Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 399 I have been observing you here for a long time!

Because Lin Tianming violently suppressed the students in Beiyin Territory, the scene fell into a brief silence.

After a long time, everyone at the scene who had slowly recovered began to become confused.

"Why does Lin Tianming know how to use a sixth-order mechanical electromagnetic cannon? Could it be that... he has also carried out prohibited mechanical modifications?"

"Isn't Lin Tianming from Jiuzhou also using prohibited methods? If so...even if he wins, will he still be eliminated?"

"Although he is very strong...the rules are the rules. If he also uses prohibited methods, he will definitely be eliminated!"

Noticing that something was wrong with the public opinion at the scene, Alice, as a native of the Northern Yin Territory, directly took the lead in speaking out for Lin Tianming.

"Lin Tianming's power is the SSS-level God's Hand, which can copy the opponent's skills, and his power can be made stronger by the additional increase of the God's Hand. He did not use illegal means to win!"

Because this is the first time Lin Tianming has used Hand of God to copy since he competed, most people don't know that this is the power he awakened.

The same is true for people from all walks of life around the world.

Everyone's impression of him is still that of the Black Thunder God, and they think that he is a person who has awakened thunder attributes.

Now that they learned that his power was not a thunder attribute, everyone was shocked.

"Lin Tianming, who is known as the Black Thunder God, doesn't have a thunder attribute power?"

"The Hand of God copies... just copies the opponent's skills... but it can also further increase its power? No wonder his thunder cannon looked more powerful just now... It turns out that's the case!"

"Then isn't he invincible? Isn't there any restriction on the copy of this God's Hand? The copied skills are actually stronger than the ones I can use!"

"Perhaps this is genius... There really is a monster among the first-year students in Kyushu!"

With Alice coming to Lin Tianming's rescue, the unfavorable public opinion atmosphere for Lin Tianming quickly subsided at the competition site and in live broadcast rooms around the world.

Lin Tianming glanced at Alice in the audience gratefully: "Thank you, Alice."

Faced with Lin Tianming's thanks, Alice also smiled slightly.

"We are both rivals and friends. I don't want you to fall for some inexplicable reason before you meet me."

Lin Tianming finished a brief exchange with Alice, and then looked at the senior officials of Beiyin Territory.

"Do you have anything to say? You don't want me to give you an explanation from the Northern Yin Territory again, do you?"

When the senior officials of Beiyin Territory heard Lin Tianming's question, they all smiled and did not dare to offend him.

Originally, because of the illegal behavior of the student from Beiyin Region, everyone believed that they were the instigators.

They really don't dare to mess around at this time.

Now they just want to prove their innocence.

"Lin Tianming, you are joking. We are happy to see you get off the stage safely!"

"That's right! We wanted to stop the illegal student just now, but the independent defense mode of the arena... you... you also saw it, this time it was really not our instigation!"

"I, the official of Beiyin Region, in front of all regions around the world, hereby guarantee that what happened just now was not our instigation. It was all the personal behavior of that first-year student and has nothing to do with us!"

The senior officials of Beiyin Territory told the truth this time.

But no one at the scene believed the truth.

This is what happens when bad things are done too often. Even if they are innocent, others will subconsciously think that they did it.


Alice became angry when she saw these high-level officials from the Northern Yin Territory. She snorted coldly and left the scene first.

She doesn't want to be embarrassed along with them!

As the eldest lady of the Shenghui family in the Sky Capital of the Northern Yin Territory, she is not afraid of what these high-ranking officials in the Northern Yin Territory will do to her.

Even the people from Beiyin Territory who were present felt that it was embarrassing to stay with them, so they left quickly one by one.

None of them believed in them, let alone the contestants, teachers, and senior officials from all fields present.

Lin Tianming was the victim. Although he was not injured, he did not have any good feelings toward these senior officials from the Northern Yin Region.

"Anyway, there is no evidence, so you just need to deny it, and I won't do anything to you."

With these words, Lin Tianming jumped down from the ring and returned to Jiuzhou Yifang.

"Brother Tianming!"

Ye Qingxue quickly clung to him and held Lin Tianming's arm affectionately.

Feng Lan, Meng Xiyue, and Nan Xiner also came over.

Other people from Jiuzhou also came forward to greet Lin Tianming.

Lin Tianming communicated with them for a moment and said with a smile: "Today's competition is over, let's go back and rest!"

Now Lin Tianming is like the leader of Jiuzhou.

No one had any objections to his proposal, and everyone returned to the Kyushu rest area with him.

When passing by the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory, everyone on the Kyushu side looked at the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory with looks full of hostility and disgust.

The senior officials of Beiyin Territory also felt aggrieved.

They also hate Lin Tianming, but this time it really has nothing to do with them.

In order to prove their innocence, they had to laugh at the cold face of Kyushu.

In order to prevent them from showing angry expressions and being captured by the cameras in various areas at the scene.

Then take some interesting headlines and post them online, and they can’t explain it even more clearly.

On the way back, he found that Jiang Han was not in the team, and Lin Tianming realized that she had not come to the scene.

He looked at the person next to him and asked, "Isn't Teacher Jiang Han here?"

"No." Ye Qingxue shook her little head.

The other members of the Jiuzhou side all shook their heads, indicating that they had not seen Jiang Han.

Lin Tianming frowned when he saw that they didn't know where Jiang Han had gone.

He remembered that after he broke through level 49, Teacher Jiang Han accompanied him to the scene.

Why was it that when we arrived at the scene, the person was missing?

While Lin Tianming was thinking about where his teacher Jiang Han was, in a corner of the competition site where no one was paying attention, a mysterious man surrounded by stars showed a disappointed expression.

"What a pity...I thought I could kill this Jiuzhou Lin Tianming..."

"But it doesn't matter. Making the relationship between Kyushu and Northern Yin Territory more tense is also part of our great plan. As long as they are hostile to each other and have no time to take care of other things, we will be one step closer to the success of our big plan!"

"As for Lin Tianming, who dares to ruin our good work of collecting negative emotions in the Capital of Heaven... we can take care of it slowly!"

After muttering to himself for a while, the mysterious man kept his aura hidden throughout.

Under normal circumstances, as long as he doesn't actively expose himself, no one will notice him.

After watching the conflict between Kyushu and the Northern Yin Territory for so long, as well as the drama of the Northern Yin Territory being verbally criticized by all regions around the world, the mysterious man who had had enough fun decided to leave.

"This place has attracted a lot of attention for us. I think the progress over there should be almost complete. It's time for me to leave!"

Just when the mysterious man was about to leave, the terrifying power of thunder surging around him caused his expression to change.

Immediately afterwards, a cold female voice sounded slowly, which made him feel even more ominous.

"I have been observing you here for a long time. Tell me, who are you? What is your plan?"

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