Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 647 The strongest combat power of the Mechanical Advanced Corps! Turns out to be a crazy whe

Su Qianqian was still very moved when she noticed that Lin Tianming used the power of original chaos to prevent the self-destruction program set by the mechanical mastermind Tianming in advance.

She was just moved, but she didn't feel that she was about to self-destruct. What else could Lin Tianming do?

"Thank you. It's my honor, Huo Wu, to know you, the great hero who expelled the True God of the Creepy God. Don't waste your power on saving me. Your power should be preserved as much as possible to deal with the mechanical mastermind Tianming."

Su Qianqian accepted her fate, but Lin Tianming did not.

Little Loli Apocalypse and the others also felt that no matter how strong Lin Tianming's original power of chaos was, it would be impossible for a mechanical ascended god who fell into self-destruction to survive.

Just when they were about to persuade Lin Tianming to stop doing useless work, a magical scene made them all stare wide-eyed and unable to say a word.

I saw that Su Qianqian's self-destructing mechanical god's body actually slowed down the speed of self-destruction under the infusion of Lin Tianming's original power of chaos.

And as time goes by, the slowed self-destruction speed will soon completely return to zero.

As the self-destruction speed returned to zero, it also declared that Su Qianqian's idea of ​​destroying the mechanical mastermind was bankrupt.

Little Loli Tianqi fainted: "Is this... is this okay?"

Fairy Qinglei couldn't help but sigh: "Little cutie, your original power of chaos is too outrageous, isn't it? You can even stop the self-destruction program!"

Star Key Angel couldn't help but nodded: "'s indeed a bit outrageous!"

After a brief shock, the Thunder Dragon Emperor said happily: "As long as I can save people, Tianming is really a person who can continue to create miracles!"

Su Qianqian herself gradually recovered after being shocked for a long time.

Thinking that she was about to die and come back to life, Su Qianqian's pretty face showed a grateful look.

"Thank you, Lin Tianming!"

"Thank you, no need. Next time, don't accept your fate so quickly!"

Lin Tianming smiled and extended his big hand, just like he did in Rhine City before, he also extended his big hand to Su Qianqian.

This time, Su Qianqian accepted it very happily.

He took the initiative to place his jade hand in Lin Tianming's big hand, and stood up without taking advantage of the situation, and did not run away like before.

"You are worthy of being a great hero who can expel the true form of the Strange God. You not only have the hope of destroying the destiny of the mechanical mastermind, but also the hope of completely annihilating all the Strange Gods!

Although I have recovered my previous memories, I still can’t help but want to admire you and treat you as a great hero! "

As she talked, Su Qianqian, who had obviously recovered her true personality, once again acted like a girl who admired Lin Tianming.

This will make Lin Tianming unable to deal with it.

Why did Su Qianqian change back again?

Another goddess whose personality only changes when she's around him!

How about making a pair for Su Qianqian and Ye Qingxue!

Lin Tianming, who had a headache, rubbed his eyebrows.

Little Loli Tianqi said at the right time: "Since Huo Wu has successfully escaped, let's move on!"

Hearing what Little Loli Tianqi said, Lin Tianming stopped thinking about Su Qianqian's star-chasing state for the time being, and nodded seriously.

"Well, it's time to move on. By the way... should I continue to call you Su Qianqian... or Huo Wu?"

Walking on the road leading deeper into the Mechanical God City, Lin Tianming also asked Su Qianqian what she thought.

If Su Qianqian, whose memory has recovered, likes her previous name, Lin Tianming will still respect Su Qianqian's idea and call her Huowu.

When talking about this issue, Su Qianqian gave Lin Tianming a direct answer without even thinking about it.

"Just call me Qianqian. Just call me what Tianqi and the others call them, and you can call me yours. After all, I know you as Su Qianqian!"

Su Qianqian's answer still made Lin Tianming very happy.

Compared to the name Huowu, his current name of Su Qianqian is indeed more smooth!

"Then I'll call you Qianqian!"

After solving the problem of Su Qianqian's address, Lin Tianming and his group walked in the one-way passage for a long time, and little loli Tianqi also had new questions.

"Huo Wu, you should also have the memory of this body's loyalty to the destiny of the mechanical master brain before, right? How long will it take for us to find the destiny of the mechanical master brain after this?"

Her question also aroused the curiosity of Lin Tianming and others.

Under the watchful eyes of Lin Tianming and others, Su Qianqian satisfied their curiosity while walking.

"There is one last and most powerful member of the Mechanical Tip Corps left, and she is actually about the same combat power as me.

But because there are hidden dangers in the separation of my soul and the mechanical body, she is more reused by the destiny of the mechanical master brain. She is connected to the core of the destiny of the mechanical master brain and can explode with stronger combat power than herself.

Defeating her will give us access to the control room of the mechanical mastermind Destiny. "

Star Key Angel also asked: "Is she the mechanical ascension god we once knew?"

"No, it's this mechanical ascension god who has become a god in ten thousand years. Her state is a bit special. Her soul has not been completely wiped out, and she often falls into self-doubt.

As for her real situation... you will understand when you meet her in person! "

Seeing that Su Qianqian was so afraid of the most powerful member of the mechanical elite corps, Lin Tianming was cautious.

After spending a lot of time, Lin Tianming and his party finally arrived at the Mechanical Temple of the last member of the Mechanical Tip Corps.

There were no obstacles here like Huowu's temple, and Lin Tianming and his party successfully entered it.

As soon as he entered, Lin Tianming saw a wheelchair equipped with medical equipment for intravenous drip in the center of the hall.

As soon as he saw this wheelchair, the Thunder Dragon Emperor couldn't help but said: "Wheel...wheelchair? I...did I see it wrong?"

"That's right, because she has been in a wheelchair since she was a child and is weak and sick. Although mechanical ascension can make her fully recover, in order not to forget those experiences, the weapon form she pursued is the wheelchair she used to have."

As Su Qianqian said this, the wheelchair in the center of the hall began to tremble violently.

Immediately afterwards, the rust and corrosion that seemed to rot all machinery began to spread.

Soon, a very sick girl wearing a long skirt and a depressed expression sat in a wheelchair.

Her mechanical jade hand looks no different from a real person, even simulating the state of receiving an intravenous drip and receiving treatment.

Rust and corrosion spread across her body. This is a problem that every mechanical ascension god who has reached the end of mechanical ascension has to face.

"I'm really sorry... You came to Xi'er's house as a guest... Xi'er just happened to be suffering from rust and corrosion... Let you see Xi'er in her worst condition..."

"You guys wait...wait until I adjust my condition...Xie'er will entertain you well..."

"It's so painful... Why am I like this? Did the mechanical mastermind Tianming wipe out my soul consciousness and completely control me? Or is my consciousness still controlling this body?"

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