Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 162: Chapter 162

After Shen Tuchuan disappeared, Ji Ting was engulfed by darkness. At this moment, a word about the elimination of readers' grievances appeared in her mind, and then she knew nothing.

When she opened her eyes again, the window was bright, and the sparrow bounced around her window. A slight breeze made when the breeze blew through the curtains.

Ji Tingding looked at everything in front of him and still had a sense of unrealism. She looked at the familiar decoration, the familiar bed linen, and finally fell on a bottle of lemon perfume on the table.

This thing was bought by a friend who grew up with her in the orphanage, and now lives in Ji Zhouzhou opposite her, saying that it is rare to see such a wonderful perfume, and she must buy one for her. Although she didn't understand the logic, she kept the perfume. Now looking at this small bottle, she finally understands why she has such a smell.

Looking at the mobile phone, she has traveled so many worlds and experienced thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, but in reality only passed an hour.

...... Everything is a dream before, just think about it, not to mention the huge time difference, it is very impossible to just cross the world of the novel with one finger.

As soon as this idea came up, she became more and more aware of her previous experiences, and even Shen Tuchuan's face could not be remembered for a moment. There was a sudden knock on the door while she was confused, and she immediately ran to open the door with her bare feet. As soon as the door opened, she saw Ji Zhouzhou with both hands outside.

"Hurry and help, I'm exhausted!" Ji Zhouzhou wailed and fell to the ground.

Ji Ting quickly took over the things in her hand and walked into the room, surprised, "Why so heavy? What did you buy?"

"A director asked me for a script of an ancient puppet, so I went to buy some materials about ancient times, but when I encountered a discount at the fruit shop on the way, I bought some fruits and thought of sending them to you. It rained outside. The book seems to be getting wet. Please show me if there is anything wrong. "Ji Zhouzhou rubbed his arms frowningly and sat on the sofa completely unwilling to move.

Ji Ting had to put the fruit in the refrigerator first, and then came back to help her take out an information book from the bag and place it on the table, and then she said, "It ’s not easy for you to do screenwriting, you have to do this every time Be prepared. "

She paused, and saw that the last book in the bag was choked. Ji Zhouzhou followed her eyes to see the past, and after seeing that ancient paper with poor quality, he pulled out the book embarrassingly: "I haven't read this kind of text for a long time. There was a stall, so I couldn't help but buy one. "

After that, she glanced at the cover of the book: "Deep infatuation?" This name is very dog-like, and I will read it when I have time.

Ji Ting looked at her with straight eyes, and half a while suddenly asked, "Zhou Zhou, have I never seen such a novel?"

Ji Zhouzhou nodded: "You don't like to watch these things, and you are too lazy to watch my drama. How can you read such dog blood?"

Ji Ting immediately looked at her: "Is this novel one of a series? Is there any other article called idiot ?!"

"... I don't know. I just bought it at will," Ji Zhouzhou rarely saw her so excited, and he calmed down after a moment of sorrow. "Don't worry, I'll give you a look."

Ji Zhouzhou said, took out his mobile phone and started searching. After the search, he exclaimed: "Really, many books. They are all called idiots. This author is too lazy. How many names have been changed?"

Ji Ting's heart was beating, grabbing her mobile phone and turning over the author's column, the more she looked the more she was shocked. Those were really not dreams before! Otherwise, why would she have a plot of a novel she never saw after she woke up? !!

"What's wrong with you? Isn't this author your ex-boyfriend?" Ji Zhouzhou said, frowning. "No, you haven't been in love before. Is it an enemy?"

"... Give me the book you have." Ji listened to her.

Ji Zhouzhou immediately gave her the book. Ji Ting opened it and gave him a general glance. She was sure that the world had not passed by, so she knew nothing about the content, and then a huge joy spread in her heart.

"Are you stunned?" Ji Zhouzhou became increasingly disturbed.

Ji Ting shook her hand in excitement, and then her mouth suddenly changed: "It's all right, just happy, I have something to do, you go back first."

She didn't say anything strange about wearing books, lest Zhouzhou thought she was mentally ill, and she felt that Shen Tuchuan couldn't trust it. On the one hand, she is about to spend a lifetime together, and on the other hand, she is already a close friend of her relatives. She still hopes that the two can get along well.

"Oh ..." Ji Zhouzhou moved his book out and understood, and when the door was closed behind her, she stood in the corridor and looked puzzledly at the book "Infatuated with Love" that lay on top of her.

A gust of wind blew through, and the pages turned a few pages, her head tilted a little, and she looked at the name above her and read: "Gu tired of the book ... the name is pretty good."

As soon as the words fell, the door behind them opened again, Ji Ting frowned and looked at her: "You better give me the novel."

"Why?" Ji Zhouzhou didn't understand.

Ji Ting pursed his lips: "I think the books in this series are too evil, in case you read them ..." Then half of the words suddenly disappeared.

Ji Zhouzhou was curious: "What will happen after watching it?"

"... It's okay, you can go back." She also had a chance to wear a book. Now that the reader's grievances are gone, it's impossible to go through this novel after reading it.

Thinking about this, she pushed Ji Zhouzhou, who was aggressive, back home, turned around and went back to the house to search for the name Shen Tuchuan. In modern society, information is leaked seriously. Generally, if you enter a name, you can find each other's information more or less. With this expectation, Ji Ting started to search.

However, I tried several browsers and found nothing. Ji Tian looked at the phone blankly for a while and wondered what to do next. After a long silence, she suddenly thought of something and clicked out the author's column: Well, Xiao Rou Niang, the author should be a girl.

Regardless of whether the author is a girl or a boy, it is certain that she must know Shen Tuchuan. Ji Ting found the direction, revived, and began searching for the information of Xiaorou Niang.

However, the author is like Shen Tuchuan. He obviously has so many novels, but she hasn't left any information on the Internet. No matter what she finds, she can only find those articles in the column. Things fell into a bottleneck again. After a long headache, she thought that Ji Zhouzhou was a screenwriter, and she was also a companion with her, so she sent her a message and asked if she could find her information.

Ji Zhouzhou didn't reply until a long time ago. The answer was to ask a few friends of the author. They knew little of Rou Niang more than Ji.

Ji heard no hope at all this time, like a sleepy beast walking around the house, it took a long time for him to sit down, and he didn't calm down for a long time.

From this day, she began to search every novel of Xiao Rouniang, and wanted to find some clues from these stories, hoping to find Xiao Rouniang herself. The plots that were already imprinted in her heart were rummaged by her again and again, gradually she really found some information.

She found that there were many descriptions of the scene in Xiaorou Niang ’s article, which are some architectural features of this city, so it can be inferred that this person should live in this city, and Shen Tuchuan himself should not be too far away without accident . After learning that the author was so close to himself, Ji Ting finally started to go out, while searching for novels, while wandering in the city with the most traffic. I just expected to encounter Shen Tuchuan by accident.

However, it was too difficult to realize this idea. She searched again and again, but failed again and again. The weather gradually changed from winter to spring, but she found nothing.

Life seems to be back on track, she still eats on time, sleeps on time, and goes to work on time every day, as if it is no different from before, only she knows that she is troubled every night, and her mind is full of pictures with Shen Tuchuan .

When she was getting discouraged and felt that she would never see anyone else in her life, suddenly one evening when she came home from work, she saw a car coming towards her. In the second world, Shen Tuchuan picked up his classic car every day.

When the car stopped in front of her, her footsteps stopped instantly, her heart began to beat wildly, and she forgot about breathing for a while. However, when a middle-aged man came down, she suddenly lost again and lowered her eyes to move forward. go.

When I passed the middle-aged man, I suddenly heard him ask, "Is this Miss Ji Ting Ji?"

Ji Ting stopped and looked at him in wonder: "You?"

"My master wants to invite Miss Ji to go there. Do you have time now?" The middle-aged man asked gently.

Ji Tingfang's momentarily silent heart began to throb again: "Is this your master?"

"Have you heard of the name Shen Tuchuan?"

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