Chapter 109

Seed packs,

It was something Wu Di had prepared before the cataclysm,

Long before the colorful aurora,

He has maintained a certain degree of preparation!

Now it finally came in handy!

This time the cultivation of hydroponic vegetables, Wu Di chose “cabbage”, “potatoes”, carrots and “tomatoes”!


These four seeds are well prepared,

Wu Di took the seeds and glanced at the nutrient solution formula.

Different from Han Xiaowu’s design, the biological nutrient solution that spends 200 points to upgrade on the basis of the biological nutrient solution designed by Han Xiaowu has broken away from some low-level restrictions.

It is very convenient to use, and it is not troublesome to configure.

Wu Di found Han Xiaowu,

I will talk about the opening of a hydroponic vegetable room.

Heard that,

Han Xiaowu looked at Wu Di in surprise,

When I saw the larger plant cultivation room and the hydroponic vegetable room behind the door, I said with a complex expression: “Wu Di, next time you get an orchard and a cultivation area, I won’t be surprised. .”


Wu Di didn’t explain, and it was unnecessary.

He just took out the new version of “biological nutrient solution” and instructed Han Xiaowu to study.

And make some out,

Then I took a look at the system of the hydroponic room.

Generally speaking, hydroponics mainly consists of three points: “adding liquid”, “draining system” and “circulating system” of nutrient solution.

It is reflected in the new version of the living water replacement system,

And the new version is more flexible.

The same is the Chinese language code, the new version of the system is obviously more esoteric,

Wu Di opened the bottom floor and took a look. He was also a little surprised, marveling at the wonderful design.

This system is not only the code, but also the aesthetics of the design, which is beyond Wu Di’s ability level.

The code can be learned at any time,

Wu Di didn’t waste time either. After starting the system, he started to plant.

after awhile,

Han Xiaowu came and brought a large bottle of biological nutrient solution,

According to the instructions, Wu Di converted the produced concentrate to a tenfold volume before adding it to the “living water replacement system-‖ system.

Then, all the miscellaneous things are all Han Xiaowu’s business!

Wu Di returned to the living room and lay a little lazily on the sofa, enjoying the sense of relaxation in his free time.

“The orchard and breeding area mentioned by Han Xiaowu are not anxious for the time being, but the orchard can do it at any time. After all, I still have more than 1,900 points!”

“But, I don’t have fruit seeds!”

Wu Di frowned.

He didn’t even prepare for fruit seeds!

“For today’s plan, the best thing is to trade, but it’s impossible for me to go out in the snowy weather outside!”

“The best way is to use a drone!”

Looking at the safety suits in front of the refuge gate and the tall exoskeleton armor, Wu Di suddenly thought of a question!

Raw materials!

“Yes, all kinds of building materials, chemical materials, etc., you must get some!”

“Otherwise, there will be no points for the subsequent reduction or exemption points!”

Raw materials have always been the easiest point to reduce points for upgrading the shelter building.

There are more or less depending on the level of technology used to upgrade the shelter.

But there is no doubt,

Now Wu Di’s refuge has been “emptied” in terms of raw materials.

“Various raw materials, raw materials for biological nutrient solutions can be made, and for reinforced concrete, drones are not easy to transport!”


Still a refuge deal!

In this cataclysm period, the city is sealed by ice and snow, and trading is simply killing people.

But with drones, Wu Di can still resist these difficulties!

after all,

The white horror series can also fly freely outside.

“¨” By the way, the oxygen generator was also brought back, and it has not been dealt with! ”

Wu Di recovered, a little helpless.

“The water will be cut off in one month, and the electricity can’t be so Muggle. You must prepare early!”

Water and electricity integration!

Now that the means of water supply are ready, the power supply must also be secured!

“A lot of things!”

Wu Di’s skin twitched, and he suddenly felt that the soft sofa under him was not fragrant.

“Never mind, get sleepy!”

Wu Di lay down, dispelled the messy thoughts in his mind, and fell asleep!



Approaching dusk.

Wu Di woke up from sleep and found that he was covered with a layer of bedding.

I don’t know whether it was Han Xiaowu or Wuyi. He touched his forehead (Ms. Zhao’s) and got up!

In the kitchen,

Han Xiaowu poked her head out and saw Wu Di wake up, she couldn’t help but smile, “Wait a minute, I’ll heat up the food.”

“Have you eaten?”

Wu Di scratched his head.


Han Xiaowu smiled with beautiful eyes,


He brought the food up.

Since there are no fresh vegetables and meat, some packaged foods are used,

Isn’t it a formal dish?

After Wu Di ate hastily, he came to the drone console.

When recovering the drone before, he conveniently placed the oxygen concentrator next to it.

The oxygen concentrator is not big, the whole body is white, and it looks soft. . Break.

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