Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 240: Soul-Charming can no longer suppress Qingxue Fenglan! Is this the advantage of the godd

"Look! That person seems to be Lin Tianming, he's back!"

"After waiting for a long time, Lin Tianming, the first genius who won glory for our Jiuzhou, is finally back!"

"I missed the live broadcast of the Holy Cross assessment. I happened to be busy at the time, but I made up for the recorded video afterwards. Lin Tianming is really strong. He was able to defeat the three monsters from the Beiyin, Xiluo, and Zhongsheng domains. genius!"

"And the time to pass the Holy Cross test is half as fast as that of those foreign geniuses. I have been overwhelmed by the Northern Yin Territory these years. Lin Tianming's victory can be regarded as making me proud again in Kyushu!"

"I just don't know if Lin Tianming lacks a girlfriend. I feel like I'm a little in love with him!"

"Stop dreaming, you nymphomaniac! For a genius like Lin Tianming, only Feng Lan, a first-year student who is also a recommended student, is worthy of him!"

"But I remember that the girl named Ye Qingxue who often followed Lin Tianming wasn't it? Strangely enough, Ye Qingxue clearly awakened F-level ice attributes during the awakening ceremony, and her growth rate was like awakening SSS-level ice attributes. The superpower has always been about the same speed as Feng Lan’s cultivation!”

"Lin Tianming, look here! Congratulations on getting the first place in the Holy Cross assessment, defeating the geniuses in all fields, and becoming the world's number one genius! I hope you can continue to win glory for our Kyushu in the Global Higher Awakening Academy Competition after the end of this semester. !”

Under the warm welcome of the students of the Imperial Academy, Lin Tianming also experienced the much-anticipated hero's return treatment, and he felt very happy.

Not long after walking on the campus of Imperial University, a familiar figure blocked Lin Tianming's path.


The person blocking Lin Tianming's path was Feng Lan. Lin Tianming, who had not seen Feng Lan for a long time, was a little surprised.

"Feng Lan, thank you for coming all the way to wait for me."

"Come on, follow me to the Wind Chime Arena, and let's compete again!"

Originally, Lin Tianming was quite touched that Feng Lan was waiting for him here, but when he heard her speech about wanting to compete with him, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Feng Lan, wouldn't it be nice for you to come to me for a discussion as soon as I come back? We can catch up on old times today and have a friendly discussion another day!"

Who would have thought that when he said this, Feng Lan immediately showed the aura of level 28 in front of him.

He was shocked: "Are you level 28?"

"Not bad, can you spar with me now?"

The nearby onlookers were also shocked when they saw Feng Lan so persistently looking for Lin Tianming to discuss.

"Why does Feng Lan always want to spar with Lin Tianming?"

"You don't understand this, right? They are both SSS-level geniuses with special abilities. They are talented and beautiful. They will learn from each other to make progress together and cultivate their relationship!"

"Is this how relationships between super geniuses develop? I suddenly envy them!"

Listening to the incomprehensible comments of the people nearby, the owner of Qianying who had just rushed back from outside was furious.

"You guys are not allowed to talk nonsense! Who said Feng Lan and brother Tianming are a couple? I am brother Tianming's girlfriend!"

As soon as he heard this voice, Lin Tianming suddenly felt dizzy.

Because the owner of this voice is his jealous childhood sweetheart Ye Qingxue!

"Feng Lan, don't think that I don't know what you are planning! You just want to seduce my brother Tianming under the pretext of sparring. Don't you want to fight? I'll accompany you!"

The last thing Lin Tianming wanted to see happened. Ye Qingxue didn't know what skills in the Shinto field were unlocked, and the blood-colored ice lotus light bloomed all over her body, and she attacked Feng Lan directly.

Feng Lan was not to be outdone, and the violent wind blade that was no weaker than Ye Qingxue's aura rose up around her body, and collided with Ye Qingxue.

The students who were watching nearby quickly distanced themselves, for fear of being hurt by these two unruly guys.

Lin Tianming, who was feeling a headache, directly asked Jiang Han beside him for help: "Teacher Jiang Han, please take care of them!"

Who would have thought that when he turned around, Teacher Jiang Han, who was beside him, disappeared at some point.

Leaving him behind at this critical moment again, I really have you, Jiang Han!

Feeling helpless in his heart, Lin Tianming had no choice but to take action himself, controlling the intensity of his soul-stirring skills so that Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan, who were fighting, would lose their minds.

Who would have thought that this time his soul-capturing skills failed to disturb their minds, which made Lin Tianming's eyes widen.

These two unruly guys were promoted to level 28 and were able to withstand his soul-catching skills?

Lin Tianming didn't know that Feng Lan and Ye Qingxue had been improving their soul power since they had seen the power of his soul-catching skills before.

Not only Feng Lan and Ye Qingxue, but also Meng Xiyue, who had returned to Bei'an City, was also tempering her soul in advance, just to avoid being eaten to death by him with his soul-stirring skills.

Even his senior sister Wang Yanran and his teacher Jiang Han are also exercising their soul power while practicing.

After all, they are goddess reborns. With their god-level understanding of various powers before rebirth, they can achieve considerable improvement even if they do not specialize in soul power powers if they really exercise.

Since the beginning of last semester, I have been training until now. It is impossible not to grow.

Seeing that the strength-controlling soul-taking skills could no longer affect Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan, Lin Tianming once again felt the power of the goddess's identity as a reborn goddess.

He took a deep breath and directly increased the intensity of the soul-catching skill to the maximum.

The next moment, Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan, who were fighting, trembled, and the power of the skills that were gathering around their bodies also dissipated as their souls were attacked.

[I have been training my soul power for several months, and the power of brother Tianming’s soul-catching skills can actually affect me! 】

[It seems that if you want to resist Tianming's soul-capturing skills, the current soul power is not strong enough...]

Listening to Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan's thoughts, Lin Tianming couldn't help but smile.

Although they have improved their soul power a lot, they still cannot stop the full power of their soul-capturing skills!

"Qingxue, Feng Lan, are you calmer now?"

Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan looked at each other after hearing this.

Although they both disliked each other, they still did not fight to the death.

Because if they continue, Lin Tianming will also use soul-capturing skills to force them to separate.

Ye Qingxue quickly ran to Lin Tianming's side, then took Lin Tianming's arm and showed a winner's smile to Feng Lan.

Feng Lan calmly glanced at Ye Qingxue, who was in love, with no waves in her expression.

Thinking that she would still be suppressed by Lin Tianming's soul-capturing skills, she wanted to catch up with Lin Tianming and said, "Tianming, I'm going to practice first."

[It seems that we have to continue to strengthen the cultivation of soul power, so that we can win against Tianming when we face him. Regardless of our grudges, I want to win against him once! 】

Listening to Feng Lan, a crazy cultivator, Lin Tianming also felt the pressure from her.

And his little girlfriend Ye Qingxue, who has been clinging to him, also put a lot of pressure on him this time.

Although he single-handedly suppressed the two of them this time, Lin Tianming felt that if their soul power were to increase a little more, it would be difficult for him to use the full power of his Soul Capture to suppress them.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianming's eyes narrowed.

He also doesn't want to lose, so he has to stay vigilant at all times, otherwise he will accidentally be overtaken by these goddess reborns with rebirth memories!

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