Ji listened drunkenly and looked at him dimly, half a moment and tilted his head in confusion: "Recognize the wrong person?"


Ji Ting stared at him for a while, then suddenly laughed, and the tears shed at the corner of his eyes fell down: "No, I'm not mistaken."

Shen Tuchuan frowned. As she was about to speak again, her little hand suddenly covered his lips, and the light fragrance permeated the tip of her nose. Shen Tuchuan didn't move for an instant.

"He's gone," Ji Ting looked at him seriously, "you don't eat his vinegar."

"I didn't." Shen Tuchuan's voice was a little stuffy.

Ji Ting sobbed: "I abandoned him, God will punish me, but I don't care, I only have you in my heart ..."

"You've drunk too much," Shen Tuchuan took her hand down, "I'll send you back."

Ji Ting bit her lip and wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeve, then she said lowly, "Don't you believe me?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent.

Ji Ting's tears are about to fall again: "I said so much, in fact, you don't even believe me, right?"

"How do you want me to believe?" Shen Tuchuan's voice was surprisingly calm. "Last time was drunk, this time was drunk. Since last time it might be nonsense, what about this time?"

He knew his destiny in this life, so he didn't lie about Lin Lang, but as to whether she was using her heart, she just said through her red mouth and white teeth that there was no evidence to prove it, he Why do you believe her?

"This time is serious." Ji Ting quickly answered.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her face quietly and stood up for a while, saying, "Go, I will take you back to Fengqi Palace."

"You have to drive me away ..." Ji Ting's tears finally began to fall, as if she had been hit hard, and stood up in dismay.

Fearing that she had fallen, Shen Tuchuan stretched her face and stretched out her hand. As a result, Ji heard his hand, as if she saw something terrible, and stepped back.

"Be careful!" Shen Tuchuan's air pressure dropped again.

Ji Tingyi met him for a moment, suddenly turned his head and ran away. He took off his shoes and drilled the quilt in one go. When Shen Tuchuan responded, she had shrank into his bed and wrapped herself into a silkworm.

Still the one that doesn't show up.

Shen Tuchuan only felt that the blue tendon on his forehead was about to burst out, and walked to the bed with a cold face: "Get up."

The silkworm pupae moved and did not mean to get up. Shen Tuchuan took a deep breath, and started to pull, and the pupa screamed, twisting and resisting.

After some struggle, the silkworm chrysalis was finally lost, and was pulled out of a small mouth, revealing a small face that shouldn't be red. Shen Tuchuan's fingertips paused and looked at her darkly: "I can't get up anymore, and I'll stop thinking about stepping into our courtesy supervisor again in the future."

Ji Ting blinked dullly, slowly pulling out his two arms, and Shen Tuchuan was relieved, leaning over to help her pick up her shoes, Ji Ting suddenly hugged his neck, and borrowed Inertia carried people to bed.

Shen Tuchuan was not aware of it for a moment, and was directly pressed on the silkworm pupae. His breath was only separated by a finger.

Ji Tingnae looked at him: "What should I do to make you believe it?"

"You don't need to do anything, I will judge for myself." Shen Tuchuan said indifferently.

Ji Ting held one hand around his neck and the other hand touched his face: "But what if you make a mistake?"

Shen Tuchuan's throat moved and she caught her evil hand: "It can't be wrong."

"Before you judge it, are you still unwilling to ignore me?" Ji listened.

There was a little water under her eyes, and she looked pathetic. A good looks is probably the best weapon in the world. Even a heart-hard person seeing her is so pitiful, I'm afraid that there is a feeling of melting in her heart.

Shen Tuchuan was no exception, but he held back: "Yes."

Ji heard the words lost even more in his eyes, holding him reluctant to give up.

"It's early, go back."

Shen Tuchuan had to get up after speaking, but never wanted Ji Hean to increase his strength, holding him unwilling to give up, he frowned, and just about to rebuke, he saw her face firm: "This time, maybe you I won't see me in my life. "

After that, she kissed her in a boat. Shen Tuchuan's hand became a fist, and she acted like a sculpture. She did not take the initiative but refused.

Ji couldn't hear what he was doing, and he couldn't wait for his response. Because she didn't know the weight of the drink, she sipped the rusty moon star sweet, and opened her eyes in a panic, facing the dark eyes of Shang Shen Tu Chuan.

She felt subconsciously dangerous, and hurried back, but Shen Tuchuan hugged the silkworm puppet, and kissed back fiercely without pity.

Ji heard a humming sound, and gradually began to have difficulty breathing. She kept beating Shen Tuchuan, but only in response to a more aggressive response.

Slowly, the temperature in the room gradually increased, and the skin of the silkworm pupae was pulled away. Shen Tuchuan seemed unsatisfied, and his clear-cut hands began to attack the silkworm inside. The atmosphere watched as it went out of control. He suddenly noticed that his face was wet, and realized that it was Ji Ting's tears. He stopped abruptly and turned away from her with a cold face.

At this time, her clothes were a bit shaggy, revealing a small piece of muscle. Skin, obviously white, but the redness of Shen Tuchuan's eyes burned, and his tough face did not continue to be out of control.

Ji Ting wiped her tears, covered her mouth and looked at him poorly: "It hurts a bit."

Cold wind came in through the crack in the window, and Shen Tuchuan was blown by the wind, and he calmed down a lot. Although his ears were still red, his expression had returned to indifference. He was silent for a long time before he said lightly, "I will take you back."

"... Okay." Ji Ting realized that he was noisy but he became honest.

She tidy up the clothes slowly, then lowered her feet to reach the shoes, awkward and slow. Shen Tuchuan tolerated, and finally squatted at her feet, held her feet on her legs, and then picked up her shoes to help her wear them.

Although his hands are wide, they are a bit cold, just like him, he always gives a feeling of covering up. Ji Tingding looked at him, and after he helped himself put on a shoe, he suddenly held his hand.

Shen Tuchuan gave a meal and frowned at her: "Don't make trouble."

Ji Ting smirked, and clenched his hand. After his hand was not so cold, he relaxed with satisfaction: "It can still cover the heat."

... what a mess? Shen Tuchuan's brows frowned. She wanted to ask, but when she saw her face was drunk, she said nothing at all. After helping her put on her shoes, she pulled them up.

"Let's go back."

"Good." Ji Ting obediently agreed.

Shen Tuchuan's gaze swept around her face, silently led her out, and after a long way, she said lightly, "After you go back, remember to ask me to give you medicine."

"What medicine?" Ji Ting looked at him in confusion.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and put out her fingertips on her lips. Ji Ting frowned, and his eyes were full of confusion, and Shen Tuchuan was helpless: "You just need to tell me like this."

"Okay, I see." Ji Ting agreed.

After that, he was speechless all the way. When he arrived in front of Fengqi Palace, Shen Tuchuan stopped and watched her enter and then turned away.

Everyone in Fengqi Palace was waiting for the season to listen. After seeing her back, she hurriedly surrounded her, and a little palace girl exclaimed: "What's wrong with your mouth, mother?"

Ji Ting didn't understand, and he looked at him after a moment of hesitation: "Help me."

"Well, let's go back to the house first, slaves will help you take medicine." He busy.

Ji listened and nodded, and walked straight towards the room. Before he came over to take the medicine, he fell asleep on the bed first.

When I woke up the next day, I still had a headache, and I also had a fear of coldness, but I covered it with a thick snoring.

"Water." As soon as she spoke, she heard a husky voice, and suddenly she stopped.

I brought hot water and sighed after serving her: "Madam, you are really worried about the old slave, this cold day, you do n’t rest in the palace after drinking, and you run away again Somewhere, I did n’t return until the day was about to go. I did n’t say that there was a high fever, and there was a scar on my mouth ... "

Ji listened for a moment, stroking her lips subconsciously, and hissing in pain after touching the wound, and then the memory of last night whistled, and her face turned red instantly.

I was still persuading: "The slave knew that you were obsessed with the Lord Lord, but the Lord Lord is not a person who can easily change his mind. The mother will die as soon as possible. Look at your mouth. You must have fallen at night. If you continue to be capricious, maybe you will suffer more than this little injury next time ... "

"Well, I know, you, you go out first." Ji finished covering herself after hearing that.

I thought she wasn't getting oil and salt, and left with a sigh, leaving only Ji Heing to think about something messy in the quilt.

...... Yesterday they went together again. It seemed more eager than the last time, but she didn't notice Shen Tuchuan's pity. What kind of mood did he get to kiss back?

Ji Ting was thinking and started to fall again. Shen Tuchuan didn't believe in himself, so he certainly did not respond to himself out of love last night. He asked himself to come back and wait, maybe he will never see him again.

The little bit of joy that was originally born from the memory, was finally wiped out as she thought more and more. She just felt that her brain was more painful.

I only returned after less than a quarter of an hour. When I came back, I still had a bowl of soup and medicine in my hand, and shouted at the bedside for a long time to hear it. After drinking the medicine, I slept with a complex idea in my head.

Here, the people from Shen Tuchuan led the troops to capture the four princes who had fled. When Gong Li saw him, he said, "Every prince is about to move, and the emperor's death may not be hidden for a long time. I also ask the governor to decide earlier and support the nine as soon as possible. The prince ascended the throne. "

"This matter is not anxious. You should be optimistic about the princes first, and I will decide the rest." Shen Tuchuan said indifferently.

Gong Li was dying: "Supervisor, everything is ready now, only the last step. The East Factory's lives in the next few decades are all on you, what are you waiting for! If it is drilled by other adult princes They must not tolerate us! "

Shen Tuchuan calmed for a moment before slowly speaking: "Give me three more days."

"... what exactly are you going to do?" Grandpa Li was about to collapse.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at him: "One thing to prove." He paused and asked Grandpa Li to come forward and whisper something.

Li Gonggong wanted to stop talking and ended up saying nothing. He couldn't help but sigh heavily and went to help him with his big head.

As soon as Li Gonggong left, a palace man from Fengqi Palace came. When he saw Shen Tuchuan, he knelt down and said, "Please, Lord Master."

"My mother is awake?" Shen Tuchuan asked indifferently.

The palace man responded: "Last night, Xu was exposed to the cold wind, and the high fever was launched when it was not dawn. Now he is still resting."

"Not yet fever?" Shen Tuchuan frowned.

The palace person lowered his body a bit lower, and before speaking, he felt as if there was a gust of wind on his side, and the person who raised his head had already left.

In Fengqi Palace, the palace people deliberately made a sound when they were doing things, and the courtyard was quiet.

"Don't you wake up yet?" A few eunuchs came together to chat, a little **** asked.

The palace lady who was waiting for Ji listened in person shook her head, and her eyes felt a little distressed: "The mother is too tense, knowing that the person can't go back again, but she is still indifferent. Every day, everyone loses weight."

The little **** thought of Ji's beautiful face, and he muttered after a moment of silence: "How do I think, my mother is getting more energetic?"

"What do you know? This is when you get frustrated to the extreme, it will look radiant, just like Huiguang. It's a truth." A maid of self-confidence who has read for several years.

The others suddenly exclaimed, with a ‘as it is’ expression.

While they were sitting and discussing with each other, a voice suddenly broke in: "Where's the mother?"

"In the room." A palace lady answered without thinking.

Then the crowd froze. When they looked at Shen Tuchuan, he had already entered Ji Ting's house. A group of people looked at each other, their faces changed for a long time, and they pretended to see nothing, and went on working.

As soon as Shen Tuchuan entered the house, he smelled a strong smell of medicine. He frowned, walked to the bed with a cold face, and reached out to probe her forehead, which was indeed still warm.

Ji Ting noticed that someone was coming, opened his eyes in a coma, and smiled bitterly after he looked at him: "I'm really a magic wand, I think you will come."

"Can I take medicine?" Shen Tuchuan asked coldly.

Ji listened for a moment, slowly waking up, his eyes widened suddenly: "Why are you here?"

"When will the medicine be taken?" Shen Tuchuan still said this.

Ji Tingyan swallowed: "Half an hour ago, it's much better now."

"But still feverish." Shen Tuchuan looked dignified.

Ji Ting looked at him with his eyes open, and half a while before whispering, "Are you concerned about me?"

Shen Tuchuan didn't say a word, but tightened the quilt tightly to her. Just as his hand was about to leave, Ji listened to hold his sleeve.

Without the courage of alcohol, she sweated her back even pinching a corner: "Don't leave ..."

"I'm not going, you can sleep." After finishing Shen Tuchuan, he dragged a chair over and sat down.

Ji Ting quietly looked at him, her eyelids gradually became heavy, but she couldn't bear to sleep, for fear of closing her eyes, he would disappear.

Shen Tuchuan seemed to know her thoughts, and finally got a little temperature in her eyes: "I sleep peacefully, I really don't go."

"Do you believe me?" Ji listened carefully.

Shen Tuchuan was silent. She looked down to conceal the disappointment in her eyes, and only half a moment before she said, "I know, you still don't believe me."

Shen Tuchuan watched her quietly for a long time, and finally spoke back to her: "I believe."

Ji listened for a moment and looked at him suddenly: "Really?"

"Really, I believe you are sincere to me and have never used it with heart." Shen Tuchuan covered up all emotions and only said what she wanted to hear.

Ji Tian's eyes became red for a moment, and she and Shen Tuchuan looked at each other for a while, then smiled relievedly: "You, you are willing to believe me."


Ji heard a little response, closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her worry-free sleeping face, his eyes gradually dimmed. He was willing to give her another chance to prove her sincerity, and only hoped that she could give a satisfactory answer.

When she woke up again, the heat had subsided. The first thing she opened her eyes was to look aside, and she felt relieved when she saw Shen Tuchuan still sitting there.

"Awake?" Shen Tuchuan kept watching her, and asked directly when he heard the movement.

Ji Ting sat up, looking at his erect body, a little red on his face: "Well, wake up."

"Get up to eat something and drink the medicine again, and it will be fine tomorrow." Shen Tuchuan said, reaching out her hand.

Ji Ting moved his heart, shyly handed him over, and he was holding on to wear shoes, during which he could not help thinking about how he looked when he knelt on the ground last night to help himself, and his face became redder.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her face as bright as a peach blossom, covered her heartbeat and went to eat together.

"Do you really believe me?" Ji Ting still doubted.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "I need to lie to you?"

Ji listened for a second, so he settled down and ate a bowl of rice well. After eating dinner and drinking medicine, I went back to rest in the room. Shen Tuchuan seemed to have something to do. She only left with her for a moment.

Early the next morning, he came again, and spent a day with her, telling Ji Ting to completely relax and make sure that he had no suspicion about himself.

That night, when Shen Tuchuan was about to leave, Ji listened to him outside the Fengqi Palace, and when he wanted to send it forward, he suddenly stopped: "The emperor is almost out of business, and it is estimated that it will be only two days."

Ji listened for a moment and wondered how he brought it up to himself.

"After the emperor's death, I will be busy for a long time. I am afraid I have no time to accompany you, so," Shen Tuchuan paused for a moment, "so I decided to compensate you in advance."

"Compensate me?" Ji heard puzzled.

Shen Tuchuan looked into her eyes deeply: "You will know tomorrow."

Ji listened and asked again, but he refused to say anything, and she had to go back with curiosity.

After waiting until the next day, Ji listened to the door early in the morning and waited. After seeing Shen Tuchuan coming over, he greeted him: "Master Lord!"

Shen Tuchuan handed her the things in her hand: "Go and change, I'll take you somewhere."

Ji Ting took a closer look, it was a set of men's clothing, she was a little puzzled, but looked at Shen Tuchuan's expression, think about it or go back and put it on.

The men's pins are very rough. At first glance, they just came out of work in the past two days. Ji heard a gesture on his body and determined that it was made for himself.

She was even more puzzled in her heart. The speed of changing clothes became faster. When she wore a long gown, she also tied her hair up.

Ji listened out and ran out with satisfaction. Shen Tuchuan saw a slight radian on the corner of her rear lip, and led her into a carriage that was already prepared.

When the carriage went outside the palace, Ji Ting kept asking him where to go. Shen Tuchuan kept silent, but just sat upright and closed his eyes. Ji listened slowly and was embarrassed to bother him. He just lifted the curtains and looked out, staring at the world that had not been seen for a long time.

Gradually, she started speechless, staring at the scenery flying along the road, her eyes were incredible. Until the carriage stopped, she didn't have any real sense, but when the groom spoke, she subconsciously looked at Shen Tuchuan.

Shen Tuchuan opened his eyes, stepped off the carriage with a stretched face, and then reached out to her who was still on the carriage: "Come."

Ji Ting put his trembling hand in his palm and waited for him to get out of the carriage, then the eyes of the plaque staring directly above him gradually turned red.

"This is compensation for you. I'm busy with business, and I'm going to Dali Temple now, and I'll pick you up after two hours." Shen Tuchuan Dandan Road.

Ji Ting was still in shock. He did not hear the discomfort in his words. He just nodded when he heard the words, and then went forward without a word. Shen Tuchuan's hand gradually became a fist, and when she was about to go in, she suddenly called her: "Ji Ting."

"Huh?" Ji Ting turned to look at him.

Shen Tuchuan and her looked at each other for a long time, and then lowered their eyes indifferently: "The world is too chaotic now, don't walk around, wait for me to pick you up."

"... Okay." Ji Duan's dull heart finally began to jump wildly. She watched Shen Tuchuan get on the carriage and watch the carriage go away. Then she ran under the plaque and knocked loudly on the door.

The people in the hospital were shocked, and soon someone came to drive. Xiao Yan was surprised when he saw Ji heard: "Big and Miss! Why are you back?"

"Where's my father and mother? Where are they?" Ji listened to the corners of his eyebrows and was happy. When he saw Xiaoyu, he hurried in and screamed, "Daddy! Mother! I'm back! I Come back to see you! "

Thanks to her full-hearted shout, Mrs. Ji Shangshu quickly ran out, seeing that she was stunned first, then ran over ecstatically and held people in her arms.

"Come back ... why are you back?" Madam Ji burst into tears.

Ji Ting was also sad, leaning on Mrs. Ji's arms and looking at Ji Shangshu: "Dad, why are you so much older, but have you suffered in these days?"

"What can I suffer? Previously, the second prince had an accident. Thanks to Lord Lord, he covered me up. I returned after only one day in prison. Okay ... Okay ... my good daughter finally came back." Ji Shangshu seven feet The eyes of the man also turned red.

Mrs. Ji cried for a moment and calmed down a lot: "Why did you come back suddenly, but what happened in the palace?"

Ji Ting sucked his nose: "Let's talk in the house."

"Well, let's talk into the room."

The family of three returned to the house, and it took half a day for Ji Ting to clarify the matter. Ji Shangshu sighed again and again: "It is also bad for my father. I just want to support the second prince to ascend to the throne. In the future, I can leave a way for you after the emperor crashes, but I did not expect to underestimate the emperor's eyeliner. If it is not the overlord, I am afraid you It's going to be me too. "

Ji listened to shame, and dare not say that the affairs of the Ji family were found out by the governor, but it was only to comfort his father that things have passed now, so there is no need to say anything.

The family of three spoke for a while, and Mrs. Ji held Ji Ting's hand: "Are you ... back to the palace this time?"

"I'm going, the governor will come to pick me up in two hours." Ji heard that when he thought of separating from his parents again.

Mrs. Ji also opened her face uncomfortably. Ji Shangshu looked at the mother and daughter for a moment and finally patted the table and said, "Can't let the listener go back. Even if the prince is next to him without burial, he is doomed to be lonely all his life. I don't May my daughter live like this! "

"Not willing, what else can I do?" Mrs. Ji wiped her tears.

Ji Shangshu gritted his teeth: "Pack up now and leave, two hours, enough for us to go out of the city to go elsewhere, when incognito, who can find us."

"Yes, but can this work?" Mrs. Ji already hearted.

Ji Shang's face looked up: "It will definitely work. I got a map two days ago, marking more than a hundred cities and towns large and small outside Kyoto. We just need to find the most remote places to live in seclusion, and we will definitely be able to Dodging officers and men to trace. "

Mrs. Ji nodded ignorantly, and then looked at Ji-Ting: "Listen, listen to your father, let's go, wait until it's settled elsewhere, find a husband's family close to home, in the future we will depend on each other. Better than living in your palace alone. "

Ji Tingyi looked at his parents and listened to his mother's outline of the future, saying that it was false not to move.

Outside the door of Ji's house, hundreds of guards were standing in the dark, staring at the big mansion, and it was impossible for even a fly to escape their eyes. In a carriage at the corner, Father Gong Li sat down with a complex face, only to think that he was crazy or that the governor was crazy, otherwise how could he just keep his business and not do it, and spent three days for Ji Jiabu like this Board.

But this is also very good. Ji is young and is not a right-loving person. She certainly does not want to be trapped in the palace all her life. She fled with her parents, and it is better for the governor to recognize earlier that they are not all the way.

Father Gong looked at Shen Tuchuan, who was stretched his face, and could not help shrinking his neck. If the governor is doomed to be frustrated this time, he is expected to be involved, and he will not be good in the next few days.

Shen Tuchuan ignored the intricate heart of Gong Li next to him, but just sat there quietly. With the passage of time, Jifu remained quiet and his face gradually improved.

"Master Lord," a spy suddenly came outside the carriage, "Ji Shangshu is packing his luggage at this moment."

Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment, and his face was so dull that he wanted to drip water.

Li Gong swallowed: "Are you sure?"

"The minions are absolutely certain. Now that the Jifu does not have high-skilled guards, the minions can be investigated at close range, and they will certainly not go wrong." The spy firmly said.

Every time he said a word, Shen Tuchuan's face was ugly. When the last note fell, Li Gong felt that he was about to be killed by the low air pressure in the carriage, and he coughed and repelled the spy.

For a long time, he carefully said, "Supervisor, if the concubine is going to run away with her parents, what are you going to do?"

Shen Tuchuan didn't say a word, Gong Li said: "Actually, the mother is young, and it is natural to want to stay with her parents. It is better for the master to complete them."

"I fulfill them, who fulfills me?" Shen Tuchuan looked at him, as if there was an active volcano hidden in peace, at the moment was about to erupt.

Li Gong took a nap and did not dare to say a word, like a quail to accompany Shen Tuchuan.

In the next two quarters of an hour, the spies made three trips, and each time, Shen Tuchuan's anger increased by one point. Father-in-law Li seemed to be shocked when he saw Luo Sha's kid.

When the spy came last time, a carriage came out of the back door of Jifu, quietly merged into the street, and ran towards the gate.

Li Gonggong looked to Shen Tuchuan in embarrassment, waiting for his order.

After being silent for a long time, Shen Tuchuan said indifferently: "Stop them."

"... Yes." Grandpa Li took the time to sit outside with the coach and sat with the driver, relieved, and directed everyone to follow, a group of people rushed to the back door and stopped the coach.

Shen Tuchuan showed coldness from the inside to the outside, and every step seemed to fall off the moraine. He walked indifferently to the carriage and stared at the carriage covered by the curtain for a long time before his eyes moved gloomily. finger.

Gong Li immediately asked someone to open the curtain, and the people inside were exposed to Shen Tuchuan the next second. Shen Tuchuan froze instantly.

"Sir Lord, are you?" Ji Shang's bibliography revealed doubts.

Shen Tuchuan stared at the couple in the car, realizing what went straight to Jifu, leaving Li Gongsong to make excuses with the Ji family.

In the quarter, in the other courtyard.

When Ji Ting was sitting on a swing with hundreds of boring and boring time, and was about to fall asleep by herself, she suddenly pulled her up vigorously, and was held in her arms the next second.

She was shocked for a moment, and then she smelled the clear cypress and scent of him. At the same time she was relieved, and her face became hot. She pushed him weakly: "What are you doing?"

"Don't move." Shen Tuchuan's voice was dumb.

Ji Ting heard what was wrong with him, and after a moment of stunned he did not move.

It is late autumn, when the yellow maple leaves fall and make an inconspicuous sound when they fall to the ground. The wind blows gently, and it is a little bit cold, but it cannot dispel the heat of the coming body temperature.

For a long time, Ji Ting whispered, "I'm a bit breathless."

Shen Tuchuan gave a meal, then she let go of her, looked at her eyes and asked, "Why not leave?"

Ji listened for a while, and after a while, he understood what it meant, and he was surprised: "You sent me back, did you want me to leave? Is something wrong in the palace ... what is wrong, you ca n’t stop talking to I said, do n’t you want to come back in two hours? Why do you ... as soon as my father and mother leave? ”

Having said that, she suddenly wanted to understand, and was a little annoyed immediately: "Today's incident, did you frame me ?!"

Shen Tuchuan hugged her again in silence, Ji heard angry, but couldn't bear to push him away. After a while, she realized: "This is what you said, you need to verify the truth of my words yourself? "


Ji listened and laughed: "You really, really ..." What is it really? She couldn't say anything to her mouth, because someone's strength holding her a little more, she just didn't tell her to speak.

After a while, the two were sitting on the swing together, Ji Ting narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "Now you should believe my sincerity to you, right?"

"Well." Although it would be better to be serious at this time, but Shen Tuchuan faced her eyes, and the corners of her mouth floated a little radian. I was afraid Ji would listen again, and he immediately shifted the topic. Will you leave by carriage? "

"I was afraid that I could not care about them when the chaos shook for a while. If anyone would do anything to them, it would be better to tell them to go out and hide for a while, and then talk when my queen is seated." Ji heard dissatisfied. He glanced.

Shen Tuchuan coughed: "They are too old to be able to spend a lot of time on the boat. It is better for me to send some people to protect them in Malay quarter. We are more at ease under our eyes."

Ji listened to it and felt it made sense. After thinking about it, he agreed. Shen Tuchuan's face softened: "They must have persuaded you to go with them. How did you convince them?"

"I said I didn't want to leave, and I want to stay as a queen mother," Ji Ting felt a little guilty. "Sorry, to let them rest assured, I told them your plan."

"Anyway, you just said that you want to be the queen mother, and they promised to let you stay?" Shen Tuchuan pinned her stray hair behind her ears.

Ji heard the appearance of his father and mother at the time, and couldn't help laughing: "I said that these days in the palace, I already like the life of being the master of the palace. If I leave the marriage with them, I have to wait for my husband's house. Who in-laws manages housework is more comfortable than being a queen mother in the palace, and when I become a queen mother, I want to see them whenever I see them. Is it better than marrying someone again? "

Shen Tuchuan looked at her sly eyes and couldn't help but hang her lips: "Ji Shangshu always disdains power. He may be furious when he hears it."

"That wouldn't be the case. As a father and mother, my heart is always biased towards my children. When they hear that I can live so happily, they won't resist any more," Ji said after hearing a moment, his eyes faint "I just didn't have the courage to tell them about you and me. I'll wait for a while."

"No, it's not bad now." Shen Tuchuan didn't want to embarrass her.

Ji nodded, then immediately heard the movement outside, she quickly got up and went out, seeing her father and mother came back suddenly nervous, for fear they saw something flawed. Fortunately, Li Gonggong is exquisite, and he has found an excuse for not leaking water.

Ji Ting accompanied his parents at home for a long time, until sunset Xishan, and then returned to the palace with Shen Tuchuan.

On the way back, sitting in a dangling carriage, Ji Ting's eyelids gradually became heavier, and finally he slanted his head on Shen Tuchuan's shoulder, and he was going to sleep stumbled.

"Sleep, I will wake you up when I get to it." Shen Tuchuan said in a deep voice.

Ji heard a response and said in a somewhat vague random voice: "I haven't asked you yet, what would you do if you found out that I had gone with my parents?"

How to do? Of course, you will be under house arrest for dozens of mouths, and you will be held firmly in your hands as a handle. Then you will be abandoned to the position of a concubine, and you will be completely restrained to become his woman. All trapped you in a cage.

There was a smile on the corner of Shen Tuchuan's lips, and his voice was rare and moist: "Of course it will be sad, so don't leave me, you know?"

"... well, it won't."

The author has something to say: 串 儿: I am so kind, how willing to hurt you

Ji Ting: ... well, I believe it

It's getting cold, it's time for me to regain my memory (I don't know if it's the next chapter, after all, I can't be sure when I haven't written it yet ...)

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