The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

Panda Duck drove four cars into the wilderness, and then with the help of Rayquaza, he returned to W City at midnight with four cars full of beast corpses.

The city guards were shocked when they saw it.

Other beast masters go out of the city to hunt, but this duck goes out to buy goods...

Because of Su Lu's behavior, some hunters finally noticed Su Lu. After all, it was too exaggerated for one person to go out of the city and come back with four cars full of beasts every day.

On the third day after finding the fruit planting site, Su Lu rode Rayquaza to the sky garden again.

"It's already this high."

Su Lu looked at the land of the sky garden. The seeds that had sprouted green buds three days ago had now grown into a one-meter-high sapling.

Since there are no other weeds and no other plants competing with the fruit for nutrients, it looks extremely healthy.


Walking Grass said on the side that it had just planted fruit trees on the last piece of land in the sky garden, and planted about 3,000 fruit trees in total.

Su Lu exchanged almost all of the points he earned for fruit trees.

The seeds were naturally used for planting, and the pulp was made into energy cubes by Su Lu working overtime, which was enough for three Pokémon to eat for one and a half months.

"Yes, the energy here is really abundant. It should be the space-time crack that is constantly releasing energy." Su Lu looked up at the space-time crack.

"Walking Grass, how long do you think it will take for these fruit trees to bear fruit?" Su Lu asked.

Now Su Lu has only three Pokémon, and only Walking Grass is a grass-type.

Walking Grass touched the sapling with the leaves on its head.


"One month? That's fast enough."

"Rayquaza, let's go." Su Lu called out to Rayquaza who was staring at the space crack.

Rayquaza seemed to be a little concerned about the things inside the space crack.

After hearing Su Lu's words, Rayquaza swung his body and took Su Lu to his head.

Su Lu touched the horn on Rayquaza's head that served as a handle.

"Have you grown up a bit?"

Rayquaza's body has grown a bit.

The real Rayquaza can be up to 100 meters long, but Su Lu's Rayquaza is only about 20 meters long, and it is about 7 or 8 meters high when coiled up, so there is still a lot of room for growth.


Hearing Rayquaza's response, Su Lu was slightly stunned.

"You swallowed a meteorite energy? Did you bring back the meteorite fragments?" Su Lu asked.

Rayquaza's body length has not increased from level 5 to the current level 41, but now it has swallowed the meteorite energy, but its body has become larger!

How could Su Lu not care?

But Rayquaza shook his head.

Its answer was that it sensed that the meteorite was about to collide with the earth's atmosphere, but when it arrived, the small meteorite had been ground into gas and energy by the atmosphere, so Rayquaza did not bring back the physical meteorite, but only absorbed the energy.

"It's a pity, but I remember that the meteorite I asked Zhu Qin to help buy will arrive in the next two days, and then we can start in-depth research and training." Su Lu, who was sitting on top of Rayquaza, said.

These days, Rayquaza was doing the finishing touches on the training, and Su Lu didn't help much, which made Su Lu a little embarrassed.

After hearing Su Lu's answer, Rayquaza also nodded happily. As a legendary beast, it wanted to reach its strongest state more than other Pokémon.

Sulu swooped down from the Sky Pillar and came to Poké Valley, which was the name that Su Lu had determined.

However, compared with the Sky Garden, which was already full of saplings, there were only some cleared land in Poké Valley.

Psyduck, wearing a hat, seemed to have heard the noise, raised his head, and waved to Sulu.

And the walking grass whose Poké Ball was taken back by Sulu also jumped out by himself and said hello to Psyduck.

Then he puffed up his face, pointed the leaves on his head at a piece of land, and said something to Psyduck.

It turned out that Psyduck didn't pull the grass clean when he used telekinesis...

The walking grass showed an expression that he couldn't do anything to you, and then used the absorption skill to clean up the land that Psyduck didn't clean.

Ga~ (Life is not easy, Duck sighs)

Psyduck is not only an old driver now, but also an old duck farmer because of the good use of telekinesis.

There is the breath of Rayquaza in the valley, so no ferocious beast dares to break in, and Psyduck can farm without worries... cough cough, training telekinesis.

"Okay, Psyduck, Ma

Sorry for bothering you." Su Lu touched Psyduck's head.


Hearing Su Lu's encouragement, Psyduck regained motivation!

"According to the probability, I should be able to summon a new Pokémon today."

Su Lu started today's lottery.

Su Lu felt that it was a bit unsafe to draw in the wild, and there was a possibility of being discovered, so it was best to summon in the Tianyun Forbidden Land.

If the Pokémon summoned were those that were not suitable for fighting, they could be directly placed in the Poké Valley.

Of course, since there is no planting in the Poké Valley yet, and there are not even houses, the conditions are still relatively difficult...

The pointer turned, and Su Lu summoned another ordinary Pokémon, with a long figure and green skin...

"It appeared! Young Rayquaza! "

After hearing this, Rayquaza clenched his fists gradually.

An ordinary green caterpillar stared blankly at Rayquaza floating on the ground.

Then, as if it had discovered something, it narrowed its eyes and crawled to Rayquaza's side, as if it wanted to get close to him.

Then Rayquaza picked up the green caterpillar with its claws with great disdain and placed it in front of Su Lu.

"Please give me your guidance in the future, green caterpillar."

The green caterpillar looked back at Rayquaza, then at Su Lu, and nodded somewhat arrogantly. The green caterpillar seemed to be a girl...

"So, green caterpillar, do you want to fight with me, or live in peace? "Su Lu asked. Not only the caterpillar, but even the legendary beast, Su Lu would ask about it after summoning it, because in Su Lu's eyes, Pokémon are creatures with their own self.

The caterpillar nodded fiercely, looking at Rayquaza with a sharp gaze. This caterpillar might really want to try to see if it can super evolve.

However, Su Lu didn't want to register the caterpillar for the time being, because it was only four days since the registration of the walking grass. If he registered an unknown beast with a control degree of 100, others would definitely suspect that Su Lu had some secrets, which would easily attract others' prying.

And with the Poké Ball, it would not be so easy to be exposed.

After controlling the four Pokémon for a while, Su Lu returned to W City.

And at this time, a group of beast masters wearing windbreakers stepped into the Tianyun Forbidden Land.

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