Chapter 108

Han Xiaowu went busy,

Naturally, Wu Di will not play alone.

He began to collect information about the technology related to hydroponic vegetables.

The easiest way is naturally a contact!

turn on computer,

Enter the chat group,

Wu Di directly contacted the “old farmers”.

This can be regarded as his year-end acquaintance at the forum, a professor of agriculture.

Invincible: “Professor, are you?”

About ten minutes later,

The old farmer found the information.

“What’s wrong?”

Invincible: “I want some information on hydroponics, mainly technical.”

Old farmer: “No problem! Wait for me to find…”

The old farmer agreed very readily,

Regardless of his age,

Do things vigorously and resolutely,

In less than half an hour, he sent a lot of information.

Not only the technical aspects, but also the specific information of some common hydroponic vegetables on the market, and even subdivided into areas that need attention for different vegetables.

I have to say that this helped Wu Di a lot!

Wu Di thanked him a lot,

The two chatted a few 28 sentences and talked about the news just now.

The old farmer is in a lot of trouble, because his planting industry is relatively large, and it is pretty good in all aspects. There will be no problems for the time being.

But at most a few months, the shelter will face water and electricity problems!

Wu Di couldn’t help temporarily, so he could only give a few suggestions.

January 16.


Han Xiaowu found Wu Di and gave him a piece of information.

“I’m sorry, it has been delayed until today, mainly because I felt that it could be improved a little while researching, so I revised it for two more days!”

She was a little embarrassed,

Within three days of the promise, the result has been delayed until now.

“It’s okay, a better formula is a good thing!”

The formula is better and you can save more points!

Wu Di smiled, and didn’t say the next sentence.

Han Xiaowu nodded and said, “Should we make it now? We estimate that we only have enough materials to make a little bit.”

“Not urgent!”

Wu Di shook his head.

“Well, I will continue to read books, call me if something happens!”

Han Xiaowu pursed his lips and left happily.

Watching her disappear from behind,

Wu Di touched his head, feeling that his refuge was about to become a place where hegemony gathered.

Needless to say without clothes,

Her only joy is to delve into all kinds of new knowledge,

With the assistance of super-dimensional gene chip, there is no need to bother to remember, memorize,

Just enjoy the mystery of knowledge,

To research, to explore!

every day,

She will “contribute” a point,

Even two days ago, she reached the level of “Proficient” in one knowledge and contributed 50 points to Wu Di!

This is an achievement that a normal person can only achieve in half a year or a few years.

She got it done in a few days.


January 19.

8 o’clock in the morning!

After Wu Di got up, took a shower with the girl, and then ate breakfast refreshedly.

After 80% full,

Just now came to the incubation room lazily.

“Remaining points: 1875.”

After a few days of accumulation, the points have actually met the needs.

But can save,

How could Wu Di be unconscious!

Reinforced cement, steel alloy, and “biological nutrient solution” formula, and Wu Di wrote two sets of systems.

These things are certainly not enough to open up a new incubation room,

But Wu Di has black technology!

Insufficient materials, plug-in to make up!

“Calculate! See how many points I can save!”

Wu Di smiled.

Mechanical Brain: “Calculating…”


【Hydroponic Vegetable Room】

Branches: Opening up new space (120), overall materials (150), glass greenhouse (200), biological nutrient solution formula (200), lighting system (50), living water replacement system (150) 470.


Only need points in total,

Compared to the previous 1500 points, 530 points are saved!

“It’s not in vain to spend my thoughts!”

Wu Di nodded in satisfaction and said, “All upgrades!”

Mechanical Brain: “Yes!”

As soon as the sound falls, points -!

Remaining points: 1905.

next moment,

The shelter shook,

Very tiny,

But it is enough for Wu Di, who has strengthened his body, to perceive it!

He raised his head and suddenly found a door on the wall behind the cultivation!

“Has it been developed?”

Wu Di smiled and strode over.

open the door,

The entrance is an incubation room with an area of ​​200 square meters.

Unlike the staple food, the hydroponic vegetable uses a glass greenhouse, which looks more advanced.

“This time, it’s really farming.”

Wu Di rubbed his hands and went to get the seeds….

(PS: I have a friend who wants a seed of G. Do readers share it.). .

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