Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 435 Even with all the skills in the Shinto field, Alice could not be defeated! A close fight

As expected, Alice is still the same familiar girl!

Lin Tianming did not use psychic transformation to dodge, but Yang Fire Thunder surged around his body.

The blazing sun fire thunder directly hit Alice head-on, colliding with the silver-white mechanical sword of the mechanical doll.


There was no winner or lose in one move. With the blessing of Jin Guanglei, Lin Tianming instantly crossed over the mechanical doll and got close to Alice.

"Ming, have you not fought for too long? I'm not afraid of you getting close to me!"

【Thousands of Silk Killing Formation! 】

Alice didn't panic at all, and used her own body to trap Lin Tianming who dared to get close to her.

As the silver-white mechanical threads in the Thousand Threads Killing Formation became denser and denser, more and more blood marks appeared on Lin Tianming's skin and clothes.

"Be serious, I know you are more than capable!"

With another scream, Alice's mechanical doll cooperated with her own Thousand Threads Killing Formation and violently slashed at Lin Tianming who was in the Thousand Threads Killing Formation again.

When Lin Tianming saw this, he immediately turned into a spirit body, trying to avoid Alice's true form and the mechanical doll.

"It seems that you haven't fought me for so long that you have forgotten that your move is useless on my side! Show me!"

Alice was trying to make Lin Tianming's spirit body condense into a physical entity, but unexpectedly, she felt her brain agitated and her soul trembling.

This also made her in a trance, unable to let Lin Tianming exit the spirit form.

"Alice, I think you haven't fought me for too long. Do you think I'm still at level ten?"

After Lin Tianming successfully escaped from trouble, he also returned the favor to Alice.

After a brief absence, Alice regained her composure very quickly.

"Your move is a bit interesting, but it's only a bit interesting. The thing I'm not afraid of the most is the soul attack!"

Seeing how quickly Alice lifted his spell, Lin Tianming also felt something bad.

The next moment, his body was forcibly condensed into a physical body by Alice's skills.

The silver-white mechanical sword of the mechanical doll also arrived soon after.

When it was slashing at him, the blood-red light in the eyes of the mechanical doll also burst out into blood-red light beams, attacking Lin Tianming together.

Furious Thunder Armor!

However, as soon as Lin Tianming condensed the Furious Thunder Armor, it was instantly shattered by the blood-colored light beam.

The blood light released from the eyes of this mechanical doll is far more powerful than the mechanical secret realm at the same level!

His pupils shrank slightly. Unable to transform into a spiritual body and unable to close the distance for a short time, Lin Tianming immediately activated the Phoenix Flame Aegis and the mechanical body.

He thought he could withstand Alice's attack in this way, but his Phoenix Flame Shield and mechanical body were quickly shattered.

Lin Tianming, who had returned to his flesh and blood body and had the last means of defense left, immediately entered the genetically ascended form to strengthen his flesh and blood body to resist.

Yakuza attack!

Who would have thought that Alice would be more ruthless. When the blood-colored light beam and the silver-white mechanical sword were about to hit him, she added a Yakuza attack.

At this time, even though the previous defensive skills had reduced most of Alice's attacks, Lin Tianming still trembled suddenly after being hit.


Lin Tianming, whose energy and blood were surging, coughed up blood on the spot, and the genetically ascended form of the Star Dragon Pattern Angel was almost destroyed by Alice.

Fortunately, Lin Tianming activated Qingmu Lei in time and barely managed to keep his genetically ascended form.

Heavenly dragon breathes!

It was Teacher Tianshui's attack and recovery skill of Tianlong Breath that made Lin Tianming look much better.

However, Alice's offensive did not stop there. It continued in waves, and became more and more frequent.

She is now in control of the initiative, further blessing the extreme speed.

This also caused Lin Tianming to be passive and unable to deal with it even though he had the ultimate speed of Jin Guanglei.

This Alice... is too cruel!

Do you want to use such a cruel move right from the start?

Lin Tianming originally wanted to test out small skills first, and then slowly use stronger tricks.

But he misjudged the situation and was suppressed by Alice, who started to attack immediately. He never had a chance to catch his breath.

This reminded him of how he had seized the opportunity to fight against Alice in the Mechanical Secret Realm without giving her a chance to breathe.

Unexpectedly, this time, it was his turn to be so passive!

No...the situation must be broken!

Just use Qingxue’s trick!

Icicles of death!

The sky icicles that touched the power of the Law of Death fell from the sky and directly froze the silver-white mechanical sword of the mechanical doll.

Although the mechanical doll quickly shattered the ice, Lin Tianming finally no longer had to defend passively.

Galaxy Falls!

Lin Tianming, who turned from defense to offense, waved his hand and unleashed water-attribute power like a waterfall of stars.

The mechanical doll was immediately hit and flew backwards.

"It's my turn to feel good, Alice!"

The starry sky dragon is angry!

Judgment Star Sword!

The Starlight Dragon's fury and the Angel's Judgment Star Sword descended at the same time, directly attacking Alice's body.

Alice's mechanical doll tried to defend itself, but was directly intercepted by a rising wall of lightning.

After slashing the wall of thunder and lightning with one knife, the mechanical doll was dragged back by the ghosts of Baigui Yakou, unable to save Alice's body for a while.

Lin Tianming also seized the opportunity and continued to add ingredients to Alice's body.

Divine Phoenix Spear of Annihilation!

"Try this again, Alice!"

Lin Tianming once again transformed from his genetically ascended form into a mechanical body, blasting out lightning fists.

Raging Thunder Soul Seal!

He also used the Raging Thunder Soul Seal to pull out part of Alice's own soul and condense it into the shadow of her own soul outside the body, so that she could withstand four times the attack.

Thunder of divine punishment!

Purple Thunder Demonic Eyes!

Lin Tianming also stopped testing Alice, and used the skills in the Shinto field as soon as he made a move.

It even has the ultimate attack of Zi Ji Lei.

Suddenly faced with the bombardment of so many Shinto domain skills blessed by Ziji Lei, Alice's pretty face also changed.

Lin Tianming used all of his strongest skills except the Super Forbidden Spell at once, and wanted to kill her with one move!

Feeling the unprecedented pressure, Alice took a deep breath without the help of the mechanical doll, and her whole body glowed with a faint silvery white light.

The silvery white light was the power of mechanical ascension, and Lin Tianming, who was also a mechanical ascension user, recognized it at a glance.

I saw Alice quickly condensing a mechanical ascension light shield with silver-white mechanical brilliance, protecting her whole body.

Then, she controlled thousands of mechanical threads with added Ji Dao attacks, trying to use the attacks to offset most of Lin Tianming's power in the Shinto field.

In this way, her condensed defensive light shield can catch the remaining power more easily.


The moment the dense mechanical threads collided with all Lin Tianming's Shinto domain attacks, a terrifying power erupted.

Although attacking each other blocked part of the power, Lin Tianming's offensive was still overwhelming and attacked Alice's true form.

The mechanical ascension light shield was also quickly filled with cracks under the impact.

But under the delay of thousands of mechanical threads and mechanical light shields, Alice's mechanical doll finally came back.

The silver-white mechanical sword was originally larger than a mechanical doll. In order to protect Alice, the mechanical sword quickly grew to be larger than a tall building.

With a sudden wave of power against all Lin Tianming's skills in the Shinto field, the silver-white sword light and the blade of the broadsword together disintegrated all Lin Tianming's offensive.

Alice, who narrowly avoided injury, was relieved. At the same time, she looked at Lin Tianming confidently.

"Ming, come on, let me see your super forbidden spell!"

When Lin Tianming heard this, his eyes darkened.

He knew that he couldn't copy Alice's skills to fight, so before the game today, he copied twenty super forbidden spell skills.

Now except for the Super Forbidden Spell, all the other strongest methods have been basically used. There are still a few skills that have not been used, and the winner cannot be determined for a while.

If they continue like this, they don’t know how long they will have to fight...

Only by using the super forbidden spell can we defeat Alice quickly!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianming's eyes narrowed.

"Since you want to see it so much, then I will make it happen for you, Alice!"

This time, Lin Tianming did not use the Divine Punishment Thunder Light, a growth skill he had learned in the Shinto field.

Instead, it uses the lightning of divine punishment that uses the power of the super-level forbidden spell that was copied from Teacher Jiang Han today!

For a moment, the entire arena was under the power of the ultra-forbidden cursed thunder light, and was filled with terrifying thunder that even breathed in electricity.

The sky above the ring was filled with thunder and lightning, filled with rolling thunderclouds.

The strongest defense mechanism of the arena was directly triggered, intercepting the super-level forbidden curse world phenomenon that would cover the entire large city once it spread.

All the senior officials from the Northern Yin Territory in the audience were shocked when they saw this scene.

" this a super forbidden spell-level thunder power skill?"

" is this possible? He awakened person at level can he master the super-level forbidden spell?"

"This power... is unmistakable... it is a lightning attribute skill at the level of a super-level forbidden curse! If this arena were not able to defend against the attacks of top-level awakeners... Lin Tianming's power of super-level forbidden spells would definitely cover the entire Capital of Heaven. !”

"If this move hadn't been blocked in the ring... many ordinary people would have died! He... how on earth did he do it?"

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