Chapter 156

January 31, 2022,

It’s another day when the sky is covered by heavy snow,

It’s just that this day is different from the past.

In the second refuge of Heyang City, a research institute, dozens of experts are studying the data detected outside!


An expert compared the values ​​of various aspects and was surprised: “There will really be a storm!?”

“Unbelievable, Heyang City has an excellent geographical location. No storm has ever come. As a result… suddenly a strong storm hit!?”

Everyone talked a lot.

“Is it related to the crater?”

“Impossible. The crater is a crater. How can it cause changes in the sky?”

“This storm is unbelievable, but now that it has been determined, it will be conveyed to the shelters immediately!-”

“By the way, report to the court!”



In the research institute,

There is a set of instruments, which are all related to the celestial phenomena.

This institute,

It is the “Environmental Research Institute” of Heyang City!

The information spread quickly, and all the large shelters in Heyang City received the news.

at the same time,

There are also news about this on the Internet.


Inside the shelter,

Standing by the pool, Wu Di smiled at the warm water rising inside.

He specially let Wutian inject warm water into the swimming pool,

Be a pseudo hot spring.

White gas rose, and the swimming pool was quickly surging.

Wu Di rubbed his hands and didn’t wait for the temperature of the water to drop, so he jumped in!

Thinking about it now, this is a good decision!


Came without clothes,

···········Ask for flowers··············

She is still defenseless, with short hair and plain makeup, her small white face, and her delicate face is full of calmness.

She saw that Wu Di was already in the pool, she didn’t hesitate at all, and jumped in directly!


The spray sprayed Wu Di’s face!

The girl got out of the water and saw Wu Di’s embarrassment, she couldn’t help smiling.

“Okay! It’s naughty, right?”

Wu Di looked at the girl with some shame, and swam over in a dog-crawling style, trying to catch the latter.

The girl was startled, like a white fish, tumbling in the water, and suddenly avoided Wu Di’s hand.

…… …

Different from Wu Di’s random flutter, the girl’s swimming style is very standard, and the speed is also fast. It took Wu Di away in a short while!

“Don’t run!”

“Good guy!”

“When I catch you, I will make you cry!”


Han Xiaowu received the news and was no longer as surprised as last time.

An artificial intelligence is added to the refuge,

It’s normal when she wants to come,

After all, Wu Di can “change” even things, and a mere artificial intelligence is nothing.

Just going to swim…

She bit her lip and didn’t dare to disobey. Blushing, she picked a conservative swimsuit and went to the pool.


As soon as I walked in, I saw a blushing scene,

Wu Di actually grabbed the girl and played in the pool!

Han Xiaowu’s face flushed,

My heart is pounding,

But didn’t avoid it like before,

Instead, he put the wine, fruit and some cakes brought over in batches into a large wooden tray with some anxiety.

Place the tray on the water,

The tray floats steadily,

With the waves drifting in the pool……. Where.

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