Chapter 147

“Aren’t you afraid of cold?”

Wu Di rolled his eyes.

It’s helpless to say that since I rescued the girl,

She didn’t like clothes,

It seemed that the explosion and fire gave her a psychological shadow.


Wu Di also tried to heal her psychological trauma.


No matter what the method is, it is useless.

She is a little autistic and not very serious, but she is very persistent in her clothes and speech.

For so long,

Wu Di also intermittently inquired about the details of what happened that day.

Presumably… it’s her father’s relationship.

Wuyi has a naive personality. When he was by his father’s side, he was very well protected by his father.

In addition, not long after the cataclysm came, she spoke straightforwardly at that time, and didn’t have much thoughts and the city.

I will praise it if I see it well,

Seeing bad things will make a mockery.

Of course this kind of person is fine in peaceful times,

At most it is hated by people,

But during the cataclysm period…

In her opinion, it was the father who killed herself!


The girl shook her head, pointed at the pile of materials, her eyes moved slightly.

“Do you like to watch these?”

Wu Di picked up a few pages and looked at it.

The content of the formula of “First-Order Genetic Medicine” is extremely detailed.

“Can it be done?”

Wu Di didn’t look through it too much. The dense content and formulas on it made him a little uncomfortable.

“Do not!”

The girl gave a sure answer.


Wu Di was taken aback,

No way, is it possible that the reward for the task is something that can’t be produced! ?

So stretched?


Wu Di asked.

The girl pondered for a moment, and said, “Material!”



“No problem with technology?”



The girl opened the information and pointed out some information to Wu Di.

The above shows,

First-order genetic medicine, you must have pan-life materials to make!

In addition, there are other material refuges!

In terms of technology, although the laboratory utensils are not precise enough, it is not difficult to make medicines by hand.

Besides, the formula and corresponding technology are all written on the data,

For the three members of the shelter, these things are not difficult to learn!

“Pan life material?”

Wu Di was a little dazed.

He hasn’t really heard this term yet. Is it a certain word in biology! ?

Thought about it,

Wu Di squeezed the girl’s face and asked her to continue reading the information.

I went to the living room, turned on the computer, and prepared to search on the Internet.

But just connected to the network signal,

I saw the forum news bouncing on.

It’s a private chat message!

Wu Di was taken aback, and hurriedly opened it to take a look.

Liang Yu: “Wu Di! There is an emergency! There is a problem on the cult side, and several squads of soldiers were killed!”

Liang Yu: “The soldiers in those squads are all fully armed, with the support of the modern informatization machinery unit! But even the news can’t be returned, there must be trouble!”

Liang Yu: “Wu Di, don’t go!”

Liang Yu: “Are you there? Wu Di! Are you there? Come back soon!”


It’s all Liang Yu’s information!

At least dozens of them, a lot of them were posted at the beginning, and one at regular intervals later, which seemed to confirm his safety.

Upon seeing this, Wu Di couldn’t help but touch his nose.

“You care about me so much.”

His heart warmed, and he immediately typed back: “I’m back, I’m fine, don’t worry…”


It’s only half a minute,

Liang Yu replied.

“You’re back? You scared me to death! You don’t know that the cult lair is tricky, and three squads of soldiers have died. The military area is already furious and needs to be solved completely.”

Wu Di: “Well, I used a drone to join in the fun and saw it.”

Liang Yu: “Fortunately, you didn’t go by yourself. Those cultists are too weird. Even heavily armed soldiers can kill you!”

Thinking of this, Wu Di looked strange.

The military blew up there!

Is it revenge?

the other side,

Liang Yuxu babbled a few words,

Wu Di came back safely, she felt more relieved,

After chatting for a while,

She suddenly said: “By the way, the cult has removed its lair, and several temporary gathering places have been cleared and suppressed. The military has also arrested a lot of living people, which seems to have been sent to the scientific research institute.”

“I don’t know what can be studied, the researchers are bitter and mysterious.”

She just mentioned casually,

Wu Di wrote it down.

He hasn’t figured out why those cultists didn’t die, maybe the official can find out!

“I’m also quite interested. If you get information from a cultist, remember to tell me.”

Liang Yu: “No problem, it’s no secret, just a group of people mutated by radiation.”

The two chatted for a while, then hung up the call.


Wu Di also asked Liang Yu if he knew “pan-life materials”,

The latter also looked dumbfounded, completely unaware.

Without any choice,

Wu Di can only find it on the Internet. . .

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