Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 306 The trialists become the toys of the Golden Thunder Pig!

In fact, Lin Tianming and Jiang Han were not late, and they even arrived at the stipulated arrival time in ten minutes.

It’s just that other people came earlier.

Feng Lan, who was sitting in the stands with the head of the Feng family, saw Lin Tianming coming, and her eyes also stayed on Lin Tianming.

Noticing that his daughter was paying close attention to Lin Tianming, the head of the Feng family smiled and said, "Lan'er, what do you think of Tianming's child?"

"Not much."

Feng Lan asked her this question knowing that her father wanted to bring her and Lin Tianming together, but she still pretended not to care.

The head of the Feng family continued to ask: "Do you think it is suitable for that child to be my son-in-law?"

The head of the Feng family asked Lin Tianming to be his son-in-law for his daughter Feng Lan, but he was not just looking for a husband for Feng Lan.

These words directly made Feng Lan's face turn red, and she was a little afraid to accept it.

Seeing Feng Lan like this, the head of the Feng family was even more sure that his daughter actually had feelings for Lin Tianming.

At the same time, as Lin Tianming was the last one to enter, the veteran of the Thunder Palace also opened the secret entrance to the Golden Light Trial in front of everyone.

"In the next seven days, you will try to capture the level 50 Golden Light Thunder Pig in this secret forest. This Golden Light Thunder Trial will not eliminate anyone. It is mainly to train your speed. Let's get started!"

As the elders of the Thunder Hall announced the start of the trial, Lin Tianming also entered the entrance of the secret realm with the trialists of the Thunder Hall.

At the scene, a Thunder Hall veteran said to another Thunder Hall veteran: "The minimum level for the Thunder Hall trial is level 40. Even if Lin Tianming was lucky enough to reach level 39 yesterday, he doesn't even have level 40. At the same level, it’s no surprise that he will perform the worst in this trial!”

"That's right. If Jiang Han hadn't insisted on fighting for this spot for him, he wouldn't even be qualified to participate. Now that he comes to participate, he is just a foil to my Lei Ming Palace disciples!"

"Flowers always need green leaves to set off. It's actually not bad to let this outsider set off the excellence of my Thunder Palace disciples!"

Hearing the remarks made by those Thunder Palace elders who were obviously mocking her and Lin Tianming, Jiang Han looked at them coldly.

Hum, we will figure out who is the flower and who is the green leaf later!

These die-hards from the Thunder Palace have been staying on the mountain all year round and don't know all the things going on down the mountain, but the big shots from Kyushu who were invited to the scene have all heard about it.

In order to understand Lin Tianming, some people have even watched videos of Lin Tianming's various amazing performances.

So even if they didn't go to the Sea King Festival to watch, they still had a certain understanding of how amazing Lin Tianming's talent was.

They did not agree with the short-sighted remarks of the elders of Lei Ming Hall, but for the sake of the Lord of Lei Ming Hall, they did not say anything more.

The master of Thunder Palace is Jiang Han's master, and he still believes in Jiang Han's vision.

What's more, Lin Tianming has received the permanent power protection of the Purple Thunder Phoenix, which further proves that Lin Tianming has an amazing talent that shocked the past and the present.

So he is also looking forward to how Lin Tianming will perform today.

There were many Thunder Hall disciples present who did not meet the trial standards between level 40 and level 50, and they were also very concerned about today's trial.

The scene of the secret realm clearly shows that Lin Tianming and a group of trialists successfully entered the secret realm.

As soon as they entered the secret realm, they saw a pig with golden lightning all over its body.

Except for the golden lightning all over its body, this pig looks no different from an ordinary pig.

No matter how Lin Tianming looked at it, he didn't think that the golden thunder pig was really as magical as Teacher Jiang Han said.

Other trialists felt the same way.

"Is this the golden thunder pig that we need to work together to catch in this golden thunder trial? It doesn't look like anything special!"

"That's right, I feel like I can catch this pig easily by myself. It has the ultimate speed of golden light thunder. I think it's just a bluff!"

"Did I make a mistake? This first level of the Golden Lightning Trial seems too childish, right?"

"Idiot, you didn't know that you entered the Thunder Palace so late. I didn't meet the participation requirements for the last Thunder Palace trial. I was just watching the battle outside. I saw this golden thunder pig playing with all the people who participated in the trial like a monkey. For seven days, I didn't meet the requirements. No one can catch it!"

Some trialists who had watched previous Thunder Hall trials stood up to refute, asking them to be serious and not to underestimate the Golden Thunder Pig.

Even if some people say this, many people who have never seen the power of the Golden Light Thunder Pig still don't believe it.

"Don't do anything, let me try first!"

While he was talking, a level 40 trialist appeared like a thunder, running towards the golden thunder pig.

As soon as the Golden Light Thunder Pig saw someone trying to catch it, it immediately burst out with extreme speed, easily evading the capture of the forty-level trialer like a monkey.

He stepped on the man's face with his pig's feet and ran away with the help of his pig's feet.

"Don't let it get away! I don't believe I can't even catch a pig in seven days!"

Seeing the golden thunder pig escaping, all the testers at the scene, except Lin Tianming, also ran fast to pursue it.

Lin Tianming was not in a hurry, but followed closely to see the situation.

These testers are all those who have awakened thunder attribute abilities, and their bodies are like thunder.

However, they were as fast as thunder, and they still couldn't catch up with the golden thunder pig, which was covered in golden lightning.

Among them, there are many people who have awakened their level 50 thunder attribute abilities, but there is still nothing they can do with the Golden Light Thunder Pig.

After the Golden Light Thunder Pig saw that the tester could not catch up with it, it felt relieved and stopped from time to time to deliberately wait for the tester. It even released disgusting pig farts that were full of smell.

After playing it, it spun around and made crazy pig noises.

"Ah! This dead pig is so disgusting, and it farts! It's so smelly, I'm going to vomit!"

"I feel like every time it is about to run away from us, it deliberately slows down to wait for us, and then waits for us to get closer and deliberately farts to trick us!"

"This dead pig is so bad! Don't let me catch it. I will roast it if I catch it! Let's see if it dares to tease me!"

Not far away, Lin Tianming, who was hiding far away, was amused as he watched the group of trialists being played around by the Golden Light Thunder Pig.

"This golden thunder pig has a pretty high IQ and knows how to tease people for fun. Although chasing it for seven days should increase its speed limit a lot, I don't want to eat its stinky farts like those idiots..."

After muttering something to himself, Lin Tianming continued to watch from the perspective of a bystander, maintaining a distance that allowed him to have a field of vision.

After spending a day to understand the conditions of the forest in this secret realm, Lin Tianming, who had a plan in mind, also spent another half a day setting up the trap.

The trap is set, and the next step is to wait for the baits to make the Golden Light Thunder Pig no time to pay attention to the trap!

The bait in his mouth was naturally the trialists who were teased by the Golden Light Thunder Pig.

As Lin Tianming waited patiently, the trialists who were still eating the Jinguang Thunder Pig's stinky farts finally forced the Jinguang Thunder Pig into one of the traps he had set.

"Although it is difficult to catch this golden thunder pig, it is quite good to use it as a toy to increase my speed for these seven days! I will not be reduced to a toy for a pig for fun like other trialists!"


Almost at the same time as Lin Tianming spoke, the Golden Light Thunder Pig, which was all focused on playing tricks on the other testers, fell into Lin Tianming's trap.

With a loud thunderous noise, the golden thunder pig was directly blown into the sky.

The other trialists also screamed in agony because of the indiscriminate attacks from the traps set by Lin Tianming.

Looking at the golden thunder pig spiraling into the sky, Lin Tianming also instantly activated the thunder of divine punishment.

A thunder and lightning shadow exactly like him appeared in the sky, releasing terrifying thunder and directly hitting the golden thunder pig.

Before the golden thunder pig that spiraled into the sky could recover, it was knocked down by another move from Lin Tianming.

For a moment, screams like slaughtering pigs resounded throughout the secret realm.

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