, and soon I got better, but it was very coincidental that she just came to Yuexin, so I had to delay the bedtime again.

"Why are our maids so blessed? After a few days, the maid of the West Palace has been promoted to concubine. Everyone thought that the maid was the first concubine in these show girls."

"What nonsense, carefully, the mother heard it and broke your mouth."

Ji, who was drinking ice water in the house, heard a bitter smile, thinking that you spoke so loudly, it was difficult for her to pretend that she hadn't heard it. The Nangong maiden in their mouths, who had only seen her two days before her hearing, was tortured by the emperor by using the method of sassy, ​​and her body was full of bruises. She has been lying in bed for a few days to rest.

When Ji listened to see her, she was full of sympathy, but after she got there, she found that she was sympathetic to others, but they were jealous of her. From that day on, she realized that not everyone was like her, and she was petting This matter can't be avoided.

Their husband is the emperor, the most honorable man in the world, even if he is nearly sixty-one sick, even if he likes the Xia Sanlai, but as long as his robe is on, he is the person who values ​​the power in the world. Chase objects.

Ji Ting was very discouraged because she really couldn't understand the women. If she wanted her to choose, she would rather choose to marry Shen Tuchuan rather than have anything to do with the emperor.

As soon as this idea came up, she was startled by herself, and when he fell into the wooden barrel in his head, a scene where he picked herself up. Her face gradually warmed up, and she hurriedly shook her head to get the picture out of her head. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, Shen Tuchuan's face could not be expelled from her mind.

He is a bad person. If he was willing to say a word for you, you would not be reduced to being an old man, or separated from your parents. You ca n’t think of him anymore ... Ji Ting keeps muttering and keep reminding Be firm.

"Who can't miss?"


Ji Ting suddenly stood up, anxious on the spot after seeing the person: "What are you doing ?!"

"Who are you thinking?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes stared. "Not the emperor?"

"It's not about you." Ji Ting didn't open his face to cover up his guilty conscience.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes grew darker: "You are an emperor's woman. You must not think of any man other than him in your heart. Do I need to remind you of this?"

"Is this the Master, is it forcing me to admit that there is no need?" Ji Ting drank the water in the glass and looked at him after he had finished drinking.

Shen Tuchuan's hands tightened before he was restored to the original indifference: "My mother is thinking too much, I just remind you one sentence."

"I don't want to worry about it, I don't know why the adult came here this time?" Ji heard the story come true.

Shen Tuchuan paused, and frowned slightly: "I looked through the records of Jingshifang. Your monthly letter has been ten days this time, why isn't it clean?"

Although he knew he was not a normal man, but he heard such a private matter mentioned, Ji Ting's cheeks couldn't help turning red: "I have always been like this ..."

"Is that so?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes dimmed. "Yufangfang said that you like to eat cold things these days, and often ask for ice cubes. Is this true?"

Ji Ting was shocked and looked at him in disbelief. Shen Tuchuan slumped his face: "You thought you bought the palace people with silver money, and the matter would not be exposed? Which man in the palace is not mine, you really think Can you hide it from me? "

"... the Lord Lord is saying this, the palace is just Xiliang, and it is not doing something inhuman, how can you say that I seem to have committed any sin of infidelity?" Ji Ting decided to pretend to be stupid.

Shen Tuchuan sneered: "If you have committed a crime, please ask the doctor to find out." This woman really thought she was so smart. If he hadn't guarded her all the way, I would have been killed hundreds of times. Thanks to her stupidity, her mark is getting darker and darker.

After listening to Ji, he dared not speak.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened: "Why don't you talk back? Isn't it terrible? You know that if you practice your body like this again, you don't want to get pregnant in the future. The emperor's dragon body is not as good as the day, is it possible that you want to be buried? "

Ji listened his head lowered, and said in a half-hearted tone: "After spending these days in the palace, I suddenly realized that being able to die decently is the best ending for me. Instead of being abused by the emperor, it would be better to ruin my body. , Waiting for one day to be buried, maybe I can leave some grace to my family. "

"Grace?" Shen Tuchuan laughed. "If what you do is discovered, don't say it's grace, because the whole body may not be able to survive!"

Ji Ting's heart tightened, and frowning at him: "Don't you always threaten me with my parents?"

"If you are obedient, how can I threaten you?" Shen Tuchuan asked back.

Ji heard his lips froze and stopped talking, and after a long time, Shen Tuchuan heard a sob. He paused and frowned. Ji Ting already had tears in his eyes, but apart from that sobbing, he didn't see her make any noise. She just sat there quietly and fell her tears silently.

The sun fell on her hair, and the soft hair glowed softly. Her back was straight and her posture was perfect. Although Ji's family had always been vertical to this single daughter, her The teaching never relaxes, so even if she doesn't do anything, she can make a painting.

What's more, she was born beautiful again, and now the tears of grievances have been falling, but any mortal person can't control the feelings of pity. Not only was Shen Tuchuan a mortal, but she was watching her growing up from a young age in the dark, seeing her unusually quiet tears, and she could never say what she had learned from her belly.

"My stomach hurts ..." Ji Ting cried for a long time and finally said something.

Shen Tuchuan heard an unknown fire, but she could only bear the tears when she saw her tears: "If you haven't been eating cold, how can you have abdominal pain."

"It hurts every day. It feels like I'm dying as if I have a knife on my stomach." After the first sentence was said, there was nothing difficult for Ji. The more he cried, the more sad he became.

Shen Tuchuan put up with it: "I called Tai Yi to get you medicine."

He had to get up when he finished speaking, but Ji Ting suddenly held his hand. As soon as the soft touch appeared, he became tense. Ji Ting was still unaware, only immersed in his emotions: "The medicine is useless, you have to drink brown sugar water."

"I asked someone to cook."

Ji Ting still shook his head: "Only my mother can cook ..."

"Ji listen," Shen Tuchuan's voice cooled down. "Don't go too far."

Ji listened for a moment, tears fell more fierce, Shen Tuchuan could see the pain in his temples for a while, got up after a long while, and looked at her condescendingly, "Can I cook it for you?"

Ji Ting took a moment to think for a moment while crying, and nodded reluctantly. Shen Tuchuan turned black and turned to her kitchenette. Ji Ting cried alone for a while, and finally calmed down. When Shen Tuchuan returned with brown sugar water, she had completely calmed down.

"Drink while hot." Shen Tuchuan handed her brown sugar water.

After Ji Ting took over, holding on slowly, Shen Tuchuan's eyes became cold: "Drink."

Ji listened for a moment, and stared at the brown sugar water in his hand whispered, "I have been very delicate since I was a kid, and I never want to drink brown sugar water cooked by people, so it is my mother to cook for me, so this is still except her The first time someone cooked brown sugar for me. "

Ji listened for a moment and smiled slightly: "Actually, you care about me, don't you because of the emperor, you just care about me, otherwise there are so many women in the palace, how can you cook me brown sugar alone? Water? I'm just so stupid that I didn't think I was important in your heart before. "

When she finished speaking, she looked at Shen Tuchuan. Her eyes were full of water because her eyes had just cried, and the corners of the eyes were as red as rouge, and she had a softer beauty. Shen Tuchuan only felt that there were swirls in her eyes, and he wanted to **** him in completely.

Just when he was about to lose his mind, he heard Ji Ting gentlely say, "Master, Lord, you are so good to me, it is better that I recognize you as a maiden."

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

The author has something to say: Listen: Mom!

Chuan'er: What about my knife? I killed you a hundred years ago

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