Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 392 Sorry for being too harsh! If a violator dies, the Northern Yin Territory doesn’t care,

"What...what is going on here? Why did that student from the Northern Yin Territory suddenly become covered in burns and his skin turned red? Damn...this...isn't this too scary? He is simply a monster!"

"Didn't you pay attention? Just now he took out an injection of medicine and pricked his arm, and he became like this! I think he can't beat Lin Tianming. If he is not convinced, he wants to take drugs to defeat Lin Tianming! "

"But this should be a banned potion, right? Turning into such a flaming monster...what's the point of winning?"

"It's really scary... Should there be rules for the Global Advanced Awakened Academy Competition? Are students really allowed to use this kind of potion? This should be considered a cheating violation, right?"

"Who knows? I see that the organizer at the scene seems to have made no move... It seems that he has acquiesced... After all, this person is from the Northern Yin Region, and the organizer is also from the Northern Yin Region, which has always been domineering and arrogant... everyone understands! "

At the competition site, everyone on the Kyushu side also looked livid.

"This should be considered a violation, right? The Northern Yin Territory is too despicable!"

"That's right, in order to win over Lin Tianming, he really did everything possible, Beiyin Territory!"

"Why does this guy's aura look scarier than Lin Tianming's? What level is he at now?"

Jiang Han, who was also below the ring, looked very unhappy.

"Level 50. After injecting the potion just now, his strength increased to level 50."

First, Jiang Han replied to the confused Kyushu students, and then looked at the senior officials of Beiyin Territory.

When she found that none of them had any intention of taking care of it, she knew that they had acquiesced in this matter.

The acquiescence to this kind of thing is most likely the result of the instructions from the higher-ups of the Northern Yin Territory!

[This is something that never happened in the last life... In this life, Beiyin Territory is really generous in order to destroy the child Tianming! 】

[But do you think you can win over the little boy Tianming this way? That's too naive! 】

Although Jiang Han felt that Lin Tianming was not afraid of the first-year students from Beiyin Territory using dirty tricks to improve their levels, she was still very angry when she thought that this was instructed by the top management of Beiyin Territory.

The other reborn goddesses who were watching the battle also had the same mentality as Jiang Han.

I believe Lin Tianming can win, but he still scorns Beiyin Territory for using such dirty tricks.

The most angry one was undoubtedly Ye Qingxue: "Brother Tianming, beat him up! This trash from the Northern Yin Territory cannot be your opponent even if he takes drugs!"

Feng Lan, who usually talks little, couldn't help it anymore: "Tian Ming, don't hold back on this kind of person!"

Meng Xiyue clenched her pink fist: "Yes, let him know what a real genius is!"

Nan Xiner also said: "Fight to death!"

Sophia from the Central Saint Realm, Lilith from the West Luo Realm, and Alice from the Northern Yin Realm were also in their respective teams, clenching their little pink fists to cheer for Lin Tianming.

They also looked down upon the first-year student from Beiyin on the stage who wanted to win against Lin Tianming even though he was destroying his foundation.

The senior officials from the Northern Yin Territory all had faint smiles on their lips.

In their opinion, no matter how fierce the people on the Kyushu side scream, they are just incompetent and furious.

On the stage, under the fierce attack of the drug-addicted first-year students from Beiyin Territory, Lin Tianming did not take action from beginning to end and kept dodging.

It looked like he was being suppressed and beaten by a first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory who had been briefly promoted to level 50. He was unable to fight back.

The senior officials of Beiyin Territory had been feeling aggrieved for more than half a month, and finally were released when Lin Tianming seemed to be losing ground.



Finally, Lin Tianming, who has been in the limelight for more than half a month, was beaten for once!

Today, they will let Lin Tianming be deposed on the stage!

That's right... just like Jiang Han thought.

This student union was secretly given the forbidden genetic mutation drug.

The purpose is to destroy Lin Tianming, the first-year talent in the first grade of Kyushu who steals the limelight today!

This fifth-level genetic mutation potion, as a masterpiece unique to him in the Northern Yin Region, can not only temporarily raise a person's level to level 50.

Moreover, it can also make the user's combat power of the same level at level 50 far exceed that of an ordinary level 50 awakened person.

In order to deal with Lin Tianming, they spent a lot of money.

They issued a death order. Even if they still couldn't defeat Lin Tianming, they would still cripple him.

But unexpectedly, the effect of the potion was better than they imagined. After taking it, the first-year student beat Lin Tianming violently.

This way we can better defeat Lin Tianming on stage!

He is worthy of being the world's leading genetic technology masterpiece in the Northern Yin Territory. This forbidden potion is really powerful!

As for what to do with Lin Tianming after his talent was deactivated, Beiyin Territory has also thought about it.

As long as they deny that they were instigated, apologize publicly, and superficially punish the students on the stage, Jiang Han and the people on the Kyushu side don't have absolute evidence, and they don't dare to do anything to them in the Northern Yin Region.

After all, this is their Northern Yin Territory, and Jiang Han is only a top awakener after all.

Even with the god-killing combat power, Jiang Han's mortal body could not support her long-term high combat effectiveness.

As the number one awakened force in the world in the Northern Yin Territory, there are many ways to hold Jiang Han back as long as he is in the Northern Yin Territory!

After destroying Lin Tianming, whose future potential is not inferior to that of Jiang Han, he will have Alice in the future of the Northern Yin Territory.

Coupled with the world's leading overlord-level awakened force in the Northern Yin Region, he will still rule the world in the Northern Yin Region in the future!

Thinking about it, if the situation didn't allow them to laugh too obviously, they would really like to laugh now.

Open the champagne on the spot and celebrate the death of Lin Tianming, the number one genius in Kyushu, at the speed of light!

On the stage, Lin Tianming faced the fierce attack from the first-year students from Beiyin Territory. He seemed to be losing ground, but in fact he was pretending on purpose.

He did this just to let the senior officials of Beiyin Territory have a good time first.

Only in this way... when he ruthlessly crushes this first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory, these senior executives from the Northern Yin Territory who have opened the champagne in advance and are going crazy with joy will be extremely happy and sad!

He wanted them to experience the thrill of opening the champagne in advance and falling from the clouds to the bottom!

At this moment, in Lin Tianming's eyes, the first-year student from Beiyin Territory, who was covered in burns and whose skin was flaming red, was just a genetically mutated monster that was gradually falling into madness.

Even if this monster really wins, the first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory whose supernatural talent is not weaker than Lei Dong will be ruined.

In order to destroy Lin Tianming, Beiyin Territory really knew how to spend a lot of money!

Even such a local genius is useless.

Just to satisfy their selfish desires!

This Northern Yin Territory seems to dominate the world and is unrivaled.

In fact, it is rotten to the core. Just waiting for someone to step on the accelerator, the Northern Yin Territory will completely fall apart.

Today...he, an outsider, just steps on the accelerator for the Northern Yin Territory!

Lin Tianming, who had had enough fun, glanced at the group of senior officials from the Northern Yin Territory who had faint smiles on their lips, and he also smiled.

It's time for you to cry too!

After thinking about it, Lin Tianming, who was still being beaten just now, used the Phoenix Flame Shield to perfectly resist the attack of the first-year student from the Beiyin Region.

At the same time, aggressive phoenix flames surged around him.

The phoenix flame that seemed to be able to annihilate all things turned into a boiling and burning flame spear.

The power of the Shinto realm filled the arena, and the crazy first-year student from the Northern Yin realm, who had awakened fire attributes, showed a look of fear at this moment.

Lin Tianming jumped into the air, his body burning with phoenix flames like a god of fire descending into the world.

"Ever since I learned this technique from Senior Sister Yanran, it seems that I have never used it before...I will use you to perform the surgery today!"

A skill in the Shinto field—the Divine Phoenix Spear of Annihilation!

With a silent thought in his heart, Lin Tianming looked down at the first-year students from Beiyin Territory on the stage, and then made a sudden throw.

The long song of the phoenix pierced the sky.

The Divine Phoenix Spear of Annihilation suddenly dropped at an extremely fast speed, piercing directly into the genetically mutated first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory.

The Divine Phoenix Spear of Nirvana swept through the Phoenix Flames that touched the path of Nirvana, and hit the first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory with an unstoppable force.


The destructive Phoenix Flame exploded and transformed into a powerful and fiery phoenix.

Blocking all sight in the ring.

As the beautiful and powerful phoenix-shaped flame gradually dissipated, the scene on the arena gradually became clearer.

But the first-year student from Beiyin Territory who had a genetic mutation just now disappeared.

"Dead...dead? That first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory if...burned to death by Lin Tianming's flames! And he was burned to the point of leaving no bones!"

"If this arena hadn't been able to block the attacks of the top awakened beings, those of us who were watching on the scene would have most likely been affected just now... the monster... this Lin Tianming is too strong!"

As the extremely frightened words of the two students rang out at the scene, everyone at the scene who was shocked speechless by the scene just now realized that the first-year student from Beiyin Territory had been killed by Lin Tianming.

This is the first time that a student has died in the arena since the Global Higher Awakened Academy Competition was held!

In such an atmosphere of panic and shock, Lin Tianming calmly landed on the ring.

He even looked at the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory with a smile.

"I'm sorry, it's rare to meet an opponent two levels higher than me, so I struck too hard in my excitement!

However... killing a student who violated regulations by using banned drugs by mistake can be regarded as helping Beiyin Territory clean up the door. Beiyin Territory, which has always upheld justice, shouldn't mind? "

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