From the moment he finished speaking, there was silence in the room. Candle tears kept rolling down, and after the last wick went out, the room was completely dark.

Although I can't see the existence of the other party, I can clearly feel his horns, his breath, his every small movement and his determination to confront her like a fate. I don't know how long, Ji heard his voice hoarse: "When the world is over, you will regret it ..."

"That's the future. Shen Tuchuan's body has no sound memory in the future. It's not me anymore." Shen Tuchuan interrupted her.

Ji Ting was quiet for a long time before whispering: "If you insist, I promise you that you won't interfere in your life from now on. You and I are irrelevant ..."

Shen Tuchuan stared at her silhouette in the dark, and a sudden anger rose in her heart. Strangely, he clearly mentioned the matter, but she did not obey her own mind, but for some reason, as soon as she heard her give up so easily, he again had the idea that the woman did not love him enough.

If she hadn't recovered her memory, she wouldn't have treated her like that.

Shen Tuchuan's throat moved, and he was about to leave as soon as he turned his sleeves. Ji Ting immediately called him: "Since it has broken up, can you return my money to me? That was what you gave me before, and it doesn't count you anymore. Yes. "

Shen Tuchuan stopped abruptly, and said coldly, "I don't."

"You do." Ji Ting watched his direction firmly, although he could not see anything. Without the overlapping memories of the previous few worlds, she didn't know enough about the man in front of her to think that filling the pond was because she wanted to be clear with her, rather than distressing that she jumped into the water every day.

He had led the water elsewhere before the pond was filled. I'm afraid he would have found something at that time.

Shen Tuchuan stood quietly, the broken silver in his arms seemed to be hot to burn him. Had it not been for her surprise return that day, she would not have seen the changes in her eyes, let alone that she had restored her memory.

"I said, no." Shen Tuchuan said, and left.

There was only one person in the large room to listen to Ji. After a long time, the soft couch sighed softly.

After this night, the two haven't seen each other very much. Occasionally they met in the palace, and they just said hello to each other, as if the feelings were gone. Ji Ting didn't think about repairing the relationship between the two, but as long as he thought of his suffering in this world, he could not bear to persecute him, so he could only obey his will and live according to his ideas.

Apparently she also adapted well.

An instant ceremony was the ceremony, and she was officially in the position of queen mother. Shen Tuchuan had promised to let her stay in court and be the most powerful woman in the world, but in order to avoid meeting him too often, he would cause him in the mind. The pain was directly rejected.

She became a lonely woman in the harem again, and on such days, no accident will continue until she die.

After he ascended the throne, Wanbang came to the dynasty. Ji Ting was busy studying etiquette that he had never learned. He was busy from early morning to late at night, and finally did not have so much time to think about Shen Tuchuan.

"Mother Empress Dowager, you should claim to be sad, why do you say it is the palace?" The teacher Xi looked at her helplessly. If she was an ordinary lady, she could also reprimand her for having a long memory, but now she has to teach It is the queen mother-in-law, who can only teach softly and carefully over and over again.

Although her voice was gentle enough, Ji Ting was still a little embarrassed: "Ben ... The Ai family couldn't change it for a while and will pay attention to it later." Since she entered the palace, she has been sheltered by Shen Tuchuan. What are these rules? Almost never learned it, and now when it comes to using it, it is learned with a brain, and the brain is rarely enough.

"... the queen mother-in-law who's okay, let's take it slowly." Aunt smiled.

Looking at her dark circles that have become heavier these days, Ji heard a sigh: "Otherwise, let's get here first, I will practice today and talk about tomorrow."

"Yes." The queen mother-in-law spoke, and even if I didn't feel right, she could only answer.

As soon as the instructor walked away, Ji Ting was relieved. He sat down and rested his tight calf, and began to think about what he had just learned.

"Mother! Mother!"

The child's voice sounded, Ji heard his eyes brightened, and as soon as she sat upright, she saw a touch of bright yellow coming in. She immediately laughed: "Why are you here?"

"I heard that my mother was studying the rules in the palace, I came to see," said the little emperor, silly, "I have been learning for the past few days, mother, are we two of the world's least reliable empresses and queens? The simplest things must be learned over and over again. "

"This is not easy. The two of us haven't touched these before and suddenly started to learn. It can be a bit of a good look," Ji heard that he was actually a little unconfident, so he gently persuaded, "We must say that we are too smart Now. "

"Really?" The little emperor asked, tilting his head.

Ji listened and glanced at his thin cheeks, and sighed: "Of course it is true, the family of Ai takes you on a swing, and we will continue to learn after a while."

"Okay!" The little emperor was immediately happy.

Ji Ting laughed and took him out. He helped him sit down and pushed him personally. The little emperor shouted with excitement. His two feet were high. Ji Ting also felt fun and pushed him harder. The two were very I'm getting tired, sitting on the swing and chatting.

"There are also swings elsewhere in the palace, but I still prefer the mother-in-law here, willing to play with the mother-in-law." The little emperor looked at her innocently.

Ji Ting squeezed his face: "Since then, more mothers will come here."

"Hmm!" The little emperor smiled and sat down on the swing rope for a while, suddenly a little low mouth. "Mother, many ministers in recent days, let the grandmother beware of Uncle Chuan, saying that he is an **** who interferes with the politics of the court, is a bad person, I don't think they're right. "

Ji Ting was startled: "Who said this to you, Shen Tuchuan helped you to the throne. It is one of the great heroes. They suddenly vilified him like this. It is really heartbreaking!"

The little emperor was still in a low mood: "I think so, so I ignored them, but they kept saying, I was so annoyed, can my mother help me think of a solution?"

When Ji heard the words, she had to speak, but when she spoke, there was a flash of light in her head. After a moment of silence, she slowly spoke: "There is no way for the mother. You also know that there is no ink in the belly of the mother, and it is also true for Chaozheng. Knowing nothing, otherwise you won't stay in the harem and won't help you at all. "

"But you have to think for yourself, you can't think of it." The little emperor looked distressed.

Ji Ting sweated in his palms, but his face was still calm: "There is nothing to imagine. If you are too young this year and your status is not too stable, you do n’t need to bother about those voices. I ’ll wait for you to get older. It's all up to you to deal with the villains who have entered the talk. It's not too late to make a decision. "

"Really?" The little emperor pouted and looked at Ji Ting, apparently looking innocent, but seeing Ji Ting getting cold all over.

She suddenly remembered the real name of the little emperor: Zhou Chengye. It is the male lead in this world. He has been a very intelligent genius since he was a child. However, according to the original text, he only reached the throne when he was ten years old. However, he did not expect that the turmoil of the sun is now more than ten years earlier.

There is very little narrative about the little emperor before the age of seventeen. She only mentioned that he had royal blood, so she didn't care. Only when he heard him inadvertently asked his opinion, he felt that something was wrong. Recall.

"I won't deal with Uncle Chuan. He treats him so well. If he is not good for him, wouldn't he be a white-eyed wolf?" The emperor was serious.

Ji listened and laughed: "You are an emperor, he is a slave, you will not be a white-eyed wolf when you deal with it, but if you can give him a good end, it is good. When you have a stable foundation, you will be given a hundred acres of good land, called How does he return to his hometown? "

Whenever an overpowered courtier finally ends up usurping himself as an emperor, or is miserable in the end, there are few who can end well. Shen Tuchuan is physically incomplete, and in this life it is absolutely impossible to be an emperor. The little emperor in front of her can cheat her and Shen Tuchuan's eyes before taking office, and she will certainly not give Shen Tuchuan a chance to rebel in the future. So all she can do is to make a decent contribution for him.

In the original text, although the male protagonist is decisive and intelligent, he is not a completely ruthless person. Now Shen Tuchuan has kindness to him and believes that he will listen to himself.


"Sure enough, when I came to my mother when I was in trouble, my mother thought it would be a good way to kill two birds with one stone. When that time, Uncle Chuan will be able to support him for years, and those ministers will not talk nonsense," the little emperor seemed really happy, After thinking about it, I was a little bit uncertain, "But after the mother, would you be reluctant to uncle Chuan?"

"Ai's family and him are just friendships between master and servant. He can get a good place. What can't be sad about Ai's family." Ji Ting's face remained the same. Now she knows that she broke off with Shen Tuchuan. Do not believe this little guy in front of you will not know.

Although the little emperor was clever, he was very young. After hearing Ji personally denying the relationship between the two, his expression relaxed a bit: "That's good ... but this is all a future thing, and I can't say for sure. He still prefers to leave Uncle Chuan by his side, so he asks his mother not to tell anyone for the time being, and I'm afraid that Uncle Chuan heard how much he thought. "

Ji Ting quietly looked at him for a moment, and when his face was almost tense, he suddenly raised his lips and smiled: "This is nature, you and I are mother and son, and the closest relationship in the world, no need to say sad Home must think about you everywhere. "

It seems that her break with Shen Tuchuan is correct, otherwise an **** who controls the court and a queen who controls the harem. If the two do nothing, the male lead will have a huge sense of threat. This sense of threat will directly lead him to They start.

In fact, even if he is not a male lead, as long as he ascends the throne, he and Shen Tuchuan will not be allowed to keep getting better. She used to be too naive, and felt that she could live with Shen Tuchuan for a lifetime.

Ji Ting looked at the little emperor in front of him, sighed and covered his emotions, holding the little emperor's hand: "So don't worry, whenever you mourn, your family is on your side."

After all, the little emperor was young and had been treated harshly before. Now suddenly, he was gently touched by Ji Ting, and after a moment of stun, he responded: "Thank you mother, mother, the emperor will be especially good for you in the future."

"After the mother-in-law will also be good to Huang'er." Ji heard the softening in his words and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The little emperor smiled and blinked at her: "Mother, you are too deserted in this courtyard. How about a gift from Huanger?"

"What to send?" Ji Ting looked at him curiously.

The little emperor smiled mysteriously, jumped off the swing frame and ran out of the door. Ji Tian's smile on his face faded a little after he left, and he disguised himself when he returned.

"Mother, look!" Said the little emperor, and he entered the four eunuchs outside the gate.

Ji listened to the past, and saw that everyone had red lips, white teeth, and clear appearance, and they were no less indistinguishable from Lin Langbi who had left, and one of them had an eyebrow like Shen Tuchuan. She frowned for a moment, then calmed down: "These slaves are your gifts?"

"This was picked by Huangerman Palace, the best-looking eunuchs. Huanger thought, if you look more at these good looks, the mood of the mother-in-law may also be good, so I brought you." The little emperor smiled and came to hold her hand.

Ji Ting also laughed, but her heart was very indifferent. This little **** is probably worried that she and Shen Tuchuan's old relationship will rekindle, so I brought these people here to prevent her from reconciling with Shen Tuchuan again. Second, she can also play a monitoring role.

It's a pity that he is a villain this time. She and Shen Tuchuan have long been impossible, and he can't use him to waste time. Although he thought so, in order to reassure him, Ji Ting still wanted to collect: "So, leave everyone behind."

"After that mother, don't say that it was from the Huanger, I'm afraid Uncle Chuan is angry." The little emperor was a little nervous.

Yo, still have a little brain, knowing that this is not the time to fall apart with Shen Tuchuan. Ji Ting depressed the taunt in his heart and nodded sympathetically: "I know, I just said that the Ai family picked it up."

"Thank you mother, then if nothing happens, the emperor will go back to Taihedian first, and Uncle Chuan is still waiting there!" The little emperor left when he achieved his purpose.

Ji nodded and watched him smile slightly after seeing him leave. After looking at these slaves, he called to take care of things.

Shortly after this day, Ji Ting picked up a few beautiful eunuchs and raised them in Fengqi Palace, and spread to the harem. During the ceremony, Gong Li slaps the desktop angrily: "The queen mother-in-law is really too much, so it is so clear to choose a few eunuchs in the palace, it is simply not ... not to put the royal decent in your eyes ! "

Shen Tuchuan next took a sip of hot tea, but nothing happened on her face.

Grandpa Li couldn't help but look at him: "Master, you really just let it go like this? The slave knew that you had run out of love with the queen mother-in-law, but she seemed to do too much."

"Since the relationship has run out, what relationship does she have with me?" Shen Tuchuan said, sipping the tea in the cup.

When the father-in-law exclaimed, he was too late, and he couldn't say a word until he had finished drinking: "Supervisor, this tea has just been brewed. Your fingertips are hot, how can you drink it all at once." What relationship has no relationship, if you really do n’t care, why can you drink the freshly brewed boiled tea? I'm afraid this cup will blister from your mouth to your throat.

Shen Tuchuan gave him an indifferent glance, and Li Gong shrank his neck a moment, and he dared not recklessly: "The slaves and slaves thought that there was nothing to do, and they resigned." They ran away after speaking.

Shen Tuchuan looked down at the empty cup, and after a long time, his palm made a clear sound, and then looked at the original intact cup, which had been completely broken in his palm, a sharp porcelain pierced into the palm, and a bright red liquid ran along. Palm print dripping down.

The first snowfall outside the window arrived, heralding the arrival of winter.

On the afternoon of the same day, Ji Ting was sitting at the window holding a hand stove, watching the snow owl outside falling.

"Mother-in-law, such a cold day, such a window would be ill." A beautiful **** came over and stopped three steps away from her. She wanted to step forward and did not dare to step forward. .

Ji listened to him and sighed with a headache. The few people sent by the little emperor were very calm. Only this eyebrow and Shen Tuchuan had two points similar, and always wanted to approach her, but they were very polite every time, so that people could not pick out the fault, and always cared She looks like she just doesn't know how to find it.

"The minion will help you close the window," the **** whispered.

Although he is also a physically impaired person, Shen Tuchuan's voice will never give people a sharp feeling, but because of his image, he is calm throughout the day, and Ji He often forgets his identity.

Ji listened and looked at the little **** looking forward to it, thinking for a moment: "You go and ask someone to make a pot of hot water, and the sad family wants to wipe their faces."

"Yes, the minion is here." Hearing her call, the **** left in surprise.

Ji Ting pursed his lips and immediately ran out with a hand stove after he left. Since the four little emperor's eyeliners were added in Fengqi Palace, she was not as comfortable as before, but every time they went out for a walk, these little eunuchs would always keep up and annoy her.

Now she has the chance to go out and walk by herself. Of course, she refused to let it go. She stepped out of Fengqi Palace and did not dare to stop. She was afraid that someone would follow her until a cold wind blew on the road.

Whether to go back to get the cloak at the risk of being entangled by the little eunuch, or to walk around a little bit freely, Ji Ting chose the latter without hesitation. After far away from Fengqi Palace, Ji Ting wandered aimlessly, and unknowingly walked to the vicinity of Secretary Li Jian, she looked at the filled pond for a moment, and stared in the opposite direction.

Xiaoxue landed on her shoulder, and was quickly melted by the body temperature, and a slap was placed directly on her shoulder. It reminded her that when she first entered the palace, it was raining that day, as was her shoulder.

Ji Ting's lip angle raised slightly, stopped at the swing place where he had swinged before, and thought about wiping off the thin layer of snow with his sleeve, and sat directly on it. Since those little eunuchs came to the palace, she hasn't touched the swing in the yard for a long time, and now sitting here, it seems interesting to shake it twice.

She fiddled with the swing alone like a fool. She put her hand stove on her lap and covered her belly with heat. Instead, she had two hands holding the rope to keep her balance. It was a little bit red at the moment.

While she was having fun alone, a figure turned around a corner not far away, she looked at it subconsciously, and suddenly caught up with a pair of familiar eyes. She immediately put her feet on the ground, and stood on her feet.

I have n’t seen it in a few days. He seems to be thinner. The jaw line is as sharp as a knife. His original dusty face is more handsome now. He is wearing a black embroidered gold shirt and a dark purple basalt cloak on the outside. The darker lines lined his lips redder and whiter, giving the whole person a sense of distance.

The distance between the two is not close. When Ji Ting was hesitant to pretend he didn't see it or greeted him actively, he had already walked towards himself. Every step on the thin snow left a clear footprint, like Leaves a trace on her heart.

Ji listened tightly holding the hand stove, thinking about what to say in the first sentence, and suddenly saw the white cloth bandaged on his hand, a sentence blurted out immediately: "Why did your hand hurt?"

Shen Tuchuan gave her a firm look, then lowered his eyes: "A little accident."

"Are you badly hurt?" Ji Ting frowned.

Shen Tuchuan stretched out her injured hand: "Does the queen queen take it apart?"

"... It hurts in the hands, it must be okay." Ji Ting thought he was rejecting his concern, so he shook his head shyly.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened for a moment: "It seems that the queen queen adapts better than I thought."

"Huh?" Ji looked at him puzzled.

Shen Tuchuan was silent.

Ji listened, pursing his lips and watching his red hand, finally couldn't help but step forward, and passed the hot hand stove: "Superintendent Lord takes care of everything, you must take care of yourself."

Shen Tuchuan looked at the things in her hand, and after a few moments of silence he put his fingers on the cloak strap. Ji heard his movements froze, and gradually accumulated heat in his eyes.

However, before Shen Tuchuan untied, he heard a rush of footsteps coming from behind, followed by a sharp voice: "Mrs. Queen Mother! Why don't you wait for a slave, come out wearing such a thin, carefully you Your body! "

As soon as the words fell, a little **** with a neutral appearance and red lips and white teeth ran over, and put on a cloak for Ji Ting while hesitating: "You are really the queen queen, how can you be so playful, if the slave is frozen It ’s going to die ... ”

"That's it, Lai's family will come by himself." Ji heard that he took a step back, bowed his own belt, and scaredly looked up to see Shen Tuchuan.

However, even if she didn't look at him, she could feel the cold air released from him, and looked at the **** who had some similar eyebrows and sighed in her heart. He estimated to be furious, but she was in front of the little emperor's eyeliner, and she couldn't explain it too much, she had to beat her teeth and swallow.

The small **** still kept on saying, "Yeah, the slave didn't see the Lord Lord, please greet the Lord Lord."

"You are full of queens only, and it is normal to see the Governor," Shen Tuchuan said indifferently, but Ji listened to the coldness in the words. "The queen mother-in-law is accompanied by such a caring person, I am afraid it will not be boring in the harem Right. "

She looked up with a smirk and looked at him embarrassedly. "The governor laughed."

"Mother Empress Dowager, the hot water is ready. Go back with the slaves, and the slaves will wait for you." The **** said in a low voice, and a snowstorm quickly accumulated in the eyes of Shen Tuchuan after speaking.

Ji Ting: "..." She is now sure, this **** thing is intentional.

Taking a deep breath, she deliberately exclaimed, "It's just wiping her face. Couldn't it be impossible for the sad family to do this? Need you wait?"

"The slaves came to Fengqi Palace to wait for you, you also know." The **** said, embarrassedly bowed his head, as if he and Ji Ting had happened.

Ji listened to Shen Tuchuan subconsciously. After seeing his dark eyes, the skin was tense. As soon as he was about to speak, he heard him say faintly: "The snow scene is OK today, my mother did not come out easily, I also It's just fine, why not go and sit in the Royal Garden together? "

This was the first time he had offered an offer after almost a month, Ji heard that he would go with him, but his eyeliner was next to him. If she followed him at this moment, I am afraid that the empress would get the news in an hour, and they will The road will be difficult.

Shen Tuchuan originally thought that she would nod immediately, but waited for a while before she felt a embarrassed expression. Her hands couldn't help but clenched gradually under the cloak, until the solidified wound broke and blood returned, and he eased slightly from the pain. God comes.

"Can't do it, although the snow scene is good, but it's strange outside for a long time, and Ai's family goes home first." Ji listened politely and looked at the eunuch, and motioned for him to leave.

Ji Ting didn't dare to see Shen Tuchuan's expression, left his head quickly and left, smiling happily with the **** behind her, as if she refused Shen Tuchuan for herself.

After the two left, only Shen Tuchuan and swing were left on the huge open space. He stood there for a long time before turning away.

On the way back, Ji's heart grew more and more depressing. Although the **** behind him had always been very obedient, she still hated him. When he returned to the palace, he scolded him to step back and barked into the room.

After they talked for half an hour in the room, the two came out to gather the palace people together, and sent all the former performers to the main directors in the courtyards, leaving only the four given by the emperor in Fengqi Palace. One, there is always the old man who sells old things.

Suddenly there are more than half of the people in the palace, but the things in the palace are still to be done, so only one or two people can do the work. Those who had been on duty in Fengqi Palace did not want to be tired, so they began to bully the four, anyway, no one knew about the four sent by the emperor.

The four eunuchs suddenly got up early and became greedy, and fell asleep almost every time they finished their work, regardless of the season they listened to.

After waiting for these people to be almost ruled out, two nights later, Ji Ting changed the maid's clothes and sneaked out of Fengqi Palace under the moonlight.

She bowed her head all the way to the Li Jianjian, and was stopped before she entered the door: "Stop, what?"

Ji Ting was nervous, because she couldn't be sure, whether the Secretary Li Jian is still Shen Tuchuan's own person. When the guard saw that she was not talking, she suddenly became suspicious. When she was about to come, there was a voice from father-in-law Li: "What happened?"

Ji listened to his heart and hurriedly turned to look at him. Li Gonggong paused and waved at the guard: "Back down, this is my fellow countryman who came to give me something."

"Yes." The guard then walked away.

Li Gonggong took her into the Li Jianjian without saying a word, and as soon as he walked through the door, he knelt toward her: "Give me the queen mother-in-law."

"No need to be polite," Ji Ting immediately held his arm, "is the governor in?"

Father Gong hesitated to give her a look: "Here, only the slave thinks ... he should not be able to see you now."

"What's wrong with him?" Ji listened and asked, his eyes did not seem to be cheating.

Li Gonggong had a little conscience when she saw her, so she felt better, and coughed out, "You can see for yourself ..."

The words did not fall, Ji Ting had passed by his side, and hurried to the inner court. Gong Li stunned for a moment, and sighed with a faint sigh.

Ji listened to the door of Shen Tuchuan suddenly, and suddenly had no courage. After carefully knocking on the door, he even got the urge to leave.

Just as she was tangled, there was an indifferent voice inside: "Come in."

Ji listened for a moment, still opened the door, and walked in cautiously.

"What happened to you yesterday?" After a layer of veil, Shen Tuchuan's figure sitting at the table was blurred.

Ji Ting realized that he had confessed the wrong person. For a while, he was a little cramped, and when he stepped forward to smell the wine, he was even more disturbed.

Shen Tuchuan didn't get a response, and gradually realized what was happening. The rhythmic tapping fingers stopped at the table. Ji listened slowly and opened the veil, and the stronger taste of the wine came to his face. Looking at the bottles everywhere on the ground, obviously he didn't drink it today.

She and Shen Tuchuan stared at each other for a moment, and fingerlessly pinched her sleeves.

"How could the queen mother-in-law come to me?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes were full of sarcasm.

Ji listened for a moment and whispered, "Did you do this because of me?"

"Why, come and laugh at me?" Shen Tuchuan Xu was really drunk, his temperament was worse than before. He looked at the wine glass in his hand, and his face was astonishing under the candlelight. It ’s better than anyone else, I ca n’t let it go, I see you mingling with that guy, I just want to kill him and kill you again. ”

He hated those who possessed her and hated her even more. Why she can live so well without separation after being separated, why she can openly accept a person who is a bit like him, and what he is in her heart, is someone he once liked, Or can it be replaced at any time?

Ji Ting quietly looked at him and whispered in a low voice: "I have nothing to do with him. The eunuchs in my palace were sent by the emperor. He didn't want you and me to reconcile, so he came up with the idea. I was also afraid that he would be too vigilant towards you and I would accept people, but I and them are innocent, really. "

"It's for me again, it's really hard for you." Shen Tuchuan drank the wine and reopened the forum again.

"... You don't have to be ridiculous. If you can, I don't want to restore my memory. I don't want to accompany you for a lifetime according to your requirements, but now the fact is that I'm recovered, what can I do?" Ji Ting finally couldn't bear Staying angry, grabbed his jar and took a sip, and sat across from him, "You always want me to be pure, but how do I know what is pure, you know that I am in danger and do not come to rescue, is it pure? If you can do it, I can do it. "

Shen Tuchuan's wine is very spicy. From the throat all the way to the stomach, Ji Ting feels that he will be burned: "Shen Tuchuan, you give up. You can't just let me go, just like I can't let you go. If you believe that you have become a quagmire, then bury me in the quagmire, so drinking in the house is not like you at all, don't you have memories of previous lives? Learn more, medicine on the rope chain, everything, that is Do n’t air me like this, you have to air your whole life. ”

Ji heard that her eyes gradually became red. She knew that alcohol had begun to work. Then she looked at Shen Tuchuan's stretched face and simply let go: "The emperor is young now, all the eunuchs are sent to me, etc. When he grows up someday, maybe he will give me a man as soon as he is filial. Do you still insist on breaking up with me and have no room for questioning in the future? "

"Do you still want a man?" Shen Tuchuan finally reacted after her sentence.

Ji Ting raised his face and looked at him: "I want you ... but you want me, don't you?"

Shen Tuchuan lowered his eyes and refused to say a word.

Ji Ting couldn't tolerate his silence, and moved closer, staring at his eyes deadly: "If you can live well after being separated from me, I won't persecute you, but look at yourself now It looks like I can live a little bit apart. Now you have to choose whether you want me or throw me out. "

Her gaze was so firm that he kept his face cold and opened his eyes, and for a while he had the idea of ​​escaping.

"Accept this impure me in your eyes, or firm previous choices, I will only give you this opportunity," the room burned the earth dragon, Ji listened to look at him, but still shivered with cold, "if you I still choose to continue as usual. From now on, I hope you can completely let go. No matter whether I look for **** or man, it has nothing to do with you ... "

Hearing this sentence has nothing to do with you, and finally Sendu Tuchuan reacted, but it was just ‘dot’.

Ji Ting's eyes showed a deep disappointment. She stared at him for a long time, and the courage that was originally born was consumed by time. After a long time, she calmed down and said with a dumb voice, "Okay, I see."

After speaking, she turned around and left, and the tear glands burst when she turned around, tears falling down.

When she went out, she suddenly felt a pull in her sleeve. She paused, turned back unbelievably, and saw a corner of her sleeve pinched by Shen Tuchuan.

Ji listened for a moment, and the nasal sound finally exposed: "What do you mean? Would you like to stay with me?" After she asked, she waited for Shen Tuchuan's answer, but he didn't say a word, alcohol made her His brain is dizzy, and people are not as sane as before. "This kind of trivial matter is tangled. You don't like me so much when you want to come. Forget it, let's cut it off and save the emperor from worrying in the future."

After speaking, she slammed the sleeves back, and walked towards the door with tears. When she was about to leave the door, she suddenly heard a word. She stopped immediately and said with a grimace: "My ears are not good Did not hear clearly, you say it again. "

"Don't leave ... don't look for anyone else," Shen Tuchuan said hoarsely. "I regret it, stay with me, okay? Please ..."

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