Ji Tingyue slept until noon and woke up feeling a pain in his brain. The little palace girl found that she was awake, and came over with the sober soup: "Madam, you are awake."

Ji Tingmei drank a bowl of soup medicine, and by the time she finished her last sip, her brain gradually became clear. When she remembered what happened yesterday, her brain thumped, and the whole person seemed to have been thundered.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, what's wrong with you?" The little palace girl looked at her worriedly.

Ji listened to her abruptly and looked at her for a long time before panicking: "Nothing, all right, you all go down first, let me calm down."

"... Yes." The little housemaid called the others out, and there was only one quarter left in the room.

When the door was closed, Ji heard a sob and buried his face in the quilt. Until one face turned red, he dug out from the inside, staring blindly at the mantle.

...... She was so drunk, and Fei Shen Tu Chuan was ignored, and she was talking nonsense. The reason she pretended that she had not heard the words before Shen Tuchuan was that she felt he was in her heart. Once she was clear, there would only be two ways to communicate with each other and keep her old.

But she was the concubine and the emperor's chamber. If she had been with Shen Tuchuan, wouldn't she have become a woman of moral corruption? Ji Ting didn't want to do this, but he was reluctant to part with him ever since, so he could only persevere in the past, and after he came up with a two-pronged approach, he told him personally ... but she did not expect that after drinking too much she would The matter leaked! Combined with what she said and done, Shen Tuchuan must have thought that she had deliberately hooked up to go out of the palace. Quoted!

Thinking of Shen Tuchuan's expression at the time, she was more than remorse.

She has always been unable to control her habit after drinking alcohol, so after discovering her fault, she seldom touched it. I did not expect to drink it once yesterday, and I broke into such a big disaster!

In fact, she was very wronged when she heard that Lin Lang was going out of the palace. These days, she has deeply understood the power of Shen Tuchuan, so she is puzzled. If he has the ability to send Lin Lang away, why didn't he prevent her from entering the palace at first? If she didn't enter the palace, maybe they would not be in a dilemma.

At that time, drinking alcohol relieved the distress in my heart, and I kept thinking about going out of the palace. In the end, I said that nonsense. This time, Shen Tuchuan misunderstood her.

When Ji heard of Shen Tuchuan, she couldn't sit still anymore. She got up and changed her clothes to find someone in the side hall. However, when she entered the room, everything about Shen Tuchuan was gone, her heart It instantly became half cold.

"When did he leave?" Ji Tingyun looked at the door guard.

The guard said busyly, "After the governor returned from you last night, he packed up and left."

Ji Ting suddenly became a ball in his heart, turned his head and walked out, the guard hurried to catch up: "The governor said, he has been busy with his official affairs these days. If you have something, just ask someone to let him know ..."

He didn't finish the rest of his words, Ji Ting had picked up his skirt and trot out.

She was already quite familiar with the way to Secretary Li Jian, and it took only a short time to get there, but she was stopped by an old **** just to enter: "Concubine concubine, why did you come here suddenly?"

"This palace is coming to Lord Lord." Ji heard that he was going in.

The old **** took a step back and stopped in front of her again: "The Lord Lord has just gone out. The son will be absent at this time. If there is something, please inform the slave, and the slave will tell the Lord Lord at that time."

Ji Ting frowned: "If he is not here, why do you stop me?"

"Is the concubine asking it knowingly?" The old **** laughed softly, and she had a kind of indecision.

Ji heard silence for a moment, then suddenly fell down: "He doesn't want to see me."

"It's good for the concubine to know, it's not too early, let's go back." After spending a long time in Sili Jian, I know that Shen Tuchuan said the same character. Now that I don't want to see Ji listen, it means that the relationship between them There was no room for manoeuvre, and the old **** had no previous politeness when he spoke.

Ji Ting stood for a long time and took off the red rope around his neck: "You give it to him, and say, I said those words yesterday were drunk nonsense, I never thought of using him, my So I begged him because ... "Because I felt that if they could go out of the house, the two of them might be together rightly, so they kept entangled.

But these words can't be told to outsiders. She stopped halfway, and still wanted to explain to him personally, but when she saw someone who couldn't let it go, she only said a word "I'm sorry" and turned away.

The old **** took a look at the broken silver stringed with a red rope in his hands, and the first reaction was to throw it away, but after thinking about it, he went to the door of Shen Tuchuan and knocked on the door and whispered: "Master, the queen lady Been here and let the slave give you something. "

The room was silent for a long time. When the old **** thought that no one would speak, he heard him say lightly: "What is it?"

The old **** hurriedly said, "It's a broken piece of silver on a red rope."

This time the house was silent longer, the old **** waited patiently, and finally waited for his second sentence: "What can she say?"

The old **** thought about it carefully, and repeated her words without missing a word. After a long time, Shen Tuchuan opened the door and stared at his hand coldly.

When there was a layer of sweat on the old eunuch's forehead, Shen Tuchuan picked it up, held it in his hand for a long time, and returned it to the old **** with no expression: "Throw it."

"Toss, where to go?" The old **** shuddered. Although I always knew that the Lord Lord was so imposing, it was the first time that he had faced his low air pressure, and his legs and stomach would have cramps for a while.

Shen Tuchuan calmed for a long time, then said indifferently: "Find a pond and throw it away." What should have fallen to the bottom of the lake seven years ago, he should not stay soft.

"... Yes." The old **** looked at his face and felt that he shouldn't throw things away, but was frightened by his momentum. After tangling for a long time, he decided to listen to him, so he found a pond near Si Lijian and took things. threw.

That evening, Ji Ting came again, and the old **** stopped her: "Concubine, why are you here again?"

"I'm coming to Shen Tuchuan ... Is he still not willing to see me?" Ji listened cautiously, seeing the old **** shook his head a little disappointed, and asked for a long time, "Can he take things away?"

The old **** was silent for a moment, and still answered truthfully: "Confiscation."

...... The things are unwilling to be accepted. It seems that this time is really angry. Ji Ting felt uncomfortable for a while, but there was no good way for a while, and he reached out his hand after a while: "Since he doesn't want it, then return it to me."


Ji listened for a moment: "What's gone?"

"It's gone," the old **** coughed. "The Lord Lord called the slave to throw it away."

"Where did you throw it?" Ji heard anxiously.

Although the old **** had less respect for her than before, but she was a concubine, he did not dare to presumptuously. At this moment, when she was anxious, she felt a little scared, and hurriedly led her to the pond: "Just, right here ..."

The voice didn't fall, I only heard a plop, the woman who was still around just now has jumped into the water.

The old lady stunned for a moment, and hurriedly called after the response: "Come on! Come on! The concubine is down!"

"Shut up!" Ji Ting silently stroked, "What are you shouting, I just came down to find something."

"Ma'am, are you okay?" The old **** asked hurriedly beside the water.

Ji Tingxian glanced at him: "What can I do, go back, I'll look for it ... by the way, don't tell Shen Tuchuan, have you heard?" She just wanted to get back the silver, but didn't want him to misunderstand Deliberately sold miserably.

The old lady imprisoned for a moment: "Why not tell the governor, aren't you diving for compassion?"

... Look, an outsider feels that way. If he really knew about Shen Tuchuan, he would certainly think so. Ji heard a sigh: "I don't have that idea, I just want to get back the silver."

"Then you are really infatuated." The **** said with emotion.

Ji listened for a moment, a moment of heat rose on his face: "What nonsense!"

The **** realized that he had said something wrong, and apologized quickly: "It is the slave who talks a lot, the slave who talks a lot, and the slave has not known a few days of words.

"... forget it, don't talk nonsense in the future." Ji Ting said with a grimace.

The old **** responded with a sigh, turned to leave with an excuse, Ji Ting took a deep breath, and plunged into the water.

Since falling into the water at the age of ten, the youngest and the youngest in the Ji family have done the most to urge her young lady to learn to swim, and she has been expelled from her fear of drowning, letting her get better. Water-based, so it's easy for her to dive into a submarine or something.

It's a pity that these are easy, but it's not so easy to find things at the bottom of the huge pool. Ji Ting floats up and sneaks back and forth, all exhausted and hasn't found anything. Now it was completely dark, and the bottom of the pool was even more dark. She could only pull back and forth by hand, and only found a small place for a long time.

The last time she floated up, she almost drowned because of a loss of power, lying on the poolside for a long time before resting, and then diving into the water again.

While she was busy, Shen Tuchuan sat quietly in the room. The candle on the table made a beeping sound from time to time. When the candlelight was shaking, the shadow he cast on the wall also shook.

After sleepless all night, Father-in-law Li came to the house and asked him to discuss the matter. He stood expressionlessly and walked out. He passed by the pond, paused, and glanced at the wet rock near the pond.

Li Gong looked at it and said, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Shen Tuchuan continued with a cold face, Li Gonggong didn't dare to speak, and Xiaobu left behind.

Soon after they left, Ji Ting quietly showed her face from behind the stone, realizing she was relieved when she realized that she was hiding. She took a break and went back to Fengqi Palace, and quickly folded back again. This time, she changed into lighter clothes, her hair was simply rolled into a bun, and she looked around and then again. The fierce son plunged into the water.

Throughout the morning, she kept busy, until noon, she found nothing. After soaking in the water for a long time, her arms and legs were exhausted, and she sat on a rock by the pond to rest.

Before she had enough time to rest, her eyes suddenly swept into the distance and a familiar figure came to this side. She hurried into the water and glanced out at the corner of the stone. Sure enough, it didn't take long for Shen Tuchuan to pass by here, as if he was braving the ice dumplings. As he passed by the stone, Ji Ting noticed the coldness.

Shouldn't he be busy with political affairs at this time? At the same time when Ji Ting was puzzled, he hid in the water, leaving only half of his face exposed on the water and breathing.

After he left, Ji Ting began to dive into the water again to find out. When the first few times arrived, Shen Tuchuan came out of the Li Jianjian.

She was busy hiding behind the stone as before, waiting for Shen Tuchuan to leave.

Who knew that Shen Tuchuan suddenly stopped when he walked around, and left after a long silence.

Ji Ting dare to breathe a sigh of relief when he walked away, and he felt a little stunned. The idler in his mouth should be himself.

But this time is not the time to lose. After listening to the break, Ji started looking for things again.

I've been searching for a few days, but I didn't find anything. Ji Ting was quite strong. The little fat that had been born because of the pampering all disappeared, and he was getting better ... but what else is there? Use it?

In the evening, after listening to the gobble of dinner, Ji sighed sighingly.

The aunt who waited and looked at her distressedly finally could not help but persuaded: "Madam, you still don't want to go to the pool tomorrow, Lord Lord is not a change of heart, you still don't have to work any more. joke."

She didn't know that Ji Ting was looking for something. She just thought that Ji Ting was doing a bad job, so she persuaded her.

Ji listened to a spirit: "How do you know?"

"Who does n’t know that the mother-in-law is running all the way these days," sighed. "Mother-in-law, it is not a slave who tells you, who is in charge of the palace today, this is unspoken. What happened, how can you make trouble with the governor at this juncture? If he persuaded the emperor to take back the ninth prince, you would have no children.

The emperor is now ill, and if the concubine is without a child, there is no need to say what the end will be.

Ji Ting pursed his lips, and his heart felt a little uncomfortable: "Everyone in the palace knows it." He has a lot of eyes and eyes in the palace. Now everyone knows it. Only by herself would she pretend not to know that she was outside the Li Jianjian all day.

I was sorry to see her, and couldn't help sighing: "It's no secret that you and the governor have troubled each other. Your concubine has always been here to provoke you in the past two days. You just came out early and returned late. The slave said, you have done this job, and the Lord Lord has not softened half a point, you still have no effort. "

"... Um, I see." Ji listened listlessly.

I said a few words to her again, and when I was sure she couldn't eat, she asked someone to take the things off the table and turned around and walked out. She walked straight out of Fengqi Palace. After seeing the little **** waiting there after a while, she busily smiled and came forward: "Slave has persuaded her mother, and the mother should not go there again. "

"Should?" The **** had a sharp voice, obviously not satisfied.

She smiled awkwardly: "The mother-in-law is the master, and we can only be persuaded if we are slaves. If she persists and does not change her mind, there is nothing she can do."

The **** stared at her for a long time, and finally turned around with a slight hum, and whispered secretly, turned back to Fengqi Palace.

After the little **** returned to the ceremony and returned to his office, Shen Tuchuan was quiet for a long time, and after a word, he resumed his busy affairs.

Early the next morning, Ji Ting still got up and walked towards Si Lijian. She didn't sleep well last night. Her mind was full of words to persuade her, but at dawn, she still wanted to get the silver back.

This time she really hurt Shen Tuchuan's heart, so she was not qualified to ask him for forgiveness. After the silver was found back, she stayed in Fengqi Palace in peace, and no longer troubled him. If he needs a queen queen mother, then she will do it honestly.

Ji listened frowning and thinking about things along the way, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the pond, where was the pond ... the pond? She looked at the pond that had been filled into the ground, and for a long time she could not speak.

"Say hello to the concubine." Several eunuchs were saluting the ground.

Ji Ting slightly opened his mouth, only to think of it for a long time and asked, "Why, how did you fill it in?"

"Return to the concubine, this is the meaning of the Lord Lord, said that it was filled in earlier, and it also saved people from messing around." An **** wiped his sweat and took out the speech he had prepared.

...... He actually hated himself to such an extent that Ji Tingyun looked at the flat ground in front of him. It took him a long time to return to God, and he went to Fengqi Palace in silence.

I got up early and couldn't see Ji Ting. It was when I sighed that I suddenly saw her return, and she was surprised: "Why did my mother come back so early? Did she give up?"

"No, you move a chair for me, and I'll bask in the yard for a while." Ji Ting frowned.

I hurriedly moved the chair over, and Ji Ting narrowed her eyes after sitting down. I wonder if today's sunshine is so good, or for some other reason. She only drank for a while, and her eyes sweated a little. My head was full of bits and pieces with Shen Tuchuan over the years, and she found out that from the first meeting, every memory about him was so clear.

She sighed softly, covering her tingling heart, and just as tears were about to fall, she suddenly heard a soft cough behind her back. She paused, turned her head around, and saw Lin Lang stand behind her with a double crutch.

"How come you out." Ji Ting busy helped him sit down.

Lin Lang smiled embarrassedly: "The slaves just heard that the maiden was basking in the courtyard, thinking that she hadn't seen the maiden for a long time, so I came to talk to you."

"... Sorry, I have neglected you these days." Ji Ting looked guilty.

Lin Lang shook his head and looked at her with a serious face: "You don't have to be like that, you are the best person to be a slave in this world. As long as you are good, it is the best thing for a slave."

Ji Tingxiaoxiao did not speak.

Lin Lang looked at her for a long while and smiled softly: "The mother is still worried about the governor?"

"... It seems that this story has spread quite widely, you all know who is lying in the house to heal all day long." Ji listened helplessly.

Lin Lang comforted her: "Mother-in-law doesn't have to worry too much. The governor may just be angry, but after some time, he will be able to rebuild with you."

"It shouldn't be possible this time." Ji heard the pond being filled, being careful that the liver was as uncomfortable as a needle stick.

Lin Lang smiled: "Although the minions do not understand the relationship between men and women, they want to come close to their parents' relationship. It is not so easy to disperse, not to mention that the Lord ’s love for you has already exceeded the relationship between men and women. He does not treat you so much. Easy to give up. "

Ji listened with surprise when he heard the first sentence. When he finished, he didn't know what to say. Lin Lang looked at her in shock, her mouth never letting down: "What's wrong with my mother?"

"No, no, why did you guess in that direction?" Ji Ting's eyes were full of nervousness.

Lin Lang wondered: "The slave didn't guess. Didn't the maiden and the governor have been together for a long time, and the whole palace probably doesn't know much?"

Ji Ting only felt that the sky was going to fall: "You, don't talk nonsense! I am innocent with the Lord Lord, but the relationship was just a little better, it is not the relationship you want ... and you What does it mean to know the whole palace ?! "

"That's what I mean. Haven't you two been dealing with each other in an upright manner? Why is your mother suddenly so panicked at this moment?" Lin Lang became more and more puzzled. "Besides, you have been running to Si Lijian these days, and you should know that doing so How high-profile, it is estimated that those who have blocked the news also know your relationship with the governor. "

Ji Tingyi looked at him, but did not respond for a long time, because she really didn't think about it! She was just like the people in the palace, and she would not associate her concubine with the eunuch. However, she never thought that she was too simple, and she had not yet exchanged ideas with Shen Tuchuan, so she was judged by many people. Unclean relationship.

Lin Lang looked at her look of disappointment. After a moment of silence, her voice was low: "You, you don't think, you and the governor concealed well?"

"Isn't it?" Ji Ting was crying without tears. She felt that she was careful about Shen Tuchuan's, and it was really good to hide it!

Lin Lang was speechless and said for a long time: "Mother-in-law may not know that this kind of thing is too common in the palace, so your relationship can be seen by many people at a glance."

He thought about it and added: "Deep palace loneliness, many concubines have such a relationship with eunuchs, it is really normal, not to mention that the maiden and the governor are sincere, more common than those who only solve loneliness. The nobles are much more noble, except for the joy of their maidens, and they have no thoughts at all. "

"I and him really ... forget it, I will not be in contact with him in the future, presumably these rumors will soon be self-defeating." It turned out that this kind of thing is also normal in the palace, so why was she before that? Always tangled? Thinking of Shen Tuchuan, Ji Ting's mood dropped again, "I ask you, if these rumors spread, will it be against him?"

"No one will tell anything about the palace," said Lin Langduding. "Since he has been in charge of the East Factory, the Lord Master has managed the palace as an iron barrel. Even if someone wants to spread the news outside, I am afraid it cannot."

"... That's fine." It doesn't matter if he doesn't affect him, leave the rest to time to dilute, Ji Ting looked down.

Lin Lang realized that he had talked too much today, and then he receded after thinking about it. From the beginning of this season, I didn't go to Secretary Li Jian, and didn't even step out of Fengqi Palace.

Everyone in the palace knew the news of her break with the governor. She could stay in the palace for so long. Which one is not a good player who held high and low. For a time, Fengqi Palace was deserted and said nothing. Have been detained a lot. Ji Ting doesn't care much about these. In fact, since she can't go out, she doesn't care much about anything.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month later, Lin Lang had raised himself and was about to leave.

When he was sent to the carriage, Ji listened to his own small vault and took some silver out. Lin Lang busy refused: "Mother-in-law, absolutely, nowadays, the life of Fengqi Palace is not easy. How can a slave want your things?" . "

"You keep it, I feel better." Ji heard a sigh.

Lin Lang rejected it a few times, and there was no other way to accept it. Her eyes were red and she gave a big gift: "The slave is here, I am afraid I will never see her again. . "

"Well, hurry up." Ji listened and smiled.

Lin Lang stepped on the carriage three times and walked away from Fengqi Palace. Ji Ting stood quietly until the carriage disappeared from the corner, and she had not moved a minute.

Shen Tuchuan stood quietly in the corner, watching her stare into the distance, watching her turn and go back. He was always a sculpture and kept quietly in the corner of no one.

"Sir Lord, the emperor died." After the father-in-law Li came, he whispered.

Shen Tuchuan's expression moved slightly, and after a long time he said lightly: "Seal the palace, conceal the matter, and don't let the outside world know for now."

Li Gonggong said for a moment: "Don't you promulgate the edict now?"

"hold on."

"What are you waiting for?" Gong Li was anxious. "If you wait a little longer, the risks will be bigger. Supervisor, you can't wait for this!"

Shen Tuchuan looked down, but still said: "wait again."

Li Gong was so anxious that he would shed sweat. Seeing that he insisted on it, he bit his teeth and went to tell him. Shen Tuchuan stood alone for a moment again, his eyes gradually hardened, and he turned to go to work on something.

When he will control the other princes and bring the nine princes into the palace, when his son has passed, his cloak will be stained with the coldness of the night, leaving him at a slight temperature.

He walked towards the Li Lijian with no expression, and suddenly stepped on the door when he quickly entered the door. After a long time, he walked to the left corner of the door and looked at the small group that was full of alcohol. He turned back after a moment of silence At the door, he called a small **** on duty: "Send her back."

"Yes." The little **** hurried to help others.

Ji heard a humming sound, and his pupils looked at the person with tears in tears. When he saw that it was not what he was looking for, he sobbed and cried silently.

"My concubine, you should go back," said the **** awkwardly.

Ji listened and waved his hands, crying and being strong, "don't care about me, I will sit for a while."

"Yes, but you ..." The **** glanced at Shen Tuchuan's face in embarrassment. Seeing that he had no response, he could only bite his teeth and listen to Ji.

It's a pity that Ji Ji, who was drunk, didn't say anything. He was very uncooperative. The **** tried a few times, but he didn't pull people up. When he was hesitant to ask for personal help, Shen Tuchuan suddenly appeared behind him, and asked with a sound of ice cripple: "Are you enough?"

The little **** was startled, thinking that he was talking about himself, and after half a day of reaction, he realized that he was talking about Ji, and hurried back aside.

Ji, who had been rolling in mud, looked at him with tears in his eyes and said softly, "Are you coming to pick me up?"

Shen Tuchuan softened heartily, his hands clenched into fists, his face was so dull that dripping water, "Do you think that if I get hold of you, I will let you humiliate?"

"I've been waiting for you for almost four hours. My legs and feet are freezing. Can you hug me into the house?" When Ji Ting asked with a small nasal sound, he also stretched out two arms and straightened towards him. hold.

The **** retired silently. This kind of word of tiger and wolf is really not suitable for his pure little **** to listen.

Shen Tuchuan stared at Ji Ting quietly, and did not act. Ji Ting's arms were getting more and more sour, and her tears were getting more and more fierce. When she couldn't support her, she finally said in a crying voice: "Shen Tuchuan, you can't bring me into the palace, regardless of me! "

Shen Tuchuan's heart trembled abruptly, and after a long silence, he stopped the person and hugged him, walking towards the house, everyone bowed his head along the way, pretending that he didn't see this scene, and waited until he took him When he hugged into the house, he immediately closed the door with help from outside.

Shen Tuchuan had a calm face to put the person on the ground. As a result, she hung it around her neck and did not let go, she looked like she was going to play the rogue to the end. He darkened his face: "Let go."

"No." Ji heard a hum.

"Let go." There was a warning in his voice this time.

Ji Ting still held on, but her heart began to get scared. When Shen Tuchuan's eyes were dark and torn from her body, she suddenly let go, and the two were unguarded for a while, and Ji Ting fell straight to the ground.

When the back of his head reached him, Ji heard a humming sound, and instantly smashed himself into a shrimp, lying on the ground holding his silent side. Shen Tuchuan had already squatted down the first time, and after touching the swollen bag on her head, her voice was somber that she wanted to drip water: "I'm going to call the doctor."

He left after finishing speaking, but Ji Ting suddenly grabbed his sleeve, and he immediately settled down.

"What I said that day ... didn't mean that." Ji Ting's eyes were wet.

Shen Tuchuan's expressionless silence, after a long time, said lightly: "It seems you're all right, I'll ask someone to take you back."

"I didn't mean to conceal it before, but I just didn't know how to deal with it, so I pretended not to know ... I kissed you that day, and I didn't want to exchange the opportunity to leave the palace, I just wanted to kiss you," Ji heard , Began to choke again, "I said that later, just because I felt that if I didn't enter the palace, I didn't become the emperor's woman, maybe I could be right with you ..."

She murmured explanations, and spoke without tears, and soon she was hoarse. Shen Tuchuan looked at her silently, and finally gave her a glass of water.

Ji listened with a sip and looked at him seriously: "It was my fault that nonsense that day. You can't forgive me, but don't ignore me, OK?"

"It's just nonsense, isn't it true?" Shen Tuchuan asked back.

Ji Ting weeped softly: "I have never used your mind, no matter in the past, present or future, there will be no ..."

"It's just that I can't believe you now, why bother to say the future." Shen Tuchuan interrupted her.

Ji listened for a moment, pursing his lips and crying silently.

After being silent for a long time, Shen Tuchuan calmly looked at her: "You haven't been to the Li Jianjian for a long time, why are you here today?"

"Because of drinking." Even if Ji Ting was drunk, he knew how much influence alcohol had on himself.

"Why drink?"

Ji could not answer, and Shen Tuchuan's eyes were cold: "Because Lin Lang leaves the palace today, are you in a bad mood?"

"... Lin Lang's departure from the palace is a good thing, why is he in a bad mood?" Ji Ting asked dimly.

Shen Tuchuan didn't look away: "It's about asking yourself." Today, her staring back is still lingering in her mind. Lin Lang's existence, he always cared about it.

Ji Ting whispered to himself and muttered that Shen Tuchuan couldn't help but feel cute, but thought that she was doing the same in front of another man, she felt very hateful.

He finally interrupted her: "Do you treat Lin Lang differently than other palace people, because you like him?"

"I just like you." Ji Ting answered directly.

Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment, then slowly raised his face: "Don't change the subject, what do you think of him, now make it clear."

"Am I guilty of him?" Guilin was guilty, "said Lin Lang, and his mood was lowered, tears in his eyes." I have mentioned it with you. I can remember it when I remember it? "

Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment, and then frowned.

Ji heard that Lihua talked about it with rain, and she felt guilt over Lin Lang again in her heart.

In fact, when this obsession grows up, she can't often think of it anymore, but since she met Lin Lang in front of the Toffee Palace, her mind has always surfaced in her childhood. At that time, she always felt that she should meet a wolverine boy in such a scene, save him in water and fire, and devote all her strength to happiness, but when she met Lin Lang, she felt wrong.

She wanted to save him, but was unwilling to take responsibility for his life. This kind of thought made her feel guilty and felt that she was sorry for Lin Lang, but she could not do anything because she really couldn't accommodate the second person in her heart.

This guilt forced her to be good to Lin Lang, although every time she was good to him, she always felt wrong. Later, Lin Lang was injured, which made her guilt even worse. Only when she took care of him daily would she feel less guilty, even if it did not make everyone understand.

Lin Lang left this time, she was actually relieved. If he could take care of himself, he would have a happy life waiting for him. This is the best ending for him and himself.

Shen Tuchuan listened in silence, and finally knew why she protected Lin Lang and why he took care of him regardless of his identity. Everything turned out to be just because ... Lin Lang looked like he had escaped from the Toffee Palace His original fate.

It turned out that Ji Ming actually regarded him as his stand-in.

Shen Tuchuan's mind became complicated for a moment, staring at the crying eyes in front of him, and he whispered in a long while, "Have you ever thought that you knew the wrong person?"

The author has something to say: Ji Ji listened: Who do I blame for wrong people?

Chuan Er: I do n’t know if you do n’t understand, do n’t look at me

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