Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 239 The welcome ceremony at the Imperial Academy in the Imperial Capital! Everyone wants to

In Kyushu, a mysterious secret realm, Ye Qingxue has taken advantage of the memories of her previous life to take possession of all the opportunities in this secret realm.

After being promoted to level 28, some of the remaining divine power of the previous Ice Goddess in her body further unlocked more powerful Shinto domain skills and taboo methods that she realized only after she became a god.

Soul Blood Ice Lotus!

With a cry in her heart, Ye Qingxue's whole body exploded with blood-colored light of ice.

A three-dimensional magic circle formed by blood-colored ice lotus also appeared under her feet, and it flashed past and disappeared into her body.

Maintaining the state of being blessed by the soul-blood ice lotus, Ye Qingxue walked step by step like a lotus and arrived at a secret place full of level 50 madly awakened beasts at an extremely fast speed.

She has given herself the Ice Glimpse skill that can increase her speed.

Looking at those awakened beasts that were tortured by demonic energy and kept going crazy, if it was Ye Qingxue at this time in her previous life, she would definitely not dare to cause trouble with them.

But in this life, the reborn Ice God is confident that she can defeat these crazy level 50 awakened beasts across so many levels at level 28.

Her confidence all comes from the blessing of Soul Blood Ice Lotus, a skill she only learned when she became a god in her previous life.

"Anyway, if you continue like this, sooner or later you will become monsters that are completely corroded by the demonic energy. Why don't you give me some practice!"

His eyes bloomed with the bloodthirsty ice lotus light, and with the blessing of the soul-blood ice lotus, Ye Qingxue directly summoned a terrifying death icicle that tore apart the space.

Icicles of death!

Icicles mixed with the aura of death fell from the sky from the other end of the torn space, but the huge icicles became thinner and thinner as they continued to extend downward.

It's obviously getting thinner and thinner, but the power of extreme ice sweeping through the aura of death is growing exponentially.

This move is no longer a pure ice attribute power, but also contains the power of the law of death that is not part of Ye Qingxue's own abilities.

The fusion of death and extreme ice releases the extremely terrifying power of annihilation.

When the Death Sky icicles extended to the ground, they had transformed from huge icicles into sharp touches of ice.

As soon as the ice touches the ground, all the surrounding areas begin to be frozen by the ice mixed with the power of death, and it spreads to a wider area at a rapid speed.

During this period, the power in Ye Qingxue's body was also consumed very quickly.

In this state, it won't take long for her to quickly exhaust all the power in her body due to this Death Sky Icicle.

But as the Death Sky icicles froze and deprived the level 50 mad awakened beasts of more and more lives, Ye Qingxue's rapidly consumed power was being restored at an incredible speed.

All this is due to her Soul Blood Ice Lotus ability!

When fighting the enemy, the Soul Blood Ice Lotus will continuously absorb the enemy's power for her to replenish her in a fighting state.

"Sure enough, it is as I thought. Even if it is only level 28, Soul Blood Ice Lotus cannot exert all its power in the divine realm, but it is still enough to restore the power I consumed in my leapfrog challenge. The more high-level and low-power guys there are, as long as If you can’t kill me, the longer you delay, the better it will be for me as a soul-blooded ice lotus!”

The consumption of the Death Sky Icicle when it continuously kills a large number of level 50 crazy awakened beasts is extremely astonishing, but the Soul Blood Ice Lotus' power recovery ability in the face of so many prey is equally astonishing.

In this way, Ye Qingxue maintained a wonderful balance of high-speed consumption and high-speed recovery, without feeling a trace of fatigue.

After all the mad awakened beasts infected by the demonic energy were killed by Ye Qingxue, the bloodthirsty ice lotus light in her eyes slowly dissipated.

Lowering his head and looking at the hand he was still holding firmly, Ye Qingxue couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth with a proud smile.

"In this way, we can equal the gap opened by the four Holy Cross third-level awakening potions that Brother Tianming obtained in the Holy Ten Assessment. I am the goddess of ice. It is not that easy to get rid of me, my dear Brother Tianming!"

Thinking that Lin Tianming would return to the Imperial Academy this morning, Ye Qingxue also quickly left the secret realm where all the opportunities had been taken away from her.

"We must rush back before brother Tianming comes back, and beat that little vixen Feng Lan by the way!"

In the Fengjia forbidden area of ​​the imperial capital, Feng Lan saw the news on the Internet that Lin Tianming had obtained four Holy Cross third-level awakening pills in the Holy Cross assessment, so he went directly back to the Fengjia forbidden area to retreat, and took the medicine in advance that should have been obtained later in the previous life. Great opportunity.

Having been in seclusion until today, Feng Lan barely managed to reach level 28 before Lin Tianming came back.

If she were at this time in her previous life, she would never have been able to successfully integrate this wind attribute ability so early.

You may even be counterattacked because of your eagerness for quick success.

But in this life, she was reborn as the Wind Sword Goddess, so she didn't have to worry about this problem at all.

"Tianming, I'll wait for you to come back and fight again!"

Many students gathered at the north gate of the Imperial Academy of the Imperial Capital this morning, because they were waiting for a famous person to return from outside Kyushu and get a glimpse of that person.

That big celebrity is Lin Tianming, who defeated the strongest first-year genius in the Northern Yin Region, the Central Saint Region, and the Western Luo Region in the Holy Cross Assessment!

The Holy Cross assessment of Holy Cross College is broadcast live all over the world. It was originally intended for Lilith to shine in this assessment and surpass her peers.

Who would have thought that the monster Lin Tianming would appear in Jiuzhou, disrupting the Xiluo Territory's plan to remind the world of its past glory.

This Holy Cross assessment at the Holy Cross Academy in Shenwu City in the Western Luo Region made Lin Tianming successful before the Global Higher Awakening Academy Competition.

Now the whole world knows that such a monster genius has emerged from Kyushu.

These days, the Internet is basically full of all kinds of hot topics about Lin Tianming winning the championship, and it is very hot.

Although there were many Imperial Academy students waiting for Lin Tianming's return, there were still many students from the Imperial Academy who had power training courses in the morning and could only attend class with regret.

Lin Tianming, who came back with Jiang Han, yawned. He was still late at night in Shenwu City, Xiluo Territory. Even though it was early morning in the imperial capital, he was still sleepy.

But when he saw a bunch of people waiting here at the north gate, he suddenly sobered up.

"There are so many people in Beimen? It's like a welcome ceremony. Don't they even practice?"

Jiang Han heard this and explained to Lin Tianming with a smile.

"Because I have sent a message to the senior management of the Imperial Academy. We will come back this morning. The training time of each person in the Imperial Academy varies from person to person. Sometimes there are classes in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon. I want to see you here. This student who ranks first in the Holy Cross examination should have class this afternoon!"

"Other people sometimes have classes in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon. Why do I always have to get up early to take your class, Teacher Jiang Han? Can you let me sleep in too?"

Facing Lin Tianming's strange attention, Jiang Han rolled his eyes at Lin Tianming angrily: "I like it!"

Seeing Teacher Jiang Han's cute expression of anger, he just joked with her and smiled.

It’s fun to tease Teacher Jiang Han occasionally!

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