Maybe it was the parents who had settled in, Ji Ting's heart was no longer concerned, this sleep fell asleep, and it was already early the next morning when she woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her face ten times magnified. She Suddenly startled, almost kissed her.

"What are you doing?" Ji Ting shook her mouth in shock.

Pouting, squinting and red, she knelt beside her with a mournful cry: "The concubine, the emperor, he died!"

Ji listened for a moment: "When will it happen?"

"Last night." Tears burst into tears, a look of distress.

Ji Ting hurriedly lifted the quilt and got up: "So big, why didn't you wake me up last night?"

"The governor told me not to disturb you. If someone asked you, you said that you were too sad to faint." I wiped a tear and finally couldn't help showing a smile, "Congratulations to the concubine, please drive first." The widow was left before the collapse, and the nine emperors inherited the throne. After the ceremony, you will be the queen mother! "

"... Your mood is switching too fast." Ji heard nothing.

I was a little embarrassed: "Slave is also happy for you ... you are awake now, and you have to cry to the emperor. If you haven't been there, you might be pointed."

"What does the governor say, did he let me go? As soon as I get there, there will be a thief to hijack me?" The playbook has been read a lot, and I always feel that it will be in danger at any time, she is not too Want to go out.

He laughed: "The mother-in-law thinks too much these years. The emperor refused to establish the prince, and the court court is filled with the Lord Lord. The Lord Lord's power is not a day or two anymore. . "

Ji listened for a second too, so he told me to wait for a change of plain white clothes, think about it and put a layer of powder on his face, his face suddenly turned pale. Qi Lian nodded again and again: "There is still a way for mothers and daughters. The princesses in the palaces have been crying in front of the spirits for a night, and all of them can't help it. If we go past in red, we will definitely cause wrong."

"Well, let's go." Ji listened and looked in the mirror, and decided to go out without finding any flaws.

I followed behind and couldn't help but whisper: "When you get there, you must cry. Although the governor has ordered you not to cry, how is it inappropriate for the slaves to think? You're more or less the same. "

"I see." Ji Ting was anxious about Shen Tuchuan and wanted to ask him about the situation, but he had to put up a spirited face and walk forward with his head down.

After walking for a while, Ji Ling finally came to see the concubines kneeling in front of Ling, and he yelled out loudly, and ran to the spirit with his face covering his face, and then kneeled with a plop.

嬷嬷 Looking at this series of smooth operations, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, but fortunately, the other person was tired all night and didn't have the energy to look at her. Even if there were so many peekers, I didn't dare to say anything .

Ji Ting had just kneeled and dried a few times, and he was too tired. Then he remembered that he didn't have breakfast and took another look at the food on the Lingtang. He couldn't help but swallow.

But I can only look at it. Ji heard a sigh and whispered after he came over, "Why don't you remind me to have breakfast?"

"Ouch! Nuo Guangguang thought about your queen's affairs, and forgot breakfast." He regretted it, apparently this was the biggest mistake in her life as a slave.

Ji heard a helpless look at her: "It's all here, it's too late to eat."

He repeatedly said that he helped her to kneel aside.

The crying spirit took longer than Ji heard. In the morning, three people passed out in the main hall, and the rest had no intention of getting up. She was too hungry, but she could only hold on.

The sun was moving westward, and her knees were so painful that she knelt there and wobbled. She was worried, but there was nothing she could do to help her. She could only whisper to encourage her.

"... It's useless to say more than that, I'm afraid it won't work. Well, you remember to catch me." Ji Ting was weak.

I wondered, "Catch what ..."

After finishing the words, Ji Ting blinked at her, then fell back into her arms, reacted after stunning, and hurriedly yelled, "My concubine! My concubine! Here comes my mother." Quickly send your mother back to rest! "

After a tragedy of soldiers and horses, Ji Ting returned to Fengqi Palace as he wished, and made a bunch of dishes to start eating.

The palace was calm again, and a palace princess could not help but sour and slumped: "The concubine lady is really blessed. She has never been to bed for a day but has become a prince. Now the emperor died and she only stayed for one morning. Then he fainted and rested, and compared with her, we were as rough as slaves. "

"Sister said cautiously, the emperor passed down the nine emperor, and the concubine will be the queen mother in the future, not you and me." A young concubine said.

The palace princess drew her handkerchief in jealousy: "In a few days, this palace will go with the emperor. What else is scary in this palace?"

"My sister said so, but she wanted to ignore her mother's home?"

Her voice was not big or small, but it was enough for all the concubines in the hall to hear them clearly. Sure enough, she spoke, and the other concubines' heart's dissatisfaction immediately suppressed a lot.

Here, when Shen Tuchuan heard the news of Ji's fainting, she immediately returned to the harem. As soon as she entered Fengqi Palace, she saw that she was enjoying herself, and she was very angry and funny: "Somebody just said that you passed out."

"I installed it," Ji Ting clipped a taro, and suddenly bulged in his mouth. "Why are you back?"

"How did you say I came back?" Shen Tuchuan laughed, only to hear that she passed out. Although she felt a problem subconsciously, her body took a step ahead. When he guessed Zhongguanqiao, he was here.

Ji Ting quickly swallowed the contents of his mouth: "Can anyone make trouble today?"

"No, since you are okay, I'll go first. If you don't want to keep your spirits, please inform Tai Hospital directly, they will help you find a good reason." Shen Tuchuan hurriedly said.

Ji heard a snorting sound: "Are the hospitals too yours? You can stretch your hands long enough to supervise the Lord."

"Why, just wanting to be a queen mother, you want to pack me as a courtier?" Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

Ji heard a slight hum, and got up slowly and walked to him, taking a sip on his face while he wasn't ready to stamp his feet: "It's not worth it, I just want to kiss."

The corner of Shen Tuchuan's lips hooked up, grabbing her waist, and bringing people into her arms: "Wait when I'm done ..."

After doing what he was doing, he didn't say anything, but his eyes made Ji Ting start to blush, and he didn't dare to provoke him. She pushed him away in a panic: "You go and hurry, I won't bother."

Shen Tuchuan gave a light sigh and turned to leave. As soon as he left, Ji Ting didn't have any appetite. He lazily lay down on the chaise longue and passed the time.

Toshen Tuchuan ’s blessing, she did n’t go to guard the soul on this day, but she had to go on the second day. She was delayed until noon. Wiped a sweat.

Acting is really hard work.

When the harem was busy, the front dynasty was not idle. Ji heard that it was sinister, but also understood that it was not easy to get the nine princes to board the plane smoothly, but fortunately, the final result was good.

That night, there was news that the new emperor was boarding a plane half a month later, and everyone in the harem waited before the emperor's spirit to hear the kneeling and happy.

Ji Ting slumped his face and put on a sad look: "Sisters flatten out, in this palace in the future, we still have to support each other."

"The queen mother-in-law!" A little princess who just entered the palace this year fluttered to her knees, and looked at Ji Ting with tears in her eyes.

Xiao Gongfei's words were like taking a lead, and a dozen concubines without children also knelt down, crying and begging her, the cry was much less sincere than when facing the emperor. Ji Ting looked at these little flowers-like girls and couldn't help sighing. When she was about to say something, a cold voice came from the door—

"The emperor's body was not cold, so you persecuted the queen mother like this, what do you mean?"

Everyone was agitated. When Shen Tuchuan stepped into the threshold and walked in, everyone was afraid to go out.

Ji listened to him, his eyes were full of intolerance. Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "When the emperor died, he didn't leave any words such as Yaoer and funeral. He only mentioned that you should go to Lingshan Temple to bring spiritual practice for his elderly Pray for blessing?

The concubines were stunned, and the moment they knew how to understand the key, they immediately thanked Xie Ji for listening, and the others followed with thanks.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at Ji and gave a serious opening: "The new emperor has returned to the palace, and my mother will follow me."

"... Okay." Ji Ting hurriedly followed.

Both men were clenched and no one spoke. Until no one was on the path, Ji Ting secretly held Shen Tuchuan's sleeve. Shen Tuchuanton took a moment and wrapped her hand in her palm.

"It's pitiful to practice with hair. They are so young and have good family looks. They could have had a great life." Ji heard a sigh.

Shen Tuchuan clenched her hand: "You want them to stay in the palace?"

"Staying in the palace is also a life-sharing experience, but at least it is better than the practice with belt hair." Ji Ting lip.

Shen Tuchuan said lightly: "But I don't want them to stay."

Ji listened to his eyebrows and looked at him. He paused for a moment and continued: "It's too annoying. The new emperor is still young. It will take a few years before he starts to choose a concubine. Once they leave, the harem will only have us two. ?"

"Okay, it's good, it's ..."

Shen Tuchuan interrupted her: "Bringing spiritual practice is just an excuse. I would suggest that in their homes, if they find an opportunity, they can get away with false death and let them each find a future."

"Can this still happen?" Ji Ting cheered up.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "What, are you thinking?"

"... You really are." Ji listened with tears and laughed, glanced at no one around him, and immediately pinched his palm.

The corner of Shen Tuchuan's lips reminded: "I will be very busy these days, I'm afraid I can't care about you, you just want to, don't worry too much about others' eyes."

Ji Ting knew that he did not want to let himself guard the spirit again, but this would inevitably cause him some trouble, because she just responded casually and did not intend to really act like this.

The two spoke, and soon arrived at the East Palace, Ji Ting stared at the door in front of them, and suddenly stopped a bit nervous.

Shen Tuchuan gave her a strange look: "Why not go in?"

"I'm a little scared ..." Think about her being just seventeen years old, she even had a six-year-old son.

Shen Tuchuan comforted: "Don't worry, the nine princes are easy to get along with."

"Really? But I don't think he likes me." No one would like the mother who suddenly appeared, not to mention that she and Shen Tuchuan were both new men who could pose a threat to the throne.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "The new emperor was born to a maid of the palace and was raised outside the palace. He was severely tortured and abused by the minions. If you didn't take him into the palace, I'm afraid he would have a hard life.

"This way ..." Ji Ting was a little hesitant.

There was a hint of warmth in Shen Tuchuan's eyes: "So don't worry. Although he has never seen you, he is grateful to you. I think people have always been precise. The new emperor will not be the kind of person who will revenge."

Hearing Shen Tuchuan's words, Ji Ting finally relieved his heart and gathered up the courage to go to the courtyard step by step. Before long, he saw a thin figure, who was sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard at this time to read.

The little figure seemed to be aware of it. The moment he raised his head, he looked at Ji Yan and looked at them at the same time. After a while, Ji Tingxi smiled and said, "The Emperor, the Emperor."

The child was a little shy, and she had a three-point shadow on her face: "Mother."


The relationship with the new emperor was so harmonious that it surpassed Ji's imagination. When she returned from the East Palace, she was very reluctant, so she ran away the next morning, and the relationship between the 'mother and son' leaped forward.

Days passed day by day, the former dynasty gradually stabilized. After the emperor placed in the hall for seven days, the last night was finally left.

According to the rules, all concubines are to be guarded in the hall that night, and Ji Ting is no exception. As soon as the dinner time passed, she passed by undressed, and knelt down to her position.

Kneeling until late at night, both legs felt wooden, Ji Ting felt that if she insisted on it till tomorrow, she would definitely not be able to walk for a few days, and then looked at the other concubines in the temple. She was worse than her. I have lost weight these days. She sighed and decided to be a good person: "The palace and the emperor are in deep affection. Now the emperor is dying, and the palace is in sorrow. If you want to talk to the emperor alone, if you are fine, then step back."

"Yes." The concubines replied, and all the slaves were busy helping others, and left in a twist.

Ji Ting waited for them to leave, and immediately repelled the remaining palace people. After confirming that she and a dead person were on the main hall, she immediately relaxed and sat on the ground leaning on the pillars casually, pressing herself unconsciously. knee.

Just now she was still **** with a cushion on her knees. If it wasn't for that, she might have lost her legs. Ji heard a sigh and felt that his legs gradually returned to consciousness, and then he no longer rubbed. He looked lazily at the coffin directly above him, and finally felt scared.

... what did she think just now, so that in order to be lazy, she dismissed everyone and left her alone with a corpse? Ji Yan swallowed, and gradually began to get hairy.

A gust of wind blew through and moved the white cricket, as if someone was flashing, Ji Ting tightened instantly, staring nervously at the warp cricket.

"what happened……"


Ji heard a scream of horror and turned around to see that there were more people at the door. Shen Tuchuanton paused and said helplessly: "It's me."

Ji listened and immediately relaxed, and then he leaned on the pillar with a look of fear, "Why are you here?"

"Listening to the palace people that you sent everyone else out, worried that you would be scared, so I came to accompany you." Shen Tuchuan said, untied her cloak and put it on her. "Since I ’m afraid, Why do you want to stay by yourself? "

Ji heard a moment of warmth and smiled embarrassedly: "I was too tired at that time, so I didn't care about it. People felt scared when they left."

Talking, Bai Yan began to shake again, she approached Shen Tuchuan nervously, pulled his sleeve and whispered: "Is the window over there? Would you like to close it?"

"Um." Shen Tuchuan's eyes flashed a smile, and he lifted his feet and walked towards Baiyu. As soon as he walked, he felt the sleeves pulled, and he raised his eyebrows.

Ji Tingyi smiled: "I'll go with you."

"Okay." Shen Tuchuan took her hand and slowly walked towards Baiyu.

Ji Ting's heart was strained to the extreme for a while, and she closed her eyes when she was scared when she passed Baiji, until she heard the sound of window closing in her ear, and she quietly opened one eye: "Is there still wind?"

"No, not afraid." Shen Tuchuan comforted.

Ji listened before opening his eyes, looking at the white pupa that no longer fluttered, his courage gradually increased: "I have nothing to fear, I am not afraid."

Shen Tuchuan didn't take it apart either, just whispered: "Is there a place to rest behind the hall, do you want to take a break?"

Ji listened for a while and agreed, and when they got behind, they saw a soft couch. Ji listened to cheering and lay down on top, and finally sighed in relief, Shen Tuchuan raised the corner of her lips to sit next to her, put her leg on her leg, and gently rubbed her previous pain .

Ji listened for a moment, sat up, grabbed his hand and said, "You have been exhausted in the past few days. Don't worry about me too much."

"I'm fine. After the new emperor ascends, everything will be safe." Shen Tuchuan said gently.

Ji Ting refused, and moved into the soft couch, leaving him a large empty space: "Come here."

"The concubine is so brave?" Shen Tuchuan chuckled.

Ji Ting's face flushed, and she coughed: "Ai's family is now the queen mother."

"Then the slave had to die."

Ji didn't feel well: "You are not a slave, you are not allowed to talk nonsense."

Shen Tuchuan laughed and lay down beside her. After a while, Ji Ting whispered softly: "In the future, the two of us will really depend on each other in this harem."

"You don't have to say so pitifully, you are the queen mother, and I will make you the most unconstrained woman in the world." Shen Tuchuan's bland promise.

Ji Tingjing paused for a moment: "Will you always be nice to me?"

Shen Tuchuanton paused and looked at her: "Are you upset?"

Ji Tingxiaoxiao didn't speak, but her eyes had clearly told him that she was really upset. From now on, she will be trapped in the harem for the rest of her life. She has no power and can only rely on Shen Tuchuan. Shen Tuchuan is different. Even if she does not love her one day, he still has power and status. , With supreme honor and ability to turn clouds and rain.

The two of them were not equal from the beginning, and even if she became a queen mother, she could never compare with him.

"You're so cranky, you know that I'm angry?" Shen Tuchuan's voice was already displeased.

Ji Ting pursed his lips: "Sorry, I don't know why when I think of sitting in that position, I'm afraid ..."

Shen Tuchuan faced her side by side, pinching her jaw to look at her for a while, and put a kiss on her lips: "What should I do to make you feel relieved?"

"... I don't have to do anything, I will adjust myself," Ji listened with a serious face, "you are already working hard, you don't have to do anything for me."

Shen Tuchuan raised her lips and did not intend to do nothing like her said, letting her adjust herself. He thought for a long time, with a smile on his eyes: "How about I tell you the handle?"

"Handle?" Ji listened for a moment.

Shen Tuchuan responded, "The handle is about me, the biggest secret."

"Then I won't listen anymore," Ji Ting hurriedly covered his ears. "In case one day I'm **** and tortured, I'm afraid I can't help saying it."

Shen Tuchuan laughed and pulled her hand back and held it: "Anyway, even if you tell others, they may think you're talking nonsense."

Ji Ting couldn't help wondering: "What's the secret?"

Shen Tuchuan quietly looked into her eyes, and then whispered, "Don't be afraid."

"... Don't speak in such a tone in this environment, I'm not afraid." Ji Ting swallowed.

Shen Tuchuan laughed, took people into his arms, and half a while whispered softly: "I have a mark on my body. If you find that I am going to change my heart in the future, you are desperately treating me well. Before long, the mark will disappear. Will die. "

"Are you telling a myth?" Ji Ting's eyes were full of doubts, and he got out of his arms and looked up at him. From this angle, he could only see his smooth jaw.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, looked down at her, looked at the ignorance in her eyes, and suddenly laughed: "Don't you believe it?"

"Surely I should believe, after all, you won't lie for no reason, but you and you are saying this is too strange. Why am I good to you, but you will die instead?" Ji listened in embarrassment. He said, "I really want to believe it, but it's too much."

Shen Tuchuan looked at her sincere distress, and never let go of her lips after raising her lips: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. You just remember that if you want me to die, it will be good for me and desperately for me."

Ji listened for a moment, and his expression gradually became strange: "I want to be good to you right now, but I don't want you to die, what should I do?"

"You don't want me to die, so I try to keep myself from dying." Shen Tuchuan's eyes are full of tenderness. These days, he carefully maintains the mark, and gradually discovers more maintenance tips, as long as he is too obsessed with living in his heart, After the mark is shallow to a certain extent, it will not be lightened again.

Ji listened and laughed: "You are contradictory. When you say that I am good to you, you will die. When you say that I do not want you to die, you will not die. In the end, the initiative is still in your hands. Yes, it has nothing to do with me. "

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and suddenly felt helpless: "... it really seems that way."

"So, I don't want to think about it, just be good to you." Ji heard, holding his face curiously, "but can your mark really exist? Can you give me a glance?"

Shen Tuchuan did not expect that she would make this request, and after a moment's glance, the back of the ears glowed red: "No."


"No now ... not in the future." Shen Tuchuan thought a bit of sadness as he was close to the scar.

Ji Ting keenly sensed his emotions, and his voice was lower: "Did I make you sad by saying something wrong?"

"... Listen, you know, I'm not the same as a normal man ... so there are things I can never do with you." Shen Tuchuan's voice was bitter.

Ji Ting hurriedly appeased: "Know what I know, it's nothing to me, really, I like you, I like all your strengths and weaknesses, and besides, you don't want to abandon me for being a cricket. , So you should never be sad. "

After she said it, as if to prove her words, the chicken pecked rice in his eyebrows. After a few moments, Shen Tuchuan was unconscious and confused, and he hugged after a chuckle: "Sleep Well, tomorrow is still busy. "

"... Um." Ji heard that he was no longer disappointed, a heart settled down, and soon fell asleep.

Shen Tuchuan listened to her even breathing sound, and fell asleep quickly. This time he had a dream. Many strange and strange fragments appeared in the dream. He calmly watched these fragments to form various pictures, and knew that he was dreaming again .

Before Ji Heun entered the palace, he often had this kind of dream about past life, every time the dreams come and go, those pictures, he has been used to. This time, as before, he watched the pictures quietly, waiting for the dream to disappear.

Only this time he waited for a long time, but did not wait for his sobriety. Just when he was a little impatient, these fragments suddenly turned over, and then a whole new content appeared. He looked at the extra content, his eyes gradually dimmed.

Early the next morning, Ji was startled when she heard the sadness played outside. When she opened her eyes, there was no one around her. She hurriedly arranged her appearance, and when she walked around the hall, she found that the concubines had arrived, and the new emperor kneeled. At the forefront, Shen Tuchuan was beside him.

The moment she appeared, Shen Tuchuan met her, and motioned her eyes to come over. Ji Ting, who had wanted to shrink in the corner, walked daringly, and just before kneeling beside Shen Tuchuan, the new emperor stretched out her hand and pulled her sleeves, pulling her to her side.

"After mother, you will stay with me later." The new emperor was very calm.

Ji heard a glance at his red eyes, and immediately felt distressed: "You must not be too sad, carefully hurt your body."

"I'm not sad," Xindi said with grief, but his voice was quite lively. "Uncle Chuan gave me the way to think." He said, handing the sleeves to Ji Ting's eyes.

Ji listened curiously, and then a spicy taste stimulated his eyes, tears streaming down, and Shen Tuchuan frowned unpleasantly behind them: "Emperor, Mo Huo."

The new emperor snickered and whispered: "I don't think my mother can cry, I will help her."

Realizing that he was being bullied by the little bastard, while tearing, he seriously asked: "Your father is dead, aren't you sad?"

"He suspects that my mother ’s status is low, and he would not even give me a name. I only got the title of prince last year. Before, I was even worse than a slave outside the palace. In my eyes, he couldn't even match Uncle Chuan's toes. "I will be sad when Uncle Chuan is dead," said the new emperor, after he realized it was wrong, and added, "Of course, after the mother, you gave me so much delicious food. If you die, I It will be sad. "

Ji heard the twitching of his mouth: "The emperor is careful, I and your mother-in-law are going to live a hundred years old." After speaking, he turned to look at Shen Tuchuan, seeing that he seemed a little absent-minded, and his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

Xindi grinned, realized that he was not serious, and frowned quickly, Ji Ting was amazed at his speed of changing his face, staring at him for a while before he began to cry.

After a whole set of rituals, time has passed. When the Huangling Gate was closed, Ji Ting's back was sore that he was holding the new emperor's shoulder as a crutch. I don't know if it is an illusion, she always felt that Shen Tuchuan had a lot of thoughts today.

In the end, she was worried. When she left the Emperor's Tomb, he passed by him and whispered, "Come to Fengqi Palace tonight."

Shen Tuchuanton paused and nodded slightly. Ji Ting breathed a sigh of relief, striding to catch up with the new emperor.

At night, Ji Ting soaked her feet in the hot water bucket and sighed comfortably. After working all day, her body and heart were exhausted. At this moment, she just wanted to take a good night's sleep, but when she thought of someone coming, she tried to hold on.

When Shen Tuchuan came in, he saw a drowsy little beauty standing with her feet in the door and admiring for a while before he crouched down in front of her and fished her feet out of the water with a dry piece Wrapped in cloth.

Ji listened for a moment, then laughed after seeing him: "You are coming."

Shen Tuchuan lowered her head and wiped her feet carefully, then lifted it and put it in the quilt. Then she looked up at her and said, "Specially asked me to come over, should you tell me something?"

"I have something to ask you," Ji heard a serious look. "You are always absent-minded today, but what troubles have you encountered?"

Shen Tuchuan raised his lips: "Why have you been watching me today?"

"It's not just today, I'm watching you all the time." Since Ji Ting has shown his heart to him, he will use words to please him more and more.

After hearing the words, Shen Tuchuan's eyes were slightly gentle, but he just remembered something in his dream, and his eyes were a little dark.

"What's wrong?" Ji Ting was anxious.

Shen Tuchuan hid his emotions and looked into her eyes, half a moment softly, "I had a dream last night."

"What dream?" Ji Ting couldn't help asking.

Shen Tuchuan stopped talking, and came to her to sit down after a long time, and said for a while: "Dream about you, not very good content."

"About me? What?" Ji Ting was even more curious.

Shen Tuchuan spread her hands in her palms as if studying her palm prints, but both knew that his mind was not there: "Do you remember what I said to you yesterday, that mark?"

"What's wrong?" Ji Ting frowned.

Shen Tuchuan's eyelashes showed a small shadow under her eyes: "Actually, I didn't have it when I was young. Later, after a great disaster, I suddenly saw it. There are still memories of previous lives in my mind, and ... I have seen my life. "

At first, Ji listened with a serious face. The more she listened, the stranger her face. If Shen Tuchuan is too reliable in her heart, she is not a person who is not indifferent. I am afraid she will start to explore his forehead to see if it is. Fever.

"... So, you knew long ago that you would be with me?" Ji Ting worked hard to make a serious expression.

Shen Tuchuan was asked a moment by her, and suddenly realized that she was in the memories of previous generations, but there was no her in the memories of this life, but based on the experience of previous generations, let him know that there were The existence of 'Ji Ting', so the following consciousness is the same in this life.

If he had noticed this before, he could not figure it out, but after going through the dream of last night, everything could be explained clearly. Shen Tuchuan looked at the people around him, his heart sinking slowly.

Ji Ting realized that he was wrong, and said nervously, "What's wrong with you? Am I saying something wrong?"

"No." Shen Tuchuan turned away.

Ji listened and nodded: "Then let's talk, you have memories of previous lives in your mind, and then?"

Shen Tuchuan calmed down and said slowly: "In the memory of previous lives, every life will meet you and fall in love with you in despair, but I will die after I get happiness."

"... It sounds like my existence isn't so good." Although he still felt that he was suffering from hysteria, Ji Ting couldn't help but wonder, "What did you dream of last night?"

Shen Tuchuan looked at her and whispered softly, "Some new memories."

"What?" Ji Ting asked in cooperation.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her eyes with deep eyes: "Before last night, I always thought that you and I were the people who experienced reincarnation together, but after remembering some things last night, I realized that you are independent of my existence. Every time An approach was a deliberate attempt to take my life with my own hands. "

This is why, she has been in previous generations. This life saw her destiny at a glance, but she did not find her slightest existence, and she still appeared in front of her at a certain time.

The difference between the involuntary self and the intent of the mind is quite different. He can accept that if two people are duckweed, they are rushed together by the flood of fate, but he cannot accept that she knows everything, but watches her sinking.

Ji Ting: "..." Even if he was hysterical, how could he portray her so badly?

Shen Tuchuan looked at her after speaking, and there was a hint of happiness in his eyes: "Fortunately, you in this life do not have those memories. Although I do n’t know why, I am grateful."

Thank her for being so pure from the beginning and she will continue to be pure in the future.

"... If my previous lives have come with a purpose, how do you know that I didn't pretend to have amnesia this time?" Ji Ting couldn't help laughing and crying, just wanted to take him to see a doctor.

Shen Tuchuan chuckled: "Because you are stupid." If you really came with a purpose, why would you not want to approach him before?

Ji Ting: "..." doesn't sound like good words.

"It's getting late, let's go to sleep. I'll leave when you fall asleep." Shen Tuchuan looked at her ignorant eyes, and felt that he felt depressed for a day. The self of previous generations is not himself, after all, it is what matters now.

Ji heard that he was going to help himself to lie down, and held his hand in a hurry: "I want to see your mark." Although he still felt that his words were too ridiculous, he was not willing to verify it.

Shen Tuchuan stopped, and the ears gradually became flushed. Ji heard that he didn't want to show himself, and immediately rolled his sleeves to roll and flirt. Shen Tuchuan's expression became more and more strange. It was difficult until she rushed to herself Q: "... Do you really want to watch?"

"Look!" Ji didn't want to hear it.

When Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, he put his hand on the belt, and released it with a slight swipe. Ji heard startled: "What are you going to do ?!"

"Not you want to watch?" Shen Tuchuan raised his eyebrows.

Ji Ting stared at his belt with vigilance: "You you are not allowed to bully people!"

"No bullying, my mark is here," Shen Tuchuan pointed his finger on the cheekbones, said with a smile under his eyes, "Do you want to watch?"

"... It depends." Ji Ting gritted her teeth. She had to be sure he was hysteria before she could take him to the doctor.

Shen Tuchuan nodded when he heard the words, and continued in slow motion. By the time he pulled down the pants, Ji Ting's face had turned red into a tomato.

Rao is so, she didn't stop, staring at his cheekbone with embarrassment until she pulled down the trousers, revealing the black mark. She froze for a moment, only felt that thousands of things poured into her brain, and her brain was sore for a while.

"I never let anyone else see this thing, but it scared you?" Shen Tuchuan reorganized her clothes when she saw that she was silent.

Ji Ting slammed back: "No, I'm tired."

"Let's take a rest." Shen Tuchuan was a little strange to her attitude, but when she looked tired, she helped her to lie down and carefully helped her to save the cape.

Ji took a look at him and closed her eyes tightly. She thought she would not be sleepy, but she fell asleep quickly after closing her eyes. This time, she also had a dream similar to Shen Tuchuan. Countless memories came towards her.

The author has something to say: Memory is restored, is it still far from the end of this world? 2k novel reading network

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