Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 398 Thunder Cannon Blast! My cannon seems bigger and stronger than yours!

"In order to defend the glory of the Northern Yin Territory, I must not lose!"

After his strength briefly increased to level 60, the first-year student from the Northern Yin Territory shouted loudly.

The sixth-order mechanical electromagnetic cannon restructured from his mechanical right arm burst out with dazzling light of thunder.

The gathered thunder power is like a light cannon, slowly condensing a huge thunder ball of light at the muzzle.

If the senior officials of Beiyin Territory in the audience were not concerned about their status, they would be so angry that they would curse their mothers.

In order to defend the glory of Beiyin Territory, this first-year student from Beiyin Territory said this, as if he was instigated by them!

In the eyes of everyone present who were full of hostility and disgust, in order to prove their innocence, the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory immediately stood up and tried to stop the battle.

"Stop here. If you use prohibited methods in the ring, you will be deemed to be directly eliminated!"

"You have already lost, step down and stop fighting in the name of my Northern Yin Territory!"

"The use of prohibited means is expressly prohibited. Step down immediately and accept the official review of our Beiyin Region!"

However, as top awakeners, they were knocked back by the light of the magic circle erupting from the arena.

This scene immediately dumbfounded them who were ready to prove their innocence.

" did this arena formation turn on its autonomous defense mode?"

"In this mode, only life and death battles will be enabled, and it should not be enabled during the global competition!"

"In the autonomous defense mode, even the top awakeners can't stop the two parties in the arena from fighting. Only they can come out on their own!"

Who did this?

It is to trap them, the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory, into injustice!

They swore that this time it was really not their fault!

The senior officials of Beiyin Territory are really about to cry at this moment.

However, their actions just now made everyone at the scene more convinced that it was them.

They must have started the independent defense mode in this arena!

Just to prevent other top awakeners from Kyushu from coming to the rescue!

So that their first-year student from Beiyin Territory could kill Lin Tianming on the stage after using forbidden methods.

They are pretending to save people like this, just to put on a show and get rid of suspicion!

People from all over the world who are watching the live broadcast of the competition are also filled with indignation and believe that it is the fault of the high-level officials of the Beiyin Region.

"The Northern Yin Territory is really despicable! In order to nip the Black Thunder God in the bud, he actually used such despicable methods!"

"In order to dominate the world, people from the Northern Yin Territory really do everything they can. Last time they used level 50 banned drugs without success. This time they went straight to level 60 and trampled on the rules of the global competition in front of people from all regions around the world. Rules, are the Beiyin Territory so domineering?"

"It's really abominable... Is it true that no one can control the Northern Yin Territory? They trample all kinds of rules time and time again, but they can't take any responsibility. Why should other regions be bullied by their Northern Yin Territory like this?"

"Control? Who can control the Northern Yin Territory? They are the awakened force at the global hegemon level. Even the second-ranked Kyushu is far inferior to the overall strength of the Northern Yin Territory. The number one in the Northern Yin Territory is the first in the gap level. They That’s why they are so unscrupulous, meddling in other people’s family affairs in the name of justice, while they themselves commit crimes and keep silent about it!”

"We can only wait for Jiuzhou to rise. They have Jiang Han who can kill gods, and now they have the Black Thunder God Lin Tianming. If Jiuzhou is given more time, maybe we won't have to be oppressed by the Northern Yin Territory in the future!"

In this short period of time, Beiyin Region once again became the target of verbal and written criticism from all regions around the world due to the illegal behavior of students on Taiwan.

Lin Tianming, as the person involved, was not that angry.

Feng Qingyun stood there calmly, looking calmly at the students from the Northern Yin Territory who were slowly condensing the thunder cannon.

"Are you sure you want to use it to blast me? It's not too late to step down now."

Before taking action, Lin Tianming planned to give the student another chance to return from his lost ways.

If the opponent really dares to use all his strength to activate the sixth-order mechanical electromagnet cannon to bombard him, then he will kill the opponent with one move.

Faced with Lin Tianming's admonishment, the Beiyin students felt that Lin Tianming was afraid.

After all, he is now level 60!

Moreover, with the mechanical transformation of the sixth-level mechanical electromagnetic cannon, the lethality of his move is far beyond what ordinary level 60 enemies can withstand.

This is also the real reason why the sixth-order mechanical electromagnetic gun is listed as prohibited mechanical modification.

The secret experiment of the Mechanical Cult, the sixth-level mechanical electromagnetic cannon is a sixty-level means, but it can kill the seventy-level awakened people on the spot without any defense.

This is a weapon that can kill enemies beyond levels!

However, the price is also high. Those who have been transformed and have awakened supernatural powers will also have their foundation of supernatural talents destroyed and become useless.

When the thunder cannon at the muzzle was condensed to its strongest energy state, the students from the Northern Yin Territory laughed ferociously.

"Go to hell, for the glory of the Northern Yin Territory! Damn Kyushu ants, they should be trampled under my feet forever by my Northern Yin Territory!"

He shouted that it was for the sake of the Northern Yin Region, but this student from the Northern Yin Region did not think so in his heart.

In order for the great plan of judging the church to be realized, you Beiyin Region and Kyushu should fight among themselves, hahaha!

It's worth sacrificing me just to bring about the destruction of the world by bringing the stars back into alignment!

You...all...will be judged by Him in the near future!

Seeing the crazy state of this Beiyin Territory student, Lin Tianming knew that the other party was hopeless.

If that's the case, don't blame him for killing him!

"It took you half a day to gather such a weak thunder light cannon. To be honest, your sixth-order mechanical electromagnetic cannon quite disappoints me."

As he spoke, Lin Tianming became mechanized again.

Hand of God - Copy!

As Lin Tianming started copying, his mechanical right arm also began to reorganize.

However, compared to the slow reorganization speed of the students in the Beiyin Territory, Lin Tianming's mechanical right arm completed the reorganization in an instant.

Moreover, the muzzle of the reorganized mechanical cannon looks thicker and larger than the muzzle of the mechanical cannon used by the students from the Northern Yin Territory.

It only took less than a second for the terrifying power of thunder to condense into an even more terrifying light cannon.

When he saw Lin Tianming condensing the thunder cannon so quickly, the first-year student from Beiyin Territory showed an expression of disbelief.

" this a sixth-order mechanical electromagnetic cannon? can you do it? No...why can your electromagnetic cannon be assembled so quickly...and it seems more powerful than mine?"

Facing the other party's questions, Lin Tianming responded with a confident smile.

"My cannon seems bigger and stronger than yours!"


As he finished speaking, Lin Tianming's condensed thunder cannon blasted out instantly.

At this time, the thunder cannon fired by the students from Beiyin Territory had already arrived in front of Lin Tianming, giving him the upper hand.

However, the attack by the students from Beiyin Region who made the first move was quickly disintegrated by Lin Tianming's larger and more powerful thunder cannon.

Lin Tianming's thunder light cannon scattered the thunder light cannons of the students in the Beiyin Region, and at the same time, it also attacked the students in the Beiyin Region with great speed.

The power of the dazzling thunder light cannon turned into a blue thunder beam, and the terrifying power produced obscured all sight lines at the scene.

"No...don't...don't kill me...don't...ah!"

The students from the Northern Yin Territory who were shouting to fight for the Northern Yin Territory just now still showed fear when death approached.

However it was too late.

Lin Tianming had just given him a chance, but if he didn't cherish it, his death would have been doomed.

Crushed by the absolute power, when the power of the thunder cannon gradually dissipated, the charred corpses of the students from the Northern Yin Territory also entered the sight of everyone at the scene.

There was still a sizzling residual power of lightning around the corpse, making everyone who saw it feel numb.

Another student from Beiyin Territory who tried to use prohibited means to harm others was killed on the spot by Lin Tianming!

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