Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 163: Chapter 163

"Shen Tu ... Chuan?" Since returning to the real world, this is the first time I heard the name from a nearby population. The unreal feeling has once again attacked Ji Ting's heart and made her whole person feel a little bit puffy. .

The man nodded gently: "Do you know him?"

"Ah ... um, you know, did he ask you to pick me up?" Ji heard something, a look of expectation in his eyes.

The man smiled and did not answer directly, but asked her: "Would you like to go with me now?"

"Convenient." Ji heard busy.

The man nodded and turned back to open the door of the back seat. Ji Ting was a little hesitant. Later, he thought that now it is a real legal society, and it is not a place where the plot is continually killed and killed. There is no need to be too alert. And she and Shen Tuchuan have never met in the real world. If he hadn't sent someone to pick him up, no one would have linked them together.

Ji Ting thought so, relaxed a little, and smiled at the middle-aged man before he got into the back seat.

The door was closed, the car slowly moved forward, watching the scenery outside the window quickly fell backwards, Ji Ting's hands clenched tightly, his palms constantly sweating. In the world of fiction, either Shen Tuchuan or herself, her age and personality may change at any time because of circumstances, so speaking, she knows nothing about him now.

... Not to know nothing about it, the character can still guess a little, it is estimated that a person who does not like to talk, but has a bit of domineering. I don't know how old he is now, will he be much younger than himself, should he be a minor ... Ji Ting stopped in time, decided not to think about these unlucky ones.

But he didn't want to, but his head still couldn't help but his face appeared, and then he thought that he should have no contact now, otherwise his temperament would not kiss her when he restored his memory.

Ji listened more and more and became more confused. Just when her whole body was going to be bad, the car suddenly stopped. She paused and looked out. After seeing the castle-like mansion outside, she could not react for a while. .

"Miss Ji, we're here, get off." The man said gently.

Ji nodded and didn't wait for him to drive the door for himself before getting out of the car.

The man immediately followed her: "My young master is waiting for you in the sitting room. Come with me."

Ji Yan swallowed, followed silently. The two walked into the gate, walked through the large grass, and walked into the first villa. As soon as you entered the door, you saw various luxurious decorations and furnishings. Ji Ting found for the first time that the city where he lived originally had such a wealthy and noble home.

The steward took her through the living room, stopped in front of a door, stood in front of the closed door and said warmly, "Miss Ji, please."

Ji nodded, her hand holding the door handle was tense and cramped, but the desire to see someone overwhelmed everything. After taking a deep breath, she opened the door and entered without hesitation.

As soon as she entered the room, the door closed behind her. Ji heard the closing sound behind her and didn't look back, because all her attention was on the back in front of her eyes.

In fact, it is not a back view. He sat on the sofa with his back to himself, and he could only see his back. After hearing the figure, Ji subconsciously held his breath, and half a moment tentatively called out, "Shen Tu ... Chuan?"

The other party moved, without turning around, Ji Ting's heart fluttered, his eyes began to heat, and when he opened his mouth, the sound seemed to be cold: "... Are you?"

For a long while, the other party got up and looked at her, Ji Ting's expression changed instantly.

The other party stood up and looked at her, with a gentle smile: "Miss Ji."

Shepherd it. Ji couldn't calm down his emotions: "Who are you?"

After speaking, she stared at his eyes. After looking at it for a long time, he was sure that he was not the person he knew. At the same time, he was slightly relieved, and he was a little puzzled. Since he is not a traverser, why did he appear in the novel world ? When she was puzzled, an idea suddenly flashed in her mind. Would it be the author who knew him and wrote him as a prototype in the book, so she would see him in reality?

As she thought about it, the man smiled mildly: "Introduce yourself, my name is Mu Yu, and I am a friend of Shen Tuchuan. Hello, Miss Ji."

"... Hello, why do you know me?" After hearing his name, Ji Ting couldn't help but utter a word in his heart. How lazy the author was, he just used the real name as a character. At the same time, it was also determined in my heart that Mu and his family are extraordinary, and the same is true when they want to come to Shen Tuchuan, it means that the author is in a circle with them and has a good relationship.

When Mu Yu saw her go away, her raised lips didn't let down, but she was acting like Master Wenrun. Ji heard a glance at him, thinking that if he is really the prototype in the novel, then this person must also be an old fox. No matter what he says and does later, he must be vigilant.

"I saw Ogawa holding your picture some time ago, thinking that you should know each other, so I ask you to come over." Mu said it casually.

... Shen Tuchuan investigated her some time ago, so why haven't she come to her? Ji didn't answer, just looked at him quietly.

Mumu paused for a moment and looked at her seriously for the first time: "Why, Miss Ji didn't know Ogawa?"

Ji Ting met him for a moment: "Is there anything wrong for Mr. Mu to come to me?" When he sent someone to invite himself, he used the banner of Shen Tuchuan. It didn't make much sense if he didn't recognize it at the moment. If you can admit it, you do n’t know what his purpose is, just think about it and just skip it.

Although this is no different from direct recognition.

Mu Mu smiled: "Miss Ji is really refreshing. Since that's the case, I don't hide it anymore. I take the liberty to ask, is Miss Ji and Xiaochuan a relationship between men and women?"

"You and Shen Tuchuan are friends, why don't you ask him?" Ji Ting asked.

Mu Mu smiled: "Miss Ji doesn't have to be too vigilant. He and I are really friends for many years, but there are some inconveniences in communicating directly with him, so I brought you here." In order to increase credibility, he put He took out his ID card, along with a high school graduation photo taken with Shen Tuchuan.

At a glance, Ji saw someone in the photo wearing a small suit. Although his face was very unpleasant, the intimacy between him and Mu Mu didn't seem to be deceiving. I have to say that Mu Yu knows people's hearts very well. At least, after he gave out the evidence, Ji Ting had less defense against him.

"What do you want to ask me?" Ji Ting frowned.

Mu Mu raised his lips: "It's still a problem."

Ji heard silence for a moment, and vaguely said: "No." Although she and Shen Tuchuan have experienced a lot, they have not even met in reality, so strictly speaking, they should not be considered male and female friends.

Maki and her glanced at her: "Really not? When Ogawa woke up from the car accident, he kept calling you by name, I thought you were dating."

"He's in a car accident ?!" Ji listened to a sharp tone, and then realized that he was too nervous. After a pause, he adjusted.

The smile on Mu Yuzhi's face was a little lighter: "Looking at Miss Ji being so nervous, she probably didn't tell me the truth just now."

"When was he injured, how is the injury now?" Ji Ting followed and asked, not paying attention to him at all.

Mu Mu didn't mind, and patiently answered her question: "The accident that happened three months ago was not serious, and I woke up after two hours of coma. Then I saw him holding a photo. I knew it was you, didn't he tell you this? "

"... No." They hadn't seen it before, how could she know about his injuries.

Mumu nodded and said, "That's it."

"Is he okay now?" Ji Ting asked again.

Mu Yu nodded with a good temper: "It's much better, but there are still injuries in the legs, so it's a bit inconvenient to move."

Ji listened to this sigh of relief, half a while still asked a bit uneasy: "Can you ... take me to see him?"

After asking this sentence, she felt that Mu Yu's eyes seemed to change, and Ji Ting calmed down immediately and waited quietly for his response.

After a while, Mu Yu said warmly: "I'm afraid I can't, Ms. Ji, although I don't know when you met and when you started to fall in love, those are not important. An important reason why I invited you this time is to Let me tell you, it's best to leave this city while he hasn't done anything to you during this time. Don't come back in the future. "

"What do you mean?" Ji Ting narrowed his eyes.

Mu Muyi expected her to react in this way, and she explained patiently: "I understand what you mean, I hope you can hide away in the future, and never mix with him ... or wait until When his treatment is over, when he can love someone like a normal person, you won't be late again. "

"I don't understand, Mr. Mu." Ji Ting looked at him alertly, thinking that this scene was like the plot of a bad guy breaking up a couple on TV.

Mumu sighed: "Because of professional ethics, I can't tell you about Ogawa's too specific illness, but out of friendship with him, the first time I saw him so caring for a girl, I really couldn't bear to bear the harm The pain after you, so whether it is for you or for him, you are not suitable for meeting now, or even for meeting. "

"Why is it suddenly involved with professional ethics?" Ji Tingyan looked cold.

Mu Mu paused for a moment, and after realizing that he said a leak, he simply confessed: "I am not only his long-time friend, but also his psychiatrist."

"Psychologist?" Ji Ting narrowed his eyes.

Mumu looked at her quietly: "Yes."

Ji listened for a moment and walked expressionlessly: "If you don't plan to take me to see him, I think we have nothing to say."

There was no truth in this man's mouth, she was a good friend for a while, and a psychologist for a while, she shouldn't have said so much to him.

When Mu Yu saw her leaving, her voice rose up: "Have you ever thought about it, he would take your picture every day, obviously he wants to see you so much, but never went to you after the car accident?"

"I've got a leg injury, can't I just wait for my leg to be good?" Ji said impatiently.

The animal husbandry was silent: "You believe him, but think about it carefully. With his character, is it the kind of person who can wait patiently until the leg is cured?"

Ji Tinggang just opened the door and stopped suddenly when he heard this sentence.

Mu Mu slowly walked towards her: "He is not. If you know him, you know that he is an extremely paranoid and possessive person. It is impossible to never go to you because of a leg injury unless ..."

The animal husbandry paused. It seemed that he did not want to use these adjectives to describe his friends, but looking at Ji Ting's stubborn head, he could only say: "Unless he can't care to find you now, because he wants to use this For a while, weaving a large net for you, completely trapping you, you ca n’t struggle to leave in a lifetime, and when you find out later, you will become painful, and he will also suffer because of your pain, a vicious circle of cause and effect Repeatedly, I'm afraid he won't think about it in this life. "

"We don't need you to control our business." Ji Ting extremely disliked his tone.

Mu Muzhi sighed: "It's not him you like, but the mask he sees you. He is not as simple as you think, and his love is not acceptable to normal people."

Ji Tingren turned back intolerably: "Are you talking about friends with these words?"

"I really do it for you," Mu Mu said with a grin. "Don't believe his disguise? Because as long as it is disguised, there will be a day of exposure. If you have too strong emotions at that time, I am afraid it will stimulate you. he."

Ji Tingding looked at him, and when he was about to be shaken by his words, he suddenly heard him say, "I know you don't believe me, so I have prepared evidence."

After he said that, he took out a USB stick from his pocket: "This is all your information, including which orphanage you were born from, where you work today, and where you live. They are all recorded in detail. This Ogawa started collecting things after waking up in a car accident. Which normal person do you think would collect information about lovers in this way? "

Ji Ting stared at the USB flash drive in his hand for a long time, and then looked at him silently: "I don't seem to tell you yet, I have checked him."

"Ah?" Mu Yu's expression went blank for a moment.

Ji heard a sigh: "Unfortunately he did a good job of keeping secrets. I can't even check his birthday. It's a pity."

Mu Yuzhi looked at her for a while, and for a while she didn't know how to answer.

Ji Ting obliquely gave him a glance, and walked outwards with a stern face, Mu Mu took a moment to help but follow, Ji Ting treated him as air, without even turning his head.

Mu Mu followed and persuaded: "Miss Ji, you can check my identity. I am really a psychiatrist, and I can be responsible for every sentence of mine ..."

When he was halfway talking, Ji Ting stopped abruptly. He almost bumped into her and stopped in a hurry. He was about to see her cyanotic eyes as soon as he opened his mouth. He paused, looking down at her, and couldn't say a word.

At this moment, the sky was completely gloomy, and a small rain like mist was flowing, and it seemed that everyone was getting wet with the wind. Outside the iron fence door that can hardly cover anything, there is a classic car in the same style as Ji when he heard it. A black suit butler in front of the car is holding a large black umbrella. Under the umbrella is a Looks like there are young men twenty-seven or seven.

At the moment he was wearing a camel coat, the only warm color in the rainy world. He was sitting in a wheelchair, his right foot was cast with plaster, the whole person was a bit thin, and his eyes were as vast as a galaxy, and all the light was in the direction of Ji listening.

Ji Tingding looked at him, and smiled at him with a restrained smile after a long time. This is the first time they have met in the real world.

Shen Tuchuan nodded her head slightly, and then she turned her attention to Mu Mu: "Have you got her? Is there something wrong?"

"You take pictures of people all day and you are not satisfied with my curiosity. I can only ask someone to ask myself." Mu Yu converged the emotions just now, indifferently.

Shen Tuchuan's eyelids narrowed: "How did you arrange me again this time?"

Mu Muzhi and him stared at each other for a moment, and smiled helplessly: "How can you arrange, say that you have a problem in your brain, tell her to stay away from you, but she did not believe it."

Ji listened for a moment, and looked at him speechlessly: "These words you just made are all fake?"

Mu Mu shrugged: "Just joke with you."

Ji listened for a while, and for a long time concluded: "Do you rich people like to eat when they are full?"

Animal husbandry with it: "... let me remind you that your boyfriend is also a rich man, and he is richer than me."

Ji Ting didn't expect that he directly used the words 'your boyfriend' to summarize his relationship with Shen Tuchuan. When she first met in reality, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed. When he was hesitating to correct him, he listened. To Shen Tuchuan said--

"She's not my girlfriend."

For a moment, Ji Tingxin suddenly became cold.

"Oh? Isn't it?" Mumu was surprised.

Ji listened a little bit embarrassed, and before speaking, Shen Tuchuan said, "She is my wife."

Ji Ting's cold heart suddenly warmed up again. I just felt that everything related to Shen Tuchuan was extremely exciting. After only a while of her work, her heart was just like iron. It became hot and cold, nourishing. Breathing out.

"... Friend, let me remind you that a couple who does not have the same marriage certificate in China is not a couple at all." Mu Yu smiled silently.

Shen Tuchuan looked at him calmly: "Oh."

"Just this sentence?" Mumu raised his eyebrows.

Shen Tuchuan turned his eyes to Ji Ting: "Has the ID card been brought?"

"Bring, take."

"Come with me to pick up the card later." Shen Tuchuan decided.

Ji Ting: "..." This overbearing feeling is really not obvious in the novel world.

The smile on Mu Yuzhi's face faded a little: "Early marriage in Yingnian is the most boring, so let's talk about love for a few more years."

"We don't need your control." Shen Tuchuan said lightly.

Mu Mu immediately stopped talking.

Ji Ting's eyes swept around between the two, always feeling strange. As she hesitated to say a few words to break the silence, Shen Tuchuan slowly said, "How long will you keep my woman in your yard?"

"Why, do you want to bring back your own house?" Mu Mu smiled with smile.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes were slightly cool: "Yes, can't I?"

Mu Mu stopped talking, even if Ji Ting was a fool, he could see that the two had not dealt with it. After a moment of silence, Chao Mu said: "Thank you for your hospitality. If nothing is wrong, I will go back first. "

"Whatever you want." Mu Yu gave a whisper, turned around and walked back, and didn't look back until he disappeared behind the door.

Ji Tingxin was at Shen Tuchuan, and he didn't care about him. When he left, he took a small step toward the door. She looked at Shen Tuchuan quietly, speeding up by one step every time she walked, and when she reached the gate of the iron fence, she was too nervous to speak.

Compared to her helplessness, Shen Tuchuan was much calmer. After glancing at the steward around him, the steward immediately leaned over and raised his foot toward the quarter to listen to it.

On clicking, the lock on the door opened in response. The housekeeper's white gloves grabbed the black door and pulled it open in front of her. The only obstacle between her and Shen Tuchuan disappeared, and she finally saw him intact.

The steward raised her umbrella to her head, and Ji heard busy: "No need, thank you." Not to mention this foggy weather. The weather does not need an umbrella at all, it is to let a person with white hair support herself. Umbrella, she is also embarrassed.

Although she had various powerful identities in the world of fiction, and enjoyed the days of opening her mouth and clothes to reach out, she returned to reality and resolutely adapted to her ordinary human status, and felt very comfortable.

Seeing her rejection, the housekeeper immediately closed her umbrella and walked behind her towards Shen Tuchuan.

Ji heard Shen Tuchuan approaching him, looked down at his face condescendingly, and the slight tension in his heart had not disappeared. She pursed her dry lips and formally greeted him for the first time: "Hi ..."

In this word, I do n’t know what to say after all. After all, to him, he is a very familiar lover and a stranger who meets for the first time. How to introduce it seems abrupt ... But just one word, It doesn't seem to be very good.

When Ji Ting was struggling, Shen Tuchuan stared at her quietly, and then she said, "Get on the car."

"... Oh," No more thinking, Ji listened with relief, hurried to the car and sat down, as soon as he was seated, he looked at Shen Tuchuan on the ground, hesitated and asked, "May I help you?"

"it is good."

As soon as Shen Tuchuan's words were spoken, the butler who had originally planned to put down the ramp pedal on the car immediately closed his hand and returned to the co-pilot with a gentle look. For the first time in his life, he left Shen Tuchuan outside the car.

Ji listening and researching for a moment, moved to the door, held the wheelchair handlebar and turned Shen Tuchuan to his head so that he could face himself.

"You step on your left foot first, and after I pull your arm and count on one or two and work hard, you can move you up." Ji listened earnestly.

Shen Tuchuan responded, and left his foot obediently on the car. Two slender arms opened towards her as if asking for a hug. Ji listened to his heart for a second, saw his serious expression, calmed down immediately, grabbed his arms with both hands, and pulled up.

"This won't work, I can't help it." Shen Tuchuan calmly said.

Ji listened for a moment: "What then?"

"Hug." Shen Tuchuan asked lightly.

Ji listened for a moment, holding his armpit cramped, then pulling the radish back generally. Shen Tuchuan's left foot was applied in a timely manner, and Ji's obstacles suddenly became a lot smaller. She didn't adjust for a while and directly held Shen Tuchuan backwards. Shen Tuchuan appeared instantly above her.

The air was still for a moment, the front housekeeper silently pressed a button on the car, the glass between the front and rear seats instantly turned black, and the car was completely divided into two separate spaces.

Ji didn't know if it was because he was too heavy, or because he was too nervous, and it was difficult for him to breathe for a while, and he said for a long time, "Whether you should lose weight."

After speaking, she paused, wishing to have a meal, without the golden finger who knew the plot in advance, she seemed to have lost all her advantages in front of Shen Tuchuan, and Shen Tuchuan's calmness made her nervous and awkward.

"Am I heavy?" Shen Tuchuan asked slowly, without meaning.

Ji Tinghong blushed twice, and immediately realized what he was afraid to move. Shen Tuchuan looked at her quietly, her eyes were deep and focused, as if turning into a substance, completely wrapping her up.

Ji Tingyi reached out and covered his eyes, clearly feeling that his eyes were closed, the weak eyelids moved, and the eyelashes tickled in her hands like a brush.

"What's wrong?" Shen Tuchuan asked.

Ji Ting bit her lip: "... nothing, I don't want you to see me."

"You keep covering it?" Shen Tuchuan only had his nose and lips exposed. Rao was so handsome.

Ji Ting couldn't see his eyes, and his attention naturally shifted to his lips. Gradually he felt that he was more nervous. He had to let go of his hands and looked at his eyes and said, "Forget it, don't cover it. "

"Um." Shen Tuchuan responded.

Ji listened for a moment, and asked hard: "You ... can you go down?"

"Want me to go down?" Shen Tuchuan asked back.

...... It is a very normal sentence, and he also spoke it in a normal tone, but why does it feel abnormal? Ji listened to the temperature on his face and never went down. Wen Yan added a bonus, but he nodded strongly: "Hmm."

Shen Tuchuan watched her for a long time, and then she sat up straight and reached out to close the door. Ji Ting hurried to the other side and sat down next to the window. There was an instant separation between the two.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her instead of calling someone back, but pressing a button to let the driver drive.

The car slowly drove on the road, Ji listened absently and stared at the scenery outside, his mind was always on Shen Tuchuan, but he never dared to turn back.

"Are you usually so unvigilant?" Someone asked slowly, not to be ignored.

Ji listened for a moment and had to look back at him: "Huh?"

"The person Mu Mu sent to pick you up is just an ordinary staff member. You shouldn't know it. Why did he get into his car so easily?" Shen Tuchuan looked at her calmly, not saying anything serious. It made her feel like being scolded as a child.

Ji Tingyi touched his nose and explained softly: "I saw the same car as this one, and the person mentioned your name again, so ..." She didn't say anything else.

Shen Tuchuan looked down at the button on his cuff: "This is not allowed in the future."

"... Oh." Ji Tingna heard a reply.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "Not happy?"

"No ..." Ji heard for a moment. "How do you know who picked me up? Did you see it?" Mu Yuzhi just took her over a short while, and he brought someone here, in the middle The time difference is actually negligible, what makes him get the news so quickly.

Is he sending someone to follow her?

As soon as this idea came up, Shen Tuchuan slowly said, "The animal husbandry didn't deal with me that much. He arranged someone in my house, and I did the same. You will see him carefully in the future. He said everything in half Don't believe it. "

Ji understood, it turned out to be undercover. She nodded clearly, and then whispered, "Since you have found out where I am, why haven't you come to me?"

If he was not taken away suddenly by the shepherd today, would he still keep hiding? Ji listened suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"My leg is injured," Shen Tuchuan said slowly. "I want to make a better impression on you for the first time."

...... It was the same as saying to Mu Muyi casually. Ji Tian's discomfort suddenly disappeared, and he smiled a little embarrassedly: "I always have a good impression on you."

"Um." Shen Tuchuan's lips angled slightly.

Ji listened for a moment and couldn't help asking: "What about you?" Today is Friday. She has been in the five-day shift. This morning, she did n’t wash her hair or make up. She wore a sweater and wore it. He didn't dress up well at all. I guess he should be very shy.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes glanced at her, and when she was extremely nervous, she said, "You are fine."

A very simple sentence expelled all the crickets in Ji Ting's heart. Ji Ting chuckled his lips and smiled, and lowered his head, holding his own corner of clothing. The pretense was to change the subject without incident: "You do n’t know, I ’ll watch the pastor today I was taken aback. "

"Think he's the same person as the character in the book?" As soon as she spoke, Shen Tuchuan knew what she was going to say.

Sure enough, Ji nodded and then denied: "I thought so at first, but then I knew it was not, he should be the prototype of the character in the book."


Ji Ting curiously looked at him: "The authors of these books should know you all, otherwise there would be no such thing as using real people as prototypes."

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "You want to know?"

"Of course, the girls who can be in a circle with you should also be very powerful people," Ji Ting imagined, and found it very interesting. "Such a powerful person, but likes to write these dog-blooded things, think about it is very curious Now. "

"Girl?" Shen Tuchuan looked strange for a second.

Ji listened and nodded: "Although she doesn't know her, her pen name is Xiao Rou Niang. It should be a girl. Which man wants to adopt this name is too abnormal."

"... The name was taken by Mu Yu and his pervert. I didn't know it from beginning to end. Usually, the chapters were also issued by him. I ... the author himself should rarely log in to the back office." Shen Tuchuan was expressionless.

Ji heard surprised: "So, Mu has a good relationship with her? Is it a couple?"

"No," Shen Tuchuanmu faced. "Let's stop talking about them."

Ji heard that his relationship with Mu Yu was not very good. He immediately agreed, but only met for the first time. What can he talk about without talking about these things? I can't talk about their things in the world of fiction. Ji listened distressed for a long time and decided to say nothing.

Two people sat quietly in the car, although the atmosphere was always good, but there was always a kind of embarrassment, and the source of this embarrassment was only Ji listen. Shen Tuchuan didn't say anything to ease the embarrassment, just sitting silently, causing Ji Ting to become more cramped.

The car quickly stopped in front of another big mansion, which was different from the same home as Mu Yu's castle. The mansion in front of it was a traditional courtyard house and a small building, with unavoidable dullness in its simplicity. Although she knew that Shen Tuchuan was a rich man, seeing such a house, Ji Ting was shocked. For the first time, she gave birth to the feeling that she had found a wealthy target.

"Get off." Shen Tuchuan glanced at her.

Ji heard a busy response, and when he got out of the car, he went to the other side of the car and wanted to help people down. As a result, the housekeeper put a board next to the door and easily moved the wheelchair to the car. Chuan was pushed down smoothly in a wheelchair.

Ji Ting: "..." So what was she doing just now?

Seems to guess the idea of ​​Ji Ting, Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "Looking at you so much to help, so let you help."

Ji Ting: "..." Oh, then you are really very understanding.

She stood silently, but the steward was about to step forward to push forward Tu Chuan, stopped by his eyes. Ji Ting waited for a long time. As a result, these people did not move or talk, and they all stared at her with the same eyes.

Ji Ting silently walked behind Shen Tuchuan, pushed him to the house, and pushed to the living room before sitting face to face. The maid brewed two cups of black tea and delivered them. Ji Ting didn't know where to put her hands and feet. When she saw the cups to be raised immediately, Shen Tuchuan's brows frowned instantly: "Hot."

Before the words fell, she "hissed" and retracted her hands in shock. Shen Tuchuan looked at her speechlessly, and for a long while commented, "It's too risky."

"Is your tea too hot ..." Ji listened and muttered softly.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "Thirsty?"


Shen Tuchuan silently picked up an empty glass, took one of the cups of tea and started pouring it in. Ji Ting hurriedly said: "Hot ..."

Shen Tuchuan gave her a calm look, without any trace of being burned. He pours the tea from the cup into the empty cup, then back again, and after a few repetitions, the tea is almost dry.

He took a sip and tried the water temperature before telling her, "OK."

Ji listened and watched him taste the water temperature. He was a little embarrassed and said, "You can drink this cup. I'll just dry it." I don't want to drink, but I can't help but feel sorry

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, and if his fingertips knocked on the desktop like nothing, "Come here."

"Oh," Ji Tingmao came to him in front of him, looked at him for a moment, and then reached out for tea, "Thank you ..."

As soon as the words fell, the tea cup fell on the table, and he was suddenly pulled into his arms by the next second. Ji listened for a moment, sitting directly on his lap. As soon as he exclaimed, his taste became overwhelming. Coming from.

Although this kiss was restrained a lot, it still couldn't alleviate the slight domineering and fierceness inside, and soon Ji Ting lost his resistance and leaned completely into his arms.

Until she was about to suffocate, the kiss finally came to an end. Shen Tuchuan stared at her with a deep and magnetic voice: "When will you recognize me?" 2k novel reading network

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