Chapter 157

Waves surging,

The wooden pallets floated along with the pool water.

Han Xiaowu glanced at the two people over there, his pretty face flushed, and he still didn’t bother them.

Sitting silently at the edge of the pool.

She carefully put her legs into the pool water, a little surprised.

“This is at least seventy or eighty degrees.”

Han Xiaowu thought for a while, then laughed at herself.

Almost forgot,

She is not the weak physique before,

Under the tyrannical physical quality, let alone seven or eighty degrees, even 100 degrees of boiling water can’t hurt her a bit.

After more than half an hour,

After teaching the girl,

Wu Di was refreshed and let the girl float in the water to rest.

Turned his head,

I saw Han Xiaowu impressively,

Wu Di’s eyes lit up.

Han Xiaowu wears a rather conservative swimsuit, but the swimsuit is after all a swimsuit.

Although she is not exposed, she also outlines her flawless figure,

The bumps are so eye-catching!

She was sitting by the pool, her hair tied up with a wooden hairpin, and her face was full of coldness.

A pair of ivory legs gently stroked in the pool water,

Maybe it’s a bit boring! ?

Seeing such a beauty,

Wu Di’s heart was upset,

But after all, he is now in the time of the sage, he quickly calmed down, and said: “Xiaowu, come down.”

“Are you over?”

Han Xiaowu was alarmed and looked at Wu Di.

The pretty face was blushing again.

Wu Di smiled, and suddenly saw a wooden pallet floating on the pool water not far away.

He pulled it over, grabbed a bunch of white pastries and ate it.

Same as winemaking,

The centuries-old dynasty is naturally second to none when it comes to pastries.

Daming Pastry is world-renowned!

Exquisite and delicious, in the words of the ancients, it is “complete in color, fragrance and flavor”!

“good to eat!”

Wu Di swallows the date roundly, without any grace at all.

Han Xiaowu smiled when he saw him devouring a wolf, and gently slid into the pool water.

Pull out the wooden hairpin and put it on the shore.

Three thousand green silks suddenly slipped into the water,

Disperse it.

She was a little embarrassed, but didn’t avoid Wu Di’s sight, and swam over openly.

Wu Di admired the beauty of her figure, poured a glass of wine, and chuckled.

Han Xiaowu swam up to him, her delicate eyes moved slightly, and said in a low voice, “Will the construction of this swimming pool burden the water supply of the refuge?”

“Don’t worry, I have solved the problem of water supply and power supply in the shelter a long time ago.”

Wu Di gave a grin.

If there is no such a surprise as the “Big Mac Recycling Bin”, he would have to take a bit of thought.

Think of a better way,

Such as large-scale biogas generators, such as wind turbines.


He had thoughts about using the heavy snow and radiation outside to get a special generator out.

Like a hydroelectric generator, relying on external forces to generate electricity!


As soon as the Big Mac Recycle Bin came,

The pure, easy-to-obtain Nether Energy Crystal has become Wu Di’s best choice!


Han Xiaowu didn’t ask much, stretched out and floated in the water.

She also quietly enjoyed this rare time,

Warm pool water,

Let her forget everything for a while,

In a daze, he fell asleep leaning against Wu Di!

“Is this guy… so tired?”

Wu Di was taken aback, hugged her decisively,

The feeling completely different from that of a girl’s petite body struck, and he couldn’t help but jump in his heart…

“Speaking of which, Han Xiaowu has been in the shelter for a few months.”

Wu Di looked at her with a smile.

Day by day, he could feel the change in Han Xiaowu’s attitude.

Fear, fear and resistance from the beginning,

To this day’s An Ran, calm,

She has become accustomed to life here and Wu Di is by her side.

“The ancients said that love is born for a long time, and they often get married first and then talk about love!”

“Although this statement is slightly biased, it also has a little bit of truth.”

“After getting along for a long time, there will be some feelings more or less.”

Wu Di gazed at the beauty, did not disturb her, and sank into the pool.

Play by yourself.

after awhile,

Tired of playing, Wu Di sat on the shore, turned on his computer and prepared to browse the forum.

Just joined the chat group,

Just find out what others are talking about.

Silently: “Storm? I built an underground shelter, it should be all right.”

Old farmer: “Oh, the trouble is big, we must find a way to strengthen the outer layer!”

Old Chen: “You can find me if you need help, I can still handle the processing!”

Wang Haoran: “Well, it is said that the storm is gathering, there are already signs.”

Bai Yueguang: “I have found out, the heavy snow… has stopped!”


People in the chat group,

A few are from other cities, but most of them are from Heyang City.

All talking about a vocabulary!


When Wu Di saw it, he was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he didn’t ask them. He went to read the news on the Internet.


The news is already there!

“Heyang City Official: A strong storm is coming, please prepare for all shelters!”. .

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