Chapter 142

(PS: Halo, this book is of the cataclysm doomsday type, there is no magic, it focuses on black technology and catastrophe, science fiction! This cult is a cult, there is no evil god or something.)


The voice of the mysterious black-robed man is too weird,

A normal person would never underestimate him!

Wu Di is naturally normal,

Looked around,

The cultists looked low and prayed in a low voice, their voices gathered together like a small wave, making people dizzy.

“The distinguished guest is here!”

On the podium,

Those mutated humans similar to Luo Qiang raised their heads and looked at Wu Di. There was a trace of extremely terrifying and disgusting air on their gray eyes and thin body.

Wu Di got goose bumps all over,

In low light environment,

He also didn’t see very clearly,

Fortunately, it has been strengthened by the “Cell Strengthening Liquid”, so the eyes can see things in the low light environment!

If an ordinary person is here, it is estimated that even people can’t see clearly.

“I am not a distinguished guest!”

Wu Di’s eyes moved slightly, and he couldn’t figure out the other party’s purpose.


He didn’t rush over, just looked around.

“Why do you humble yourself!”

The mysterious man spoke and said with a long smile: “Come here, let me pray for you, and my god will definitely bless you.”

“Bless me!?”

Wu Di smiled.

He has killed many believers of the Almighty God. If the Almighty God really exists, he probably has the heart to kill him.

not to mention,

The Almighty God is nothing more than something fabricated by this group of cultists.

Of course, fabricating is fabricating,

The radiation mutation of this group of people is too weird, there must be a reason for it to be able to persist until now!

Wu Di was very alert, looked around and stopped moving forward.

I can’t see Wu Di,

The mysterious man was a little disappointed, and said, “My God is merciful, and it shouldn’t be more offensive than your previous one.”

“Really? The dead soldiers don’t think so.”

Wu Di smiled, but he was rather strange in his heart.

He didn’t see any weapons around,

Could it be that… the opponent’s trump card is the gray mutants! ?

They are really good at fighting,

The dead wood-like mutant body can block bullets and bombs, and can easily pinch a human to death.


In front of Wu Di, they don’t have enough to watch!

At this time,

Inside the exoskeleton armored headset, Wutian’s voice came: “Master, it has been detected that the temperature in this room is weird and there are a lot of radiation sources around!”

“The radiation pollution here is extremely serious, but it is still within the radiation protection capability of the owner’s clothes!”

“The cultists gathered in the auditorium, except for the mysterious person who has been talking, have lost their breath of life, and they are all dead!”

“There is no special weapon in the auditorium. The floor, walls, ceiling, and various tables and chairs are also intact, and there are no signs of alteration…”

Compared to humans,

Artificial intelligence can analyze many things instantly with the help of pictures.

From coming in,

Wutian is detecting the danger in this auditorium,

Up to now, a lot of information has finally been fed back!


This information made Wu Di a little dazed.

dead! ?

He looked around,

The radiation source is understandable. After all, these are mutants with excessive radiation, and they are the same as they see without weapons.

But they…

I’m still thinking about it now, it’s actually a dead person! ?

“Is it a mistake!?”

Wu Di walked over and looked at a few people up close…

At such a close distance, the sound of heart beating, breathing…

Only one!

Really dead! ?

Wu Di narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his head.

that side,

Seeing that Wu Di was too late to come,

The mysterious man was also a little impatient, and said helplessly: “God, please forgive the heretical ignorance!”

“Go! Catch the heresy!”

The mysterious man spoke.

The gray mutants around him immediately got up and walked towards Wu Di with a blank face!

In the cold auditorium, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, and several gray mutants did not breathe, and there was no heartbeat. They were also dead!

Manipulate the dead! ?

“What is controlling their bodies!?”

The alarm bell rang in Wu Di’s mind,

He took a step back in a hurry and looked at them warily.

next moment,

A gray mutant roared, jumped out one step, smashed a table, and smashed his skinny fist toward Wu Di!

He is extremely fast,

The force of forward thrust, coupled with their own weird and terrifying power,

There was a whistling sound all at once!


The air blasted,

Wu Di didn’t dodge, but at the moment his fist arrived, his left arm raised and blocked it!


The fist of the gray mutant was blocked!

at the same time,

Wu Di’s right arm suddenly “ejected” out, a standard lunge punch!


The air shook,

The gray mutant was smashed into the air and hit the ground… .

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