Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist

Chapter 118 - The Cave With Pink Flowers

Li Ming stared at the empty living room. She had barely taken about fifteen minutes in returning back to the living room with a trolley filled with freshly brewed tea and snacks, but she got shocked to see the living area quiet and empty. No trace of any hot and dashing Immortal, moreover four.

She went to search throughout the mansion to see if they had gone against her words to explore the mansion but she didn't find them anywhere either inside or outside the mansion. They weren't in the Xiao Tiantang either.

"What the heck? Are these people for real? First, they came here uninvited, and now they disappeared without telling me, what kind of shameless and impolite behavior is this?" Li Ming asked out aloud to no one in particular as she stared at the trolley.

She didn't know exactly why suddenly she was feeling so frustrated and angry. And the fact that she wasn't able to control her own emotions further irritated her.

She let out a huff and picked up the flower vase that was somehow ended up on one of the sofas instead of its original place.

As she was about to put the vase on its original position, a blue fist-sized ball of light flew out of it and a screen-like thing appeared in front of Li Ming.

"We are apologizing for suddenly disappearing like this. Something important came up out of nowhere that needed the presence of all four of us. I hope you won't hold this against us. Zhang or Ruoshan will probably contact you soon. In the meantime, please take care of yourself." The sweet soft spring-like voice of Lord Yueliang filtered into the room.

Li Ming stared at the screen in front of her which was probably playing a saved video message from the Moon Deity. Well, video message was the best term to define what she was seeing. Just rather than a normal video, it was a magical one.

"Wow, why did I never knew about this message thingy? These people sure know how to keep secrets. Huh!" Li Ming scoffed as she surveyed the screen like thing.

Her eyes landed on the Immortal Deity on the screen. She shook her head a little before saying out loud while looking at the screen, "Tsk tsk, you should consider yourself lucky that I'm letting you all go this time. But that's because I'm too busy to spend my time taking care of your childish act."

The screen disappeared as soon as she finished speaking the words, leaving a frustrated Li Ming behind who was confused about what to do with the tea and snacks.

After thinking for a while she decided to take the trolley to the Little Pixie Hollow in her backyard. The pixies would love to taste her wonderful snacks.

Unknown to Li Ming, an Immortal Deity had heard her words as a small twitch appeared on his lips, increasing his charm to another level.

Who knew that they all would suddenly get the information that a very important person would be visiting the Moon manor and that's why all of them immediately teleported back to the Yueliang Manor.

If not for this sudden visit by that person, none of them would have left their mate behind like that.

The Moon Deity felt ashamed for suddenly leaving his Little One without even telling her and the fact that she forgave them so easily only increased his shame.

He initially didn't have any plan of visiting her but when it came to Zhang Yong it was impossible to say no to the Shadow Lord. Moreover, to be honest, he didn't really try too hard because deep down he was also dying to meet her.

No one knew exactly why Hei Long decided to tag along. Though it wasn't actually a surprise that he was trying to find reasons to also meet her. 

But everything got ruined by a certain person who chose that exact day to visit the lower realms.

"Seriously? You all are looking like you have been separated from your biggest happiness. Can you all behave like the Immortals you are?" Hei Long said with a bored tone and a little bit of irritation mixed in it.

"You are the one who needed to behave." Zhang Yong retorted back at the Second Demon Prince's words.

"Stop saying that. I'm not a child!" Hei Long glared at Zhang Yong. His black eyes shone dark red for barely a second before they returned to their self.

"Then stop behaving like one!" This time it was Ruoshan who responded to Hei Long.

Before the two brothers decided to start a battle, Lord Yueliang finally stepped in to cool down the atmosphere.

"Can you all stop fighting like little children? We are here to welcome our guest. Behave at least a little bit maturely." His voice was as usually soft and warm but it did its work as the Three Immortals calmed down.

"Do you think Supreme Immortal would be coming too?" Ruoshan asked after a few moments of silence.

"Not sure. Depends on exactly where he is at the moment and what he's doing." Lord Yueliang replied as he took out his Zither and placed it on the table in front of him.

His fingers lightly skipping over the strings and a light melody filled the room.

"I wish he will come back soon," Zhang Yong said with an evil smirk on his lips. His mind going over the many plans that he had in store for the Supreme Immortal.


"Do you think it's safe?" Alvina asked as she followed Li Ming around the spell room.

"Stop asking so many questions, Al. Now stay here and wait for my signal. I'll let you know if I need your help." Li Ming told the little pixie and without delay for a single second, she once again appeared at the foot of the waterfall.

She had changed into jeggings and a tight full-sleeved top. Her hair we're tightly secured in a bun and she had put on leather boots.

She also had two sharp daggers from the weaponry secured in her boots.

Li Ming took out a vial full of violet color liquid and gulped all of it down in one go. Looking at her face it was clear that the potion tasted disgusting enough to make her puke but she somehow managed to not do so.

She took in a deep breath and started walking slowly into the water. The waterfall wasn't too high not it was huge, therefore the current of the water wasn't a danger.

Li Ming finally reached the point where the water covered her till her neck. She looked at the sky and the next second vanished beneath the water.

The water was cold and Li Ming could barely see anything despite the fact that the sun was still shining at his full glory.

She took out a round ball-like thing and shook it, the next second a white luminescent light brightened the area around her.

Li Ming closed her eyes and focused on the familiar pull that she had felt the last time. Though she was no more connected to Alvina but her powers had already grasped a feel of that familiar feeling and just like that she automatically started diving towards the place where the waterfall was falling.

A few minutes later, Li Ming reached the area where she could feel the heavy pressure from the water falling from above the mountain peak.

Beneath the water, Li Ming could see a small gap in the rocks. She dived into the gap and kept going forward. She could feel the tug getting stronger and stronger but what surprised her was the tiny pink shining flowers that were growing on the walls of the cave. 

And just by touching a single one, Li Ming realized that they were sucking in the spiritual energy from the water and the forest.

Li Ming continued for a little bit longer and finally came across a wall. The cave suddenly ended with a huge rock placed in front of her.

'Impossible! How can this end here? There should be something more here.' Li Ming thought as she started searching around the small cave for a sign or something that could answer her questions but after minutes of searching she ended up empty-handed.

'How can this be? What am I missing here?' Li Ming was frustrated and insanely freezing because of the chilled water.

She threw the light ball that she was holding on one of the walls of the cave and without any surprise, the ball ended up dividing into many tiny particles as it shattered.

Li Ming cursed herself at her stupidity as suddenly the entire cave was engulfed in darkness. 

She was about to take out another magical light ball when her eyes registered the single beam of ray that was infiltrating into the cave from the top of one of the walls.

Exactly what was waiting for her on the other side of the cave?

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