Eight snake slaves can sense each other's breath.

After Garuda died, the others noticed the abnormality immediately.

Led by Black Dragon, they found the 'surviving' Luna and the seriously injured Mark.

Black Dragon frowned, his expression grim: "Meet?"

Luna couldn't lie, so she nodded.

Black Dragon asked in confusion: "How many of them are there?"

Luna told the truth: "Only Ye and the witch."


Black Dragon slapped Luna in the face, and her face immediately became red and swollen.

"Why didn't you send a signal?!" Black Dragon shouted angrily.

"I thought we could..." Luna bowed her head and sighed. In front of the powerful Black Dragon, she didn't dare to talk back.

"You thought you could win for sure? But what happened?" Black Dragon kicked her in the stomach with anger. Mark got up from the ground and hugged his legs: "Brother Long... It's my fault. It has nothing to do with Nana. Please help me..."

"Calm down. I can understand their desire for success. No matter what, it's not a complete loss. At least we know the boy's strength." The man who cut the snake bones with two giant snakes wrapped around his hands had a good personal relationship with Luna and spoke for her.

"Don't do it again." Black Dragon would not really kill them. He took advantage of the situation and gathered his men to move east immediately.

When they arrived at Wenwu City, they did not find Ye Xing and the others.

Wen Zhongwu said that he had never seen the two people, whether he was worried about getting into trouble or deliberately concealing it, and acted as if he would not help anyone.

"Keep searching in separate places! Send a signal as soon as you find the target! If you dare to act without authorization again, you will die!!!"

The black dragon flashed and chased to the east.

The others searched in three other directions.

Luna looked back at Wenwu City before leaving.

Soon after they left, Wen Zhongwu opened a secret room.

Ye Xing and Ye Ji Hongyan were hiding in the room.

Not long ago, Ye Ji Hongyan sensed that a strong evil spirit was approaching this side.

The other party was numerous and aggressive, and it was not wise to confront them head-on.

Just when they were about to leave, Wen Zhongwu unexpectedly offered help.

"Thank you."

"Don't forget, I am also a human being. No matter how bad I am, I will not associate with monsters."

Wen Zhongwu let them out through another secret door.

The enemy walked in front of them, so as long as they didn't turn back, they couldn't run into them.

"Brothers, the next stop is Jiancheng."

"In Jiancheng, there are not only the remnants of Oda Nobunaga and Miyamoto Musashi, but also a group of righteous swordsmen whose comprehensive strength is no less than that of Fengyao Village."

"Go and see for yourself."

"If you don't get into trouble, you can get there in an hour!"

Ye Xing took the future bicycle and changed direction with the witch to the west.

Not long after, a banana forest appeared in front of him.

This banana forest exudes a peculiar fragrance, grows well, and the fruits are long and bright, which makes people salivate.

"The nutritional value of ordinary bananas is similar to that of bananas. They have laxative effects and can treat stomachaches and abdominal pains."

"But you must not eat the bananas here!"

"Because they have become spirits!"

"This banana is called ghost banana, which represents disease, bad luck and family decline."

"I heard that if a woman eats this kind of banana by mistake, she will get pregnant and give birth to a ghost baby."

"If a man eats this kind of banana by mistake, he will not be able to urinate and will eventually be suffocated to death."

"Another thing to note is that they are aggressive. They seem to be very calm now. Once we enter their attack range, they will wrap people with their leaves and secrete a This kind of digestive juice, in a few minutes, you will be left with a pile of bones. "

"In the wild, the more fragrant things are, the less you should touch them casually, otherwise you will die without knowing how you died."

"The digestive juice and water can be combined to become new venom. Let's collect some for future use."

"The clone technique!"


The clone appeared and said numbly: "Tell me, how do you want to harm me again?"

Ye Xing hugged his shoulders: "Don't be like this, we are all family, there is no harm, I just hope you can help me collect some things, be good."

The clone jumped into the ghost banana with a look of despair, was wrapped by the banana leaves, and then evaporated.

Ye Xing swung a knife to cut off the banana leaves, put the digestive juice produced by it into a glass bottle, and poured some mineral water into it.

The liquid inside immediately changed from milky white to dark green.

This thing is pretty good as a hidden weapon.

"Remnant Tornado!"

Ye Xing chopped the banana tree that was blocking the way with a knife.

Whoosh whoosh——

Unexpectedly, the lawn under the banana forest suddenly started to wriggle.

A closer look revealed that it was not a lawn at all!

It was a one-meter-long, hairy bug that looked like a giant caterpillar.

It had no eyes or nose, only a big mouth on its head, and the overall shape resembled a hammer without a handle.

"This thing is called a foot hammer. It is a kind of monster in the mountains. It likes to eat animals and human feet."

"It looks soft and seems to have no aggression, but its bite force is comparable to that of a crocodile."

"Fortunately, I didn't chop while walking, otherwise my feet might be chewed if I wasn't careful."

Ye Xing turned his eyes to the ground and found that the grass under the banana forest was all made of foot hammers.

It was so densely packed that even people with trypophobia would get sick.

They didn't harm each other, and they had a cooperative relationship.

When prey entered the area, the foot hammer would first bite off the opponent's feet to prevent the opponent from escaping, and then the ghost banana would launch a fatal attack.

It was very treacherous.

After passing through this dangerous area, we came to a river.

The river was wide and deep, and the flow was strong.

"Help! Help!"

A piece of wood floated over from upstream.

There was a gorgeous woman lying on the wood in a mess, exposing her plump upper body.

It was vaguely visible that something like a fish was entangled in her lower body.

"Master, save me!"

The woman, holding the wood, happened to lie between two fish in the river, temporarily stopping her momentum.

She struggled in the water, shouting, and watched as she was swallowed by the big fish under the water.

She placed all her hopes on the two people on the shore.

Ye Xing walked to the river slowly and spat at her.

The woman was stunned, and a trace of resentment appeared on her face.

"Don't pretend. Your low-level tricks may work for newcomers, but they won't work on me."

"I didn't expect to run into a ghost in broad daylight."

"It's called 'Ghost Mouth', and it looks like some kind of deep-sea fish monster."

"We saw that this beauty had a ghost mouth on her tongue."

"She is stronger than a water monkey. As long as I reach out to pull her, she will pull me down and swallow me directly into her stomach."

Ye Xing explained to the netizen after checking with the illustrations.

[Don't scare me, okay? I won't dare to save anyone who falls into the water in the future. ]

[What are you afraid of? We are safe here. ]

[I have a bold idea. Since she is on the tongue of a monster, if the monster's tongue is cut off, can it still be used? 】

【Ah, this...】

"Don't worry about her, just fly over it."

Ye Xing temporarily replaced his bicycle with a drone and prepared to fly over on it.

The woman in the water saw that her trick was exposed, so she stopped pretending and looked up at them gloomily.

When the drone passed over the woman's head, she suddenly opened her mouth and spit out a huge and ugly centipede.

This centipede is getting bigger and bigger, more than ten meters long and nearly one meter wide, with palatal teeth longer than ivory, a hundred pairs of hard legs, and a pair of thick maxillary legs at the head and tail.

Two soybean-like eyeballs protruded high, full of malice.

The image is extremely terrifying.

Children will be scared to death.

Adults will be scared to pee.

It is one of the murderers who massacred the Demon Village, the centipede demon, the centipede! !

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