The sky was bright.

Ji Ting suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the bed mantle for a long time before returning to his mind. She tried to summon readers' grievances in her mind, but for a long time there was no response. When she was about to give up, a line of ambiguous words appeared in her mind: the grievances lacked energy and went to sleep.

Ji Ting: "..."

The personally-serving palace girl saw her awake and rushed forward to meet her: "Madam, when the governor left last night, let the slave tell you that if you wake up today, go to Taihedian to find him."

"... Oh, I see." Ji Ting's mind was messy, and she was even more absent-minded when she heard Shen Tuchuan looking for her.

The previous memories came back overnight, and she was no longer a seventeen-year-old child who knew nothing about naiveness. What she had never understood and did not understand slowly came to mind, and then one by one she was clear.

Combining what Shen Tuchuan said to herself yesterday, she has determined that he has some previous memories of this world, but the memories are incomplete, so he feels that the reason he came to him is to seduce. Pushing forward from this, it was not an accident when I fell into the water at the beginning of the year at the age of ten ... Even this time he entered the palace, it was also deliberately designed for him, but he never wanted to have her as before. feeling.

Ji Ting became more and more frightened, only to find his head as big as a fight. These memories might as well not appear. After such a long time, his birthmark will naturally dissipate in the process of getting along with each other. It is also a matter of time before or after completing the task. Like now, it is suddenly stuck in a position that cannot be reached. Not to mention, he has become the 'ulterior motivated woman' in his eyes.

… Think carefully, it seems that the memory was triggered only after looking at his birthmark, so she still wanted it all.

She wailed to the bed, and the maid next to her was startled, "What's wrong with you, mother? Are you uncomfortable ?!"

Ji listened for a moment and whispered in a small voice: "It is really uncomfortable. You go tell the governor and say that I want to rest today, so I will not seek him."

"Yes." The maid was leaving and owed.

Ji listened to her in a hurry: "If he wants to come to see me, you can say that I have already rested, just let him do his own business." She hadn't figured out what to do next, and it was not appropriate to see him for the time being. .

"Yes." The palace maid didn't think about it. She turned away and left, and went straight to Taihe Temple.

In the Taihe Hall, Shen Tuchuan has waited for a long time, and when he was planning to go to Fengqi Palace to find someone, he saw the maid of the court, and frowned immediately: "Is there something wrong with the mother?"

"If you return to the governor, the mother is unwell today and can't come to Taihe Dian. She deliberately told the slave to inform the governor." The palace girl respectfully respected her.

Shen Tuchuan was so worried that she had to lift her foot and left, and the maid hurriedly said: "Master, the maiden said it would be good if you want to do your own business. She just rests today."

Shen Tuchuan stepped down: "I see. Go back and take care of her. If you have any discomfort, please tell me immediately."


After the maiden took the words, she returned to Fengqi Palace and resumed her life. Ji heard the words that Shen Tuchuan cared about, and her heart was faint. In this world, he only likes her seventeen-year-old ignorant. Obviously, he no longer has this condition, and he does not know how he will react.

Thinking of the lone souls who died under his hands, and the madness that he often hides in himself, Ji Ting only felt that his neck was cold.

All day long and horrible past, at night, Ji Ting was sitting outside eating, hearing the news of Shen Tuchuan, immediately put down the bowls and chop his head and ran inside, as soon as he took off his shoes, he wrapped himself into a cicada with a quilt. Alas, pretending to be asleep.

This movement was still done, and the aunt who was waiting aside was stunned. Until Shen Tuchuan came in, she was busy covering up her surprise.

"Where is Niangniang?" Shen Tuchuan asked.

He gave a cough and replied with a low eyebrow: "My mother is unwell, and my son has just fallen asleep."

Shen Tuchuan's gaze turned to the table. There wasn't a lot of dishes on the table. There was a small bowl of rice in the bowl. Chopsticks were thrown on the table at random. One of them was about to fall to the floor.

When he noticed his eyes, he was ashamed: "So, that, these are the niches who can't afford the minions. After the minions waited for the niches to sleep, they sat down and ate something. They heard it when the Lord Lord came. . "

Shen Tuchuan wasn't interested in what Ji Tingwen gave to anyone, and he didn't respond to the words. He just walked straight inward, hurriedly tried to stop him, and was shocked by his majesty. The small step stopped, and he watched him go into the room.

After Shen Tuchuan came to the inside, he saw a round cicada on the bed, and there was a smile in his eyes. He hurriedly poured himself a cup of hot tea, and sipped at the table.

Ji in the quilt listened to the movement outside, and a lot of sweat came out of his forehead. Half of it was hot in the quilt and half was scared by Shen Tuchuan. Seeing that Shen Tuchuan was slow to leave, she was in anguish, only to feel that every minute and every second was torture.

When she couldn't hold on, she suddenly heard the slight noise of the chair rubbing against the ground. She knew that it was Shen Tuchuan who stood up, relieved immediately, ready to drill out as soon as he left. She just waited and waited, but couldn't wait for the movement after this sound, so her heart became more anxious.

As she hesitated to reach for a glance, his voice came out close by: "When you fell asleep a few days ago, you didn't wrap up like this."

Ji Ting's heart was tight, and he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her motionless, and her lips began to smile. After all, she stretched out her articulated hand and peeled the silkworm puppet off. She saw the sweat on her head and sighed and wiped her with a Jinpa As he wiped, he asked softly, "I don't want to see me today, but because I did something wrong?"

Ji listened to it, knowing that it would be useless to continue pretending. He could not help but open his eyes and looked at him innocently. I want to lie down, so I don't want to see you. "

"I don't bother you lying down, why don't you want to see me?" Shen Tuchuan wondered.

Ji Ting reluctantly smiled and said, "You are a kind of interruption beside me. As long as you are there, my heart is always fluttering, and people are also nervous. How can I take a good rest?"

"So, you blame me for everything?" She was sometimes shy, sometimes not as bold as a little girl, and always agitated him to shake her heart, anxious to give her life.

Ji Ting's lips were dry: "Yes, I blame you, so you should go quickly and don't disturb me to rest."

"So, then I must go?" Shen Tuchuan raised an eyebrow.

Ji couldn't listen anymore, just staring at him in Cicada's eyes. The more Shen Tuchuan looked at her, the more she liked, and finally leaned over and printed a kiss on her forehead. Ji He shrank back, and muttered, "It's all sweat ..."

"I like it." Shen Tuchuan smiled.

Ji Tingding stared at him, and suddenly her heart became firm. She wanted to conceal her memory recovery. She wants to complete the task, to get together with him in the real world, and no longer need to worry about the separation of one world from another. She also wants him in this world, always having such a smile in his eyes, and a little hope for life.

For these reasons, she must conceal anyway. As long as she has the intention to disguise, no one can see that she has restored her memory.

Shen Tuchuan saw her in a daze, thinking she was really tired, and helped her re-cover the quilt. Then she whispered, "Take a rest, and I will come to see you tomorrow." I wanted to teach her the ceremony at the ceremony. It's tomorrow.

"... Um." Ji Ting said a softly, and buried half of his face into the bed.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her again, and then turned to leave. As soon as his back disappeared from the corner, Ji Ting removed his camouflage and sat up frowning to think about the future.

After Shen Tuchuan left, as soon as he walked to the gate of Fengqi Palace, he accidentally touched the things in his arms. After taking it out, he looked at it for a long time, and he couldn't help crying for a while. He deliberately brought this thing today, just to please her in person to please her, but never thought that she would lose her soul and forget everything.

If you don't give it today, it will be tomorrow, but I was busy with the affairs of the government some time ago, and it has been postponed for many days. He didn't want to wait for a moment. Without much thought, he went straight back with the things, and when he saw him go back, he was busy saluting him. He was stopped by a ‘shh’ comparison.

He closed his mouth and watched Shen Tuchuan walk inwardly with ease, lamenting that his master's ability was not ordinary, and he even packed this one up.

In the eyes of everyone, Shen Tuchuan, who had been cleaned up, held the things in his hands and walked into the room. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Ji Ting, who was sitting on the bed, and stopped when she saw her. He paused and turned away.

I don't know the season to listen to when Shen Tuchuan came back. After a long stay, he finally sorted out his thoughts and calmed down a bit. In order to verify her acting skills, she thought about asking someone to speak with Shen Tuchuan, and took Mrs. Ji over that night.

"I haven't been in the palace for a long time. It seems to have been deserted a lot." Madam Ji was a little cramped.

Ji Tingxiao smiled and held her hand: "The other concubines have been sent away, and the new emperor has not reached the age of choosing a concubine. I am the master of the harem and naturally deserted."

Mrs. Ji held her hand, and her eyes were reddish slightly: "You like to be lively like this, wouldn't you be lonely?"

"Even if they are in the palace, I don't like interacting with them. They walk away but are clean. Now the whole harem is with me, how can they be lonely." Ji Ting appeased.

Mrs. Ji nodded again and again, the mother and daughter spoke for a while, Ji Ting suddenly asked: "Mother, have you noticed that I am a little different from before?" To say that the person who knows the world best knows himself, it must It was the mother who gave birth to her, and if she didn't see her flaws, she didn't need to worry about Shen Tuchuan.

Mrs. Ji was stunned for a moment, stared at her and looked carefully. Ji listened nervously and looked at her, and then heard her say, "It's different."

"Where is it different?" Ji Tingxin's heart hung up.

Mrs. Ji smiled: "It seems to have opened a bit longer and looks better than before."

"Mother," knowing that she was joking about herself, Ji listened and relaxed while crying, "I didn't joke with you, did you really find me different?"

Mrs. Ji was silent for a while, and there was some distress in her eyes: "It's still a little bit. Before you enter the palace, you are far from steady at this moment. Although you always know that you are living in the palace very well, you will soon be a queen mother. In the future, it will be supreme honor, but my little daughter of Ji's family is not as happy as before. "

Ji Ting didn't expect that she would say these things. She moved and grabbed her hand to guarantee: "Mother, I am really good in the palace, I like life here."

"Don't lie to me, is it really so good here?" Madame Ji's eyes were wet.

Ji listened for a moment, and laughed: "Okay, there is everything I like here, and now I want to be the queen mother, I like it even more. In the future, I want to go out of the palace and then go out of the palace. "Do you want to do whatever you want?"

"It shouldn't be too arbitrary," Madam Ji told her busyly, thinking for a while, "but you have a point, and you are the empress, and the emperor who can control you is the emperor, but he is a junior and generally Out of your head. "

"No, so mother, don't always worry about me. In the future, I will discuss with the emperor a waist card, and I want to come to the palace at any time." Ji listened comforted.

Mrs. Ji's mood was getting better. The two talked for a while and then they took a break together. They separated at noon the next day.

After sending away Mrs. Ji, Ji Ting's heart settled down, and finally asked for the whereabouts of Shen Tuchuan. The palace maid replied, "Listen to Grandpa Li, the Lord Lord is discussing with the emperor on the ascension of the throne, and the son should be over soon."

"That just happened to have lunch together," Ji heard the spirit, "help me change clothes, I'll go to them."

"Yes." The court lady gladly chose clothes for her.

Today, the first emperor was buried, although it should still be three years in the country, but the new emperor ’s ascension is the day of great joy, and no one will really be full of unbelief all day long, so the palace has gradually replaced the plain white clothes in the past few days. Packed up. It ’s just that you do n’t have to wear plain clothes, it ’s not too gorgeous.

In the dresses that were not too colorful, the palace girl picked a dark red pomegranate skirt that Ji Ting had never worn. This color is quite old-fashioned and restrained, and Ji Ting is also suitable for bright colors, so it has not been included in the selection since it was sent by the House House. Now Ji Ting is the queen mother, and shortly after the emperor's death, it is more appropriate to wear this .

The maiden's plan was like this, and she put on her dress. Ji Ting glanced at it, and she was quite surprised. She seemed to be surprised by today's style, but she didn't say anything, just as usual. Put on your clothes.

After the change, the palace lady's eyes flashed a stunning look. Ji Ting looked at a style that she had never tried before, and she felt a little uneasy: "Will it be too old? I don't want to be so old." It's too late, how can we deliberately raise the sense of age.

"Neither old nor old, it's so beautiful, are you a fairy maiden?" The court lady's sincere praise. The restrained clothes worn on Ji Ting's body were not old-fashioned at all, but made her skin fairer, almost like porcelain, and added a touch of mature woman's charm to her.

The palace girl originally thought that the mother-in-law's temperament was definitely more suitable for bright and relaxed dressing, but now she looks at it, but she feels that she is more suitable for this mature feeling.

Ji Ting looked at the astonishment in the palace girl's eyes, and she couldn't help crying and laughing for a while: "Really so beautiful?"

"Of course it's pretty. The mother-in-law is going to find the Lord Lord ... and the emperor, they will definitely like it." The palace maid snored as she spoke.

Ji Ting was bragged a little more by her confidence, and then practiced her innocent expression in the mirror. She suddenly felt that she could still dress again, so she went out happily.

When she arrived at Zhenghe Hall, Shen Tuchuan and the emperor had just come out and saw her stunned at the same time. Ji Ting was a little embarrassed: "What's wrong? Is it weird?" She felt that the clothes weren't suitable for her, and she shouldn't know the last name after listening to a few compliments.

"Why! Mother, you look so good!" The little emperor walked around her three times with a novel look, from her heart, "You are the best-looking person I have ever met, and it is indeed your mother-in-law."

Ji Ting was instantly overwhelmed by his exaggeration, but he still looked at Shen Tuchuan subconsciously. Obviously his evaluation was more important.

"Well, that's right." Shen Tuchuan's lip angle rose slightly.

Ji listened and laughed: "You haven't had meals yet, let's go together."

The little emperor immediately looked at Shen Tuchuan, and Shen Tuchuan frowned: "The emperor, you should have your own opinion."

"Oh ... let's do it together!" The little emperor made a decision immediately.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at Ji and nodded gently, and the three returned to Fengqi Palace for a meal. The little emperor came here for the first time, and looked around curiously: "Although the mother-in-law is not large here, the decoration is the best. Nothing could be better than here. "

"I'm used to living here, so I don't want to move." Ji Ting said immediately.

The little emperor nodded: "I like it here too, only to see that there are swings in the yard. Can I play later?"

This sentence seemed to be asked by Ji, but his eyes looked at Shen Tuchuan, and it was self-evident who was asking for it. However, Shen Tuchuan did not speak, but just quietly helped Ji listen to cloth dishes.

Ji Tingxiao smiled: "You like to just play and don't ask me about this little thing."

"Thank you mother." The little emperor did not respond when he heard what Ji said. He immediately happily simmered rice in his mouth. Until Shen Tuchuan reminded him to slow down, he deliberately slowed down.

Because he was thinking about playing, the little emperor only ate half full and ran out on a swing. Shen Tuchuan glanced at the rest of the house. These people immediately followed him out. Only he and Ji Ting were left in the house. .

The dining table was too quiet. Ji Ting, who had restored her memory, was still a little uncomfortable. She coughed and broke the silence: "The emperor ... seems to listen to you."

"He used to live outside the palace before he started enlightenment at the age of five. Now he can't recognize a few words, let alone rules, and can only teach step by step." Shen Tuchuan explained.

Ji nodded and could not help reminding him: "Although I know you are for his good, but he is the emperor, not too harsh, or wait for him to grow up, what if I hate you?"

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "You're right, I will pay attention."

"It's nothing, in the future, let him relax after teaching a lot, he remembers you well, children are like this," Ji Ting relaxed, and gave him a chopsticks tea tree mushroom, "You try This one tastes great. "

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "This seems to be the first time you have served me food."

"... Is that right?" Realizing that he had too much movement, Ji listened and swallowed his saliva, and tried his best to supplement it. "I just think this dish is very interesting. There is a hole under the plate, which is specially used for putting. A lighted candle, the last dish is hot, but there is really a way. "

Shen Tuchuan looked at the candle under this dish, and his eyes did not fluctuate: "I always have this dish, why are you so interested today?"

"... I didn't care about it before, and I stared at it for the first time today." Ji Ting gave a haha ​​to cover up the matter, and then dare not give him food.

The two went out before eating a meal. Shen Tuchuan saw it, reached out and served the plate: "Let someone order another ..."

"Be careful!"

Ji heard an exclamation, but unfortunately it was too late. Shen Tuchuan's hand had been stretched out, and it was quickly and randomly collected. Ji Ting hurriedly held his hand, and sure enough, he saw a red patch on his fingers. I'm afraid it won't take long for blisters to develop.

"Although the candle is out, the plate is still hot. How can you touch it?" Ji Ting frowned.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a long while before retracting her hand: "Forget it for a while, it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter, get up." Ji heard that, he pulled him up, took him all the way to the inside, pressed his hand into a copper basin filled with cold water, took it out for a while, and took it out again. At first glance, there were small bubbles growing up.

Ji Ting frowned and asked someone to take the scalding medicine. After digging out some, he carefully coated his fingers with a thick layer. After the application, he felt distressed and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt now." Shen Tuchuan's eyebrows softened.

Ji Ting still couldn't help whispering, "It's too careless."

"I'll pay attention next time." Shen Tuchuan's temper was unspeakable.

Ji listened to him for a glance. After losing his temper, he wiped off the medicine on his hand and asked, "Are you still eating?"

"No, there's still something in the afternoon, and I'll see you again in the evening." Shen Tuchuan said, moving his fingertips for a while, then raised his hand to caress her frizzy hair.

Ji Ting hurriedly avoided: "No, you still have medicine."

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "I forgot."

"You have to remember, don't break the blisters, or you will suffer," Ji said after hearing, afraid he would not go to his heart, and immediately added a serious expression, "It hurts, than It hurts a thousand times during a burn. "

There was a smile in the eyes of Shen Tuchuan: "Have you been burned before?"

Ji listened for a moment, and a half-chuck coughed: "I haven't burned myself, but I have seen others burned. In short, it hurts, so you pay more attention."

"Well, I know." Shen Tuchuan said he was leaving.

Ji Ting hurriedly grabbed his sleeve, he looked over, with a slight confusion under his eyes. Ji listened and looked at him. He couldn't help but laugh, tiptoed and kissed him on the lips: "Come here earlier, I'll wait for you."

Finally, there was a slight fluctuation in Shen Tuchuan's eyes. He fixedly looked at her for a long time and finally answered softly.

After sending away Shen Tuchuan and the little emperor, Ji was bored by himself, and after a whim, he learned embroidery with the palace maid, and then gave up after being **** twice. She was looking for things to do casually, always felt that time was passing too slowly, and finally ran to sleep, only to spend most of her time.

That night, Shen Tuchuan arrived as expected.

When I heard Shen Tuchuan was coming, Ji Ting shoes couldn't care about putting on shoes, so he trot all the way to greet him. When he got out of the door, he didn't notice it, and ran directly into Shen Tuchuan.

"Why so embarrassing." Shen Tuchuan frowned, and then saw that she was not wearing shoes and socks, her eyes suddenly cooled down, "It's all to be a queen queen, so running with bare feet."

Then, he hugged the person directly, stepped into the room with a stretched face, placed the person on the soft couch, and covered her with a blanket next to him: "What are you so anxious for?"

"... Nothing, I just want to go out to meet you." Ji Ting smiled. Although he has been with him these days, he is incomplete without memory. Now the memory is back, and the full love is also coming back. Even if you face him face to face, you can't help thinking about him.

How could Shen Tuchuan not understand her gaze, and her fist clenched her voice slowly: "You don't have to come, I will look for you, why are you so rash?"

"It's not the same, I'd prefer to go to you in person," Ji Ting laughed, holding his hand, and his tentacles were cold. "Why not wear more? Now that the weather is getting colder and colder, get sick."

Shen Tuchuan looked at the hands of two people overlapping each other, both of them have fair complexion, but she seems to have a layer of warmth, but she is cold and white, and her ten fingers are round and delicate, and she can see that she has been raised and respected at first sight Growing up, unlike his own hand, although he has not done rough work in these years, the scars and cocoons left when he was young cannot be covered up.

These incompatible hands are now held together, as if they would never be separated in a lifetime. Shen Tuchuan looked for a long time before raising his lips: "If it can be so much for a lifetime."

"What?" Ji listened closer, and couldn't help laughing when he spoke. "Do you want to live with me forever?"

Shen Tuchuan raised his head and looked at her. The two were close enough to feel each other's breathing clearly. After a moment of silence, his eyes moved slightly: "Can I live with you forever?"

"Naturally, we will stay together in the palace for the rest of our lives," Ji heard for a moment. "Ah, no, the palace is not a peaceful place. We have to live in peace, and it will be good to stay here forever. The wings are stiff and we ca n’t bear it, then it ’s dangerous, so we still have to plan ahead. ”

"What's the plan? How about trying to push you to be the empress?" Shen Tuchuan said freely, as if asking her what to eat for dinner.

Ji Ting quickly covered his mouth and looked at him nervously: "Don't talk nonsense, carefully have ears across the wall."

Shen Tuchuan smiled and squeezed her little hand into her palm: "I'm serious."

"... It is because I know you are serious, so I am afraid," Ji heard a speechless expression, "I am not even interested in being a queen mother, let alone being an emperor. You might as well think about it rather than think about it. I want to wait until the day when the emperor can't tolerate us, how should we all retreat. "

She paused for a moment, suddenly suddenly yearning: "How about going to the countryside to live in seclusion? But it should be tiring to do farm work, but it doesn't matter. The two of us are young and strong, and we can do everything well. if……"

"You never considered this before." Shen Tuchuan suddenly interrupted her.

Ji Ting shut up suddenly.

Shen Tuchuan's tone was as usual, and her look was even more gentle than before. Her cool hands covered her forehead, as if the closest touch, and it was like breaking her skull with internal force next second: "These should not be It ’s a seventeen-year-old you think about it, just leave it to me. Do n’t think about it in the future? ”

Ji Tingyun looked at him, and gradually realized what he was thinking. "When did you ..."

"Shh" Shen Tuchuan frowned, then relieved quickly, "Don't say, I don't want to listen."

Ji heard nothing for a long time, still asked: "When did you find out?"

Shen Tuchuan stopped talking, and after looking at her for a long time, her eyes dropped little by little: "Must know?"

"... If you don't want to say it, then forget it." Ji listened to his voice with less certainty. If you think about it, he has revealed more than one flaw, and he has already discovered it. It doesn't seem to make sense to ask how he discovered it.

His hand was stroking from her forehead. As she passed her eyes, her eyelashes swept through her palm like a small brush, which was a little itchy and very interesting. He didn't stop too much, but came to her neck and held her slender neck in her palm.

Ji Ting gradually tightened his back and opened his mouth carefully: "Don't do this, I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of? I think I will hurt you?" Shen Tuchuan asked gently.

Ji heard swallowing, and his throat moved in his palm. Shen Tuchuan clearly felt that her life was so fresh and real.

This is the end of the matter, and it does n’t make sense to pretend to be stupid, but Ji Ting stabilises his mind, and still confesses to him: “Yes, I have restored my memory ... It should have been the accident that I saw your birthmark that day.”

"It turned out you called it a birthmark," Shen Tuchuan said, without any emotion. "Did you remember it?"

"... Um," Ji Ting felt his hand tightened a bit, and hurried to him, "I didn't come to take your life, I did it to save you!"

"Save me?" Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes.

Ji Ting nodded immediately: "Yes, salvation. You should have seen the life of this life in advance, and it should be clear that if you are 17 years old, you will die tragically. If it were not for a temporary accident, I will save you before you tragically die, and then I'm taking you away from the mire of life, I really just want to save you, not to kill you ... "

"That being the case, how do you explain that every time I meet you, I will die?" Shen Tuchuan's voice was calm.

Ji listened to her lips: "It's not death, it's a new reincarnation. Only by turning them all over, can we ..." After speaking half of it, she couldn't make a sound. She could only change her way. We can truly greet a better life. "

"A better life?" Shen Tuchuan stared at her, "Is it better than I am right now?"

Ji listened for a moment, because she was unimaginable, and there was such a job in the real world. Seeing that she had nothing to say, Shen Tuchuan raised her lips slightly: "If not, then why don't I grasp the present?"

"... Okay, you're right. Now you can count on yourself to change your destiny. It's natural to be able to grasp the present moment," Ji said after a pause for a while, then asked him with distressed eyes, "but now you really Have you grasped it? Have you ever had a pleasant day? "

Shen Tuchuan was silent.

Ji Ting looked down and squeezed his sleeve gently: "The birthmark is actually a trace of pain. The heavier the color, the deeper your pain. You guessed it well before, as long as the mark exists, you can This world has lived till the end of life, but this also means that the pain in your heart has never dissipated one day, are you really willing? "

Shen Tuchuan looked at her quietly, still saying nothing.

Ji Ting's thoughts are gradually smoothing, and the words are increasing: "Since you have some memories of previous lives, then you tell me, have I been harmful to you? I just want to save you from pain, before, now If I am not mistaken, this life is the last one. As long as we leave this world, we can meet in a more real place. "

She almost uttered the word reality, but fortunately, when the words came to her mouth, she suddenly lost her voice, and changed her way to express it.

"So, from the beginning, you just saved me." Shen Tuchuan finally spoke after a long silence.

Ji Ting nodded immediately: "Yes, that's it, so you believe me ..."

"So as I said, every time you approach is not accidental, nor is it from your heart, just to save me." When Shen Tuchuan said these words, his expression was surprisingly calm.

Ji Tingwei: "Why do you think so?"

"Isn't it?" Shen Tuchuan looked into her eyes.

Ji listened for a moment, and looked at him helplessly: "I can even see that you have amnesia. If I don't like you, wouldn't you be able to see it more easily? But you really think that I have never liked you ? "

The doors and windows didn't seem to be tightly closed, and the candle-like candlelight on the table trembled a little. Ji listened to Shen Tuchuan, who was not talking, and gradually felt a bit of cold. As she was flustered to say something, Shen Tuchuan said suddenly: "I know what you want."

Ji Ting was relieved: "Then ..."

"But how much other things are mixed in your mind, I am not sure," Shen Tuchuan discovered for the first time that he could even breathe when he talked. "I do n’t care about my past life, I only know this life , You can no longer please me like you did before. "

Ji Ting seemed to have guessed what he was about to say, and his heart gradually sank.

Shen Tuchuan fixed her eyes: "In this life, I have tried to kill you. I am wrong. Now I have been avenged. When I want to give you my life, you are no longer you. Ji Listen, if really as you said, I need to rely on you in this world to get out of the quagmire, then I hope you will not interfere with my life in this life. "

"Because from the moment you are no longer you, I have been a quagmire."

The author has something to say: string children: break up, break up, break up, can't stand it!

Ji Ting: Are you sure?

Chuaner: ... I didn't say anything

There are two chapters in this world that are almost over, then the real world, and then the real end. The story is too long, and often the control is not good enough. I really want to apologize to everyone (learning lessons will make the new text shorter, Better present the story to everyone) Thank you also to the little angels who persisted to this day, and after the end, draw a wave of prizes for everyone, this chapter 50 red envelopes 2k novel reading network

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