"Can you please let me go now?" Li Ming asked the dragon as she tried to get herself out of his tight clutches.

But to her utter disappointment, the Dragon grasped her more tightly in his embrace and refused to let her go.

She looked at the man who was standing in front of her. His eyes held a little glimpse of pity for her.

This only made her anger climb higher as she gritted her teeth to stop herself from lashing out at the immortal. 

"Can you please make your dragon let me go?" She asked Ruoshan in a very desperate voice. She didn't care about her appearance or the desperation that was evident on her face at that moment. All she wanted was to get away from the dragon who was hell-bent on keeping her tied to himself.

It's probably been a lifetime since she was trapped in his embrace, surrounded by the soft but thick wings, and though the warmth felt good in the starting but as it was already noon of a warm summer day, she was feeling anything but good.

"He is not going to listen to me" Ruoshan replied with a sympathetic tone.

"What the heck do you mean he won't listen to you? After all, he is your spirit beast. How can you say that he won't listen to you? If not you then who he is gonna listen to?" Li Ming was about to strangle the idiot who was only making her anger bloom.

"If he had listened to me then we won't be sitting here like this. I already told you that he's angry with me." Ruoshan tried to defend himself.

"Are you kidding with me? You need to find a way to get this dragon to leave me alone. It has been already two hours since he had clutched me in his wings like this. I am not going to let you sit here the entire day so just you can have a heart to heart talk with your dragon. And exactly what you did to make him angry? You can't even take care of your spirit beast?" Li Ming reprimanded the Immortal who was giving an expression like he was having a hell of a time.

But who cared. She only wanted to get the Dragon away from her. And the only person who could make this possible was Ruoshan.

If not for him she would have almost blasted the Dragon with the most powerful energy ball that she could manage but coincidently Ruoshan appeared exactly the moment she was about to slaughter the Dragon and free herself from his tight clutches.

According to what Ruoshan had told her the Dragon was his spirit beast who for some reason was angry with him and was now acting like a spoilt brat.

That's how she ended up sitting in the embrace of the Dragon, her back was cradled in his neck and front right leg, and one of his wings was draped across her to hide her body which was full-on display.

Due to some miracle, she always ended up in a crop top and shorts in front of Ruoshan.

On the other hand, Ruoshan was cursing himself for coming after Zhang Yong to stop him from doing something stupid in front of Xingan.

He must have let the Moon Deity or his brother do the job but Lord Yueliang immediately had refused to face Li Ming. He and his stupid reasons!

Meantime, his brother, who should be the one worried about Zhang Yong and his whereabouts, didn't even care. Rather according to him, Zhang Yong was being disobedient and should not be spoilt, which was actually true, to be honest.

But unlike the Second Demon Prince, both Ruoshan and Lord Yueliang were aware that Zhang Yong was going to meet Li Ming and that would only end up in devastation.

So, In The end, Ruoshan was the one who ended up with the task to bring back Zhang Yong. And now he was facing consequences for his stupid decisions.

His Xingan was already not talking to him for some unknown reasons and if Zhang Yong ended up infuriating her than who knew what she would do to him (Ruoshan).

Maybe she would refuse to talk to him forever. The mere thought of his Xingan upset and angry with him made Ruoshan glare at Zhang Yong with his cold eyes.

But the Dragon ignored him as he softly rubbed his nose in Li Ming's hair. The later tried to pat him lightly even though her eyes told him that she was not happy in her current situation.

All five of them had known for the past 50,000 years that they all would be tied to a single woman. It was a shock to all of them but with time most of them accepted their destiny.

The first time he had seen her, he felt that pull and warmth towards her but it was only after he touched her for the first time in the Thundering Peaks when his soul recognized its other half.

The warmth, love, affection, devotion, and sense of protection that his heart and soul felt was too sudden and new for him.

But he received a surprise when he came to know that even Zhang Yong had formed a bond with her.

Unlike the five of them, Zhang Yong's bond was linked with their spiritual energy. Somehow, both of their spiritual energy had bonded together to form a link between the two. 

Li Ming was still too young to feel that bond yet that's why Zhang Yong decided to keep it a secret until she was ready to face it.

Though they didn't like the idea of keeping such a thing secret but it was Zhang Yong's right if he wanted to tell or not. Moreover, he was only asking for time. That's why he along with Lord Yueliang decided to keep silent.

Ruoshan found his other half of his soul when he needed someone the most in his life. When he was at his lowest. He only had two goals in his life, to bring his realm back to life and to love & cherish his Xingan for the rest of his life.

He could feel the longing in Lord Yueliang too. No matter how much the later tried to not show it but Ruoshan knew his Senior brother enough to recognize the yearning in his eyes. What he didn't understand was his reason behind staying away.

The Supreme Immortal had also recognized Li Ming and her connection to all five of them but he was one of those who hadn't accepted their fate yet. 

Ruoshan was sure that if Wen Guiying would come across Li Ming face to face, his soul would bloom like a flower too and he would not be able to turn away.

And somehow Ruoshan knew that the man himself was aware of this and that's exactly why after constant nagging and planning of Zhang Yong, he had succeeded in staying away from Li Ming.

Then came his brother, the person who was the first to accept their fate. He was the one who was most excited to meet the chosen one. He surely had already met her but his soul still had to recognize her.

And the last one, well he still had to make his appearance.

Ruoshan let out a sigh as he looked at the Dragon and said, "It's enough. You know that she's not feeling comfortable in that tight cocoon that you have formed. The temperature is warm and you are only causing her discomfort. Let her go immediately and return with me. You know it very well that there are people who would not be happy with this impolite and disobedient behavior of yours." His tone was cold and hard.

Li Ming inhaled deeply as her heart jumped at the deep cold voice that came out of Ruoshan's mouth. She could feel the silver marks gleaming on her wrist which was hidden from the sight because of the wing that was covering her body.

Her body was only fourteen years old but her soul was already twenty-eight and it had started yearning for its other half. 

The silver marks on her hand had five tendrils that joined to a single leaf of ivy. One of those five tendrils turned purple every time her soul felt the presence of Ruoshan around her. Sometimes light violet and sometimes a little dark.

The other four were still silent and Li Ming had no idea how she was going to handle what's coming towards her in near future.

More than one soul mate was nothing new to her. Back in her previous life, she had seen many people who ended up with more than one mate. 

But except that, everything was new and different now. The world, the people, and the life that she was living.

Exactly who was her other four soul mates and where were they?

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