Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 393 Untouchable! You have to protect Tianming carefully! The top management of Beiyin Territ

When the senior officials of Beiyin Territory heard Lin Tianming's remarks, they were all trembling with anger.

Ridicule... This is simply naked ridicule!

"Lin Tianming, the Global Advanced Awakened Academy Competition is a place for first-year geniuses from all over the world to compete, exchange and learn. No one has ever killed anyone in the ring before. You are really vicious at such a young age. !”

"Today, you must give me an explanation from the Northern Yin Territory! You have only awakened your powers for a year, and you are so murderous. Failure to punish you severely will only make you more evil in the future!

He must be abolished, and the students who were killed must be given an explanation, the Beiyin Region must be given an explanation, and everyone in the world who is watching the explanation must be given! "

"Yes, he must be abolished today so that the students who died at his hands can rest in peace!"

Jiang Han became angry instantly when he heard the bold remarks made by the senior officials of Beiyin Territory.

Just when she was about to stand up for her precious student Lin Tianming, Lin Tianming responded to the top officials of the Northern Yin Territory without fear.

"The ones who use prohibited illegal drugs are your students from the Northern Yin Region!

The first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory did not stop him after he violated the rules, allowed him to continue fighting on the stage, and did not do anything to threaten my life at one time. It is you, the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory, who did nothing!

Is this how you, the Northern Yin Region, become the organizer of the Global Academy Competition for Advanced Awakeners?

To be so arrogant and domineering in front of people from all regions around the world, is this the behavior that Beiyin Region, which has always claimed to be a place of justice, should have?

Now, in front of people from all regions around the world, I will ask you, Beiyin Region, on their behalf, whether you, Beiyin Region, will only show justice when you interfere in the affairs of other regions? "

At this moment, what Lin Tianming said while standing on the stage was also played in major live broadcast rooms around the world.

Most of the time, the global live broadcast of the Global Academy of Advanced Awakened Competitions will be equipped with commentators, who will explain the live competition and silence the competition site.

But after what happened just now, the first-year students from the Beiyin Region used illegal drugs, and the live broadcast rooms in various regions around the world also understood it well and played the sounds from the live broadcast.

What Lin Tianming said when he killed the first-year students of Beiyin Territory just now, and what he is now questioning the top officials of Beiyin Territory, have also spread throughout the world.

And it resonated strongly.

"Exactly! The Northern Yin Territory usually has nothing to do. They rely on their global hegemon-level awakened power to run rampant in all areas of the world. They pretend to be the defenders of the righteous world order, but in fact they are the destroyers who make all areas more chaotic!"

"Now it's their turn to commit a crime, but they let it go. If Lin Tianming, the Black Thunder God of Kyushu, hadn't been hard-working, he would be the one lying on the ring now!"

"Yes! Just because Lin Tianming was too strong and killed the first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory who used banned drugs, we can't let him, who was the victim, suffer such slander!"

"That's right! Lin Tianming is the victim, okay? Beiyin Territory is really used to bullying others, and such an open and transparent global competition still engages in such despicable methods!"

"Strictly investigate... We must strictly investigate Beiyin Territory! I suspect that the first-year student from Beiyin Territory who violated the rules and was killed was definitely ordered by the Beiyin Territory officials. He was jealous of Lin Tianming's talent and wanted to destroy him on stage. I killed Lin Tianming! I didn’t expect Lin Tianming to be so strong, and he was killed even after using banned drugs!”

"I think so too... As the organizer of the Global Higher Awakened Academy Competition, the officials of the Northern Yin Region did not stop it at the first time. They clearly condoned the murder. Maybe they were the masterminds. They have done such dirty and dirty things in the past. Are there still few?"

Not only the people from all over the world who were watching the live broadcast said this, but also the contestants from all domains on site, as well as senior officials, teachers and other personnel, were all excited.

Originally, Beiyin Territory wanted to take this opportunity to find a reason to abolish Lin Tianming, but they did not want Lin Tianming to use the opportunity to counterpress them.

"Turn off the live broadcast...Turn off the live broadcast first...This episode must not be broadcast!"

"Cut off all live streams... speed... speed... don't let the sound clips and pictures here be transmitted!"

The senior officials of Beiyin Territory also know that it is now being broadcast live around the world.

Letting Lin Tianming's inciting remarks spread would seriously affect their reputation in the Northern Yin Territory.

This is different from the previous live broadcast of the Crimson Sea Secret Realm Trial.

In the Crimson Sea Secret Realm, you can only monitor the screen, but you can't capture what the people inside said specifically.

Now in this arena competition, you can hear everything clearly!

However, with the public opinion completely in Lin Tianming's favor, what Beiyin Domain's senior officials said had no effect at all.

Except for a few live broadcasts in the Beiyin Region that have been turned off, the live broadcasts in other regions are still broadcasting everything that is happening here.

By the way, the words of the senior management of Beiyin Region who wanted to cut off the live broadcast were also recorded.

Now, all regions around the world know the face of the top officials of the Northern Yin Region at this moment.

As a native of the Northern Yin Territory, Alice was also furious at this moment.

Although she felt very embarrassed today, Alice did not stop the people from various regions at the scene from attacking their officials from the Northern Yin Region.

Having witnessed the destruction of the Northern Yin Territory in her last life, Alice knew very well that the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory were really rotten to the core.

Even if she wanted to save her after rebirth, it would be impossible!

She is not strong enough now, and it is impossible for her to have such a big say in the Northern Yin Territory.

She has already thought about it.

In this life, she only protects what she can protect.

Sometimes, destruction is not the beginning of a new life.

On the Kyushu side, Jiang Han saw that Lin Tianming alone had suppressed the Beiyin side by relying on the advantage of public opinion, so she temporarily stopped taking action.

As long as the Northern Yin Territory does not break the rules and suppresses her precious students without even caring about their image, she can completely watch from the sidelines with peace of mind.

In the arena, Lin Tianming continued to put pressure on the Beiyin Region due to the advantage of public opinion that people from all regions around the world were on his side.

"You, the officials of the Northern Yin Territory, should you also give me a reasonable explanation? Is the first-year student who used a prohibited agent just now and tried to kill me on stage, but I accidentally killed him instead? Instigated by the officials from the underworld?”

Even if the public pressure on this matter is great and people all over the world don't believe their lies, they can't admit it!

As long as you don't admit it, you will die without proof.

Even if anyone with eyesight knows that it was them who did it, there is nothing they can do to them!

The matter has reached this stage, and the senior officials of Beiyin Territory want to cut Lin Tianming into pieces.

But they knew that they couldn't move Lin Tianming now.

Once they really take action, their Northern Yin Territory will really become a global public enemy!

Although the senior officials of Beiyin Territory hated Lin Tianming to death, after weighing the pros and cons, they still had to work hard to put on a seemingly amiable and friendly look.

"I, the official of the Northern Yin Region, can guarantee in front of everyone in the world that I, the official of the Northern Yin Region, definitely did not instruct the first-year student just now. This was all done secretly by him for his damn desire to win. Illegal drugs!”

"The reason why we didn't stop him right away was because we were shocked when we saw that the child would use such illegal methods. We didn't recover for a while. By the time we recovered, he was already dead. We definitely didn't condone him intentionally. Violation of regulations!"

"Yes, Lin Tianming, our Beiyin Territory has always been synonymous with freedom and justice. We are deeply saddened by the emergence of students with such despicable characters. We hope you believe us. Our Beiyin Territory official has always been I have no intention of persecuting you!"

If Lin Tianming believed the lies of these high-level officials in the Northern Yin Region, then there would really be something wrong with him.

Their Northern Yin Territory officials did not admit this matter, and he indeed had nothing to do with them.

However, seeing that the senior officials of Beiyin Territory were so humble in front of him, his purpose of continuously exerting pressure to create an advantage in public opinion has been achieved.

If he was right, the live broadcasts of competitions in various regions around the world, as well as the hot searches on major social platforms, should be scolding the Northern Yin Region for being shameless.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianming felt even happier.

But before ending this matter, Lin Tianming wanted these high-level officials from the Northern Yin Region to humiliate him again in front of people from all regions around the world!

"So you officials from the Northern Yin Region have determined that the first-year student's death just now was his own fault?"

The senior management of Beiyin Territory felt extremely aggrieved, but in order to relieve the pressure, they had to continue to humble themselves and beg Lin Tianming for forgiveness.

"Even if he is a student from my Northern Yin Region and openly violates the rules in the global competition, our Northern Yin Region officials will never condone such a thing. If he died like this and did not accept the trial of people from all regions around the world, it would be considered It's cheaper for him!

Such a bad thing happened just now, which shocked you. I hope this will not affect your enjoyment of the competition! "

Lin Tianming would not really believe the senior officials of Beiyin Territory just because they were like this.

If he guessed correctly, they seemed to be groveling and submissive to him, Lin Tianming.

In fact, I was cursing him all the time.

He just liked to see them trying to beat him up and then making him look helpless.

Before stepping down, he also gave a piece of advice to this group of senior officials from the Northern Yin Region who hated him.

"I hope that as you said, this matter was not your mastermind. If similar incidents happen again in the next competition, I think you should also know very well... how people from all regions around the world will view you in the Northern Yin Region!"

As soon as these words came out, the senior officials of Beiyin Territory, who had originally thought of doing things more secretly in the future, all trembled.

Well, Lin actually blocked their escape route!

Next, even if they in Beiyin Territory don't want to harm Lin Tianming, they still have to treat Lin Tianming as their ancestor...

Because if something happens to Lin Tianming during the subsequent competition, even if it is not the official fault of Beiyin Region, others will subconsciously think that it is them.

Not only could they not touch Lin Tianming, but they also had to carefully hold Lin Tianming in their hands to protect him.

With just a little bump, the tidal wave of negative public opinions from all regions around the world can overwhelm their Northern Yin Region!

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