Zhang Yong was reluctant to let go of his Ming'er. Also, he was in no mood to face his cold-hearted bond-mate who was probably going to punish him.

But he was aware that Li Ming was seriously struggling within his hold. Slowly and reluctantly he retracted his wings from around her.

But when he noticed the sudden redness that had appeared on Ruoshan's cheeks as his eyes took in Li Ming's appearance, he almost smirked evilly at the Ever Night Lord.

Li Ming herself was too busy standing up and fanning herself to cool her sweaty body down a little bit and therefore she didn't realize that she was on display with her exposed milky white skin.

She finally noticed that something wasn't right as her surrounding had gone too quite suddenly, when a silky white robe appeared on her shoulders out of nowhere, draping over her and hiding her revealed skin under it.

She looked around and her eyes landed on Ruoshan who was standing a few feet away staring at her with an intense gaze.

He stepped closer to her and somehow Li Ming controlled her feet from moving backward.

His eyes, his steps, and his aura, everything had turned predatory and Li Ming had no doubt that she was the prey. 

Within a few seconds, he was standing right in front of her. His hands suddenly grabbed the side endings of the cloak as he pulled it right around her.

"You need to start wearing a little bit of more clothes Xingan, otherwise you won't like the consequences." His voice was deep and full of dark promises.

Li Ming felt the mark on her hand burn a little as it felt the nearness of one of her mates. The burn was not painful but rather a tingle across her wrist which could turn to pleasure just with a single touch from Ruoshan.

She was more than sure that one of the tendrils would be gleaming purple, which was once again hidden by the cloak. Something that she was thankful for.

She needed time to sort out her life. Moreover, she had no clue about the rest of her four mates. Would they even accept her? And even if they accepted her would they ever agree for a polyamorous relationship? 

She heaved a long breath and moved back a few steps. Her previous shocked and dreamy appearance suddenly transformed into a mocking one. 

"What happened Lord Ruoshan? Not used to seeing women with exposed skins?" Her tone was taunting and full of mockery.

Damn, was she actually trying to mock Ruoshan? Hell yeah, anything that would make her legs stop from becoming jelly.

But how wrong she was! 

Her taunt only ended up riling Ruoshan. In the next blink of her eyes, she was pushed against a wall, trapped in the cage that the Immortal had formed around her.

Ruoshan had teleported them inside her bedroom in the magical mansion. 

His long slender fingers grabbed her chin and made her look up directly in his eyes which were shining bright purple.

She took a quick glance towards her right hand and just as she had thought one of the tendrils was glowing purple just as brightly as his eyes.

She hurriedly pulled her hand behind her back, away from the eyes of Ruoshan which hadn't drifted from her face even for a second. 

Ruoshan slowly put his forehead against her and took in a long deep breath, inhaling her lilac scent which soothed him down immediately.

His hand slipped from her chin and slid down her neck before it finally ended up resting just above her sweet spot between her neck and shoulder.

Li Ming's breath caught as she stilled, waiting for Ruoshan's next movement. If he had pinched her sweet spot even lightly she would probably have come undone right then and there.

But to her relief, he didn't move his hand a single millimeter.

It probably took them about ten minutes or something before Ruoshan finally spoke. 

"I'm sorry. I should not have...!" His eyes looked so pained and hurt at that moment that Li Ming's soul cried out in agony.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too, I should not have tested you like this." Li Ming replied with a soft tone as a small smile played on her lips.

The instant relief in Ruoshan's body that followed her words was enough to calm her soul.

But there was still something that was bothering him and it was clear from the hesitancy that she could see in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" She finally asked him softly when Ruoshan kept quiet for a long time, only staring at her with his eyes which had returned to their normal self. 

"Are you angry at me Xingan?" Ruoshan asked her as his eyes searched hers for an answer.

"No, I'm not." Li Ming replied with a soft smile. It's actually true. She wasn't mad at him, it was more like she was avoiding him.

"Really?" His voice sounded suspicious and also surprised as he asked.

Li Ming chuckled lightly as she replied, "I'm really not angry at you. I was in so much hurry during that time and also I needed some time to digest all the information that I learned about the Demon realm. Sorry if that made you think that I'm mad at you."

Looking at Ruoshan's squinted eyes it was clear that he was still suspicious of her but after a few minutes he finally gave in. As long as she's not mad at him anymore everything was good.

"Alright! Let's go back. Who knows what that dragon of yours would do to my Xiao Tiantang in my absence." Li Ming said as her mind went back to the huge dragon.

"He likes you too much to even think about harming you or anything related to you," Ruoshan replied with a little shake of his head as both of them started walking out of her room.

"It's our first time meeting each other. How can he already like me? I'm actually surprised by his behavior. It doesn't sit right with me." Li Ming said as she gave a suspicious look to Ruoshan.

The tables had turned and now it was Roushan's turn to answer and clear her suspicions.

A small twitch appeared on his face as he replied, "Though it's your first time meeting each other, he has been around you for a long time."

When Li Ming looked at him with raised eyebrows, he continued with a soft tone, "He has been staying inside my spatial dimension all this time, and as I was around you all the time so was he. Just like me, he felt something calming about your presence. He had often asked me to let him out and allow him to play with you but I never permitted him. So that's why when he became angry at me today for some unknown and probably stupid reason, he flew directly here to you."

[AN: Liar liar pants on fire! So, who's setting Lord Ruoshan's pants on fire?]

Li Ming was surprised after listening to Ruoshan's words. She wasn't expecting something like that to hear. And now she was feeling bad for the poor dragon.

When they appeared inside the Xiao Tiantang once again, the sight that came into Li Ming's view made her laugh out.

The Dragon had picked up Snowy in his paws and the later was swinging upside down, crying for help. But no one looked courageous enough to challenge the enormous dragon. So, all of them were standing at a safe distance watching the drama unfold.

When everyone noticed the presence of Li Ming and Ruoshan, Snowy started crying out for help from his master.

Did the poor baby forget that his Master was even crueler than the Dragon?

"Master, please save your baby from this devil?" Snowy looked at Li Ming with his tearful eyes.

Li Ming folded her hands across her chest as she asked, "Exactly what did you do to make him angry?"

"Why would you think that it's me who did something? Don't you know me? Can I be so stupid to annoy a dragon who's as huge as a mountain?" Snowy asked her with a cute pout which did nothing in his favor. 

"You answered your question on your own. Exactly because I know you that's why I'm sure it's you who has done something and most importantly I agree that you are stupid enough to challenge a dragon who's as big as a mountain." Li Ming replied to Snowy's questions.

Snowy was about to start his whining but a single glare from Li Ming made him spill the beans, "I j-just called him Mr. Big Blacky. But it was supposed to be a cute nickname." He hurriedly defended himself.

The dragon huffed as he glared at the little white ball. The furball was daring enough to call the handsome Shadow Lord as Mr. Big Blacky? He sure had some guts!

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