Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 436: Super Forbidden Curse Confrontation! Alice can also perform super forbidden spells! Tia

After holding it in for so long, Lin Tianming showed his strongest life-saving trump card in public for the first time without any scruples since he awakened his powers.

The super forbidden spell - the lightning of divine punishment!

The power of the same Heavenly Punishment Thunder copied from Jiang Han far exceeded Lin Tianming's own Heavenly Punishment Thunder.

The majestic thunder god statue is also the punishment thunder of the god of punishment that has been lowered to the level of super forbidden curse.

The power of the blue thunder flashed, as if to regard Alice as a sinner who had offended the gods, and to punish her on the spot to destroy her body and soul.

Everyone present had their hearts in their throats because the senior officials of the Northern Yin Territory had just seen that Lin Tianming had cast a super-level forbidden spell.

Even if they were not the ones being attacked, the terrifying power of the super-level forbidden spell was not something that most of the first-year students present could withstand.

Witnessing the power of the super forbidden curse with their own eyes, most people looked horrified.

Audiences from all over the world, even across the screen at this moment, were shocked by the power of the super-level forbidden curse thunder that pierced the sky.

In this era where it is impossible to become a god, the Super Forbidden Curse represents the pinnacle of superpowers in this world!

With one move, if it is not blocked in a specific area, it can destroy an entire large city!

"Just now, the live broadcast room specially showed the pictures to those high-level officials in the Northern Yin Region. They actually said that this is a super-level forbidden curse... is it true or false?"

"Those high-level officials in the Northern Yin Territory are all top awakeners. It must be true! And...and if you observe the power's really terrifying...even if it's's not something that ordinary skills can cause." of!"

"This... how can I fight against this Alice? The Black Thunder God can actually use the super-level forbidden spell... This is too scary... He is only level 50, but he already has the combat power of a top awakened person. It can be said... he is It’s no exaggeration to say that he is one of the strongest awakened people in this world!”

"I have only been practicing for one year... and I have already... stood at the pinnacle of the path of superpower cultivation... Who... who can do it? After this battle, Lin Tianming of Jiuzhou... I am afraid he is not the most talented person in the history of the world. people!"

Just one year of training to cast the Super Forbidden Curse can shock all regions around the world. If they knew that Lin Tianming could copy the Super Forbidden Curse just after awakening, and the possibility of defeating the top awakened person with a first-level theory, I don't know them. What would you think?

At this time, at the competition site, Alice faced the power of the super forbidden curse falling from the sky, without any fear in her eyes.

She knows that now people from all regions around the world must feel that she has lost.

But she will never fall here when she is reborn!

It's time to show her full strength!

With this thought in mind, Alice and her mechanical dolls both felt the terrifying power of thunder surge around them.

"Super Forbidden Spell—Thunder World Demonic Network!"

The deity and the mechanical doll roared loudly at the same time, and the terrifying power of thunder spread quickly like an electric grid and shot straight into the sky.

In just a moment, the thunder net condensed into a thunder magic net barrier, exuding a super forbidden spell-level defensive capability.

Lin Tianming was shocked when he saw this scene.

Alice... actually knows how to cast the Super Forbidden Curse?

How did she do it without the hand of God to copy?

Everyone else at the scene was also dumbfounded.

It was outrageous enough to think that Lin Tianming would cast the Super Forbidden Curse...

Who would have thought that Alice from the Northern Yin Realm would do the same!

"This is indeed a lightning-attribute defense skill at the level of super-level forbidden spells... I didn't expect Alice from the Northern Yin Region... to be able to use super-level forbidden spells just like brother Ming!"

In the Xiluo Domain viewing area, Fiona couldn't help but take a deep breath when she saw Alice also casting the Super Position Spell.

Lilith frowned, feeling confused.

She is certain that Alice would never have learned the super-level forbidden spell in advance before becoming a top-level awakener in her previous life!

More than just Lilith.

The other Goddess Reborns at the scene also found it hard to believe that they had cast a super-level forbidden spell on Alice.

This is different from what they remember!

And even if they were reborn, they still couldn't learn the super-level forbidden spell in advance at such a low level!

How did Alice do it?

In the arena, the power of the Super Forbidden Curse of the Divine Punishment Lightning was perfectly defended by the defensive ability of the Super Forbidden Curse of the Thunder World Demon Network.

But the Thunder World Demonic Network also completely collapsed after being perfectly defended.

Before Lin Tianming could figure out why she could also perform the super-level forbidden spell, Alice turned from defense to offense.

She and her mechanical doll continued to synchronize and cast the second lightning-attribute super-level forbidden spell.

"Super Forbidden Spell - Earth Thunder Eel!"

Countless super forbidden thunderbolts that looked like electric eels quickly attacked Lin Tianming from the floor of the arena.

[Ming, in this life... I must win you! 】

Listening to Alice's inner cry, Lin Tianming immediately entered the genetic ascension form and quickly flew into the sky.

But the big thunder eel also broke away from the ground and chased him.

The super forbidden spell——Purple Thunder Shocking Sky!

At the moment when the purple thunder sky and the earth thunder eel were canceling each other out, Lin Tianming also continued to launch two super-level forbidden spells.

They are the Black Flame Demonic Arrow copied from Fiona, and the Purple Thunder Demonic Prison copied from Teacher Jiang Han.

Use the purple thunder prison to seal off Alice's body, and then use the black flame arrows to launch a group attack, attacking Alice's body and her mechanical dolls.

He didn't believe that Alice's super-level forbidden spell skills could be as good as his!

Who would have thought that Alice would also cast two lightning attribute super forbidden spells in succession.

Throughout the entire process, Alice is in sync with her robotic doll.

[In this life, my mechanical doll has evolved with me in advance. Coupled with my experience in the previous life, when it reaches level 50, as long as it is charged with enough energy at the level of super-level forbidden spells, it will be able to cooperate with me. Cast a super forbidden spell! 】

After battling with Alice for a long time with the Super Forbidden Curse, Lin Tianming finally learned from her voice that she could also cast the Super Forbidden Curse at level 50.

Charging the mechanical doll doll with supernatural energy at the level of the super-level forbidden spell in advance is similar to his copying the super-level forbidden spell skill in advance with the Hand of God.

I just don’t know what the charging limit of Alice’s mechanical doll is.

If he copied more than twenty skills, then he would be in danger today!

With this thought in his mind, Lin Tianming began to compete with Alice.

Next, the two of them launched a protracted battle between super-level forbidden spells in front of all regions around the world.

If the two of them are top awakeners, people from all regions around the world will definitely not be surprised.

But both of them are only level 50, which is terrible!

This battle refreshed the awareness of awakened people around the world!

After this battle, no matter who wins, the two of them will become peerless geniuses who can leave a mark in the history of global awakeners!

At this moment, their stunning level is no longer limited to one region or one state, but is worthy of being remembered by everyone in all regions around the world.

As long as human history does not die out, there will be people who will talk about the records they created today in endless years.

Unknowingly, Lin Tianming and Alice fought hard until the last super-level forbidden spell skill was used up.

All twenty of his super forbidden spells have been used up, and he can no longer cast the super forbidden spell.

Alice's mechanical doll has also reached the limit of its super-charged forbidden curse power.

The consumption of the super-level forbidden spell also made them both almost exhausted.

Even if both of them had the ultimate recovery speed during the battle, it would not be enough for them to consume.

Although Alice has exhausted all the super-level forbidden spell charges, she still has a strong desire to win and wants to prove herself in this battle.

Under her control, the mechanical doll attacked Lin Tianming directly.

When Lin Tianming saw this, he immediately turned into a spirit body and easily avoided Alice's mechanical doll attack.

"Alice, what's wrong with you, this mechanical doll? You have the blessing of the ultimate speed, but it's still so slow! Otherwise... you're too tired, just give up?"

Both parties were in an extremely weak state at the moment, but Lin Tianming found that his physical limit was obviously much higher than Alice's.

This also gave him the confidence to defeat Alice!

Alice also saw from Lin Tianming's dodge just now that he seemed to be in a better condition than her.

But her belief in victory did not waver.

"You want me to admit defeat? I'm dreaming! The one who wins today must be me, Alice!"

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