The griffin ran on the grassland. It felt like it should be flying with wings, but the sky did not belong to the sky god, so it could only hide. The griffin had not yet discovered that a strange power had enveloped it, and it had long been hallucinated... Su Lu, who was not far away, nodded: "The connection was successful." The spiritual dialogue of the super-power can indeed be forcibly interrupted by powerful creatures, but a griffin in the early stage of the king of heaven is obviously not powerful. Su Lu concealed his ability a little, and the other party could not even find that there was an extra consciousness in his mind that was spying. Su Lu did not pass any message to the other party, but just quietly sensed what the other party was thinking. Any intelligent creature, when actively speaking or doing something, must have something in mind.

And language must have certain rules.

Su Lu carefully recorded what the Griffin was thinking when he spoke, and transmitted it to Mewtwo in real time.

Half a day later, Su Lu rubbed his forehead.

The good news is that the Griffin's language system has been roughly deciphered.

The bad news is that Su Lu can't hear or send out the sound waves used by the Griffin.

Fortunately, Mewtwo and some Pokémon that are sensitive to sound can hear it.

"Mewtwo, I'll leave it to you next."

Mewtwo nodded.


"Falcon! What's wrong with you? The communication was interrupted for a second!" In the largest cave, the sky priest keenly felt something was wrong, and the low sound waves conveyed a message of dissatisfaction.

"I met a hegemon-level beast and was stunned for a moment." The distant sound waves came.

Hegemon-level? The sky priest's dim pupils shrank.

It received the revelation of inheritance sixty years ago, but even with the help of wisdom, it still has not broken through to the Overlord level and is stuck at the peak of the Heavenly King, so it also understands the pressure brought by the Overlord beast.

"Pay attention next time! You know what our mission this time represents..."

"Those trash who have not received the revelation, no matter how powerful they are, can only be enslaved by humans." The sky priest cursed disdainfully.

Half an hour later, the six griffins met in a huge cave.

And the location of this cave happened to be below the nest of the Overlord beast that was killed by Mewtwo.

The sky priest focused on the 'Falcon'.

The violent instinct in his heart did not rise, it should not be a human, and the other party's transmission sound was not wrong, so the sky priest regarded what happened before as a small accident.

It is understandable that he was stunned for a second when he met a Overlord beast.

So the griffins began to move on.

But several griffins found that the falcon seemed to be a little active.

However, the other griffins also knew from the voice transmission that the falcon had encountered the dominant beast, so they just assumed that it was a little scared and wanted to talk to ease the situation.

By midnight, the sky priest had repaired the two pentagram arrays.

And the five griffins went to the five crypts again.

"It's time for you to sacrifice yourself for the Lord of the Sky!" The tall black-robed man stood in the main altar and transmitted the voice.

At the same time, a griffin took out a blue-gray stone dagger and prepared to stab it into his abdomen, letting the blood flow on the pentagram array.

Due to the sacrifice, the continuous voice transmission was also interrupted.

Feeling the interruption of the voice transmission, the sky priest has now put down his hood, and a crazy and satisfied look appeared on his eagle head.

Finally waited for this day! The sacrifice finally began!

As long as we wait for the sky god to descend! Humans will definitely be expelled! They, the griffins, will definitely have a piece of sky to live in!

For this reason, it has been awakened for 60 years and has focused on training five king-level griffins who are loyal to the Sky God as the initiator and sacrifice for the Sky God to descend into reality!

"Just light up the pentagram! Then send energy to the Sky God... soon, very soon!"

The Sky Priest danced with his hands and wings flapping, as if performing a strange dance.

It is waiting for the pentagram to be lit!

On the huge altar in front of the Sky Priest, a fist-sized crystal is slowly rotating in the air.

At the same time, the space-time crack above the Sky Pillar seems to have begun to fluctuate.

In the illusory space-time crack, something seems to be surging!

But one minute passed, and two minutes passed.

The Sky Priest discovered that the five corners of the pentagram were actually

None of them lit up...

"What's going on?"

The dancing sky priest also stopped his funny dance.

He whispered the message.

But this time, no griffins responded to him, as if all five griffins had been successfully sacrificed.

At the same time, Rayquaza, who was lying on the sky garden to absorb energy and restore his strength, raised his head and looked at the huge space-time crack with contempt.

In Rayquaza's perception, the originally tepid aura behind the space-time crack seemed to have suddenly increased.

Moreover, after obtaining the two gems, although Rayquaza could not use the power of space and time, he could barely sense the fluctuation of space and time with the two gems.

Now, the fluctuation of the space-time crack is very intense!

But the other party seemed to be afraid to come out.

Roar? (Oh~ Sky Dragon? That's it?)

Rayquaza knew that the other party understood what he meant, because the powers of the two dragons were roughly the same, and it was for this reason that Rayquaza hated the Sky Dragon very much.

Because there is only one master of the sky.

Roar~ (Oh~ Poor bug is trapped and can't get out?)

Raikūzo floats in front of the space-time crack, twisting its long body like a swaying noodle~

Roar, roar, roar! ! ! ! !

A hoarse roar came from the space-time crack that had never made any noise, and it seemed to be accompanied by thunder...

But Raikūzo was still swaying in front of the space-time crack.

Roar~ (Oh~ Can't get out? That's right~ Your lackey has been killed by my lackey!)

Raikūzo arrogantly roared at the space-time crack, and his voice seemed to become more and more tactful.

Well, Su Lu is the boss.

The lackey is naturally...


In the main sacrificial site, the sky priest stared blankly at the two humanoid creatures that suddenly appeared.

It knew that its gamble with the resources of the entire clan had failed.

The next moment, the Sky Priest's body suddenly expanded! His claws with fierce wind blades swept towards Su Lu, who was obviously a human.

Unfortunately, a heavy pressure came, and the Sky Priest at the peak of the Heavenly King was pressed to the ground in an instant.

The huge griffin man lying on the ground knew that he had completely failed, and the consciousness in his eyes began to dissipate. He completely gave up the consciousness he had finally obtained.

But when was he discovered? In the last moment of his consciousness, he saw the falling fragments of the black robe.

It is said that this black robe can block all energy and spiritual detection.

"Damn it! Selling me a fake robe! Humans are not good!"

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