Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 328 The most powerful! So yin and soft! Harmony of yin and yang! Fusion of true yin and yang

The light of plundering flickered in the palm of his hand, and Lin Tianming also tried to take out the contents of the magma pool.

As the light of plunder in Lin Tianming's palm shone brighter and brighter, the magma in the entire magma pool boiled more and more.

The thunder and electricity that filled the surrounding area became more and more violent.

Lin Tianming's eyes narrowed, and he used all his strength to mobilize the hand of God to plunder, causing the treasures hidden in the pool to spurt out.

It was a shining thunder that was as hot as the blazing sun. The power of thunder was mixed with the power of powerful flames, exuding the aura of the most powerful sun.

"This exactly the same as the thundering Yang Lei. It's unmistakable. Yang Huo Lei is indeed Yang Lei!"

After confirming that the blazing thunder in front of him was the Yang Fire Thunder he was looking for, Lin Tianming continued to use all his strength to mobilize the Hand of God to plunder and began to absorb the power of Yang Fire Thunder.

Most of the trialists are still at the foot of the volcano, and only people outside the secret realm can see Lin Tianming plundering Yang Huolei with their own eyes.

"This outsider can actually absorb and fuse even Yang Fire and Thunder? Every time he participates in a trial, he fuses a new trial thunder power. This is too abnormal!"

"I have a strong feeling now that the Ziji Lei in the last level will also become his property. He is trying to collect all the rare thunders in my Thunder Palace!"

"I think Young Master Jiang Han must have seen Lin Tianming's potential, so he brought him to participate in the trial, in order to let him integrate all the thunder in the Thunder Palace and become more powerful!"

Listening to the discussion of the Lei Ming Hall disciples in the audience, Jiang Han wanted to say that they were overthinking.

She did have plans to take Lin Tianming to participate in the Thunder Palace trial and become stronger.

Only in this way can we prepare for the upcoming Global Higher Awakened Academy Competition.

But even she didn't expect that Lin Tianming could plunder and fuse all the thunder in the first four levels.

What Lin Tianming is doing now far exceeds her expectations for Lin Tianming, creating a historical record that has never been seen in Thunder Palace.

As Lin Tianming's teacher, Jiang Han was shocked, but also sincerely happy that Lin Tianming had such potential.

The master of Lei Ming Palace and the big shots in Kyushu all showed admiration and were very optimistic about Lin Tianming's future.

Only those few elders of Leiming Palace who had conflicts with Lin Tianming and Jiang Han were unable to accept the reality.

"Yanghuo Lei, also known as Yang Lei, is the most yang and strong power of thunder. This kid has absorbed the water dirty thunder, which is called Yin Thunder. It is the most yin and soft power of thunder. How did he do it? To absorb two kinds of repulsive thunder powers at the same time?"

"I have heard that there is a Lei family in Kyushu who inherits the Yin and Yang twin thunders, but it is a variant of the lightning attribute inheritance. There is no danger of fusion. It is completely different from Lin Tianming's difficulty in obtaining the Yin and Yang twin thunders through absorption. And the words..."

"Damn it... I let this kid steal the spotlight again... This Thunder Hall trial should have been a trial for my Thunder Hall disciples to shine, but instead it became Lin Tianming's stage!"

A few of them whispered, not daring to be too loud, lest they be heard and warned by the Lord of Thunder Hall.

At this moment, Lin Tianming in the secret realm had perfectly integrated Yang Huo Lei under the incredible gaze of everyone outside.

Lin Tianming could still feel the power of Zhi Yang Zhi Gang's thunder surging all over his body. This Yang Fire Thunder would also have a defensive bonus on his Phoenix Flame Aegis.

"It can even absorb the thunder power of Yang Huolei, which is the most powerful aura of Yang. In a sense, Senior Sister Yanran's Phoenix Flame Aegis is quite terrifying!"

After sighing at the Phoenix Flame Shield's seemingly omnipotent ability, Lin Tianming focused his attention on Yanghuo Lei again.

In addition to blessing the Phoenix Flame Shield, this Yang Fire Thunder can also further increase the strength of his physical body by a large amount.

If he enters the genetically ascended form and strengthens his flesh and blood body, and at the same time uses this Yang Fire Thunder, it will definitely further strengthen the genetically ascended flesh and blood body.

Experiencing the various benefits brought by Yang Huolei, Lin Tianming couldn't help but show a proud look.

After restraining the Yang Fire Thunder aura emanating from his body, Lin Tianming produced a brand new Yang Fire Thunder in his right hand.

After mastering the Yang Fire Thunder, Lin Tianming's left hand also had a Water Zang Thunder that was opposite to the power of Yang Fire Thunder.

For a moment, the most yin and soft thunder power spread out, competing with the most yang and strong thunder power.

One yin and one yang, the two forces of thunder that complement each other are harmonious in his hands.

Staring at these two completely reversed thunder powers, Lin Tianming's eyes suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, under the stunned gaze of everyone outside the secret realm, he forcibly fused the yin and yang twin thunders in his left and right hands.

If only separated from each other, these two completely opposite forces of thunder can still coexist.

But with Lin Tianming's bold behavior, the yin and yang thunder power began to become manic due to the forced fusion.

For a moment, the entire top of the volcano shook violently due to this forced fusion.

Jiang Han, who was outside the secret realm, saw this scene and his beautiful eyes froze.

"This kid...does he want to create a perfect yin-yang twin thunder that truly harmonizes yin and yang by fusing the water-zang thunder and the yang-fire thunder?"

When she said this, Lord Lei Ming's pupils shrank slightly.

"Can this child really do it? This is something that even the successive heads of the Lei family, who have inherited the mutant power of Yin and Yang, can't do it..."

"I don't know, but I hope so!"

Jiang Han shook her head. This kind of thing had never happened before, and she couldn't be sure.

None of the elders of Leiming Palace believed that Lin Tianming could do it.

"It is impossible to fuse the perfect yin and yang twin thunders!"

"The perfect fusion of Yin and Yang twin thunders into one, the reconciliation of Yin and Yang, only exists in theory. Even the successive heads of the Lei family who have the mutant power of Yin and Yang twin thunders can't do it. How can he do it if he is lucky enough to get the twin thunders of Yin and Yang!"

"Yes, he wanted to force the fusion, but in the end it would only cause the two mutually incompatible thunder powers to erupt with explosive energy, causing him to be seriously injured!"

Whether people outside the secret realm think highly of him or not has nothing to do with Lin Tianming.

He did not stop his seemingly crazy behavior because of this, and continued to provide a steady stream of thunder power to the water dirty thunder and sun fire thunder in the palms of his left and right hands.

Under Lin Tianming's continuous forcible fusion, the yin and yang thunder powers that were so mutually exclusive that they were about to burst began to gradually fuse in the palms of his hands.

And the more integrated the yin and yang are, the more the yin and yang are harmonized, and the power of repulsion becomes less and less.

When the water dirty thunder and the yang fire thunder merged perfectly, regardless of each other, a yin and yang double thunder that harmonized with yin and yang appeared in front of him.

"It may seem like there is a danger of exploding, but as long as you grasp the delicate balance of speed, you can successfully fuse. This is the real Yin and Yang double thunder!"

Lin Tianming was also ecstatic after successfully merging Yin and Yang twin thunders.

He tried to separate the yin and yang twin thunders again into water dirty thunder and yang fire thunder, and then continued to merge into the yin and yang twin thunders.

After repeating the cycle several times, he became more and more comfortable with it.

And everything he was doing was in the eyes of everyone outside the secret realm.

At this moment, Lin Tianming's fusion of Yin and Yang Thunder was like playing, which also subverted their inherent cognition.

After Jiang Han was briefly shocked, he looked playfully at the elders of Thunder Palace who were also stunned.

"Several elders, I don't know how to comment on my precious student who has completed the perfect fusion of yin and yang and thunder so easily?"

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