After resting at Meng Xiyue's parents' house for three days, Lin Tianming's star key took the initiative to fly out of the storage space, manifesting the scene of the Evernight Star Palace.

Star Key Angel looked tired and haggard, and urgently notified Lin Tianming to go to her Evernight Star Palace.

As soon as they saw the Star Key Angel coming to inform him to go to Yongye Star Palace, Lin Tianming and Meng Xiyue had a tacit understanding, and they both thought of the crisis that Yun Wanqiu mentioned that they had encountered before.

"Tianming, Star Key Angel called you over. Is it related to the crisis that Yun Wanqiu, a person from another world, told me about?"

"Well, I think so too, but I have to go there to find out what it is. Xiyue, you first go back to Shiwanda Mountain in southern Xinjiang and tell Qingxue and the others about our encounter with Yun Wanqiu. I will go alone. A trip to the Eternal Night Star Palace to meet Sister Angel."

"Okay, Tianming, then you have to be careful alone!"

Meng Xiyue had been glued to Lin Tianming's side for the past three days. Now that she was suddenly separated from Lin Tianming, she was really a little reluctant to leave.

But she still knows her priorities.

No matter how reluctant she was to leave, she still let Lin Tianming go to Yongye Star Palace alone.

"I hope this time... we can still get through the crisis safely, tomorrow."

After praying silently, Meng Xiyue, who also had the strength to ascend, returned to Nan Xiner's ancient house with a thought.

As soon as she came back, she saw that Ye Qingxue and the others all looked a little unhappy.

Hua Yufei, on the other hand, was in very bad condition and looked very weak.

The reborn goddesses, Huang Yiyi, Sarah, and Mo Jinghong were all guarding Hua Yufei.

Fairy Qinglei, Thunder Dragon Emperor, and Dark Flower God were on guard in various areas of the ancient house, seeming to be on guard against something.

Nan Xiner still didn't know where she was.

This time she encountered something like this, which made Meng Xiyue feel even more uneasy.

The existential erasure crisis that Yun Wanqiu, a Blue Star person from another world, said...couldn't it have already come?

"Everyone, what's going on with Senior Yufei?"

Meng Xiyue's question also attracted the attention of everyone in the house.

Seeing that Lin Tianming was not around her, Jiang Han frowned and said, "Girl Xiyue, didn't my little boy Tianming go back to his parents' home with you? Why didn't he come back?"

Everyone else in the ancient house also had the same questions as Jiang Han.

Faced with Jiang Han's question, Meng Xiyue answered truthfully.

"Originally, we were planning to come back together, but Star Key Angel suddenly notified us urgently to go to Yongye Star Palace in the morning, and Star Key Angel looked very haggard and weak. I guess something big happened again!"

As soon as these words came out, Tian Shui, who was looking after the weak Hua Yufei, said, "Wouldn't the Star Key Angel be attacked by the Evil God as well?"

Tian Shui's question also made Meng Xiyue look incredulous.

"Cunning...Cunning God? Could it be that...Senior Yufei's injury...was caused by Cunning God?"

"Well... it was indeed the God of Creation who did it. If it weren't for the Dark Flower God guarding us, and using the mid-level realm of the Earth Control Realm to unleash a cross-level challenge combat power comparable to the Heavenly Control Realm, we might have suffered even more serious casualties!"

Jiang Han couldn't help but sigh when talking about the sneak attack on Hua Yufei by the God of Evil.

"But hasn't the world of the Creepy God been completely destroyed by us? We witnessed with our own eyes that Senior Sister Hua, with the help of Tianming... completely purified the world of the Creepy God. Why are there still the Creepy Gods?"

Meng Xiyue thought that the attack on Hua Yufei and the others was related to the crisis of erasure mentioned by Yun Wanqiu.

Who would have thought that it was because of the local strange god in the Ascension Land!

The Dark Flower God, who was standing on the eaves to observe the situation, spoke at the right time: "The strongest ghost gods who disappeared in the ghost world are back. Now their lowest level is the realm of heavenly control."

"The fact that we can defend this place is not only due to me, but also mainly due to the blessing of the witchcraft array in Xiner's house. We can barely save Yu Fei."

Meng Xiyue couldn't help but take a deep breath after learning the specific details of the sneak attack by the Ghost God.

It turned out that it was the return of the strongest ghost gods that had disappeared from the world of ghost gods that caused Hua Yufei to be injured.

However, when she thought that the strongest local ghost god had almost caused irreparable damage to them, Meng Xiyue became even more worried about the crisis that was even more terrifying than the ghost god.

"If we can't even survive this group of the strongest ghost gods... I'm afraid it will be the final crisis of annihilation... it will be even harder..."

The information Meng Xiyue suddenly revealed also made Jiang Han and others in the ancient house tremble.

Is there any crisis more terrifying than the mysterious god?

After a brief shock, Ye Qingxue asked Meng Xiyue: "Xiyue, what news did you and brother Tianming get? Is there really... a crisis more terrifying than the strange god?"

Jiang Han and the others also looked at Meng Xiyue one by one, waiting for her answer.

Meng Xiyue came back this time to tell Ye Qingxue and the others about the existential crisis of the world being wiped out.

So when Ye Qingxue asked, Meng Xiyue also organized her words slightly to tell the whole story about how she and Lin Tianming encountered Yun Wanqiu, a Blue Star person from another world, in the Beast Control Paradise.

After listening carefully to Meng Xiyue's talk about the grander world, Jiang Han and the others were just like Meng Xiyue who first learned of this amazing amount of information, their brains were a little short-circuited.

After digesting it for a long time, they slowly accepted this huge amount of information that subverted their previous understanding.

"In the starry sky outside the place of ascension, there are other planets and worlds. In addition to the other planets and the world of the universe combined with the place of our ascension... there are countless other worlds in the universe that are the same as ours. These worlds add up to form the universe. Tianwanjie..."

Trying to accept this broader and more majestic world view, Jiang Han took a deep breath and smoothed out her thoughts.

Feng Lan's eyes flickered and said: "It's useless to know this. Didn't Yun Wanqiu say that ours is the last world left that has not been wiped out..."

Sofia looked troubled, trying to understand the horror of being erased from existence.

"What would it feel like to have the meaning of existence wiped out? How is it different from death?"

Alice analyzed it for a while and gave her guess.

"Death at least means that the person who killed you will remember you. Whether you are a notorious world villain or a hero worthy of being remembered by the world, you will also be remembered by history."

"But erasing the meaning of existence means that everything related to you will be erased from other people's memories. No one will remember you, not even the parents who gave birth to you."

"But what Meng Xiyue mentioned about Yun Wanqiu's erasure of the existence of the heavens and worlds is even more terrifying. All living and dead things, space and time will have no meaning, and the worlds will be destroyed. After all the meaning of existence is erased, it is as blank as a piece of white paper without even a black spot.”

"In the endless years of the heavens and worlds, all the history that happened in different worlds... will perish! If it really reaches that point, what will happen to the heavens and worlds that have lost their meaning of existence is beyond our imagination..."

Alice's analysis immediately made everyone present take a breath.

Lilith said with lingering fear: "Wouldn't it mean that all the hardships we and Tianming have gone through... will lose their meaning... no one will remember? I don't want to forget Tianming, and I don't want to be forgotten by Tianming! This... is simply worse than Death is still uncomfortable!”

Just when Ye Qingxue and the others were immersed in the fear of being wiped out of their existence, a strange female voice suddenly sounded in the ancient house.

"Yes, the meaning of existence of the entire world will be wiped out, and all the wonderful characters and stories that appeared briefly in history will become blank. This is something more terrifying than death!"

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