After seeing the pillar of heaven, the six black-robed men showed fanatical eyes.

Then the six looked at each other.

"It is indeed the God's descent that has been activated!"

Aliens are different from humans. They are actually fierce beasts with a certain degree of wisdom.

So the six people clearly felt that there seemed to be a voice in their minds shouting that name.

"Don't act rashly first, separate and explore the situation of the altar." The tallest one among the black-robed men said in a deep voice.

The other five nodded one after another.

They came with a mission this time. Now the beast tide has been set off, but the problem is that there is no decisive combat power.

If a sky god is awakened at this time, it will greatly change the direction of the battle, and the griffins will also receive the grace of life.

The six griffins scattered.

The griffins have a special low-frequency sound wave communication method, and they keep speaking at all times, so if someone has an accident, they can be discovered in the first time.


"The six of them have dispersed." Mewtwo said to Su Lu under the Sky Pillar.

"Dispersed? Is there a chance?" Su Lu asked.

"Now they seem to have some special way to communicate remotely, there is no chance."

If the arrival of the six aliens was before Mewtwo was summoned, Su Lu would not have noticed it.

But Mewtwo's mental power covers a small half of the forbidden area.

After the aliens approached, Mewtwo noticed the arrival of the six aliens.

Even the appearance of the six people under the cloaks was seen through by Mewtwo, they were all like griffins walking upright.

Mewtwo would be aware of the six people. First, because of the cloaks on the six people, if the six aliens took off their cloaks and lay down to pretend to be beasts, Mewtwo might only think that they might be beasts that ran out of the forbidden area.

Another reason is that the speed of the beasts emerging from the stone tablet in the Sky Pillar suddenly increased a lot.

So after Su Lu used the power of waveguide again, he found that a huge force of faith was approaching the Sky Pillar. The direction he finally located was exactly where the six of them were, so the identities of the six aliens were completely confirmed by Su Lu.

"They should be here for Osiris Sky Dragon. Let's see what they are going to do first."

These aliens didn't come early or late, but the Sky Pillar activated and ran over. It was obvious that they wanted to do something.

The six griffins didn't know they were exposed yet.

After dispersing, the five griffins in the early stage of the Heavenly King carefully circled around the Sky Pillar.

Finally, a five-corner position was formed, and they looked at the Sky Pillar from a distance.

With the vision of the griffins, they could barely see that a battle seemed to be going on in the Sky Pillar.

"It has indeed begun to be suppressed."

Compared to Su Lu, the griffins knew more about the Sky Pillar.

Although the memories in the minds of each of their griffins were only fragments, they gathered together to piece together this information and obtained some slightly more accurate information.

In fact, there is a dragon scale of the Sky Dragon in each layer of the stone tablet of the Sky Pillar!

Through the guidance of the dragon scale, the Sky Dragon's followers were summoned to collect the life energy of this world, so that the Sky Dragon has a suitable body in this world.

Otherwise, the Sky God, who originally controlled the rules of the sky, would only be a slightly stronger creature even if he arrived in this world, and even the dragon scale could not be taken back.

But now the apostles who collected life energy were stopped here by Su Lu's Pokémon. As soon as they came out, they were brushed as experience babies. Not only did they fail to collect life energy, but they were also constantly consuming their power. If this continues, the Sky God will have to forcibly descend into this world before the space-time rift disappears.

The power of the gods who lost their divine power was greatly reduced.

After observing for a while, a griffin looked around, as if looking for something.

Finally, it accurately found a stone with a diameter of three meters on the ground covered with green grass.

In Mewtwo's mental perception, the griffin actually moved the stone away, revealing a rough hole!

Su Lu, who saw this scene through Mewtwo's superpower transmission picture, frowned.

There is such an underground passage in the Tianyun Forbidden Land? The other party is so skilled! ? I think they have been prepared for it.

Mewtwo's mental power spread to the hole.

There is a hole in the flat ground

Oh my god!

I went more than 100 meters underground and found a hole of about 100 meters!

In the hole, there were stone tablets that seemed to have not been carved yet. In the center of the stone tablet was a huge flat stone slab with a simple pentagram symbol carved on it.

After seeing the stone tablet, the griffins who entered the underground space seemed to be relieved.

It took out a light golden crystal from its feathers, and the pentagram flashed as if in response.

In the pillar of the sky, several more beasts were summoned by the stone slab.

Seeing this, Su Lu wanted to let Chaomeng go to stop the other party immediately.

However, it seemed that two of the five underground spaces had failed, so Su Lu also patiently continued to watch.

"Failed, it seems that repairs are needed." The griffin thought as he looked at the divine crystal in his hand.

For this mission, they, the griffins, have put all their resources into exchanging divine crystals from other alien races.

If the sky god can be awakened, then in the future, the griffins will return to the protection and guidance of the gods like those supreme races.

But this griffin named Falcon did not know how to repair the god's sacrificial array. Only the sky high priest who came with him knew.

So the griffin opened his mouth and emitted sharp sound waves. This kind of sound wave has a very wide transmission range and is the griffin's secret communication method.

After a short communication, the griffin patted his robe, as if he felt very uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the black robe that could shield energy fluctuations, it would not be willing to wear it.

After the inspection, Falcon climbed up the cave carefully, pointed his ears and carefully explored the surrounding movements.

After confirming that there was no problem, it carefully lifted the stone and left.

After watching this scene, Su Lu's expression was a little serious.

"We must first figure out the meaning of their actions. I remember that the Griffin race was mentioned in the message Hu Yun sent me later. Their communication sound waves seem to change frequently."

Although Chaomeng has already discovered that the Griffin people communicate through special sound waves and can even imitate them, it is useless if you don't understand what they mean.

Unless you can perform mind spying, it is almost impossible to decipher the alien language that changes all the time.

But unfortunately, Su Lu happens to have the ability to detect mind messages.

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