Chapter 141

Time passed by every minute.

The drone flies easily,

The speed is not fast in a complex building,

It’s not too slow.

In just a short while, a lot of information was reported by Wutian.

“Master, there is no one on the first floor…”

“The second floor is empty, there are traces of human activity…”

“The third floor seems to be a warehouse with a lot of strange boxes.”

“Fourth floor…”

One by one message,


Everyone evacuated!

“What escape route does this building have?”

“Aren’t they all already frozen!?”

Wu Di was a little confused and ordered: “Wutian, you arrange a drone to go out to Kangkang!”


Electronic sound,

After a while, Wutian suddenly heard news.

“Master, an unknown human was found outside. The detection result is: 98% probability is a soldier, 2% probability is privately armed.”


Wu Di is not surprised,

After talking to Liang Yu, he knew that the government would not let go of the cult.

“Connect the screen!”

Wu Di spoke and stopped.


A picture appeared on the mask.

It can be seen that there are some pocket-sized drones flying in the wind and snow,

Investigate around,

There is also a mass of dark things,

Zooming in on the screen, only to see a swarm of bees!

Mechanical bee!

This group of bees burrowed into the three “hive”, which should all be official reconnaissance equipment.

There are some cameras on those mechanical bees.

At the gate of the academy, a group of soldiers had already walked in.

Several of them raised their guns and looked around warily.

On the rifle,

There are searchlights on, strong light illuminates the surroundings, and the dim light environment suppressed by the wind and snow disperses!

And the rest of them were actually picking up the bodies of the dead soldiers!

Seeing this scene,

Wu Di also understood.

This team shouldn’t be the team that came to destroy the cult!

The military is not a fool. Knowing that a team has died, it will definitely send a more powerful force!

At this time,

There is no news from heaven.

“Master, there is no other exit in this building!”

“you sure!?”

Wu Di was surprised.

Wutian: “OK, master! Unless the other party digs a tunnel to escape, and the tunnel exceeds one kilometer!”

“It’s impossible to be authentic!”

“Weird thing, those people hid in a corner of the building!?”

Wu Di thought about it for a while, and let Wutian look for it carefully.

In fact,

He guessed it right.

It didn’t take long before he discovered the location of those people.

School auditorium!

The auditorium of colleges and universities is not a separate building, but is located next to the dormitory building.

A hall covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters!

Beside this hall, there is a small room with various eight-armed statues.

There are wooden, stone, and iron!

And on the idol,

There are faces such as “anger”, “sorrow”, “pain” and “joy”, which are extremely strange.

The drone flew in, just passed through the small room, and came to the auditorium!

Under the dim light,

A large number of people are kneeling in the auditorium!

Cultist! !

Wu Di hurried over there while looking at the screen.

In the picture,

The cultists knelt on the ground, all facing in one direction, bowing their heads in prayer.

In the direction they were facing, there was a two-meter-high stone statue on the stage of the auditorium!

···········Ask for flowers··············

This idol is eight-armed like those statuettes,

On the face,

It is not majesty or anger, but a weird smile!

“It” is laughing!

Under the idol,

A man in a complicated black robe knelt, praying in a low voice.

“Good guys, are these people still gathering to pray?”

“Don’t they know that death is imminent?”

Wu Di was a little surprised, and quickly rushed to the small room.

Stepped in,

Into the head,

Wu Di saw the statues,

Those statues seem to be looking at Wu Di, either angry, happy, resentful, or jealous…


There was a chill behind Wu Di, and there was a creepy feeling.

“It’s weird, what a broken place!”

Wu Di shuddered and moved on!

Through the small room,

Wu Di came to the back of the auditorium and saw “Gathering Crowds for Worship” on the screen!

“All ordinary cultists!”

Wu Di looked around and found that most of the people were just mutants infected by radiation.

More or less on the body, there are some gray scales and eyeball-like lines.

“Just the few people on the podium are not right!”

Wu Di raised his head and looked at the mysterious black-robed man in the distance.

And a few thin figures behind him.


The mysterious black-robed man stood up, turned around and looked at Wu Di, making a hoarse and extremely loud voice!

“A guest is here!”

“Dear guest, please come and sit down!”

He opened his mouth,

The sound is like the neighing of a bug, but like a loudspeaker,

Gives people a harsh, but shocking feeling! . Where.

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