Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 161: Chapter 161

The emperor said all the causes and consequences, and accidentally pulled the wound on the corner of his mouth when he spoke, and he screamed in pain immediately. Ji listened and smiled, looking at him with a stretched expression: "Ah, Shen Tuchuan is really, how can you do something to the emperor, it is really disrespectful! Come into the house with your mother, and your mother will help you with medicine."

"... After mother, you almost wrote the gloat on your face, can you converge?" The emperor said silently.

Ji listened for a moment, and tilted him to sneer: "Deserve it, see if you dare to bully people next time!"

The emperor had nothing to say, and followed her into the house in depression. Ji Ting turned over in front of the cabinet for a long time, and found a porcelain bottle that seemed to have lost its luster, and asked someone to find some gauze. Then he asked the emperor to sit down at the table.

She twisted the parchment with hot water, and wiped the blood on his wound little by little. The emperor pained him from time to time. Ji listened to his lips, but he still felt a little distressed: "Shen Tuchuan really is too hard to start with."

"Not so, mother, you really have to scold him," the emperor paused for a moment, and muttered in a low voice, "He is also a king of a country, he is so presumptuous."

Ji listened to him, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said, "You know that I haven't been separated from him in these years, but I never mentioned it, causing me and him to have not been together for a while for ten years. Shen Tuchuan did not beat you Death, it ’s already a love relationship. "

The emperor took a careful look at her, and for a moment, she was slightly depressed: "I just want to be your most important relative, not someone you can easily discard in order to stay together. After mother, you don't know, every time you think of you two Working together is to lie to me, how uncomfortable I am. "

"You didn't do it yourself?" Ji Ting didn't buy him these words. "I don't know who it is. I worry about the Harem working with the **** all day long and overhanging your emperor. We did this just to protect ourselves. Besides, although he and I have lied to you, I can ask myself that I have not treated you in these years, but if you have a little conscience, you will not stop us from keeping together. "

The emperor didn't know how to refute for a while. Looking at her rigid face, she knew that she was getting angry again, so when she put the powder on her face, he immediately exclaimed and diverted her attention.

This trick really worked, Ji Ting frowned immediately: "Does it hurt?"

"A bit." The Emperor grumbled.

Ji heard a glance at his apparently immature face, and could not help but sigh: "You bear it, this is the medicine given to me by Shen Tuchuan, it may be a little painful, but the effect is surprisingly good, I am afraid it is the same in the world It ’s a bottle, I ca n’t bear to use any injuries I get. ”

"There is only such a thing as such a treasure. I'm afraid I will use it after I have painted my entire face." The emperor looked at the small white porcelain bottle in her hands, and a long-lost warmth came from her heart. "My mother-in-law treats me well."

"When will I treat you badly?" Ji heard a snorting sound.

The emperor smiled, and Banyan took a bit of shame and said, "What's wrong today is that I'm wrong. I'll ask someone to return those men tomorrow. Don't be angry after the mother."

"It's okay, I'm upset." Ji Ting was quite generous.

The emperor was surprised: "Why?"

Ji Ting didn't answer, but stared at his face motionlessly, and half a moment showed a rather ironic smile. The emperor twitched, and finally understood why she was not angry.

...... The person who made her angry turned into a pig's head, could she not let it go?

Neither of them spoke anymore, and Ji listened carefully to the emperor with a layer of plaster, and the emperor sat obediently. After a moment, the emperor frowned: "I feel a pain in my face."

"Although this medicine is a little tingling, it's only very comfortable at the beginning." Ji couldn't understand for a moment, and narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "would you not pretend to be deliberate?" "

"... Really not." Although it was installed in the beginning, it still hurts.

Ji heard a slight hum and stared at his face for a moment: "I think your face seems swollen a little bit."

"Really? No wonder I feel pain," the emperor said after a pause. "No, it's all medicated. Why is it still swollen?"

The two of them looked at each other, and suddenly there was no speech.

The candlelight in the room was a little dark, and the palace maid lit two candlesticks, and exclaimed after seeing the emperor's face: "The emperor, what is wrong with you ?!"

Because of the addition of two candlesticks in the room, many lights suddenly turned on. Ji Ting watched the emperor's swollen head and was suddenly surprised: "How can this be? Are you allergic to this medicine?"

"... Don't guess the mother, let's call it Tai Yi." The emperor was helpless for a while.

Ji Ting hurriedly asked the palace girl to find someone. After a while, the Taiyi unloaded all the medicine on the emperor's face and applied him a layer of medicine he brought. The emperor didn't feel so painful.

Ji Ting stood by, waiting for the doctor to relax, and immediately gave him the porcelain bottle in his hand: "The medicine in Ai's family is clearly the best. Why does the emperor react so?"

The doctor took it and smelled it. After a moment of silence, he asked: "Dare to ask the queen mother, when was this medicine made?"

The emperor immediately looked at her. Ji heard for a while and thought, "I don't know when it will be made, but it was from ten years ago. It should be made for at least ten years."

Taiyi: "..."


Ji Ting watched them gently: "Any questions?"

"... Mother, give me the medicine ten years ago?" The emperor was speechless.

Ji Tingmei said: "The emperor, when you and I are not alone, you have to call yourself" 朕 "."

Emperor: "..." Is this the time to struggle with this? !!

Taiyi first explained to Ji Ting. Ji Ting instantly understood why they were speechless. The co-author was because her medicine had expired. Regarding this, Ji Ting couldn't help crying: "Sorry, I didn't think about these."

I always feel that the ancient world is not next to the word 'expired', so I didn't care about it, and I didn't expect that there was such an oolong today.

Because of this incident, Fengqi Palace was not quiet until the child was born. The emperor was carried away when he left, and he came as soon as he left Shen Tuchuan.

Ji heard Shen Tuchuan, who suddenly appeared in his house, and suddenly his eyes brightened: "When did you come?"

"Soon after the emperor's departure," Shen Tuchuan said, looking at her inadvertently. "I heard that you gave the emperor expired medicine?"

Ji Ting couldn't help crying: "This is not what you think ..."

"You did it right, this reward is for you," Shen Tuchuan said, and took a fresh fruit from her arms and put it in her palm. "Compared to those who directly accepted him at the beginning, you are indeed When I grow up, I'm also sensible. "

Ji listened to silence for a moment, resolutely retracted the previous words, and looked at him with a smile: "The main thing is that you teach well."

Shen Tuchuan hugged people into his arms with satisfaction, and did not speak for a long time.

Ji listened for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "Are you happy?"

"Well, I'm glad," Shen Tuchuan didn't deny. "It's just very regrettable. If we can make it clear to the emperor directly, we won't have to work hard every day for ten years."

"That's right, all blame the emperor." Ji Ting echoed.

Shen Tuchuan's voice sank: "When I think about it, I want to beat him again."

Thinking of the emperor's swollen pig's face when he left Fengqigong, Ji heard it and decided to say something for him: "There is no regret, it should be an extra experience, let alone sneaking is also very good, can always be maintained Fresh, not bored with each other, so ... "

"So what?" Shen Tuchuan squinted his eyes. "If you can be together upright and upright, you will have nothing new to me?"

Ji Ting blinked, she didn't know how to evade the emperor, but she got herself involved. She thought about it and said dryly: "That's not true, I just give an example, you don't need to mind . "

"A few days ago someone just suspected that I was abandoning me, and now suddenly I give such an example, I can't help it." Shen Tuchuan sneered.

Ji Tingxiao sneered: "What can you do then? Still beat me?"

"It's okay," Shen Tuchuan said, holding the person straight and holding him up, striding toward the inside.

He stayed at Fengqi Palace this night, and went to sleep until dawn. Ji Ting fell asleep in his arms, and suddenly woke up a few moments later: "Hurry up, don't let the emperor find out ..."

"It's okay, you don't have to hide again in the future." Shen Tuchuan was not annoyed when he was awakened. He hugged the person again and gently comforted him.

Ji listened to his consciousness and was not awake. After hearing his voice, he relaxed and soon fell asleep again. This time she just woke up at noon. After opening her eyes, she looked at the empty side of her body, her eyes were a little stunned, and she felt that it was not true yesterday.

While she was in a daze, Shen Tuchuan, wearing an embroidered gold-lined black shirt, came in, and came forward and printed a kiss on her lips, holding her face and whispering, "I didn't eat breakfast, but I'm hungry? "

Ji Tingding looked at him for a long time, and suddenly couldn't help but laugh: "It wasn't a dream."


Ji listened and smiled, Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a moment, faintly understood her meaning, and pulled people up with a smile: "It's not a dream, you and I can really be together brightly."


From this day on, Ji Ting started packing up his belongings. After packing up the boxes piled up on the hill a few days later, he realized that he had already stored so many things in the palace for ten years. There are too many things, and it is really difficult to bring them. She can only reduce them as much as possible, but she is reluctant to discard everything. The emperor finally had to send some people to her to help her bring things.

At first, in order to avoid the eyes and eyes of the emperor, when choosing a place to live in seclusion, he always looked for the small village. Now that the emperor has promised to let them go, Shen Tuchuan is unwilling to be wronged again. She took her parents first, and when the emperor's men sent Ji Ting's housekeeper, the two of them had to officially leave.

On the night of the parting, the emperor's injury was almost half, and his face returned to handsome appearance. Sitting in the middle of Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan, his eyes were red without the majesty of the emperor.

Ji Ting was helpless and comforted: "You now have a queen and concubine, why can't you be so reluctant to us?"

"It's the same. I and them are monarchs and then husbands and wives, like you and Uncle Chuan, they are relatives." The emperor retorted.

Ji Ting took Jinpa and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and smiled: "Someday you will also meet someone you really like, and she will treat you as a family and be good to you forever."

"Forget it, I don't believe it." The emperor shook his head sadly.

Ji heard no more words, and after sitting with him for a while, he left with Shen Tuchuan. As soon as the two men left the palace gate, a fire broke out in Fengqi Palace, and then the sound of a death knell came. .

At that time, after listening to Shen Tuchuan walking outside the palace, he heard his voice with a wonderful expression on his face: "I also did not expect that one day I could hear my death."

"It's unlucky." Shen Tuchuan sank.

Ji listened and laughed: "Death is the way you and the emperor think together. Why are you suddenly unhappy again?"

"So what, in short, it's unlucky." Shen Tuchuan pursed his lips.

Ji He shrugged, and had been used to his capriciousness. The two walked silently for a while, and Shen Tuchuan suddenly said: "Folk custom, if there is anything unlucky, just send a red envelope to be happy."

Ji listened to ‘oh’ and said, “Then you send me a red envelope?”

"I don't have red paper on me." Shen Tuchuan said lightly.

Ji Ting took his arm and walked forward: "It doesn't matter, just give a silver ticket, anyway, the meaning of the red envelope is not in the bag, but in it."

"There is no silver ticket," Shen Tuchuanton paused. "If you want, there is a piece of broken silver here."

"Then break the silver." Ji Ting casually answered, and then realized what she had just looked up, a piece of broken silver wearing a red rope appeared in front of her eyes.

She looked at the broken silver that hadn't been seen for ten years, and she even breathed lightly for a while.

"Will you?" Shen Tuchuan's roots turned red.

For a long while, Ji Ting raised his lips and said, "Yes, I will give you everything."

Shen Tuchuan didn't speak, but his eyes were full of smiles. He raised his hand to wear silver around her neck and held her hand again: "Let's go."

"it is good."

Moonlight fell on the shoulders of the two, illuminating the road ahead.

"You just told the emperor that he would meet people who treat him like family, is that true?"

"Well, he will also like each other very much," Ji heard, thinking of the very sweet male and female protagonists in the original text, and his eyes were almost so tender that they could not help it. "Like me and you, you are destined to be frustrated and have no resistance."

"It sounds good." Shen Tuchuan squeezed her hand.

Ji Ting printed a kiss on his lips, and the two sat in a carriage bound for a new life together.

The emperor was resolved. The next solution was the parents. Perhaps it was the reason for the restoration of memory. Ji Hean was not nervous about this matter, but Shen Tuchuan was nervous. He couldn't sleep well at night. A lot.

"Why are you so nervous?" Ji listening was very speechless about this.

Shen Tuchuan Youyou glanced at her: "No?"

"... It can be, but I don't think it's necessary." Ji listened helplessly.

Shen Tuchuan sighed and left a sentence "You don't understand", so she took the time to go to the shop to choose gifts for her parents. When the two arrived at their destination, the carriage was already full of things he wanted to send, but when he was about to enter the door, he suddenly refused to enter.

"Go back by yourself. I thought about it, and still won't go." Shen Tuchuan said with a grimace.

Ji Ting: "... You just bought a house here, right? Where are you planning to go?"

"I'll find an inn first."

"Don't talk about the useless ones, let's go." Ji heard that he was afraid he would run away, and immediately held his hand, and took him into the house like a semi-persecution.

As soon as the two entered, they bumped into Ji's parents who came out to meet, and the eight eyes stunned at the same time. Ji Ting first reacted, and generously pushed Shen Tuchuan to the second old man: "Dad, mother, introduce to you, this is my husband-in-law, Shen Tuchuan."

Ji Shangshu snorted quietly, but Mrs. Ji sneered: "You two are tired, hurry up and rest in the house. I ask the chef to make some delicious food for you."

"Thank you mother." Ji heard a bit of Shen Tuchuan's palm.

Shen Tuchuan immediately followed, "Thank you mother." After he said that his face changed, the worry in his eyes was almost irresistible.

... how could he be so stupid that when Madam Ji did not acknowledge their relationship, she called her mother directly. What's the difference between buying strong and selling strong?

Just when he was nervous to get help, Ji Shangshu snorted again. Ji heard that they were noisy and busy: "Daddy, don't mind, he's just too nervous, nothing else."

"Nothing else? I think he has other meanings!" Ji Shangshu looked at his baby daughter angrily, and said something before waiting for her to say: "If he didn't have an opinion on me, why would he only see your mother?" , But he turned a blind eye to my dad ?! "

Ji listened for a moment. After the reaction came, he pushed Shen Tuchuan busy. Shen Tuchuan, who was always savvy, was rare and slow. After a while, he didn't speak confidently: "Dad?"

"It's almost the same!" Ji Shangshu reluctantly satisfied, and then seemed to feel that he couldn't hold his face, and said impatiently, "Okay, let's take a rest. I'll go to the kitchen with your mother to have a look and tell the cook to be faster Cook. "

"Good dad." Ji listened and smiled easily, and then looked at Shen Tuchuan, it was also the feeling of putting down a big rock.

After the two entered the room, Mrs. Ji scolded Ji Shangshu: "What is so fierce, look at the two children!"

"... I do n’t think it ’s okay to see Shen Tuchuan ’s response. It ’s as if I would eat him. I do n’t want to think about it. He has kindness to my Ji family and cares about him for so many years. How can I go and break them up? "Ji Shangshu murmured, originally wanted to continue to defend himself, but after seeing the threatening eyes of Mrs. Ji, she finally persuaded.

By the time he saw Shen Tuchuan, he really had a much better attitude. Shen Tuchuan felt quite flattered, his attitude became more and more gentle, and the two got together strangely and harmoniously.

The family got together, and the days finally passed warmly and smoothly. Except for the occasional return to Kyoto to see the emperor, Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan rarely left their parents and kept them by their side.

Day by day, the days go on like this, and Shen Tuchuan's birthmark is getting lighter and lighter, until one morning, there is only a shallow outline left.

Shen Tuchuan stared at the birthmark, and he couldn't return to his mind for a long time. Ji listened confused into his arms: "Why get up so early?"

"Remember to make breakfast for you, what do you want?" Shen Tuchuan asked gently.

Ji listened for a moment, and came a little spirited: "Do you make it by yourself? The wheaten porridge you cooked last time was good. Fry me an egg."

"Well, you can sleep again, I'll do it for you." Shen Tuchuan said, and gave her a quilt.

Ji Ting soon fell asleep, and when he woke up again, Shen Tuchuan had already prepared breakfast and was laying on the table in the house.

She got up and washed briefly, and sat down at the table: "Don't you have a meal with your father and mother today?"

"I did not wake you up when I saw you, I did not wake you up. We have already eaten them, these are for you." Shen Tuchuan said, and gave her a pair of chopsticks.

Ji listened with a smile and took it over, chatting with him while eating: "Daddy went to the temple fair a few days ago, where he was deceived by one or two silvers, and my mother was angry when she heard that. Do you know this?"


"Well?" Ji listened and looked at him in surprise, "Mother told me this is ugly, tell me not to tell you, how would you know?"

"My mother has complained to me, I know it," Shen Tuchuan paused. "Since my mother won't let you say it, why would you tell me?"

"... Anyway, your mouth is tight and you won't betray me, so it's okay to say a word, but mother, she won't let me tell you, why did you say it yourself?" Ji heard a whisper.

Shen Tuchuan smiled: "How can a family keep a secret."

"So too." Ji Ting suddenly didn't get tangled.

Shen Tuchuan watched her happily, and suddenly said, "I remember you said before, after the end of this life, you and I can be together, no matter whether it is happiness or pain, it will not be restricted by the mark. But is this true? "

"Of course it is true," Ji said without raising his head. After paused, he frowned and looked at him. "Why did I suddenly think of asking this?"

Shen Tuchuan looked at her eyes quietly, and then she said quietly, "My mark, only the last outline is left."

"Ah, isn't that great?" Ji listened happy.

Shen Tuchuan purses her lips: "Very ... okay?"

Ji listened for a moment, and finally realized that he was upset, and thought about holding his hand: "You don't have all the memories now, so I don't know, I can tell you clearly, it's really good."

Although every time he reached the end of the mission, it was his happiest time, but these worlds are not real. In any case, they still have to return to reality, even if reality may not be so good, that is their belonging and it is their end Where it will settle.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her eyes steadily, and after a long time the corners of her lips finally raised: "Okay, I believe in you."

"Well, don't think too much, I will never hurt you." Ji Ting promised seriously.

Shen Tuchuan: "Will we stay together for the next life?"

"Yes." Ji nodded earnestly.

Most of the anxiety in Shen Tuchuan's mind was gone, and it really didn't tangle the matter from that day. Even if I occasionally think of it, I always keep in mind what Ji Ting said. He no longer worried, nor would he wake up in his dreams anymore, and the mark became lighter, and even the only outline disappeared.

He woke up early that morning, and seemed to notice something after opening his eyes. He looked at the sleeping face in front of the eyes, and kissed her on the forehead a long time later. Ji heard something vaguely. He didn't understand clearly, so he gathered up and said, "What are you talking about?"

"I love you ..."

Ji Ting repeated again, although still vague, but Shen Tuchuan understood it, and his lips suddenly raised. In just a moment, his pupils changed slightly, and the sunlight shining into the room was still.

Ji Ting opened her eyes consciously, and she caught off guard against a pair of cold eyes. She stared at him stupidly and asked subconsciously, "Have you recovered your memory?"

"We are going back." Shen Tuchuan said, pinching her chin.

Ji Ting looked at him with all the memories, only feeling familiar and unfamiliar, before he asked, "I don't know where you live ..."

As soon as the words fell, the person in front of them was slowly devoured by darkness, and she was finally anxious: "Where should I find you ?!"

"I will find you ..." Shen Tuchuan only said one sentence and disappeared completely.

I will find you, just like you can find me every time, find you accurately. 2k novel reading network

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