Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist

Chapter 117 - Inviting The Immortals Into Magical Mansion


Li Ming looked like a lost child at that moment. Her small dove-like eyes stared at the Immortal Deity who finally stopped a few feet away in front of her.


Li Ming tried to muster up some words but her mind wasn't functioning properly to form proper words.

"Great! She can't even speak properly."

The sarcastic tone which was mocking her finally brought her out of her surprised and shocked state.

Li Ming turned her firey gaze at the Second Demon Prince who was acting like he was bored to death standing there in his full glory.

She did agree that the Demon Prince was as handsome and dashing as his brother, though both of them looked completely opposite to each other.

But unfortunately, his good looks were not enough to save him from her wrath.

She plastered a sweet smile on her face and started, "Your Excellency, no one invited you here. And more specifically, no one needs your sarcasm. You are really too bored here, please find your way out. I won't be able to entertain you."

All this time her voice was dripping with honey but her words were like a sharp slap on Hei Long's face.

Zhang Yong and Ruoshan covered their laughter while pretending to cough while Lord Yueliang looked at the two younger ones with a soft smile on his lips.

"Don't fight. We are here as guests. You need to remember that Little One is now the Master of Xiao Tiantang, don't act rudely." Moon Deity's tone was strict as he directed his words towards Hei Long.

"Xiao Tiantang?" Hei Long raised his eyebrows at the new name of the Godly Maple Tree and looked at all the four people standing there, his eyes stopping at his Sweet Prey.

In return, Li Ming raised her chin and folded her arms, clearly challenging him to spout some nonsense.

"By the way, why did you only blame me for fighting? She's being rude too!" Hei Long looked at Lord Yueliang with a betrayed expression.

"Because she's the youngest here and you are the mature one. Moreover, you started it first." Ruoshan replied smoothly as he gave his brother a pointed look.

"You all are bewitched!" Hei Long huffed out as he shook her head with pitiful eyes.

"And you are an idiot." Zhang Yong retorted back as all the three Immortals (Zhang Yong, Ruoshan, and Lord Yueliang) gave Hei Long a sympathetic look, leaving the Second Demon Prince completely shocked.

"Ming'er, let me introduce you to the Moon Immortal. He's the world-famous Lord Yueliang." Zhang Yong chirped happily as he introduced the Moon Deity.

"You are the one...who helped me with the Blue Moon, right?" Li Ming asked softly as she looked into the deep cerulean eyes. 

The Deity only nodded his head slightly.

Seeing him in the daylight was totally different. If he was the Moon during the night then he shined like a sun during the day.

"Let's go," Zhang Yong said as he tugged on Li Ming's hand while walking towards the portal.

"Where?" Li Ming asked in surprise as she looked at the Fourth Prince with a frown.

"To your mansion, where else?" Zhang Yong replied and once again started dragging Li Ming.

"Wait...!" Li Ming somehow succeeded in stopping the fourth prince and then hurriedly asked, "Why are we going to my mansion?" 

Zhang Yong looked at her in confusion and then peered at the other three immortals who were still standing on their previous location, staring at the two of them curiously.

"Then what do you want to do now?" Zhang Yong asked as he let go of her hands.

"I don't know. I mean you came here to check on me. So, look I'm all fine, you can go back now." Li Ming shrugged one of her shoulders as she replied.

Zhang Yong looked at her with a wide mouth, giving her an unbelievable expression.

"What do you mean by we can leave now? It's okay if you are only talking about me and Ruoshan but how can you be so rude toward Lord Yueliang and Hei Long? Not only they helped you but they also saved you. I wasn't expecting you to be so cold-hearted." 


Li Ming looked at Zhang Yong speechlessly. How did she ended up being the rude one? Weren't these Immortals the ones who entered into her world unannounced and uninvited?

"Well, umm...then...I-I'm not going to let them enter into my mansion. Ruoshan already has a free pass in both the magical mansion and Xiao Tiantang. The others had a free pass in Xiao Tiantang. If they too get a free pass in my mansion, there won't be any privacy left for me." Li Ming muttered with a cute pout.

"Alright then, let's stand here then." Zhang Yong shrugged his shoulder as he started walking back towards the other three Immortals.

"Why would you say it like that? Can you stop making me the rude one here?" Li Ming whispered shouted at Zhang Yong as she hurriedly followed behind him.

"I'm not doing any such thing Ming'er!" Zhang Yong replied back.

"But...!" Li Ming stopped as she reached closer to the other Immortals.

"Little One!" 

She looked up at the Moon Immortal who called her with that pet name in his cool spring-like voice.

"Yes?" She asked, trying to appear as unaffected as she could though, in reality, her soul was about to jump down from the highest peak of the Thundering Peaks.

The Moon Immortal walked towards her and took hold of her small warm hands in his large ones as he said, "Remember one thing, all you need to do is to just say the word and none of us will ever set our foot here. No one will go against your wishes. Okay?" 

Li Ming stared at the Immortal Deity silently, her eyes searching for something in his. The warmth, the care, the protectiveness, the closeness, and the touches that they were showing her wasn't normal. 

Nothing about their behavior towards her was normal. But everything was explainable. Their closeness, protectiveness, care, every emotion was because of the precious soulmate bond between them.

She could feel the tendrils on her wrist filling with warmth and she was sure that all of them would be shining in different colors.

Her eyes roamed towards the other three Immortals. It was clear that Ruoshan was one of her mates and Zhang Yong was not.

Though she also felt some connection with the fourth prince but it was clear that it wasn't the soulmate bond. 

Her second mate was the handsome Immortal with cerulean eyes. The tingles running through her body, the happiness that her soul was feeling at his closeness was enough to make her realize that Lord Yueliang too was one of her five mates. 

Her eyes finally landed on the Second Demon Prince, wondering if he could also be one of her mates but other than touching him, there was no other way to confirm her doubt.

Now, just picture Li Ming going over to the Second Demon Prince and suddenly grabbing him out of nowhere. Yeah, the outcomes didn't look too favorable!

"Alright! I'm gonna trust your words." Li Ming finally replied to Lord Yueliang, retracting her hands out of his warm ones.

She didn't wait for any of them to reply, just turned around and started walking towards the portal and this time leading the other four behind her.

Even though Hei Long wanted to be anywhere but around the Lilac girl but he just couldn't leave the other three alone with her, especially not after seeing the marks on Ruoshan's nape.

So, to protect his brothers from the Demoness, he would be going to keep glued to them.

After ten minutes, all five of them entered into the spacious living room of the mansion.

Li Ming looked at the four of them and directed them towards the sofas that were arranged in the beautifully decorated room.

"You all sit here. I'm going to brew some tea for you all," Li Ming said as she started walking towards the kitchen.

"Wait! You don't need to do that." Ruoshan hurriedly stopped Li Ming.

"It's alright." Li Ming dismissed his words as she continued to walk towards the kitchen.

"I should come to help you." Zhang Yong said as he stood up from his seat.

"Don't!" Li Ming hurriedly shouted at him, turning quickly around and glaring at him.

The four Immortals looked at her in confusion and a little shock.

"Don't any of you dare to leave your seats until I'm back. I'll be back in a few minutes. Just sit here without moving. Alright?" Her words were full of authority. Her eyes challenging them to go against her words.

After making sure that all of them were not going to move and destroy her beautiful magical home, Li Ming entered the kitchen to prepare snacks for them.

Little did she knew that her decision of letting the four Immortals enter into her mansion would be written as one of the biggest stupidity of hers in her ancestor's record book.

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