Chapter 148

Since the last time the signal was restored, major corporate refuges have also made new servers one after another.


It can’t be compared with the previous one.

It is impossible to bloom like before, it can only be said that there is barely a network.

When Wu Di searched for information, he also searched from the “online libraries” that companies had collected before the cataclysm.


He got the result from an open library network…


“Wutian, you connect to the Internet and look for it in various corporate servers.”

“Pan life material.”

Wu Di suddenly thought of artificial intelligence, and suddenly scolded herself as stupid.

All have artificial intelligence,

Find it by yourself.

Wutian: “Yes!”

“Connecting to the network…”

“Search 28…”

after awhile,

Wutian sent back news.

“Master, in the information about pan-life materials…”

“There are a total of 324,387 relevant entries!”

“Among them, 304,100 are obscure information, and 20,000…”

“In the end, a total of 41 pieces of relevant information have great credibility!”

A document popped up on the computer in front of Wu Di.

Lines of text are listed.

There are records of some research institutes, some books, some speeches, and some papers.

Wutian did not invade the servers of other corporate refuges,

Just browsed it hastily.

But it is so, it is terrifying to be able to collect so much information in such a short period of time!

“It’s a pity, the era of peace is the world of artificial intelligence!”

Wu Di couldn’t help sighing.

If it is the era of network information in the era of peace, wouldn’t Wu Di take off?

And then they are all eggs,

Now that the cataclysm is coming, the network is incomplete.


Wu Di looked at it carefully.

Regarding “pan-life materials”, in this world, there is such a name,

Mainly indicate some peculiar life species.

for example,

Contrary to the logic of nature!

In a large desert, there is a plant that only needs photosynthesis to survive. There is no water in the body, and it even repels water.

If you pour a glass of water on that plant, it is likely to cause its death.

In a rainforest,

There is a kind of plant that swallows oxygen and spit out carbon dioxide, which can be called an “animal” among plants.

In a certain sea area,

There is a kind of seaweed, after clustering, it will change from simple algae to carnivorous algae.

Hunting fish, even whales and sharks,

In history, unlucky humans have been killed by this type of algae…

“There is such a thing in this world?”

Wu Di was taken aback,

Immediately came over.

Even in previous lives, there are many natural miracles and secrets,

He has lived for so many years, but he only knows the corners of the world.

There are so many secrets on the earth, how can human beings know them all!

Although this world is also the earth, it is estimated to be parallel time and space, and there are still many differences.

“The third satellite city…is there pan-life materials?”

Wu Di’s face twitched, “Isn’t that the first-order genetic potion is gone?”

He was a little unwilling, and said from the bottom of his heart: “Can the mechanical brain manifest some pan-life materials?”

Mechanical Brain: “Host, it won’t work.”

Wu Di: “Those materials are not good? The molds of Ultra-Dimensional Gene Chips are also substances that are not on the earth!”

Mechanical brain: “The host that can’t work, pan-life materials have been included in the category of life and cannot be realized.”

After asking a few words, Wu Di also gave up.

In fact, he is not reconciled,

Gold Finger is a mechanical brain, not a life brain, and there is little hope of realizing life.

After thinking about it, Wu Di’s mind flashed!

I did not,

It may not be official!

“I went, I almost forgot!”

Wu Di hurriedly entered the forum and directly sent a few messages to Liang Yu.

After thinking about it, he sent a message in the chat group again.

Invincible: “There is an urgent need for some pan-life materials, some DD!”


Silently: “What does the son want to do with life materials?”

Old Chen: “What is the pan-life material?”

Azhe: “Pan-life materials…I have a bit of an impression. I seem to have heard this word somewhere.”


Many people came up,

Most people don’t know,

A few are just impressions.

after awhile,

Liang Yu answered.

“Okay! I’ll go to the research institute to ask later, I guess those scientists and researchers understand it, but whether there will be a military research institute, I’m not sure.”

Invincible: “It’s okay, it’s best to have it!”

Old Chen: “Are you going to do something?”

Invincible: “Confidentiality!”

Old Chen: “…It’s mysterious.”

Silently: “The son may become a biochemical madman and develop a bomb!”


Bragging and chatting with people in the chat group for a while,

Wu Di was in a good mood, got up, put on his safety clothes, and walked out of the shelter.

He is going to upgrade the car!

Before coming to the garage,

Wu Di opened the garage panel and chose to upgrade the RV,

The goal… is naturally the kind that can run in the snow!


【White RV】

…. .

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