Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 327 The Phoenix Flame Aegis is not afraid of the Yang Fire and Thunder Trial! I want to than

Lin Tianming had just made a plan, which was to reach the top as quickly as possible to obtain the Yang Fire Thunder Soul.

Then, while ensuring that he has a promotion spot, he will spend the rest of the time looking for Yang Huo Lei.

If he finds a Yang Fire Thunder that can be plundered, he can add another powerful thunder power.

He didn't care at all about other trialists.

However, they blocked him on his way to the summit quickly, which made Lin Tianming a little unhappy.

Since they are annoying, don't blame him for punishing them!

When he was over level 20, he could surpass level 50 awakeners without copying the super-level forbidden spells and opponent's skills.

Now that he has reached the forty-level level, and during this period he has continued to increase the limit of his combat potential, Lin Tianming is confident that he can now completely defeat the seventy-level awakened ones.

And it still doesn't copy the opponent's skills to increase power, nor does it use the super forbidden spell!

Unless he is a goddess reborn like Ye Qingxue, a high-level awakened person of level 70 cannot even think of touching him.

Just this group of trialists who are only at level 50 also want to touch him?

How naive!

Lin Tianming stared coldly at the tester in front of him who was trying to stop him.

He could have easily dodged and continued climbing to the top of the volcano, but instead he fired right back.

Transforming into a mechanical body, Lin Tianming directly blasted a lightning fist, instantly hitting the man and paralyzing him to the ground.

The man could barely resist the scorching heat and thunderous electricity of the volcano, but now he was unconscious and being burned by the power of the blazing flames.

Sensing that this person's life was in danger, the protective restraint was activated and he was instantly teleported out of the Yang Fire and Thunder Trial Place.

This also means that this person is eliminated directly.

However, this was not the end yet. Lin Tianming fired lightning fists one after another, defeating several more testers in an extremely violent manner.

Without exception, they all triggered protection restrictions and were sent out of the secret realm as eliminated.

In this short period of time, so many people were eliminated by Lin Tianming. The trialists in the secret realm were also shocked and trembled by the terrifying combat power displayed by Lin Tianming.

Lin Tianming was not one who would implicate innocent people, and he did not care about those who did not use harsh words to stop him.

However, Lin Tianming still warned them.

"If you also want to stop me from reaching the top quickly, I don't mind eliminating you all right here, so that no one in your Thunder Palace can advance to the final level of the Purple Thunder Trial!"

Upon hearing Lin Tianming's cold words, the trialists who were clearly in the volcano felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

With the combat power Lin Tianming showed just now, it is definitely not bragging to eliminate all of them by himself.

They were sure that together they would not be Lin Tianming's opponent.

In order not to be eliminated by Lin Tianming on the spot, they also quickly expressed their opinions one by one, saying that they would never follow the group of people just now and provoke Lin Tianming.

"Brother Lin...Uncle Lin, I never wanted to stop you from climbing from the beginning. You can't just eliminate me like this!"

"Me... too... I was definitely not among the people who tried to stop you just now. I hope you will learn from this, brother Tianming!"

"Please... please don't worry, I... I will never imitate the people who just stopped you from climbing to the top!"

Lin Tianming just glanced at the remaining testers coldly, said nothing more, and headed straight to the top of the mountain again.

Looking at Lin Tianming's back quickly climbing the volcano with the blessing of golden light thunder, the remaining trialists all let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh...I finally left...just now...just now it really scared me, I thought I was going to be eliminated by Anger!"

"Among those who were eliminated by Lin Tianming before, there are many who are the strongest among the Thunder Hall disciples this time, but because they insisted on provoking Lin Tianming, they lost the qualification to advance to the final level!"

"It doesn't matter if those people were eliminated for provoking Lin Tianming, at least we will have a better chance of fighting for the remaining promotion spots!"

Outside the secret realm, the elders of the Thunder Hall in the stands looked uglier than the last when they saw that so many Lei Ming Hall disciples had been eliminated by Lin Tianming just after they entered.

"This Lin Tianming is too arrogant. He eliminated so many of my Thunder Hall disciples just after entering!"

"If you don't concentrate on climbing, does he want me to have no one from the Thunder Palace who can advance to the Purple Thunder Trial?"

"That's right, Lin Tianming openly injured so many disciples of the Thunder Palace, and there are many disciples who are sure to get the quota. I don't think he takes my Lei Ming Palace seriously at all!"

Jiang Han listened to the remarks made by the elders of Lei Ming Palace, and she promptly spoke up to defend her precious student Lin Tianming.

"Are you blind? It was obvious that these eliminated Lei Ming Temple disciples had to provoke Tian Ming, so he eliminated them!"

The master of Lei Ming Palace also stood up for Jiang Han in time and said: "Han'er is right, these disciples insist on provoking that kid Tian Ming, so they deserve to be eliminated!"

When the elders of Lei Ming Hall saw that the master of Lei Ming Hall had made such a statement, they had no choice but to give up as they originally wanted to fan the flames.

Jiang Han received the support of the leader of Lei Ming Hall, so he naturally became more stubborn, and he was not at all ashamed of the group of Lei Ming Hall elders who tried to confuse right and wrong.

Seeing that the old guys stopped looking for trouble, Jiang Han continued to pay attention to Lin Tianming in the picture.

At this time, Lin Tianming was still surging with golden lightning all over his body, and with the blessing of Jidao's divine speed, he headed towards the top of the volcano as quickly as possible.

The temperature gets higher as you go up, and the terrifying thunder and lightning becomes more and more terrifying.

However, under the absolute defense of the Phoenix Flame Shield, Lin Tianming was not affected in any way.

This increasingly stronger flame power and thunder power have become the nourishment for his Phoenix Flame Shield's defense to become stronger and stronger.

"When this Thunder Palace trial is over, I must thank Senior Yanran when I go back. Her Phoenix Flame Aegis is so useful in this Yang Fire Thunder trial!"

He muttered to himself, because he couldn't feel any pressure, Lin Tianming climbed at full speed and reached the top of the mountain in less than an hour.

On the top of the volcano, there is a boiling, burning, and flashing magma pool with terrifying electricity.

Above the magma pool, ten spirits containing both thunder and fire attributes floated.

"This should be the Yang Fire Thunder Soul, right?"

Lin Tianming randomly took a piece of Yang Fire Thunder Soul into his hand, and first sensed it with the Hand of God.

Without any reaction, he pulled the remaining nine Yang Fire Thunder Souls in front of him.

"It's a pity that it is not a god-level power crystal and cannot be copied. Moreover, the power of Yang Fire Thunder contained in it is also very weak. It is not enough to form a complete Yang Fire Thunder for me to plunder and fuse..."

Shaking his head with some regret, Lin Tianming sent the remaining nine Yang Fire Thunder Souls back to their original places.

At this time, a voice sounded in the secret realm that made Lin Tianming feel extremely friendly.

It was his teacher Jiang Han who announced that he had completed the Yang Fire and Thunder Trial!

"The first climber of the Yang Fire and Thunder Trial has been born. He is Lin Tianming. He completed the summit in just one hour and obtained the Yang Fire and Thunder Soul!

The top ten who reach the top will not only absorb the power of the Yang Fire Thunder Soul, but will also advance to the final level of the Purple Thunder Trial! "

Hearing Jiang Han's voice, Lin Tianming knew that none of the elders of Lei Ming Palace who were responsible for this matter wanted to congratulate him.

He didn't appreciate their congratulations!

With teacher Jiang Han's congratulations, he was in a happier mood!

Looking at his Phoenix Flame Aegis, Lin Tianming also absorbed his Yang Fire Thunder Soul on the spot to further enhance the Phoenix Flame Aegis's defense.

When he perfectly absorbed Yang Huo Lei, Lin Tianming did not leave in a hurry, but began to look for Yang Huo Lei.

After some exploration, Lin Tianming fixed his gaze on the magma pool in the center.

After staring at the flickering magma pool and pondering for a moment, Lin Tianming came to the magma pool again.

This time he didn't care about the remaining nine Yang Fire Thunder Souls, but squatted down and placed his right hand on top of the boiling and burning magma pool.

With the Phoenix Flame Shield protecting him, Lin Tianming didn't have to worry about being burned.

As his right hand got closer and closer to the boiling magma surface of the magma pool, his hand of God's plunder gradually became responsive.

As soon as he sensed that there was something that could be plundered in the pool, the corners of Lin Tianming's mouth raised a slight arc.

"Got you!"

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