Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 160: Chapter 160

Ji Ting quietly stood in place, tears fell silently, but his eyes were very calm. Speaking of which, it seemed that she was so awake after drinking for the first time, sober that even though tears were out of control, her heart was clear.

After Shen Tuchuan said that, his self-righteous 'dignity' no longer seemed to be a hindrance. His fingertips became white and he pinched her horns, like a life-saving straw to prevent himself from falling into the abyss. .

He couldn't wait for Ji Hean's response. He was suddenly flustered, hugging her slender waist from behind, and pressing his face gently on her back: "Don't go."

Ji He lowered her head, looked at the hand clasped to her waist, half covered her hand gently, and said dumbly, "I won't go."

Shen Tuchuan's shoulders relaxed and hugged her tighter: "Will you love me? Will you love as much as before?"

Ji heard that he was still struggling with this matter, could not help but sighed softly, turned around and sat on his lap, looking at the handsome face suddenly close, raised his lips after a moment of silence: "What are you doing?" I do n’t understand. With memory, I will only love you more and more. "

Shen Tuchuan wiped the tears from the corner of her eye and squeezed her jaw to kiss her.

This time the kiss was very different from the previous one. What was about to happen, Ji Ting felt a faint feeling in her heart. She was so nervous that her hands and feet became stiff for a while. Shen Tuchuan patiently guided, after he realized that she was gradually relaxed, she whispered, "Can you?"

"... Um." Ji Ting's face rose with a hint of crimson.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes were deep and his expression was not at all light. "Since you have memories, you should know that I am different from previous generations. Today, I am ... not a man anymore."

Even if he deliberately keeps his voice down, even if he can practice martial arts to strengthen his physique and make his appearance less feminine, but his body will not deceive him. He has no beard and is as white as porcelain. At first glance, he is different from normal men.

Ji Ting looked at his suddenly lowered face, and felt very distressed: "I'm sorry, I'm late." She should have arrived earlier and saved him before he entered the palace.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, barely raising his lips: "I'll take you back ..." After he said, he held Ji Ting's arm and wanted to help her up.

Ji heard that he still couldn't get through that hurdle in his heart. If he left today, I don't know what he would want to think alone.

"I won't go." She hugged his neck after she said it, and refused to leave.

She twisted uneasily, and Shen Tuchuan's ears gradually became red, and she could not help but scold: "Don't mess around!"

Ji listened for a moment, then laughed: "It's not without feeling, that's all it takes." Then, she put a kiss on his forehead. "I didn't dislike it when you were an orc, How can you be so disgusted with you? Don't always think so much. "

"But it's different ..."

"It's nothing different," Ji Ting looked into his eyes, suddenly getting serious, "Shen Tuchuan, I want you."

Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened: "Give you one last chance. If you still insist, even if you ask me later, I won't stop ..."

Before he finished speaking, his lips were blocked. Shen Tuchuan looked at her face close to him, and half a while, hugged the person directly, and strode toward the carved bed.

Because the rest of this article is afraid of being locked, Ji Ting already can't remember it clearly, just thinks that Shen Tuchuan has opened the door to a new world for her, so she finds out that it can still be done.

Until the dawn of the day, the two talents stopped, Ji Ting couldn't open his eyes, but he got up and left: "It's not early, I'll go back first."

After saying that the arm holding the bedboard was sore, the man fell back into Shen Tuchuan's arms. Shen Tuchuan flipped over and pressed people down, closed her eyes and said, "Sleep, I will take you back tomorrow."

"No, if the emperor knew it, he would have to watch out for you." Ji Ting confused.

Shen Tuchuan was displeased: "But a six-year-old child, still afraid of him?"

"... He's not an ordinary six-year-old child. Don't underestimate him." Ji heard and said, gradually no sound.

Shen Tuchuan raised her lip corner, patted her sweaty back gently, and went to sleep slowly.

Ji Tingyi fell asleep until noon, waking up dry and obviously cleared up. She opened her eyes weakly, and suddenly thought of where she was now after a long absence, and sat up for a moment, looking down in a hurry to find her shoes.

When Shen Tuchuan came in, she saw her anxious look, immediately lowered the food container in her hand, and frowned to help her wear shoes: "What are you so anxious for?"

"Why don't you wake me up, what if the emperor knew?" Ji Ting frowned.

Shen Tuchuanton paused and looked at her with her lips. "If you know what, if he dares to interfere, then kill him and change to another emperor."

"... Don't mess around, you are not allowed to move him at any time, haven't you heard ?!" Afraid that Shen Tuchuan wasn't taking the matter seriously, Ji Tingliang said coldly.

The reason why a male lead is a male lead is because he is the son of luck in the world of fiction. When he dies, the world will fall apart. Similarly, as long as he does not die, the luck of the whole world will lean towards him. However, we can only fight to avoid being strong.

But she couldn't say these words at all, and could only ask him with a strong tone.

Shen Tuchuan frowned even deeper: "Are you standing with him now?"

"Whoever said that, I will always be with you," Ji heard, and couldn't help laughing. "In short, listen to this matter. In the future, you can only help, don't be too public, wait until he's Older, how about we go to live in the countryside? "

Shen Tuchuan stared at her, "You are planning for him."

Ji listened to silence for a moment, and said helplessly, "You just don't understand it now, just remember to treat him with your heart, let's talk about the others later."

They had been with her for several hours, and she was still uncomfortable. Shen Tuchuan didn't want to talk about it anymore, and shifted the topic: "I took some food from the royal dining room. You are hungry, get up and use some."

"No need, I'll go first," Ji heard, then jumped off the bed and hurried to the door.

Shen Tuchuan frowned and watched her leave, and when she was about to speak, she saw that she stopped, and the corners of her lips suddenly floated a little.

"We don't want to talk about the reconciliation, especially in front of the emperor?" Ji listened, turning his head and admonishing.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes cooled down: "You never did that when the emperor was there. Why did I see no one as soon as he took office? How did you become a queen mother and you really became a family with the emperor?"

"Don't make trouble, how could I be with someone else," Ji heard that he was angry, and quickly ran back to appease him, "I'm also good for you ..."

"I can't hear what you mean for me. All I know is to do as you say. The biggest beneficiary is the emperor," Shen Tuchuan said for a moment, "and your queen mother."

When his power was withdrawn, the majesty of the royal family was strengthened, and in the end he benefited from the two royal families and no one else.

Ji Tingmei frowned: "How can you think so, you know I don't care about these at all."

"But what you are doing today makes me have to think so." Shen Tuchuan accidentally exuded some annoyance.

Ji listened helplessly: "The emperor ... he is a real emperor, you can't fight him. In order to be able to stay together, I advise you to avoid its sharpness. I won't say anything else. You just remember what I said. "

Shen Tuchuan didn't say a word with a cold face, and Ji Ting coaxed a few more words. It was still too early to see him. Although it is not too early to see him, although she usually has the habit of sleeping, if she does n’t go back, she will definitely Was found wrong. She gritted her teeth, left a sentence, "I'll find you in two days," and left.

Shen Tuchuan was sitting expressionlessly in the suddenly empty room, without moving for a long time.

After obeying Li Jian's departure, Ji ran to Fengqi Palace like a thief, avoiding the palace people along the way, and finally returned to the palace safely.

"Mother Empress Dowager? Why are you wearing the maid's clothes?" A clear voice suddenly heard from the corner.

Ji listened for a moment, and after seeing that this person had a two-point image with Shen Tuchuan, his heart suddenly hung up. She calmed down and coughed up and said, "I'm going out for a walk."

"How did you dress like this for a walk?" The **** came over in doubt, looking at her wrinkled gown in doubt.

Ji listened impatiently and glanced at him: "It is precisely because I do not want to take you guys, so I deliberately dressed as such a person to go out. If this is heard from other places, beware of you. Head. "

The **** hadn't seen her so bad-tempered, and her neck shrank immediately: "The slave knows it, and the slave won't talk nonsense."

"Okay, you can keep busy. Ai's family is tired, go back to rest." Ji Tingzuo was scared, and turned back to the bedroom gracefully.

When she returned to the room, her straight waistboard suddenly collapsed, she threw her clothes casually, and lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

After this day, Ji Tingben wanted to find an opportunity to go to Si Lijian to coax Shen Tuchuan, but heard that he was out of town to do business, so he had to temporarily suppress the matter.

He came back after three or five days. When he heard the news of his return to the palace, Ji Ting couldn't wait to find him. However, due to the many eyes of his emperor in his palace, he could only bear it for a while, until the sky was dark. Only in a palace costume secretly went to Secretary Li Jian.

Shen Tuchuan seemed to know that she would definitely come tonight, so she waited at the door early in the morning. After seeing her figure approaching, her lip angle rose for a moment and then pressed down, and she wasn't overcast until she followed her. Take a look at her and turn towards the door.

Ji listened to his appearance, thinking that he was still angry, and immediately kept up, the two walked one after the other, and nobody said a word. After he entered the room, Ji heard that he was shut out, hurriedly trot into the door, and turned around to close the door after entering.

Before she locked the door, there was a sudden pressure behind her. By the time she recovered, he had been pressed against the door panel, his face was pressed against her ears from behind, and there was heat in her ears while talking. Blowing: "Isn't it more important not to be a little emperor? Why are you coming to me?"

"... When did I say that he is more important? Don't make a fool of it unreasonably." Ji Ting's cheeks appeared red, and his back was tight.

Shen Tuchuan raised his lips: "What have you done in the palace these days?"

"I'm thinking of you." Ji listened to a serious answer.

Shen Tuchuan held people closer: "Really?"

"Hmm ... can you let go of me first and stick it on the door? It's strange." Ji's voice is getting smaller and smaller, she doesn't understand it is just a hug behind her. .

He heard a heavy laugh behind him. Ji heard that he felt red as a whole, and was just held up just to protest. The candlelight was shaking in the room, and the dim light added a hazy color to everything in the room.

Late at night, Ji Tingping calmed into Shen Tuchuan's arms for a long time, and whispered: "You will toss people."

"I'm waiting for you." Shen Tuchuan closed his eyes.

Ji heard a humming sound: "You are not too tired."

"If you are happy, I will be happy, how can I be tired?" Shen Tuchuan said a moment of silence, then slowly said, "I think about these days."


"If your wish is to assist the emperor, then I will follow you," Shen Tuchuan provoked her jaw, forcing her to look at herself. "If you don't want your relationship to be known, I will follow you."

There was a tinge of distress in Ji Ting's eyes: "I haven't kept it hidden. When we live in the future, I will tell my parents about this."

Shen Tuchuan calmed for a long time before slowly responding: "Okay."

Ji heard that he still didn't understand why she did this, but in order to make her happy, he chose to compromise, so he felt more distressed to him, squeezed his face and whispered softly: "It's better to be patient for a few years. "

Shen Tuchuan smiled and didn't speak, and held people tighter.

After the two men hugged for a while, Ji Ting whispered, "I should go back."

Shen Tuchuan had a meal: "Now?"

"... Um, I was discovered by the emperor when I went back last time, and I can't stay anymore this time," Ji said when he heard that he sat up, pulled his blouse and began to wear it on his body. , I'm afraid I have no time to come to you, and I will come to see you when I am busy. "

"I can also go to Fengqi Palace to find you." Shen Tuchuan said.

Ji heard busy shaking his head: "Farewell, I have a nest of emperor's eyeliner, just wait for me to find it."

Shen Tuchuan's brows frowned. Although she already wanted to do what she said, she could not see her nervousness as a thief.

Ji Ting was busy tidying his clothes without paying much attention to his expression. After neatly dressing, he put a kiss on his lips: "I'm leaving now, let's go to sleep." Then he left without looking back. The warm smell remained in the room, but it started to look empty.

Shen Tuchuan sat still for a long time, and more and more felt that she was like a mourning housewife waiting for the emperor to change the brand, and could not help laughing. Since she made these demands to herself that day, he has murdered the little emperor, but he has never done so.

After all, she still didn't want to make her angry. She had brought her into the palace because of her own selfishness, which caused her the worst misfortune in this life. Now what she wants, then just give it to her.

After making the decision, Shen Tuchuan did not embarrass Ji anymore because of this incident. An An concealed the relationship between the two. Occasionally when he met outside, he even seemed more indifferent than Ji listen.

This indifference turned out to be indifferent for ten years. The little emperor was sixteen years old.

"It was only sixteen, but he was still a child, and he was about to marry a wife." Ji Ting looked at the emperor who had brought up his own hands, and even gave birth to an elder.

After ten years, the little emperor was already tall and handsome. Since he was a child when he was young, he was full of aura at a young age, with a majestic feeling between his eyebrows. In the past ten years, he has managed the world in an orderly manner, and Chaotang has gradually been under his control. Although the East Factory is still the East Factory, the power has been taken back a lot, which is already far behind.

However, he was better for Shen Tuchuan, the owner of the East Factory, and he was not hesitant to make money. He comforted the people in the East Factory. Even though Shen Tuchuan is unwilling to admit it, he must admit that he is a born emperor.

When the emperor heard Ji Ting's emotion, a rare smile appeared in his eyes: "Sixteen is not too young, but the mother-in-law became the queen mother at seventeen."

"... You said that, Ai's family suddenly felt that they were getting old," Ji Ting held his face worriedly, "but there are wrinkles on her mother's face?"

"His mother talked and laughed, but she was only 27 years old. How could there be wrinkles." The emperor smiled and helped her to shrug. He has been trying his best to help him in these seasons. When he never contradicted his opinions, the human heart was fleshy. He already regarded this woman who was only eleven years old as his own mother. She will give her the choice of concubine.

Ji Ting smiled and patted his hand: "Mother looked at these portraits are good, but such things as portraits, it is common to do a little bit of silver to change a few, it is also common, in case of picking a few unsophisticated You must blame your mother. "

"Nothing, the emperor's daughters all like it." The emperor looked seriously.

"A few days will be the day when the ministers will see you. I heard that this time they will send some beautiful women. It is better to set up a palace banquet and ask the minister to bring his wife and daughter. How will the emperor choose by himself?" The male lead also chose the princess once, but those women were either ugly or vicious, and finally did a lot of things. Ji Ting felt that he was still less mixed.

Set up a palace banquet and let the emperor choose it by then. No cow, ghost, or snake **** can be blamed for her. After having been a queen for so many years, Ji Ting would have crackled the abacus.

When the emperor heard her say this, there was a bit of disappointment in her eyes, but she nodded her head and was about to agree, and someone from the palace came over: "The emperor, the queen mother-in-law, Lord Shen Tu, please."

Although it was known that Ji Ting had already had a trouble with Shen Tuchuan, the emperor looked at her subconsciously, and smiled after seeing her face as usual: "Let him in."


After a while, Shen Tuchuan walked in, glanced at Ji quietly, and then knelt down to please, the emperor busy assisted him: "The account book has been received, you have done a good job, come back and take a rest . "

"Thank you, Emperor."

The emperor raised his lips and said, "You just happened to come, and your mother said you would have a palace feast ..."

After listening quietly, Shen Tuchuan nodded and said, "The queen mother-in-law's method is very good. The emperor can choose a few women who want to enter the palace."

"That's the way to set it up, and let people do it." The emperor raised his lips, and then took them away. There were only two people in the room, Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan.

Ji listened to Shen Tuchuan right then, and then found that his eyes had already fallen on him, and the moment his eyes collided, a clear smile flashed in the eyes of the two.

"Shen Tuchuan!" The emperor suddenly turned back and called out Shen Tuchuan's name slowly. "Why didn't you come with me? I have something to ask you."

Shen Tuchuan lowered his eyes: "Yes."

That night, Ji Tingyi was in Shen Tuchuan's arms and took a sip of water with his hand and said, "Can you believe it? Ten years have passed. The emperor is about to marry a wife, and I am twenty-seven."

"Don't mention the age." Shen Tuchuan was displeased.

Ji listened for a moment, and immediately laughed: "If you don't say it, I have forgotten that you are already thirty-six, and in the blink of an eye, it will be forty."

"You will also have forty." At first, I didn't think there was any difference in the age of the two, but as he grew older, he really couldn't bear him.

Ji Ting squeezed his face: "But when I'm forty, you're almost fifty, I can still call your elderly."

"Why, do you think I'm old?" Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes.

As soon as Ji Ting was about to speak, he suddenly kissed him. She hurriedly smiled for mercy, but it was too late. The night was getting deeper, and the room was still in a turbulent state, and it took a long time to calm down.

Ji Ting was holding his sour waist and sighed again: "I'm so old that I can't stand tossing."

"Ji listen ..." Shen Tuchuan's voice was calm.

Ji listened and laughed: "It's not about you anymore, you're not old at all."

Shen Tuchuan snorted softly, stroking her side and whispered softly, "The emperor is about to marry, not even a child."

"Well, so?" Ji Ting leaned lazily in his arms.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes flashed a smile: "I went out not only to do things this time, but also picked a few places suitable for old age. After the emperor's marriage, we will live in seclusion."

Ji listened and looked at him in surprise: "Really?"

"Well, really." Shen Tuchuan's eyes were gentle. A few years ago, I was probably not willing to let go of my power, but after a long time, the mark became more and more faint. He just wanted to be able to hold hands with Ji Ting brightly before his death in this life.

Ji listened and smiled, and for a long while whispered: "Okay, after the emperor marries, we will live in seclusion ... Will the emperor let me go?" She has been helping him for years, and the end result is people I really took her as my mother-in-law, and she was a little worried that he wouldn't let her go.

"Nothing, I have already settled Ji's family, and I have no worries. After the emperor's wedding, I set a fire in Fengqi Palace. How about death?" Shen Tuchuan said so, apparently he had made plans. .

Ji Tingan replied, "I listen to you."

Shen Tuchuan hugged people more tightly: "Sleep for a while, I will wake you up."

"……it is good."

Ji listened to the sky and returned to Fengqi Palace. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a figure on the swing frame. He was scared to call out. When he saw who the man was, he would rather be a hell.

"Mother, where have you been?" The emperor looked at her quietly.

Ji listened to a convergent expression, with a smile on his side and sat down: "After my mother couldn't sleep, she got up and walked around, how about you? Why did you suddenly come to Fengqi Palace?"

"The emperor can't sleep," the emperor smiled, leaning against the swing rope to face her, "I remember when Huang Er first entered the palace, the favorite was the swing frame in the mother's harem. I came here to play, and when I woke up, I saw it was too early, so I came to see it, but never thought that my mother would not be there. "

"... It seems that our mother and son are really in the same mind, and they have insomnia on the same day." Ji Ting smiled reluctantly.

The emperor raised his lips. "It would be best if the hearts and minds were connected, and the emperor would know how to please his mother," he said for a moment. The mother-in-law is the mother of the queen, who hopes to be the most important person at any time. "

"This is natural, you are most important to your mother-in-law," Ji Ting reached out and stroked his head. "Why did you suddenly mention this?"

The emperor finally smiled sincerely: "It's too boring to think about it. Don't mind after the mother."

Suddenly saying this, how could Ji Ting not mind in his heart, but just a few words, he could not guess the emperor's mind, so he could only cooperate with a smile: "It's early, you should go to the early morning. "

"Okay, the emperor retires." The emperor finished and turned away.

Ji Ting looked at his back, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. She stood alone for a long time before the swing, and the morning mist blew her clothes out, but she didn't notice it.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the palace feast, Ji Ting was too lazy to deal with those women, he said early in the morning that he was unwell, and planned to wait until the evening. She is the queen mother, and the emperor has always swayed her, and naturally nobody dares to say anything.

In the evening, Ji Ting followed the emperor to sit down and stared intently at Shen Tuchuan, who could not help but smile a little at the corners of his lips.

"After the mother, the royal dining room has developed some new refreshments recently. The mother should try it?" The emperor asked suddenly.

Ji listened for a moment and looked at him with a smile: "The emperor is interested."

The emperor glanced at the palace man next to him, and the palace man immediately asked someone to bring some fresh refreshments to Ji Ting. Every time Ji Ting tried one, he commented to the emperor, and for a while there was no time to watch Shen Tuchuan. Shen Tuchuan's brow frowned, and he looked calmly at the song and dance above the hall.

The banquet was said to be full of joy for the guests. The emperor accepted the beauty offered by the envoy on the spot. After drinking more wine for a while, his face was flushed.

Towards the end of the banquet, an envoy came forward suddenly and said that he had prepared a gift for the queen mother. Ji listened slightly surprised, subconsciously looked at Shen Tuchuan, immediately after looking at the emperor.

The emperor's eyes were a little dark, and the big hand waved people to present the gift. The envoy immediately patted him twice, and four men walked into the hall shortly after.

"Emperor, queen queen, this is the bravest man in my country at night, and can be a guard to the queen queen to protect the queen queen's safety," the envoy said earnestly.

Ji listened and looked down at the four men, all with wide shoulders and thin waists, born with red lips and white teeth. After realizing what these people were doing, she frowned slightly, and then looked at Shen Tuchuan below, her face was already gloomy.

The emperor stared at these people for a while, then suddenly smiled: "The envoy is interested. In this case, he accepted it for the queen mother."

"The emperor, the guards in the palace are all brave and fierce. How can they be used by warriors from other countries? They must be sad to see, these people still don't want it." If Ji Ting knew that he would not speak, I'm afraid Shen Tuchuan would lift the table on the spot. Already.

The emperor waved his hand: "Whether it was the courtier's good intentions, how could he easily retreat, or he accepted it, and the big palace, can't he still support these people?" After he said, he waved, meaning that it was no longer necessary. mention.

Ji Ting's face sank: "Ai's family is short, take a step first." After speaking, he left his sleeve.

The emperor's face remained unchanged, telling everyone to continue drinking, until the end of the banquet and the crowd dispersed, the smile in his eyes gradually faded.

Shen Tuchuan stood quietly in place, with no expression at all.

The emperor drank the remaining wine in the cup and stared at Shen Tuchuan for a moment. The corner of his lips slightly aroused: "Uncle Chuan, the mother seems to be angry, but I have no other idea, but I just want to receive a few people to give She just needs to relieve her boredom. Why don't you persuade her to ask her to accept someone? "

After he was eight years old, he rarely used this name for Shen Tuchuan. Somehow today, he suddenly called him that again.

Shen Tuchuan calmed for a long time before he said coldly: "If the Empress Dowager treats her as an elder, she will not do such a ridiculous thing."

"You mean, I'm wrong?" The emperor's eyes were quiet.

Shen Tuchuan looked at him without saying a word, but every inch of eyes told him that he was wrong.

The emperor laughed unexpectedly: "Uncle Chuan, you have always been calm and calm, and you don't leak water. It seems that every time you use your emotions, it is because of your mother-in-law."

Shen Tuchuan glanced at him and sat down aside indifferently: "It is better than the emperor to make a plan. For so many years, knowing that I have a relationship with the children, but I can pretend that nothing happened. Until today, the power is in my hands, and I have completely lost use of her. It ’s only worth seeing. ”

"I want to keep pretending to be ignorant," the emperor looked at the table quietly, and slowly spoke after a long silence. "I was alone outside the palace, and I could n’t eat enough food every day. Scolding, it was Uncle Chuan who rescued me, helped me to the throne, entered the palace, became the emperor, was the mother's concern every day, and let me know what it feels like to be hurt by your mother. Both of you are my benefactors. Is the most important relative in my life. "

He paused and looked at Shen Tuchuan with a sorrow in his eyes: "Uncle Chuan, I had jealous of your power when I was young. Now that I grow up, I know how to be an emperor, and I am more capable. Seeing people ’s hearts, maybe you have heard a lot of remarks made by rabbits and dogs these years, but I tell you the truth, I never thought of doing anything to you ... "

"What are you trying to say?" Shen Tuchuan interrupted lightly.

The emperor shut up abruptly, and after a moment's convergence, his eyes calmed down gradually: "I want you to separate."

Shen Tuchuan finally looked at him squarely.

"I know that you went to many places during your business trip, and your mother-in-law's family has been resettled by you. I'm afraid it won't be long before you will arrange an accident away from the palace and go to a place where I don't know. If I don't Guess wrong, you should go after my big wedding, right? "The emperor looked at him calmly and made his plan exactly.

Shen Tuchuan looked down: "I really look down on you."

"Separate from your mother-in-law, Uncle Chuan. Only if you are truly separated, I don't have to worry about you leaving me every day, leaving me alone in the palace." The emperor's eyes were red. Children abandoned by their parents, "As compensation, I will give whatever you want, and the same is the case with the mother."

He had thought about asking them to maintain the status quo, open one eye and close one, and live as before. But since he knew they were going to leave, he didn't want to go on like this, because he would always worry that one day they would move into a retreat again and leave the palace without any blunder.

"What if I disagree?" Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes and looked at him as if looking at a stranger.

The emperor's hand clenched tightly, and his eyes cooled down: "Then don't blame me, you can't care where you go, but the mother-in-law is the queen mother, so you should stay in the palace all your life. You should also be stunned later Father and Emperor were buried together at the tomb. "

After hearing the last sentence, Shen Tuchuan finally had a little reaction, his eyes darkened for a moment, then he got up and seized the sword in the hands of the Imperial Guard. When he got the sword in his hand, there was a sound of pulling the sword in the hall, and the sword pointed at him.

Unmoved, he walked towards the emperor expressionlessly. The guards wanted to stop in front of the emperor and was repelled by the emperor with a wave of his hand.

When he arrived, the emperor glanced at the sword in his hand and calmly looked at him: "Uncle Chuan, are you going to kill me?"

Shen Tuchuan pulled out his sword and fell in front of him: "Either let us go or kill me."

The emperor stunned for a moment, half a stunned expression picked up the sword, and the next second the sword pointed at his heart. With a little force, the sword would pierce his heart.

Half an hour later, the emperor took the sword and went to Fengqi Palace. He heard the sound of something falling inside before entering the door. He paused and walked in.

Ji Ting was angry, suddenly heard the salute outside, and suddenly opened the door in anger, but suddenly saw a pig's head, and suddenly hesitated: "What's wrong with your face?"

The emperor couldn't help but sighed, and looked at her with a bruised bruise on her face: "Mother, Uncle Chuan hit me."

Ji Ting: "?"


Half an hour ago, the emperor held the sword for a long time, but threw the sword down to the ground in dismay: "If you die, your mother will not live alone."

"Don't kill?" Shen Tuchuan asked lightly.

The emperor smiled bitterly: "Uncle Chuan, you won, I let you go, but there is a condition that you are not allowed to go too far. You must let me know where you are, and you must go back to the palace to accompany me every New Year, and ... "

He said a lot of mess, and Shen Tuchuan listened quietly, just like when the two first met 10 years ago. The emperor was suddenly speechless: "Anyway, come and see me often, and you must not lose contact."

"Did you finish?"


"I can promise you." Shen Tuchuan replied.

The emperor doubted: "Really."

"Well," Shen Tuchuan glanced at the guards in the hall, "let them all go down."

"Okay," the emperor immediately told the others to go down, and when they were left, they looked at Shen Tuchuan. "Uncle Chuan, what do you want to say ..."

Before he finished speaking, the man suddenly punched him in front of him, and he was knocked to the ground instantly, so he forgot to react.

"Give her a man? You really have grown up." Shen Tuchuan sneered, and raised his collar and punched him again.

The emperor's eyes became purple for a moment. He hurried to push Shen Tuchuan away, but saw another cricket fall, so anxious that he quickly covered his head, but was stabbed.

"Receive my right! Insert eyeliner in Li Jianjian!"

"Surveillance! Follow my friend!"

"Knowing everything but not saying anything! Damn it, I never slept with me for a whole night!"

"Force us apart! I think you are more capable!"

His fist slammed down like a hail, and the emperor was furious. As a result, he got a bigger hail, so he had to quickly obey: "No! No! I did nothing but these."

Shen Tuchuan stopped, and the emperor breathed a sigh of relief: "I really didn't do anything else."

"One more thing." Shen Tuchuan looked at him indifferently.

The emperor snapped: "What?"

Without waiting for him to finish, he slammed his last punch in the corner of his lips. He wailed, and the **** smell quickly spread in his mouth. Shen Tuchuan looked down at him, "I gave her four eunuchs, really when I don't remember?"

Emperor: "..." Uncle! Why did things come out ten years ago? Do you just hold such a grudge? !! 2k novel reading network

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