Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 307 From now on, your golden lightning belongs to me! The hand of God plunders and shows its

The Jinguang Thunder Pig, which had been playing tricks on other trialists for a day, was given a combo package, and Lin Tianming also let it experience the feeling of being played with.

First it spiraled into the sky, and then it crashed at the speed of light. The Golden Light Thunder Pig was completely blinded at this moment.

However, when Lin Tianming appeared in front of it with a faint smile, it still let out a pig's cry, turned around and ran away.

"Lin Tianming, are you sick? You set a trap and even blew us up together!"

"This trial is for us to work together to capture this Golden Light Thunder Pig. There is no benefit in blowing us up. Without people, you can't even eat the Golden Light Thunder Pig's exhaust. There are not many people chasing and intercepting. The speed difference is too big. There is no chance at all." The effect of training our speed!”

"That's right! If you don't want to increase your speed in this trial, just stop making trouble and watch the show by yourself!"

The angry voices of other trialists could be heard from behind. Lin Tianming didn't pay attention to the toys of these golden thunder pigs.


Before the golden thunder pig could run far away, Lin Tianming directly launched the soul-catching skill on the golden thunder pig in front of him that had just turned around and fled.

Suddenly, the Golden Light Thunder Pig twitched all over.

But its speed was so fast that it escaped Lin Tianming's sight in an instant, so that Lin Tianming's soul-stirring skill couldn't make a perfect attack on it.

"It seems that I still underestimated its speed. No wonder Teacher Jiang Han couldn't catch it at level 50, but it's only suitable to be my toy for these seven days!"

Although he was a little surprised that the extremely fast speed of the Golden Thunder Pig prevented him from perfectly using his soul-catching skills, Lin Tianming did not panic at all and continued to chase the Golden Thunder Pig.

The Golden Light Thunder Pig, which was hit by Lin Tianming's various skills, was obviously much slower and had to stop and rest from time to time.

This also gave Lin Tianming a chance to catch up with it.

As soon as he saw Lin Tianming chasing after him again, the Golden Light Thunder Pig was naturally very angry with Lin Tianming for plotting against it.

It directly wanted to ask Lin Tianming to eat its stinky farts in retaliation, just like it teased other testers.

Who would have thought that another soul-catcher forcefully interrupted its disgusting behavior of farting.

"I'm not one of those trialists who is worse than a pig like you. Just have fun with me!"

Listening to Lin Tianming's proud taunting words, Jin Guang Lei Pig once again burst out Jin Guang Lei's extreme speed in order not to be completely knocked unconscious by Lin Tianming's soul.

When the Jidao quickly got rid of Lin Tianming, he also got rid of the perfect power of soul-stirring.

If it hadn't been for the extreme speed to get rid of it in time, with the soul power of the golden thunder pig, it would have been impossible to hold up in front of Lin Tianming.

"Is this what happens when an ability reaches the ultimate level and you use your strengths and avoid weaknesses?"

The more times Lin Tianming fought with this golden thunder pig, the more interested Lin Tianming became in the extreme speed that Jiang Han said.

This extreme speed should be similar to the attribute field abilities of the goddess reborns. The understanding and understanding that belongs to the non-skill category cannot be copied.

Now he can kill enemies across so many levels without using super-level forbidden spells or copying high-level powerful skills.

If he really comprehends some kind of extreme ability, I can't imagine what kind of qualitative leap his combat power will take!

The more he thought about it, the more he looked forward to it. Lin Tianming also hoped to improve his speed as much as possible in this seven-day cat and mouse game.

There were many traps set by Lin Tianming in the forest in this secret realm. Lin Tianming also took advantage of the Golden Light Thunder Pig to be injured and drove it towards the traps without giving it any chance to breathe.

The other trialists also had a hard time catching up with the Golden Thunder Pig, and were screamed by the thunder attribute traps set by Lin Tianming again and again.

Lin Tianming had injected extremely violent thunder power into these traps in advance, which was enough to make the person who triggered the trap and the golden thunder pig drink a pot.

What was supposed to be a trial where all the trialists worked together to round up the Golden Light Thunder Pig to improve their speed abilities, turned into Lin Tianming's personal show.

Unconsciously, six days passed like this in the secret realm.

Outside the secret realm, the elders of the Thunder Palace who had previously prepared to laugh at Lin Tianming became darker than the last.

"Nonsense... It's just nonsense! If he does this, the other testers in my Thunder Palace will not be able to achieve the test effect of significantly increasing the speed limit in this round of Golden Light Thunder test!"

"Jiang Han, why did you choose such a rogue guy to be your student? He must be disqualified from the trial!"

"Yes, when Lin Tianming comes out, he must be disqualified from the trial! Our Thunder Palace does not allow such unruly people to participate in the trial!"

Listening to the angry remarks of the elders of Lei Ming Palace, Jiang Han felt very relieved.

She also responded forcefully: "I remember that in the first level of the last Thunder Palace trial, the Golden Light Thunder Trial, five trialists joined forces, so that other trialists did not get much of the effect of the speed trial. Why don't you see all the veterans? Stand up and reprimand the five trialists who influenced others to participate in the trial?

I'm afraid that if you don't see Tianming as an outsider who is not recognized by you, and think that he stole the show in the trial, Lei Ming Palace will be embarrassed and want to exclude him, right? "

Jiang Han spoke so directly, which also made the elders of Thunder Palace present even more furious.

"Pay attention to your identity, Jiang Han. You are the young master of the Thunder Palace. If the Thunder Palace is embarrassed, it is also embarrassing for you!"

Jiang Han continued to defend her precious student: "So the elders have admitted that they just feel embarrassed and can't afford to lose, and are deliberately ostracizing this child Tianming?"


"What are you doing? Aren't you embarrassed enough? Shut up, you won't die if you say less!"

This time, before the veteran of Lei Ming Palace who was arguing with Jiang Han could finish his words, the master of Lei Ming Palace scolded him.

When the Lord of Lei Ming Palace made such a statement, the elders of Lei Ming Palace could only shut their mouths indignantly.

But it can be seen from their faces when they watch the secret scene that they are still very dissatisfied with Lin Tianming.

Jiang Han looked happy.

Well done, little one!

Your teacher, I'm just waiting for you to slap these old guys in the face hard and make me angry!

With this thought in his mind, Jiang Han continued to stare closely at Lin Tianming in the picture.

The big shots from Kyushu at the scene were all very satisfied with Lin Tianming's stunning performance.

The rumors are indeed true. Lin Tianming, a first-year student who won the Poseidon Festival where all third-year students from Kyushu gathered, is undoubtedly the most talented person in the history of Kyushu's Awakeners!

Even his teacher Jiang Han couldn't compare with him in terms of talent.

Lin Tianming in the secret realm entertained himself with the Golden Thunder Pig for seven days.

However, his speed increase was not as high as he expected to catch up with the damage-free Golden Light Thunder Pig.

As long as the Golden Light Thunder Pig explodes with extreme speed, he will still be thrown away.

Although Lin Tianming's speed has really improved greatly in the past seven days, he is still not satisfied.

He also wants to have the ultimate speed!

In fact, he has done a good job and amazed all the onlookers outside the court.

When his teacher Jiang Han participated in the trial at level 50, he was only about the same level as he is now at level 39, which shows how amazing he is.

Extreme speed, the ultimate understanding and understanding of speed, may not be achieved even if one becomes a god.

There are only ten minutes left before the Golden Light Thunder Trial is closed, and the other trialists are too tired to move.

In the last ten minutes, chasing the Golden Light Thunder Pig would not bring much improvement. They might as well lie down and teleport out.

Only Lin Tianming was still thinking about how to have the speed of the Golden Light Thunder Pig.

"This stupid pig wasn't even an awakened beast in the beginning, but after it fused with the golden light thunder, it gained extreme speed. If I can fuse it too..."

As if he thought of something, Lin Tianming couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Heavenly dragon breathes!

The golden thunder pig was blown up into the sky by the trap he set, and Lin Tianming used Tianlong Breath to blast it to the ground.

Before the Golden Light Thunder Pig could react, Lin Tianming seized the fleeting gap and came to the Golden Light Thunder Pig.

God's Hand Copy!

Lin Tianming tried to copy the god-level power crystal to see if his copy of the hand of god would be affected.

The copy of God's Hand that he initiated did not respond, but there was an unexpected surprise.

That's because his hand of God's plundering had a trace of induction.

Although I can’t figure out why Hand of God’s copying and plundering both reacted at the same time in the past, but this time only the plundering reacted.

But Lin Tianming still decided to launch the Hand of God to plunder.

The moment the Golden Light Thunder Pig reacted and was about to escape from Lin Tianming with extreme speed, Lin Tianming's pressure also increased dramatically.

Whether it can happen or not depends on this moment!

Plunder for me!

The hand of God flashed with light, and the light of plunder directly disabled the Golden Light Thunder Pig's extreme speed on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tianming knew that he had succeeded.

When the Jin Guang Lei pig was plundered by Lin Tianming and Jin Guang Lei screamed like a slaughtering pig, Lin Tianming also had a winner's smile on his lips.

"From now on, your golden lightning belongs to me!"

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