Chapter 240

(PS: The last chapter did write a little bit of arrogance. It was my problem. The content of the chapter has been changed. You can go back and look at it.)

Random mission!

Wu Di was a little surprised, and hurriedly checked the content of the task.

“This task was triggered by Liang Yu’s request.”

Wu Di came over immediately.

After reading the content, I was a little moved.

The base is 300 points, which means that the minimum reward for this task is 300 points!

“Mechanical Brain, isn’t it that I can get 300 for nothing if I don’t do anything after taking the task?”

An idea suddenly popped into Wu Di’s mind.

Can’t help but ask in my heart.

next moment,

The voice of the mechanical brain resounded in his mind.

“Host, at least one person must be saved before it can be considered effective.”

Well, it’s impossible to score points for nothing.

Wu Di returned to his senses, thought for a moment, and said in a low voice: “Liang Yu, I will look at the situation, and I will return your message later.”

Liang Yu: “Good!”

Liang Yu thought Wu Di had refused, and was not angry, so he hung up the call.

After the call is disconnected,

Wu Di thought about it.

Random tasks are a type of task that can be taken freely, even if the task fails.

Generally, the rewards are very generous!

He is not going to let go of this random task!

Points, and possibly other types of rewards, are good things not to be missed.


How can the benefits be maximized?

He thought about it, and three thoughts in his mind.

First, sell drones to Liangyu, and let the latter rescue the victims.

Second, control the drone to go to rescue.

Third, sell drone technology to Liangyu, and let the military refuge to produce drones to rescue the victims!

These three methods have their advantages and disadvantages!

The first one is that the process is not troublesome, and the drone can be manufactured and sold to the other party. But the downside is the trouble that drone technology may cause.

Second, the advantage is that there is no trouble, but the disadvantage is that you rescue yourself, and the efficiency is definitely the lowest!

The third advantage is the highest efficiency, but the disadvantage is technical leakage.

“In terms of technology, certain technologies of drones are higher than modern ones, but they are not terribly outrageous! The technology I use now is best not to sell, but the low version of the white terrorist drone can be sold!”

“As for my own sales, the shelter is currently going to build drones, and the speed will not be too fast, so I can’t build too many in a short period of time, and the impact is too small!”

“Unless you use points to make it quickly, but then you will lose blood, so you can’t use points.”

Wu Di thought a little, and already had an idea.

The engineer-type “guard-type” drone used now is the best technology in his hands.

Not suitable for sale!


The low-level “White Terror” drone is very suitable!

First, the technology used by the “White Terror” drone is higher than that of the military, but not too much, and it can also operate in wind and snow.

Second, the “White Terror” UAV has been eliminated by Wu Di, and it will not be a problem to sell it to the country.

It’s not that Wu Di is presumptuous. The “White Terror” drone is good, but it won’t cause the country to covet it.

“It’s so decided.”

Wu Di pondered for a moment, and thought about the content of the transaction.

Although his mission is profitable, his skills must not be given in vain!


What should I want?

Food, seeds? Material? Or an instrument?

“let me see!”

“I am going to expand the cultivation room soon. I need all kinds of seeds, and it is better to have some high-grade fertilizers to make the crops high-yield!”

“I want to build a herd, chickens, ducks, and fish are the best choice!”

“But, pigs, cows and sheep…Forget it, I won’t do this for the time being.”

Wu Di shook his head. I’ll talk about pigs, cows and sheep later. Now let’s get the “chicken, duck and fish” done!

In fact, there is no shortage of food in his refuge, but he can upgrade his diet, so why refuse?

“By the way, you can also ask for some pan-life materials!”

“Although this kind of thing is rare, it is nothing to the country.”

Wu Di moved in his heart and immediately connected to the call.

after awhile,

Liang Yu is connected.

“Wu Di?”

Wu Di: “I can sell you a kind of drone drawings, including the various technologies in it.”

Liang Yu: “Really?”

the other side,

On a military vehicle,

The vehicle was driving in the snow, and it was not flat.

Inside the car,

Liang Yu leaned on the side of the carriage, holding the computer, his eyes moved slightly.

Thought about it,

She asked, “Will there be trouble? If it causes trouble for you, forget it.”


Wu Di smiled and replied: “I will send you the various coefficients and functions of the drone. Do you want to buy it.”


He opened the mouth and said: “Wu Tian, ​​summarize the coefficients and functions of the white terrorist drone, and send it to Liang Yu.”

Wutian: “Yes!”

Just one second,

The artificial intelligence gathered the information and sent it to Liang Yu in the form of a file.

The latter saw the incoming file, opened it immediately, and his eyes flickered.

“Let me ask my boss.”

She replied and immediately raised her head and said: “Uncle Yu, take a look at this.”


Not far away, Uncle Yu frowned and took a look at the computer.

The more I look,

The more he was overjoyed, he couldn’t help but said: “A new type of drone? This design…”

The difficulty of drones is that they are difficult to maintain a stable state in the wind and snow.

In terms of energy and weapons, there is no shortage of military regions.

“Sent from a friend of mine, asking if we want to buy it.”

Liang Yu explained.

Uncle Yu pondered for a moment, his expression solemn.

He is of high authority,

Such matters are generally handled by the Quartermaster Department.

But…the situation is urgent now, and I can’t go beyond my powers.

“Buy! What does he need? Try to arrange!”

Uncle Yu nodded.


Liang Yu smiled and hurried back to Wu Di.

the other side,

Seeing the military affirmed the deal, Wu Di made his request.

Pasture, high-yield plant seeds, chemical fertilizers, pan-life materials.

These are all Wutian’s statistics, the following buildings and things that Wu Di needs to build!

After the list is sent,

Liang Yu immediately agreed.

Wu Di nodded, and Wu Tian gathered the blueprints and related technologies of the “White Terror” drone and sent them over. .

(PS: Thank you for your suggestions. I will listen with an humility.)

(PS: We are about to expand the cultivation room, build livestock stalls, fish ponds, do you have any good suggestions? What else to build the shelter? Brainstorming ==.). .

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