Chapter 149

The garage at this time,

It’s still intact.

The carts without weather control cleared the surrounding snow, so despite the heavy snow, the garage was not buried.

The RV in the garage is a bit miserable.

Because Wu Di has been thrown in it after using it,

Especially after the storm came, he almost never went to the garage.

Naturally, it will not be repaired.


【White RV】

Can be upgraded!

Upgrade direction: snow bulletproof caravan.

Branches: stainless steel body (100-50), overall (100-50), phantom engine (300-100), snow running system (100).

Introduction: Broken, miserable!


Because there are sufficient materials, the cost of upgrading the RV is not high.

The big head is still on the “Nether Energy Engine”!

Wu Di is not stupid, since there is a good thing like Nether Energy Crystal, it must be arranged!

Even if it is waste, it is better than putting it in a warehouse to eat ashes.

“All upgrades!”

Wu Di waved,

Points -400!

next moment,

White light enveloped the entire garage.

In just ten seconds, the upgrade is complete,

The white light dissipated!

Wu Di opened the garage door and walked in. Inside the garage, a behemoth squatted in it.

It’s still white, but the RV has become a bit bigger,

It is twelve meters long, six meters wide, and five or six meters high!

Stainless steel body, bulletproof glass, the bottom is not tires, but the bottom of the ship!

“Last time I wanted to upgrade to a heavy armored tank, but because of the predators, I quickly forgot~‖.

Wu Di took a closer look and opened a new attribute panel.


【Snow Bulletproof Car】

Integrity: 100%!

Energy: 0%.

Configuration: the interior space of the RV, the snow running system, the quiet engine…

Maximum travel speed (theoretical): 1000km/h.

Speed ​​in overload mode (theoretical): 5000km/h.

Weight: 6 tons.

Introduction: This car can dance in the rain of bullets.


The performance of the new car is undoubtedly hesitant.

However, what makes Wu Di a little confused is,

Is the new car too big and heavy?

“Mechanical Brain, this car can walk on the snow layer? What if the snow layer collapses.”

Wu Di was a little worried.

Mechanical Brain: “Host, please don’t underestimate the ice and snow layer. Unless you drive into the collapsed snow layer yourself, this car is enough to run in the snow.”

Wu Di: “……”

As the saying goes, it’s the mule that pulls out from the horse.

Wu Di went to the “Big Mac Recycle Bin” and took a dozen Nether Energy Crystals and put them in the Nether Energy Engine.

The energy reached 100% all at once!


He got into the car and gave Wutian the control of the new car.

Wutian: “The engine is starting!”

boom–! boom–! boom–!

There was a roar,

Like a giant beast awakening, the remodeled RV roared,

The lights are on,

The garage door opens,

The RV rushed out all of a sudden!

The acceleration is fast!

The RV is different from before. It does not need all kinds of troublesome acceleration processes, and it bursts into speed at once.

“Bumped” directly!


Knocked away some loose snow layer and drove into the hard snow!

Straight line, turn, uphill, back, circle…

Experiment one by one.


Wutianhui reported: “Master, the performance of this car is far superior to that of ordinary vehicles. In terms of information analysis, the Youneng engine should have more than 40% of the credit!”

Inside the car, Wu Di was also a little surprised.

He sat in the car and watched the RV rampage in the snow, turning, going up and down, speeding up and slowing down!

But he didn’t sway at all,

The body’s shock absorption system is almost perfect!

“¨” Good fellow, this is not a takeoff! ? ”

Wu Di said, touched his chin, and took out the map.

“How long can a nether energy crystal last?”

Wutian: “A standard unit of Nether Energy can support a motorhome to drive at full speed for 24 hours, and at normal speeds, it can drive for 24-72 hours.”

“Those dozen or so are almost enough!”

Wu Di nodded and waved: “Go! The goal is that little treasure!”

Wutian: “Marked on the map…”

next moment,

The RV roared and two lights penetrated the darkness,

It looks like a roaring behemoth, fiercely rushing into the wind and snow…

the other side,

Military area refuge,

In an underground research site of the Scientific Research Institute, there is a fully enclosed safe room!

Several researchers and science (Lee De’s) family stood in a white room,

While looking at some “coffin”-like scientific research instruments, while recording data.

In those scientific research instruments, all cultists are wrapped in an unknown solution!

There are living people and corpses too!

“Radiation concentration: level 42.”

“Before the cataclysm, levels 4 and 5 were normal human living conditions. Above level 10, humans will get sick, and above level 20, humans will die.”

A gray-haired old man said with a cold face, “These people can survive at level 42!”

“Why! Rape?”

He looked to the side and asked and answered himself. “Because they have something in their bodies!”


“Keep them alive!”. .

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