His voice was vague, and Ji listened with a frown and asked, "What are you talking about?"

However, Shen Tuchuan was silent and completely fainted. Ji Ting hurriedly hugged him, clasping his back tightly with his hands, in case he suddenly fell to the ground. When she called someone to help, she suddenly felt that there was a bit of wetness on her hands. She couldn't take a deeper look. When the palace people arrived, she immediately helped Shen Tuchuan together. After a riot of soldiers and horses, he helped him to the side of the bed.

"Where's the doctor? When will it come?" Ji Ting asked with a frown, and rolled up his sleeves to twist a handkerchief.

"Mother, your hand ..." I exclaimed.

Ji listened for a moment. When she bowed her head and saw an inconspicuous blood stain on her fingertips, she glanced at Shen Tuchuan who was still in a coma, and hurriedly realized: "Hurry up and turn him over."

"Yes, yes!" I do not know the reason, but still hurried forward to help, and turned over with Ji Ting, Shen Tuchuan suddenly face down.

Ji listened and saw the sweat-like marks on his back. He looked at his belt with a solemn look, and hurriedly said, "Madam, let the minions come for such rough work."

"No need." Ji Ting calmed his face and carefully helped him to undress.

When I saw this, I kept talking a few times and wanted to remind her not to be too close to Shen Tuchuan, but after thinking about it, she said nothing, but turned around and told everyone to step down. She has been in Shengong for many years and hasn't seen anything. Now she can probably guess the relationship between Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan.

Xun secretly was shocked, but had to help them deal with it, because once the incident, the entire Fengqi Palace people do not want to live, including herself.

Ji listened unconsciously, but concentrated on helping Shen Tuchuan to undress. The outer shirt was quickly dislodged, but the inner shirt was stuck to the body with blood. Some were not easy to take off. If you moved it a little, you could feel the tension of Shen Tuchuan. Ji heard a sweat in his head unconsciously, and he couldn't tear his clothes off for a long time.

She was silent for a moment, frowning and looking at him: "Come on the hot water in the basin, then take the scissors."

"Yes." I turned my head and did it, and soon returned with what she wanted.

Ji Ting twisted the hot water with a papa and collapsed on Shen Tuchuan's back. The hot water melted the solidified blood stains a lot, and it was easier when Ji Ting lifted it again. She hinged the lifted clothes little by little with scissors, and soon removed all the rags that had stuck on him, and Shen Tuchuan's **** back was completely exposed.

Ji Ting looked at his wound, his eyebrows frowned gradually: "Well, see if Taiyi has been cured."


After Xu turned and left, she saw that Shen Tuchuan's fingertips seemed to move, and then a murmur sound was made. She knelt on her foot and put her ears close to his lips.

"Some cold ..." Shen Tuchuan murmured.

Ji listened to the corner of her lips and said, "I took off your clothes. It is naturally cold. You wait, and the doctor will help you put on your clothes."

Shen Tuchuan opened his eyes slightly and looked at her for a long time. When Ji thought he had something to say to himself, he closed his eyes. Ji heard nothing for a moment, so he had to sit and wait, but fortunately the Taiyi came soon, followed by Gong Li.

Taking advantage of the time when the Taiyi bandaged Shen Tuchuan, Ji Ting and Grandpa Li went to the outside. As soon as the two stood still, she couldn't wait to ask, "What happened to my parents?"

"Mother-in-law only worried about Mrs. Ji Shangshu, but wasn't worried about the Lord Lord?" The troubles during this period were all caused by Ji's family. Li Gonggong was very upset, and when he heard Ji, he lost his good looks. "Also, the Lord Lord is in the eyes of the maid, but he is just a slave, and it is important that the slave is the family."

Ji listened for a moment, and then frowned gradually: "If you feel that Shen Tuchuan has any grievances and want to hold him in peace, then all you can say is, why don't you tell me how I know what he did, why is it so yin and yang ? "

Besides, Shen Tuchuan's injury has been seen by her own eyes. Now that the Taiyi is healing in her, what she wants to ask is to ask the Taiyi directly, and then she can no longer wait until Shen Tuchuan wakes up, she can also ask him in person, why ask Li Gonggong.

"If the slave had said it, would the mother-in-law be distressed?" Gong Li snorted. "The slave-son then told the mother-in-law carefully that the Lord Lord would tear the second prince and one party in order to keep dozens of lives of your Ji family. The confession and poisoned all the parties involved in the rebellion. The emperor thought that the Lord Lord was inadequate in doing things, and he rewarded him with dozens of boards. He has been busy stabilizing the overall situation these days, and he has to help Ji's family cover up. After raising her, the mother-in-law saw the minion, but he didn't ask him where the injury came from. The minion couldn't help the governor?

Thinking of their current status as the court supervisor, Mo said that a small palace prince, even the prime minister of North Korea, is not in his eyes. He is also willing to talk to Ji at this moment. In the face of an adult, otherwise, the words spoken are a hundred times worse than they are now.

Ji Tingyi looked at him, but he did not think that Shen Tuchuan would do this for himself, and his mind became complicated for a while.

Grandpa Li looked at the little girl standing helplessly. The bitter breath suddenly closed, and for a long time, the voice slowed down: "Well, Ji Shangshu was confused for a while, in the final analysis, you did not know, and the governor was not injured. If you wish, you can only complain when we are… but the governor is really hurt for you, and you have to take responsibility for it. ”

"So, how should I be responsible?" Ji listened and asked.

Li Gonggong glanced at her and gave a half-cough cough: "He doesn't care about his body when he is doing state affairs. How about keeping him in Fengqi Palace for a few days and staring at him every day to change his medicine and drink?"

"I also want to leave him in person to take care of him, but if he doesn't return to Secretary Li Jian, will there be gossip that is not good for him?" Ji heard eyes worried.

Gong Li was disdainful: "Be assured, no one in the palace dares to preach the gossip of the Lord."

Ji listened and nodded, it was agreed. Li Gonggong's face was a little better: "That ’s it. You do n’t need to let the governor know about your conversation today ... I ’m here today. Do n’t tell the governor anymore. I still have something to do. , The Lord will give it to you. "

Scolding and scolding and talking, he now remembered that the woman in front of her was not an ordinary palace prince, but a woman guarded by the Lord Lord on his heart. If those words had been known by the Lord Lord, I am afraid it is ten The legs were not broken enough.

After Ji Ting promised, Li Gong turned and left, she also returned to the waiting room. Shen Tuchuan was awake now, and she was covered with a thick white cloth, covering the wounds, and she was indescribably funny. He glanced at Ji, and apparently he was not very satisfied with himself.

Ji listened and smiled. He walked to the doctor and asked about the situation. The doctor wiped his sweat and said, "The Lord is fine, but the injury has not been taken care of completely. Now he is inflamed, and he needs to change his medicine regularly. . "

The doctor also told me something else, and Ji Ting told her to send the person away. She and Shen Tuchuan were the only ones left in the room.

After not meeting for a long time, Ji Ting quietly looked at his eyebrows, as if he could not see enough. Shen Tuchuan was still dissatisfied with the white cloth wrapped on his body, and just about to tear it off, he heard Ji unpleasant voice: "I see you dare to move!"

Shen Tuchuan paused, frowning at her, "how about it?"

Ji Ting scanned him, covered him with a thin blanket, and blocked the white cloth on his body: "If you dare to move, I will ignore you in my life."

"Children's mind, seems to be able to get along with children." Shen Tuchuan seemed to be very disdainful, but seeing her serious look, her fingers that had to pull the white cloth moved, and there was no further action.

Ji Ting was speechless: "... can you match the sentence?"

"Why, you don't like children?" Shen Tuchuan raised an eyebrow.

Ji Ting shrugged: "That's not true, children are very cute, I always like them."

"That's fine." Shen Tuchuan was lying still.

After hearing this, Ji was satisfied. After helping him make the pillow more comfortable, he suddenly said, "Thank you."

Shen Tuchuan's ears moved: "Thank me?"

"Thank you for keeping my family." Ji Ting looked at him sincerely. If not for fear of scaring him, she now really wants to kneel and bang her head.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her lightly: "I just said that, I misunderstood you once, and helped you again, it was compensation."

Ji listened and smiled, and suddenly a hair fell to his cheek, and the sun shone on it. He could see a little dust on his hair. Shen Tuchuan's fingers were a bit itchy, and she wanted to help her pinch her hair behind her ears. Unfortunately, he just thought about it, and Ji Ting already did so.

There was a sudden silence in the room, and the two were lying on their sides, one sitting beside the bed, facing each other quietly. After a long time, Ji Ting blinked suddenly: "Before you were unconscious today, what did you say to me?"

"What?" Shen Tuchuan frowned, remembering something for a moment and then said nothing.

Ji Ting came closer: "I didn't hear you then, do you remember what you said?"

"I was so hurt then, how can I remember." Shen Tuchuan said, closing his eyes.

Ji couldn't help himself: "If you think about it again, you should be able to remember it."

"I'm tired, don't talk," Ji Ting still wanted to follow up. He opened his eyes and looked at her. The exhaustion in his eyes appeared undisguised in front of her. "Ji Ting, I haven't slept well for a long time."

"... Then you sleep, I won't bother you." Ji heard that he would stand up.

"Sit down," Shen Tuchuan pressed his lips, and half a while added, "What if someone comes to assassinate me? You sit here and watch, I'm more secure."

Ji Ting wanted to say that if there were assassins, I guess she would not be enough to sharpen the assassins. It would be better to call some guards to come in and watch, but when she looked tired, she said nothing, just be smart Nodded.

Shen Tuchuan closed his eyes again and soon fell asleep. There were two insignificant lines between his eyebrows. At first glance, he often frowned. Although his eyebrows were smooth at the moment, Ji Ting couldn't help but stretch out his fingertips and press at that position. He paused for a moment before secretly retracting his hands .

The sun outside the window gradually fell, and the room seemed a bit cold without the care of the sun. Ji Ting won't feel wronged. When he got up, he went back to his bedroom to find a cloak, and then returned to Shen Tuchuan's house. As soon as he entered the house, he saw that he was awake, and looked at the door with his eyes open. She As soon as he came in, he met him.

"You woke up so soon?" Ji Ting was surprised.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her unhappyly: "Don't you always stay with me?"

"I went back to get a piece of clothes, and suddenly felt a little cold." Ji Ting came over and helped him slap him in the corner. After just a few minutes of work, the house was already lit with candles, and the dim candle light softened both eyes and eyes.

"Do you feel better and still hurt on your back?" Ji listened to inquire.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "It's fine."

"If it hurts, tell me, I'll let the Tai Chi think again." Ji Ting told.

Shen Tuchuan responded, and when she was seated, she turned her head to look at her, stared at her quietly for a moment and then suddenly said, "Hungry."

"The kitchenette is doing it, and I'll be fine in a moment." Ji heard the words, and the outside wife said that dinner would be all right, and she immediately turned to look at Shen Tuchuan, "I'll help you to eat."


As soon as Shen Tuchuan agreed, Ji Tingwen got up and stood by the bed, holding his arm to lift the person up, and then lowered his boots to straighten. When he stood upright, he squatted down and held his calf to help him. He put on his boots. Shen Tuchuan looked down at her busy figure, showing a little movement in her eyes.

"Well, let me help you over." Ji heard and laughed.

Shen Tuchuan looked down, put an arm directly on her shoulder, Ji Ting was suddenly tolerated by his breath, and he held his body in embarrassment, and slowly moved to the outside.

It took a lot of work just to sit down at the table. Ji Ting was already very hungry when he sat down. After confirming that Shen Tuchuan could eat by himself, he no longer cares about him. Instead, Shen Tuchuan has been helping her add food.

Every time Ji Ting eats a good dish, he tells him to make another one, and Shen Tuchuan frowns: "Isn't that enough for you to eat?"

"Enough is enough." Ji Tingxiao smiled and said nothing else.

Shen Tuchuan didn't follow up. After the two had finished dinner, Ji Ting helped him back to the bed: "You'll just rest in Fengqi Palace in the next few days, and you'll save me from running to Si Lijian."

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her without saying consent or disagreement. At a glance, Ji knew that he was willing to stay, so he didn't persuade him much, and he got up and left after eating.

Shen Tuchuan frowned: "Why do you go back so early?"

"Are you okay?" Ji listened confused.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "Nothing."

"If it's okay, I'll leave first, and you can rest." Ji told two people to come in when he heard that and helped him to rest in bed.

Every next day, Ji Ting will stay with him as much as possible, but he hurries away every time he finishes his meal, and will come back to stay with him after a long time. This was true for several days. After another lunch, Ji Ting left in a hurry, and finally Shen Tuchuan could not help but follow.

His back injury had begun to scab, and he couldn't move too much, so he could only move forward slowly. When he followed the backyard, Ji Ting had already entered a room. He paused for a moment, lifted his feet and walked towards the house, and when he reached the door, he heard Ji Ting's voice—

"This is really delicious. I just tasted it today. It's sweet and nourishing. Drink more."

Shen Tuchuan paused, and when he frowned, he heard a clear male voice and said, "Mother, I'll do it myself. You don't have to feed it yourself every time."

"You were injured because of me. I should take care of you. Eat it quickly and try to walk after eating. The doctor said that you recovered very quickly ..."

What was said later, Shen Tuchuan couldn't hear it anymore. All he knew was that his anger started from Dantian and rushed directly to his brain. If there wasn't a trace of reason, he really wanted to rush in and listen to Ji Ting.

In the room, Ji Ting didn't know that he had been heard from the corner. After carefully feeding Lin Lang, he packed the remaining dishes into the food box and walked towards the outside.

After she put the food box in the kitchenette, she turned to find Shen Tuchuan. She thought it was time for her to rest. As a result, she saw him sitting on an outside chair as soon as she entered the room. It's cold and hard. She paused: "Are you in a bad mood?"

"What is the relationship between you and Lin Lang?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes were dark.

Ji Tingzhao held back: "What's the relationship?"

"Who is you? Why do you serve him personally? These days, have you always taken care of him like this?" Shen Tuchuan rose suddenly, regardless of the pain in his back, "he is a little eunuch, and With your dignified lady Ji Ji? "

"He was injured because of me, what happened to me to take care of him?" Ji Ting was taken a step back by his momentum, but he couldn't help but talk back, "Furthermore, if you don't distinguish between innocence and indiscriminate punishment, How could he be hurt? "

"Strange to my head?" Shen Tuchuan's face was even worse.

Ji heard swallowing: "I didn't blame you, I just don't like your tone when talking about Lin Lang, is it not good to respect him?"

"Respect? Why did he respect me?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes grew colder.

Ji listened to silence for a moment: "You are still hurting, I don't want to quarrel with you." She turned around and walked away, but Shen Tuchuan grabbed her wrist and dragged it into the room.

Ji Ting was dragged away by him, and gradually panicked: "You, what are you doing?"

Shen Tuchuan didn't say a word, just drag her away, the palace people waiting in the house were frightened, and no one dared to come forward to persuade him. The court maid who waited for Ji listened to her heart finally got up the courage. As soon as she took a step forward, she heard Shen Tuchuan's cold command: "Come on some snacks."

"Ah ... yes!" The palace maid ran out confusedly.

After Shen Tuchuan dragged Ji Ting into the room, he slammed the door shut. Ji He immediately guarded his collar vigilantly: "What are you going to do? Shen Tuchuan I warned you not to go too far, you really thought I wouldn't be mad at you ..."

"The injury on my back was to protect your Ji family." Shen Tuchuan said impatiently.

Ji Ting closed his mouth instantly. Gong Li had already talked to her about these things, but he could listen to them again, but it felt different.

Shen Tuchuan saw that she was not talking anymore, and the anger in her heart dropped a little, but she was still upset: "Now because of the quarrel with you, the knot we just broke is cracking again."

"Cracked? Show me!" Ji Ting suddenly became anxious.

Shen Tuchuan was about to speak. There was a knock at the door: "Madam, governor, here's the snack."

He glanced at Ji indifferently, turned and opened the door, took the two plates of snacks into his hands, and kicked the door with one kick.

Shen Tuchuan: "Feed me."

"Huh?" Ji listened for a moment.

Shen Tuchuan repeated his lips: "Feed me."

After Ji understood it, he was speechless for a while: "... Lin Lang needs someone to feed him because his arm was interrupted by your person. Your arm is good, why should you ..."

"The wound seems to be bleeding." Shen Tuchuan said lightly.

Ji Ting suddenly shut up and squeezed a snack from the plate on his hand to feed him: "Is it sweet?"

After Shen Tuchuan's face was eaten expressionlessly, he said unpleasantly, "OK."

Ji listened to a smirk: "Will that let Taiyi take a look at you?"

"I haven't eaten well yet." Shen Tuchuan looked at her calmly.

Ji listened silently and then fed, slowly also felt the fun, maliciously accelerated the speed, watching his face become bulging. The unruly temperament of the Lord Lord, but his mouth was full, how funny this scene looks, Ji Ting tolerated a smile, and then feed innocently, and soon the two plates of snacks are gone.

"Why not ask someone to send two more sets?" Ji Ting cared.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, and before she could not say a word of rejection, she hit a loud fullness, and there was a moment of silence in the room.

After a long time, Ji Ting difficultly said, "I pretended that I didn't hear anything. Can you stop killing me?"

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

The vinegar that was eaten was inexplicably neutralized by Dim Sum, and Shen Tuchuan's anger disappeared unconsciously. After the Taiyi re-bandaged him, he came to Lin Lang's house.

Lin Lang saw him terrified and terrified, and hurried to go to salute, Shen Tuchuan looked at him indifferently: "Five acres of Liangtian in Jiangnan, one house with two entrances and two exits, and ten servants selling deeds, are you satisfied? ? "

When Lin Lang knelt down to the ground, his back was already cold and sweaty. He heard that he did not respond for a moment: "Ah?"

"I did something to you without finding out the truth that day. These are considered indemnities. Tomorrow I will ask someone to remove your roster from the palace. You are free." Shen Tuchuan said impatiently and saw him stupid. After opening his mouth, his eyes suddenly darkened, "Naturally, if you want to stay with Ji Yi, it is not impossible."

But if you want to stay, you have to be a dead person.

Lin Lang has always been clever. After hearing his voice, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly thanked him, "Thank you Lord Lord, thank you Lord Lord ..."

Shen Tuchuan was quite satisfied with his response: "You and raise some more here, I will send you away."

After speaking, he turned and left. As soon as he went out, he almost bumped into Ji Ting, who was running away. He frowned and held him up, his eyes suddenly cooled down: "Running so fast, I'm afraid I bullied him?"

"Superintendent ... I just turned around and got some kung fu, why did you come here?" Ji Ting worriedly glanced into the room, and couldn't help swallowing when Lin Lang knelt on the ground with a deep expression. Drooled and turned to Shen Tuchuan Road, "You haven't had a full wound, you can't just walk around outside, just go back and rest."

"Do you care about me or do you care about him?" Shen Tuchuan stepped forward, and her nose suddenly hit his chest.

Ji Ting rubbed his sour nose, and at the last moment he didn't let up. "Of course I care about you, so go back and rest."

"You accompany me." Shen Tuchuan said lightly.

Ji Ting originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw Lin Lang kept kneeling, he nodded and agreed. The two returned to Shen Tuchuan's bedroom together, and Ji Ting finally couldn't help asking: "What did you ask him for?"

"But he misunderstood him earlier and gave some compensation." Shen Tuchuan perfunctoryly.

Ji Tingmei frowned: "Really? No bullying?"

Shen Tuchuanton paused, and looked at her displeasedly: "She said she didn't care about him."

"I just ask casually." Ji Ting hurriedly denied.

Shen Tuchuan sneered: "You better be."

Ji Ting poked his lips and stopped talking. Shen Tuchuan poured two cups of tea, picked up a cup of his own and took a sip, and then slowly spoke: "Lin Lang's bones are a bit bad. If he doesn't pick it up again, I'm afraid he will have problems walking."

"What should I do?" Ji Ting suddenly became nervous.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her unhappyly: "What's the matter, there is a doctor outside the palace who is the best at repairing bones. I will ask someone to take him there, and I'll send it back in a few days."

"Oh ..." Ji Ting looked uneasy, "Well, wouldn't you take the opportunity to kill him?"

"Why should I kill him?"

"Because of you ..." Ji obediently said half of it, he stopped suddenly, and naturally coughed, "Because you don't like him, I don't see it."

Shen Tuchuan looked down: "He's not worth it."

... not worth your trouble, right? Ji heard the meaning beyond his words, and sighed, and agreed: "In this case, then you will be asked to send him away. His injury is affected by me and Ji's family. If I leave the root cause, I will spend all my life It's impossible. "

"Young, what did you say about this life?" Shen Tuchuan gave her a cold look, and then thought, "Did you say that you like children before, seriously?"

"What's so serious about this?" Ji Ting looked at him in confusion.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "It's best to like it. If you don't like it, keep it elsewhere. You just have to be famous."

Ji Ting's brow frowned, and he didn't understand what he meant. He was about to ask, and he said, "Isn't he trying to heal Lin Lang?"

"Yes, we must heal." Ji Ting's attention was diverted.

Shen Tuchuan stretched out his hand, Ji listened for a moment, and when he reacted, he busily supported him, and the two went out together. After Lin Lang was sent away, Shen Tuchuan called the Li Lijian person to enter the side hall to discuss the matter. Ji was inconvenienced, and returned to his bedroom.

From this day on, Shen Tuchuan was obviously busy, and the atmosphere in the palace became more and more tense. Even if Ji listened to this kind of ears, he could feel the storm in it.

After three or five days in a row, Shen Tuchuan suddenly said to Ji: "In the past two days, you asked someone to clean the Fengqi Palace, and there will be a sacred order tomorrow."

"What imperial edict? The emperor is like that, can it still be conferred?" Ji listened puzzled.

Shen Tuchuan raised her eyelids and glanced at her: "You are waiting."

"Oh ..." Ji Ting was curious, but when he saw that he didn't plan to say more, he didn't ask any more.

In the early morning the next day, the father-in-law came to announce the decree, Ji listened to the decree, and his mind was still faint. When he saw the father-in-law leaving, he hurried to hold him: "Long-grandfather wait ... I, how can I become a consort There is one more prince? "What's the matter with this? !!

"The emperor spoils you and is willing to seal it for you, and you will bear it." Congratulations on the smirk of Li Gong.

Ji Ting stared at him for three seconds, suddenly: "It's the ghost of Shen Tuchuan."

"The concubine is careful to say that if someone else listens to you, you will be in trouble." Li Gonggong's smile was even more false.

Ji Tingyi touched his nose for a long time and didn't know what to say. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally thought, "Why, how can you give me a prince? Isn't there some princess in the harem who lost her mother-in-law?" "

She could already guess why Shen Tuchuan was doing this. It was nothing more than naming her a puppet. After the emperor's death, she would not be buried. It was just that she didn't understand why she had to give her a prince. Although the nine princes were only six years old, she was also a prince! Destined to be involved with power, she just wanted to hang around, but was not interested in helping him fight for anything.

"The ninth prince is smart and clever, and there is no better choice than him. When he returns to the palace, he will show it to the mother-in-law, who must like it very much."

Ji Ting was curious: "Where is he now?"

"Now the situation is turbulent, and the governor is guarding it." After the grandfather Li said nothing, he didn't want to say a little more nonsense, and turned away after a ceremony.

Ji heard a sigh of relief, and gave the imperial edict in hand to the congratulatory concubine: "You like it so much and give it to you."

The intimidation that was about to take over was: "Madam, don't you dare say that!"

Ji Ting was amused by her reaction. As soon as she was about to say something, she heard the news of Lin Lang's return. She rushed to the gate to look outside. Sure enough, she saw a carriage coming to this side.

She gave way and waited until the palace man lifted Lin Lang into the room before coming forward. After looking around, he determined that he was OK, and could not help but relax: "How do you feel?"

"Hui Niangniang, the doctor helped the slaves to straighten up the bones. The place where it had been hurting did not hurt anymore." Lin Lang looked good.

Ji Tingxiao smiled: "That's good, I can recover soon after thinking about it."

Lin Lang smiled embarrassedly: "In fact, the slaves wanted to spend more time with their mothers."

"You'll be better with me when you recover faster, and push me on a swing at that time." Ji listened and laughed.

Lin Langton paused and looked at her carefully: "Did Lord Lord not tell you yet?"

Ji listened for a moment: "What did you say?"


When Ji listened to Lin Lang's house, her whole mind was embarrassed. She knew why Shen Tuchuan sent Lin Lang away, and she knew that Lin Lang wanted to start a new life, but she was still bored.

She wandered aimlessly, and unknowingly went to the small kitchen, saw the osmanthus stuffed inside, and thought about taking away the two altars.

When Shen Tuchuan took time to come to Fengqi Palace during his busy schedule, he saw a group of people around the door of Ji Ting's bedroom. He frowned and walked over: "What are you looking at?"

Hearing Shen Tuchuan's voice, the palace people hurriedly bowed down and said, "Participate in the Lord Lord."

"Mother-in-law is in the house?" Shen Tuchuan asked coldly, and the palace people were busy answering.

He glanced at the slender box in his hand, and an inconspicuous arc appeared at the corner of his lips, pushing the palace people back and entering the room.

As soon as I entered the room, I smelled a scent of wine, and then I watched Ji listen, sitting at the table with eyes straight. Shen Tu Chuanton paused, and dropped the box on the table before and after her: "It's just a concubine, is it worth your drink to celebrate?"

Ji heard his voice, her eyes suddenly turned red, she looked at his face quietly, and refused to say a word.

"... Who made this pitiful pair to show and who provoked you again?" After finishing Shen Tuchuan, seeing that she had not moved the box, she picked it up and opened it again, and took out the jewels in it. Wearing it in her hair, "This is a celebration, do you like it?"

Ji Ting's tears finally fell down, and she took a nose and watched Shen Tuchuan fixedly: "You let Lin Lang go ..."

Shen Tuchuanton paused, his face suddenly frozen three feet: "Are you drunk for him?"

"You let him go ..." Ji Ting's tears fell down.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her without saying a word, and there were thousands of anger in her eyes. Next second, I poured a pot of cold water over it: "You can let him go, then you can let me go, why not let me go……"

Shen Tu Chuanton realized for a moment that she was not reluctant to leave Lin Lang, but also wanted to leave the palace, and her mood calmed down instantly. He sat across from Ji listening, looking at her teary pitiful, and after a moment of silence, he slowly whispered, "Do you know why I asked you to raise the ninth prince?"

Ji Ting still watched him shed tears and said nothing.

Shen Tuchuan had to continue: "Because I want him to be emperor, can you understand? The 9th prince is very young and controlled. If you become his adoptive mother, you can be a queen queen in the future and I will help you. You are the most powerful person in the world. Isn't it better than Guiyinshanye? "

Ji listened for a moment, then frowned and shook his head, and refused: "I don't want to be a queen mother, I want to go out of the palace."

"Oh, be a queen mother, you can go wherever you want." Shen Tuchuan said, watching the tears in the corner of her eyes, could not help but reach out to help her wipe it off.

Ji Tingding looked at him decisively, and after a long time suddenly fell towards him, Shen Tuchuan caught her subconsciously, and then she was embraced. Shen Tuchuan was stiff and had no response for a while.

Ji Ting looked up at him, glanced from his eyebrows to the tall bridge of his nose, and finally fell on his lips. Ji Ting under the influence of alcohol has always been irrational, no matter how many lives she has, she stared at his lips for a long time, and finally kissed.

Shen Tuchuan's hands clenched, his body stiffened like a stone. For the first time since he knew his life, he was so helpless for the first time that he was so helpless that Ji did not push her away.

She was surrounded by her breath, and Shen Tuchuan lost her mind for a while, shaking her arms and hugging her, deepening the kiss at the same time. Ji Ting's face was soaked because she had just cried. When Shen Tuchuan was with her, she felt as if she had fallen into a gentle mire and could not escape.

...... He must be crazy, knowing that he would be in danger if he went on like this, but he still couldn't control his heart. Many pictures flashed in Shen Tuchuan's mind. The beginning of the tragedy of his life, his persistence in surrendering and surrendering, and the little girl in his arms, finally left only one thought—

Forget it, all the world gave her, not to mention a life, if she really came for a life, then give her what she wants.

Shen Tuchuan was startled by his own thoughts, but felt that this should be the case.

When a kiss was over, he let go of the little girl in his arms, and looking at her unsteady breath, his eyes were gentle as never before. She must be pleased with herself, otherwise she would not be so proactive, knowing that she was doomed to fall, that sentence she did not hear that day, he should repeat it.

He should tell her accurately that he didn't know when to be interested in her for a long time, and that she was so embarrassed by herself, instead of not telling her for so long, always making her suffer.

While Shen Tuchuan felt like he was floating in the clouds, Ji Ting himself pulled him from hell—

"Master, I kiss you, will you let me out of the house?"

Shen Tuchuan froze suddenly: "What did you say?"

Ji Ting sucked her nose, tears fell again, and she looked at him sadly: "Don't you like me, you said that you liked me that day, I know ... I kiss you, you let go Will I go? Or, or if you want something else, as long as you let me go, as long as you let me go ... "

Shen Tuchuan's fingertips slammed into the palm of her hand. Previously, her initiative had become a sharp blade, piercing his heart with a sword ... It turned out that she was not listening that day, but she was just pretending to be stupid. Today, suddenly Treating him like that, but seeing that Lin Lang can go out of the palace, so I want to give it a try.

... She was not uncomfortable from beginning to end, but she did nothing to achieve her goal, and he was so stupid that she calculated her full stomach as a sincere heart, and was stupid enough to pay everything for it.

The author has something to say: Ji Ji listen: What are you thinking, I just drink too much

Chuan Er: 嘤 嘤 嘤 2k novel reading network

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