Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 802 There is a skilled person in southern Xinjiang! Xiyue wants to compete with him!

"Tianming, that's great...our body and mind are also unified!"

Under the warm hospitality of the Meng family, Lin Tianming spent a relatively relaxing and comfortable holiday.

In the morning, Xiyue accompanied her to play in the Beast Control Paradise, and from noon to evening, she was entertained by the Meng family...

Late at night, there was also the long-awaited battle discussion between him and Meng Xiyue...

Lin Tianming, who used martial arts to make friends, was satisfied both physically and mentally, and he improved a lot of fighting skills.

It was the first time for Meng Xiyue to engage in such a combat sparring session. Although she was a little unfamiliar and nervous, she gradually got better under the guidance of Lin Tianming as a sparring partner.

The joyful feeling of being fully immersed in the battle also turned Meng Xiyue into a fighting maniac, and she enjoyed competing with Lin Tianming.

I believe that with today's battle summary, she will become more and more skillful in the future, and will no longer have the mentality of being in a hurry and not knowing what to do in actual combat.

Even though it was dead of night, Lin Tianming and Meng Xiyue were still not sleepy.

After the sweet moment, the two hugged each other and talked quietly that only belonged to the two of them.

" said it would be great if we carefree and not think about anything from now on? It's a pity...there are bigger crises waiting for us later, and we don't have time to be so bored. Together..."

Listening to Meng Xiyue's words, Lin Tianming smiled and said: "It's okay, Xiyue, we will definitely get through this time. At least now... this is the time that only belongs to you and me. We have to cherish it." yes!"

"Well... Tianming, you are right... we should really cherish now..."

They have known each other for more than three years and have experienced so many crises. It is a rare opportunity that only belongs to her and her Tianming. Meng Xiyue plans to keep more good memories tonight.

Thinking of this, the blush that had just faded away from Meng Xiyue's little face quietly filled her cheeks again.

"Tian... Tianming... I heard from Xin'er that... you... when you were with her... she even... showed you... her skills?"

To be honest, Meng Xiyue really found it difficult to discuss this topic.

But in order not to leave any regrets tonight, she also wanted to experience some of the private things Nan Xiner had talked to her about.

Lin Tianming heard Meng Xiyue's thoughts at this moment, so he knew exactly what Meng Xiyue meant by foot skills...

Talking about the football skills Nan Xiner showed with him...

Lin Tianming also had to admit one thing.

That is Nan Xiner, the ancient witch god who has suppressed endless love fantasies for endless years. Her skills are indeed superb!

And...Nan Xiner is also a good ventriloquist!

The combat skills are far beyond what Meng Xiyue, who had just had their first combat sparring session, could compare to.

However, Nan Xiner was not so skilled at the beginning.

That was all during the period when Lin Tianming had to go to southern Xinjiang to face Nan Xin'er alone. Nan Xin'er used him as a sparring partner and practiced countless times with real swords and guns!

When thinking about his experiences during that period, Lin Tianming even felt a little shadowy.

At that time, he was not as strong as he is now, and he had not yet become a god-level awakener.

Such a high-intensity fight with hands, feet and mouth made Lin Tianming want to cry but was suppressed by Nan Xiner!

Although he is still not as high as Nan Xin'er in level now, he can already suppress Nan Xin'er in battles.

Thinking of these ridiculous past events, Lin Tianming smiled and said to Meng Xiyue, who wanted to learn skills from Nan Xiner: "Xiyue, Xiner is Xiner, you don't need to compare with her about this kind of thing, we just did that That’s all right, I won’t neglect you just because of this favoritism.”

Although Lin Tianming said this, Meng Xiyue felt happy.

But she just wanted to leave some more lasting memories for Lin Tianming tonight and cherish this rare opportunity.

She had a strong feeling that the crisis mentioned by Yun Wanqiu from another world might come soon.

When the crisis comes, she will no longer have time to be so intimate with her most beloved Tian Ming!

Meng Xiyue pursed her stubborn little mouth and said: "Tianming...we will definitely learn this kind of thing if we are together for a long time...Why don't you take advantage of it now...let me try it!"

Lin Tianming saw that Meng Xiyue looked so serious, so he decided to agree to Meng Xiyue and let her hone her new combat skills in actual combat.

"Okay, Xiyue, don't be too nervous. It's okay even if you don't do it well."

With Lin Tianming's consent, Meng Xiyue's aggrieved face smiled again.

"Well! Tianming, if you feel that... I am not able to control it well and it hurts you, you have to say it!"

"No problem, just start!"

After Meng Xiyue communicated with Lin Tianming, she was eager to give it a try.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the white bare feet took on a slightly hazy and mysterious look...

Ready to learn this brand new combat skill, Meng Xiyue stepped forward with determination.

Just as Lin Tianming expected, Meng Xiyue had never learned this foot combat skill before, so if she practiced it for the first time, she would definitely appear very unfamiliar.

After fussing for a long time, Lin Tianming didn't feel much.

It was only through his active use of imagination that Meng Xiyue's foot skills, which were new to the field of footwork, had some effect.

" I too stupid...not as good as Xin'er? Are you so calm?"

Meng Xiyue was a little frustrated.

She originally thought that even if she was unfamiliar with this new combat technique for the first time, it would be effective, but it would be slower.

But the results were much slower than she imagined, which made her somewhat discouraged.

When Lin Tianming heard this, he also encouraged Meng Xiyue and continued to increase his efforts to use his imagination.

"Xiyue, look, isn't this working? You've never exercised before... It's normal for it to take effect slowly, don't be discouraged!"

Encouraged by Lin Tianming, Meng Xiyue regained her confidence.

"Well, it's dawn!"

"I will hone my skills and try to catch up with Xin'er as soon as possible!"

"Today I will have to humiliate you tomorrow, give me more sparring..."

"But don't worry...I will let you have a good dream!"

As she spoke, she concentrated on studying how to quickly improve her novice level combat skills in the footpath field.

With Meng Xiyue's continuous efforts, her skills are no longer as rusty as they were at the beginning, and she has the ability to gradually improve.

This also allows Lin Tianming to perform brain supplements without using his imagination.

"Yes, that's it, Xiyue! The strength can be a little lighter, but not too light!"

"Right, that's it... Got it!"

"You are still very talented, Xiyue!"

In the end, Meng Xiyue, who had just entered the field of footwork, finally succeeded once with some unfamiliar skills.

But she also knew that it took her so long to succeed, but it made Lin Tianming's sparring experience even more uncomfortable.

She said apologetically: "Tianming, I'm sorry, because of my unfamiliarity... I made you suffer as a sparring partner for so long!"

Lin Tianming didn't care about it that much. He smiled and said: "It's okay, Xiyue. In fact, I have a way to improve your entry speed. If you really want to learn it seriously, you can try it later!"

Meng Xiyue immediately became energetic when she heard that there was a way to increase her speed in learning this new combat skill.

"What method? I want to learn it, Tianming! Teach me!"

Seeing that Meng Xiyue wanted to make progress so much, Lin Tianming decided to satisfy her.

"Xin'er is extremely talented. You can't compare to this. You can try Qingxue's method. It will definitely work!"

"When Qingxue first started learning, her foot skills were actually worse than yours, but she was better because she wore ice silk, which made her look as sweet as a small ice cream cone. This visual effect can make up for her poor foot skills in the early stage! "

After listening carefully to Lin Tianming's method, Meng Xiyue became thoughtful.

After a while, she showed a worried expression.

"But I don't have ice silk ones...but I do have a pair of pink and white ones. Is this okay?"

"Pink and white? That looks as sweet as strawberry milkshake, and it should be very effective!"

Upon hearing what Lin Tianming said, Meng Xiyue immediately took out her pink and white silk stockings.

Under Lin Tianming's stunned gaze, Meng Xiyue couldn't wait to try it again.

Let’s see if the effect is really as miraculous as Lin Tianming said, and it can also make up for her unfamiliarity!

"Tianming, let's try again!" (End of chapter)

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