Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 648 A fierce battle! Both sides suffer! Only Tianming still retains the last strength!

Seeing that Xi'er, the last true mechanical god guarding the fate of the mechanical mastermind, was in a state of rust and corrosion, the Thunder Dragon Emperor's eyes narrowed.

"Tianming, she is in a weak state now. This is a good opportunity for us to capture her and go directly to the mechanical mastermind Tianming!"

The two sides are now in a hostile relationship. In order to destroy the mechanical mastermind Tianming as soon as possible, they must not wait for the true mechanical god named Xi'er to recover before fighting.

Lin Tianming and Thunder Dragon Emperor looked at each other, and then they jointly used Thunder Dragon Break and attacked Xi'er.

Xi'er, who was in extreme pain, was sitting in a wheelchair, and she instantly burst out with terrifying metallic elemental power.

Under the influence of corrosion and rust, the torrent of golden power exploded with even greater power, repelling Lin Tianming and the Thunder Dragon Emperor together.

"She...isn't she in a state of rust and corrosion? How...why is she still so strong?"

Even if the Thunder Dragon Emperor has combat power that far exceeds that of ordinary true gods, she has only just entered the realm of true gods and has not reached the end of the road to true gods.

Once it reaches the end, the Thunder Dragon Emperor will inevitably experience the unimaginable pain of the mysterious corrosion just like the Star Key Angels and others.

But the true god in this state can directly surpass the forbidden things and step into the ranks of the deceitful gods.

Although he looked weak, his combat power actually soared in this madness and pain.

"Why do you want to hurt me? Obviously...obviously I didn't do anything..."

"I am going through pain and suffering... but you are hurting me... I am so sad!"

"I wanted to wait for the rust and corrosion to stabilize and treat you well...but it seems that's not possible now!"

Because of the attack by Lin Tianming and the Thunder Dragon Emperor, Xier's spirit became even more insane due to the effects of rust and corrosion.

The next moment, she blasted out the elemental power of thunder, attacking everyone in the hall indiscriminately.

"You must be sent by the mechanical mastermind Destiny to torture me...yes...that must be the case!"

"No...I am with the mechanical mastermind Tianming...I should work for it!"

"No matter who you are with... you broke into my house without permission... and you took advantage of my serious condition to hurt me... you are the enemy!"

Xi'er, who was talking nonsense, couldn't even tell who the enemy was. She was sitting in a wheelchair with a twisted and ferocious expression of pain, and she was blasting out the power of starlight like a meteor.

"This guy...why does he have so many different powers?"

After Lin Tianming blocked Xi'er's attack, he couldn't help but shout to Su Qianqian.

Facing Lin Tianming's question, Su Qianqian also answered after dodging Xi'er's attack.

"She is a bit similar to you. She has basically all elemental attributes and powers!"

The next moment, Xi'er, who was sitting in a wheelchair, condensed several flaming meteorites in her madness and attacked Lin Tianming and his party.

Star Key Angel barely caught Xi'er's indiscriminate power attack, and she also said: "She is actually equivalent to a devious god in this state! We can't beat her in normal state!"

" seems like we have to enter a state that we order to take it down!"

Fairy Qinglei was the first to respond, and the mysterious aura lingered around her.

Her power also increased rapidly, surpassing taboos and entering the ranks of the lowest level of deceitful gods.

The little loli Apocalypse also immediately filled her body with the aura of evil spirits. At this moment, she was like a fallen evil Apocalypse Knight.

Su Qianqian is also a mechanical body infected by corrosion and rust. Under this power that can bring madness and pain, she becomes more powerful.

"We enter this state proactively. We will not explode passively like her. We need to consume a lot of power to resist the corrosion of the evil god. She will soon run out of power and enter a truly weak state!"

Su Qianqian's words were exactly what Star Key Angel, Qinglei Fairy, and Little Loli Tianqi were thinking.

Like Xi'er, they will also have passive bursts. At that time, their combat power will soar, but it will also consume a lot of their bodies.

If you take the initiative to borrow this power, you will not be overly harmed by this power.

Fortunately, they haven't reached the time to passively explode, at least they don't have to worry about exhausting their energy.

"Little cutie, you can take a good rest. After we finish her off, we will have a head-on battle with the mechanical mastermind Tianming. Then you can use your full strength!"

As the Star Key Angels and others entered the state of strange aura, Xi'er, who had originally suppressed Lin Tianming and his party, was suppressed by the Star Key Angels and others.

At this time, in order to preserve Lin Tianming's power as much as possible to deal with the mechanical mastermind Tianming, Fairy Qinglei directly asked Lin Tianming to rest with the Thunder Dragon Emperor.

Hearing this, Lin Tianming hesitated for a moment and decided to listen to Fairy Qinglei's advice.

He and the Thunder Dragon Emperor stepped aside and watched quietly as the Star Key Angel, who entered the state of the strange god, reversed the situation of the battle.

It didn't take long for Xi'er, who had been fighting bravely against multiple enemies just now, to be seriously injured by the Star Key Angels and the others.

" are all bad people...all bad people!"

"Break into my house and hurt me... and don't let me fight back... You... are as hateful as Tianming, the mechanical mastermind who wants to forcibly control me!"

"No one can hurt me... not even you... not even the mechanical mastermind Tianming! All of them die!"

Originally, Xi'er was about to be defeated, but at this critical moment, a more powerful aura suddenly erupted.

" did she become stronger again?"

Thunder Dragon Emperor, who was watching the battle with Lin Tianming, saw this scene, and the relieved look on his face suddenly became nervous again.

Su Qianqian had the experience of having a mechanical body work for the mechanical ascension mastermind Tianming, and she immediately saw what was going on.

"It's the destiny of the mechanical mastermind! It intervened! It injected new power into Xi'er who was connected to its core! Now Xi'er has both the power of the evil god and the destiny of the mechanical mastermind!"

As soon as Su Qianqian finished speaking, she was stabbed by ice and opened a hole in the middle of her chest.

Her mechanical body directly sounded the sound of crackling electric sparks of damage.

On the other side, the Star Key Angel was also penetrated through the abdomen by the water attribute power filled with the aura of the strange god.

A horrifying hole of blood flowed from her flesh and blood body, and the strange aura was still using the wound to further stimulate her nerves.

With another sharp fire spear, Xi'er directly pierced the heart with the spear, piercing the bodies of Qinglei Fairy and little Loli Tianqi, and nailed them to the wall in the hall.

In just a few breaths, they had the upper hand just now and were about to take down Xi'er's Star Key Angel and the others. Due to the forceful intervention of the mechanical mastermind Tianming, they all fell to the ground seriously injured.

"For... for Lord Tianming... all those who... resist Lord Tianming... must die!"

"No...I can't listen to it...His real purpose is to obliterate my soul consciousness...I...I can't believe it!"

"I...I'm going crazy...crazy!"

Although there was the intervention of the mechanical mastermind Tianming, Xi'er's own mysterious corrosive outbreak was beyond the control of the mechanical mastermind Tianming.

After such a long battle, Xi'er's own consumption of resisting the corrosion of the strange god has reached its limit.

Even though the mechanical mastermind Tianming intervened and defeated the Star Key Angels, she still ran out of power and entered a truly weak state.

The next moment, Lin Tianming appeared in front of Xi'er and directly lifted the insane wheelchair girl into the air.

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