The sky was clear and the sky was full of fog.

"The fog in the Tianyun Forbidden Land has dissipated!"

"Oh my God! What is this? Such a tall building."

"How is it possible? The width of 400 meters and the height of 9,000 meters? What strength of material can withstand it?"

"Treasure! There must be treasure in it!"

"Quick! Send someone to explore!"

Due to the sudden dissipation of the fog, everyone noticed this special pillar of the sky.

Even Hu Yunzhi and Xia Muyue, who were conducting an investigation outside, received the news at the first time.

After all, the nearest city to the Tianyun Forbidden Land is W City.

If there is any major change in the Tianyun Forbidden Land, W City will be the first city to be affected.

So Hu Yunzhi and Xia Muyue returned to W City as soon as possible.

This incident also had a huge impact on Xia Muyue. Expanding the territory was not just Xia Muyue's business. There were a large number of companies behind Xia Muyue, all for the benefit of a new area.

Now that this kind of thing has happened, if it is not clarified, the expansion operation will definitely not continue.

"Xiaodong, have you found out what the reason is?" Hu Yunzhi, who returned to the Beast Taming Alliance at full speed, asked Dong Yanfeng.

But Dong Yanfeng's expression was a little strange. He looked at Xia Muyue who was following him.

"Let's put it bluntly. Xia Tianwang is not an outsider. With her talent, she can't be a member of the underground organization. Moreover, if Xia Tianwang succeeds in the expansion, she will be the new city lord who will advance and retreat with our W City." Hu Yunzhi also knew Dong Yanfeng's thoughts.

Although Dong Yanfeng is a member of the Beast Taming Alliance, he is now the head of the Beast Taming Alliance in W City. Although the Beast Taming Alliance is huge, it is not a monolithic entity. The ministers of various cities and regions will also consider some things for their own interests.

Seeing that the city lord had no objection, Dong Yanfeng nodded: "I suspect that the change in Tianyun Forbidden Land this time may be caused by the Sky Dragon. We have detected some traces of the Sky Dragon's movement, and there are traces indicating that the Sky Dragon has entered the Tianyun Forbidden Land."

"Sky Dragon?" Xia Muyue frowned, and she thought of the green light she had seen before.

"The Sky Dragon is a beast controlled by an owner. What is the purpose of that beast master?" Hu Yunzhi murmured.

Sky? Clouds? Combined with the ability of the Sky Dragon before.

"City Lord, do you think this Sky Dragon was originally a powerful beast in Tianyun Forbidden Land, but was subdued by a senior? Or is that senior a person in Tianyun Forbidden Land?" Dong Yanfeng suddenly said.

Hu Yunzhi was shocked and said thoughtfully: "It is not impossible. After all, the inspection of the Beast Control Alliance is so strict. If it is a summoned beast, it must have been discovered long ago."

So the Sky Dragon returning to Tianyun Forbidden Land is actually the same as returning to his hometown? Combined with the ability of the Sky Dragon, the reason why the Tianyun Forbidden Land is surrounded by clouds and mist seems to have been found.

"If this is the case, then the Tianyun Forbidden Land is likely to be the territory of the unknown beastmaster." Hu Yunzhi nodded, feeling that everything made sense.

The inexplicable appearance and trajectory of the Sky Dragon, as well as the changes in the Tianyun Forbidden Land, all seem reasonable.

This is a good thing for W City! Because as long as you are a human, you must have needs, and people are much easier to deal with than those irrational beasts.

"But the other party has not appeared to contact us for a long time, why is that?" Dong Yanfeng asked again in confusion.

"After the space-time rift appeared, the world is divided, maybe he is observing us." Hu Yunzhi reminded with deep eyes.

And Dong Yanfeng also showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

A hundred years ago, with the emergence of some forbidden areas, modern technology was instantly useless. Due to the isolation of beasts, some areas even developed some different cultures.

Is the environment where the strong man is located the same?

"The Sky Dragon's strength is at least above the champion level, so naturally we have to go and see him. Perhaps this time he expelled the fog to give us a signal."

"Do we need to report to the alliance?" Dong Yanfeng asked.

"No, the changes in the Tianyun Forbidden Land should have been discovered by many forces, but the information about the Sky Dragon has not been exposed. It doesn't matter if the alliance knows about it, but other forces cannot know about it. I will report it to the governor in person." Hu Yunzhi said experiencedly.

The benefits brought by a forbidden land are unimaginable, and not all people in the alliance are good.

If the spies of some organizations get to know this news, the other party will definitely offer a higher price.

To bribe the beastmaster of the Sky Dragon.

This would greatly damage the order that the Beastmaster Alliance had managed to maintain.

So the most primitive way of sending messages was the safest.

Thinking of this, Hu Yunzhi wanted to leave immediately. She looked at Xia Muyue: "King Xia Tian, ​​when I'm not here, please help take care of W City."

Xia Muyue thought about it and nodded.

She and Hu Yunzhi didn't have any special connection. It was only because she planned to build a city nearby that they had contact.

But if she could establish relations with the owner of the Sky Cloud Forbidden Land, it would be good for her.


After dealing with some things in the valley, Su Lu left the Sky Cloud Forbidden Land after letting the Sky Split Seat leave its breath in the valley.

Today was only the first day, and many things were not fully prepared.

Even the fruit seeds were not prepared too much.

However, according to the information sensed by the walking grass, the conditions in the valley were also very good and suitable for the growth of fruit.

She took the Sky Split Seat back to the parking position.

Another massacre, all kinds of ordinary beasts were carried to Su Lu's van.

And Rayquaza returned to the sky again. It needed to practice the finishing touch. Only the sky was the training place for Rayquaza. At the speed of the finishing touch, Su Lu couldn't accompany it, otherwise his brain would be thrown out...

Yaya was still driving, and Su Lu sat beside him holding a walking grass and thinking.

"The planting of tree fruits should not be a problem. The rest is to consider selling. Let's open a small shop first to try the popularity of energy blocks.

And we can't always refine in rented laboratories. We need to have our own laboratory.

Now that we have money, we have to change the house..."

Thinking about it, Su Lu felt a headache. There were too many places to spend money.

But only with sufficient funds can Pokémon be raised well. After all, he is not a super trainer like a super rookie who can improve the strength of Pokémon by just shouting "Show your perseverance", "Stand up", "Get out of the way". Pokémon must consume corresponding resources to become stronger.

"It seems that it is not profitable to pull the beasts one by one. Maybe we should buy a few more cars?"

Back at the city gate, it happened to be the city guard from last night, the familiar main driver, and the familiar duck driver.

The two eyelids twitched, and after admonishing Su Lu again, they let Su Lu enter the city.

That night, the city guards watched a strange convoy leave the city.

Four cars, only one had a driver, and the driver was a duck.

In the main driver, Ke Pada Duck showed a deep and tired look.

Huh? (This is the fate of old drivers)

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